protected function _load() { $connection = DbConnection::getInstance()->getConnection(); $sth = $connection->query('SELECT, name, second_name, photo, email, title, as role FROM user INNER JOIN role on user.role_id ='); $sth->execute(); $this->_itemsData = $sth->fetchAll(); }
protected static function _getDiseasesData($last = false) { $connection = DbConnection::getInstance()->getConnection(); $sql = "SELECT title, count(*) as total FROM disease INNER JOIN patient_disease ON = patient_disease.disease_id"; if ($last) { $sql .= " WHERE DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), patient_disease.illness_start)<30 "; } $sql .= " GROUP BY title"; $sth = $connection->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); return $sth->fetchAll(); }
protected function _userSpecifiedLoad($userId, $active = false) { $connection = DbConnection::getInstance()->getConnection(); $sth = $connection->prepare("CALL GetUserSpecifiedPatientService(?, ?)"); $sth->execute(array($userId, $active ? 1 : 0)); $result = $sth->fetchAll(); if (empty($result[0]['id'])) { return array(); } else { return $result; } }
public function saveAction(Request $request) { try { BigBrother::updateConfig($request->request->all()); DbConnection::getInstance()->getConnection(); BigBrother::saveConfig(); $installer = new Installer(); $installer->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { $request->getSession()->set('message', 'Can\'t connect to database. Please try again.'); } return $this->RedirectToRoute('lancer_lance_install'); }
protected function _install($installNode) { try { if (version_compare($installNode->version, $this->config->version) > 0) { DbConnection::getInstance()->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); foreach ($installNode->tasks[0] as $task) { DbConnection::getInstance()->getConnection()->query((string) $task); } DbConnection::getInstance()->getConnection()->commit(); $this->config->version = $installNode->version; BigBrother::updateConfig($this->config); } } catch (\Exception $e) { DbConnection::getInstance()->getConnection()->rollBack(); throw new \Exception("Install problems. Please check install content and repeat."); } }