/** * * Create new record in USERS collection, * * @return object $this */ protected function createNewUser() { $coll = $this->Registry->Mongo->USERS; $coll->ensureIndex(array('username_lc' => 1), array('unique' => true)); /** * Cannot make email unique index because external users * don't have email, and then value counts as null * and multiple null values count as duplicate! * */ $coll->ensureIndex(array('email' => 1)); $coll->ensureIndex(array('role' => 1)); /** * Indexes for managing 3 types * of following */ $coll->ensureIndex(array('a_f_t' => 1)); $coll->ensureIndex(array('a_f_u' => 1)); $coll->ensureIndex(array('a_f_q' => 1)); $sid = \Lampcms\Cookie::getSidCookie(); $aData['username'] = $this->username; $aData['username_lc'] = strtolower($this->username); $aData['email'] = $this->email; $aData['rs'] = false !== $sid ? $sid : \Lampcms\String::makeSid(); $aData['role'] = $this->getRole(); $aData['tz'] = \Lampcms\TimeZone::getTZbyoffset($this->Request->get('tzo')); $aData['pwd'] = String::hashPassword($this->pwd); $aData['i_reg_ts'] = time(); $aData['date_reg'] = date('r'); $aData['i_fv'] = false !== ($intFv = \Lampcms\Cookie::getSidCookie(true)) ? $intFv : time(); $aData['lang'] = $this->Registry->getCurrentLang(); $aData['locale'] = $this->Registry->Locale->getLocale(); /** * Initial amount of profit point is always 1 * @var int */ $aData['i_pp'] = 0; $aUser = array_merge($this->Registry->Geo->Location->data, $aData); d('aUser: '******'id: ' . $User['_id']); $this->processLogin($User); \Lampcms\PostRegistration::createReferrerRecord($this->Registry, $User); return $this; }
/** * * What if email address provided from Facebook * already belongs to some other user? * * This would mean that existing user is just * trying to signup with Facebook. * * In this case we should allow it but ONLY create * a record in the USERS_FACEBOOK table and use users_id * of use that we find by email address * * and then also insert avatar_external into USERS * * @todo create username for user based on Facebook username * Facebook does not really have username, so we can use fn_ln * */ protected function createNewUser() { $extAuth = new \Lampcms\ExternalAuth($this->Registry); d('cp'); $this->Registry->Mongo->USERS->ensureIndex(array('fb_id' => 1)); /** * Time zone offset in seconds * * @var int */ if (array_key_exists('timezone', $this->aFbUserData)) { $timezone = TimeZone::getTZbyoffset($this->aFbUserData['timezone'] * 3600); } elseif (false !== ($tzn = Cookie::get('tzn'))) { $timezone = $tzn; } else { $timezone = $this->Registry->Ini->SERVER_TIMEZONE; } /** * User language * * @var string */ $lang = !empty($this->aFbUserData['locale']) ? \strtolower(\substr($this->aFbUserData['locale'], 0, 2)) : $this->Registry->getCurrentLang(); /** * User locale * * @var string */ $locale = !empty($this->aFbUserData['locale']) ? $this->aFbUserData['locale'] : $this->Registry->Locale->getLocale(); $this->tempPassword = String::makePasswd(); /** * Sid value use existing cookie val * if possible, otherwise create a new one * * @var string */ $sid = false === ($sid = Cookie::getSidCookie()) ? String::makeSid() : $sid; $displayName = !empty($this->aFbUserData['name']) ? $this->aFbUserData['name'] : $this->aFbUserData['first_name'] . ' ' . $this->aFbUserData['last_name']; $username = $extAuth->makeUsername($displayName, true); if (!array_key_exists('email', $this->aFbUserData)) { /** * @todo if this becomes a common problem * then we need to ask user for an email address * at step 2 of registration, just like for Twitter users * And the 'role' will then be different like 'unactivated_external' */ e('No email in Facebook data: ' . print_r($this->aFbUserData, 1)); $email = ''; } else { $email = \mb_strtolower($this->aFbUserData['email']); } /** * Create new record in USERS table * do this first because we need uid from * newly created record */ $aUser = array('username' => $username, 'username_lc' => \mb_strtolower($username, 'utf-8'), 'fn' => $this->aFbUserData['first_name'], 'ln' => $this->aFbUserData['last_name'], 'rs' => $sid, 'email' => $email, 'fb_id' => (string) $this->aFbUserData['id'], 'fb_token' => $this->aFbUserData['token'], 'pwd' => String::hashPassword($this->tempPassword), 'avatar_external' => 'http://graph.facebook.com/' . $this->aFbUserData['id'] . '/picture', 'i_reg_ts' => time(), 'date_reg' => date('r'), 'role' => 'external_auth', 'lang' => $lang, 'locale' => $locale, 'i_rep' => 1, 'tz' => $timezone, 'i_fv' => false !== ($intFv = Cookie::getSidCookie(true)) ? $intFv : time()); if (!empty($this->aFbUserData['gender'])) { $aUser['gender'] = 'male' === $this->aFbUserData['gender'] ? 'M' : 'F'; } $aUser = \array_merge($this->Registry->Geo->Location->data, $aUser); if (!empty($this->aFbUserData['locale'])) { $aUser['locale'] = $this->aFbUserData['locale']; } if (!empty($this->aFbUserData['link'])) { $aUser['fb_url'] = $this->aFbUserData['link']; } d('aUser: '******'$this->User after insert: ' . print_r($this->User->getArrayCopy(), 1)); $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->User, 'onNewUser'); $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->User, 'onNewFacebookUser'); d('cp'); $this->saveEmailAddress(); d('cp'); \Lampcms\PostRegistration::createReferrerRecord($this->Registry, $this->User); return $this; }
