public static function migrate($module_slug, $action = 'run') { require path('sys') . 'cli' . DS . 'dependencies' . EXT; try { $migrations_path = path('bundle') . $module_slug . DS . 'migrations' . DS; if (File::exists($migrations_path)) { $migration_files = glob($migrations_path . '*.php'); if (!empty($migration_files)) { if ($action == 'run') { Bundle::register($module_slug); $custom_tables = \Laravel\CLI\Command::run(array('migrate', $module_slug)); Bundle::disable($module_slug); return true; } if ($action == 'rollback') { Bundle::register($module_slug); $custom_tables = \Laravel\CLI\Command::run(array('migrate:rollback', $module_slug)); Bundle::disable($module_slug); return true; } Log::error('Failed to run migrations for module ' . $module_slug . '. Migration command [' . $action . '] is invalid.'); static::$errors->add('installer', 'Failed to run migrations for module ' . $module_slug . '. Migration command [' . $action . '] is invalid.'); return false; } } return true; } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); //static::$errors->add('installer', 'Failed to run migrations.'); return false; } }