protected function createNewUser() { $aUser = array(); $username = $this->makeUsername(); $sid = Cookie::getSidCookie(); d('sid is: ' . $sid); $aUser['username'] = $username; $aUser['username_lc'] = \mb_strtolower($username, 'utf-8'); $aUser['fn'] = $this->aUserData['name']; $aUser['avatar_external'] = $this->aUserData['profile_image_url']; $aUser['lang'] = $this->aUserData['lang']; $aUser['i_reg_ts'] = time(); $aUser['date_reg'] = date('r'); $aUser['role'] = 'external_auth'; $aUser['tz'] = \Lampcms\TimeZone::getTZbyoffset($this->aUserData['utc_offset']); $aUser['rs'] = false !== $sid ? $sid : \Lampcms\String::makeSid(); $aUser['twtr_username'] = $this->aUserData['screen_name']; $aUser['oauth_token'] = $this->aUserData['oauth_token']; $aUser['oauth_token_secret'] = $this->aUserData['oauth_token_secret']; $aUser['twitter_uid'] = $this->aUserData['_id']; $aUser['i_pp'] = 1; $aUser = array_merge($this->Registry->Geo->Location->data, $aUser); if (!empty($this->aUserData['url'])) { $aUser['url'] = $this->aUserData['url']; } if (!empty($this->aUserData['description'])) { $aUser['description'] = $this->aUserData['description']; } d('aUser: '******'s a newsly registered user * and ask the user to provide email address but only * during the same session */ //$this->User->setNewUser(); //d('isNewUser: '******'onNewUser'); $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->User, 'onNewTwitterUser'); //exit(' new user: '******' '.print_r($this->User->getArrayCopy(), 1)); return $this; }
protected function getTimeZonesMenu() { $translate = $this->Registry->Ini->ENABLE_TIMEZONE_TRANSLATION; $menu = \Lampcms\TimeZone::getMenuOptions($this->Registry->Locale->getLocale(), (bool) $translate); $current = $this->User->getTimezone(); return \str_replace('value="' . $current . '"', 'value="' . $current . '" selected="selected"', $menu); }
/** * * What if email address provided from Facebook * already belongs to some other user? * * This would mean that existing user is just * trying to signup with Facebook. * * In this case we should allow it but ONLY create * a record in the USERS_FACEBOOK table and use users_id * of use that we find by email address * * and then also insert avatar_external into USERS * * @todo create username for user based on Facebook username * Facebook does not really have username, so we can use fn_ln * */ protected function createNewUser() { $extAuth = new \Lampcms\ExternalAuth($this->Registry); d('cp'); $this->Registry->Mongo->USERS->ensureIndex(array('fb_id' => 1)); /** * Time zone offset in seconds * @var int */ $tzo = array_key_exists('timezone', $this->aFbUserData) ? $this->aFbUserData['timezone'] * 3600 : Cookie::get('tzo', 0); /** * User language * @var string */ $lang = !empty($this->aFbUserData['locale']) ? \strtolower(\substr($this->aFbUserData['locale'], 0, 2)) : $this->Registry->getCurrentLang(); /** * User locale * @var string */ $locale = !empty($this->aFbUserData['locale']) ? $this->aFbUserData['locale'] : $this->Registry->Locale->getLocale(); $this->tempPassword = String::makePasswd(); /** * Sid value use existing cookie val * if possible, otherwise create a new one * @var string */ $sid = false === ($sid = Cookie::getSidCookie()) ? String::makeSid() : $sid; $displayName = !empty($this->aFbUserData['name']) ? $this->aFbUserData['name'] : $this->aFbUserData['first_name'] . ' ' . $this->aFbUserData['last_name']; $username = $extAuth->makeUsername($displayName); /** * Create new record in USERS table * do this first because we need uid from * newly created record */ $aUser = array('username' => $username, 'username_lc' => \mb_strtolower($username, 'utf-8'), 'fn' => $this->aFbUserData['first_name'], 'ln' => $this->aFbUserData['last_name'], 'rs' => $sid, 'email' => Utf8String::factory($this->aFbUserData['email'])->toLowerCase()->valueOf(), 'fb_id' => (string) $this->aFbUserData['id'], 'fb_token' => $this->aFbUserData['token'], 'pwd' => String::hashPassword($this->tempPassword), 'avatar_external' => 'http://graph.facebook.com/' . $this->aFbUserData['id'] . '/picture', 'i_reg_ts' => time(), 'date_reg' => date('r'), 'role' => 'external_auth', 'lang' => $lang, 'i_pp' => 1, 'tz' => TimeZone::getTZbyoffset($tzo), 'i_fv' => false !== ($intFv = Cookie::getSidCookie(true)) ? $intFv : time()); if (!empty($this->aFbUserData['gender'])) { $aUser['gender'] = 'male' === $this->aFbUserData['gender'] ? 'M' : 'F'; } $aUser = \array_merge($this->Registry->Geo->Location->data, $aUser); if (!empty($this->aFbUserData['locale'])) { $aUser['locale'] = $this->aFbUserData['locale']; } if (!empty($this->aFbUserData['link'])) { $aUser['fb_url'] = $this->aFbUserData['link']; } d('aUser: '******'$this->User after insert: ' . print_r($this->User->getArrayCopy(), 1)); $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->User, 'onNewUser'); $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->User, 'onNewFacebookUser'); d('cp'); $this->saveEmailAddress(); d('cp'); \Lampcms\PostRegistration::createReferrerRecord($this->Registry, $this->User); return $this; }