public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% for product in products %} <h3> <!-- fix this to print the product's name --> {{ product }} <span class="price"> <!-- print price here --> </span> <span class="released-at"> <!-- extra credit! --> </span> </h3> {% endfor %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); // read this over here, get a list of files to send over // save the "extra" files on the other side, in the directory // -> remap any /../ to avoid leaving the directory // set the /../ relative path over here // resolve these to real files, by looping over and opening each one // send the "extra" files over there as a map: '/../stubs/PantsProduct.php' => 'PantsProduct.php' // save the "extra" files on the other side, in the directory, with the "local" filename // resolve each in the builder to real files, by looping over and setting the real path $fileBuilder->addFile('PantsProduct.php', __DIR__ . '/../stubs/PantsProduct.php'); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Color</th> </tr> </thead> {% for product in products %} <tr> <td>{{ product }}</td> <td> <!-- print black, white or green here randomly --> <!-- and make them all capital letters --> </td> </tr> {% endfor %} </table> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'DeathStar.php'; require 'DeathStarII.php'; // set your \$deathStar variable here EOF )->addFileContents('DeathStarII.php', <<<EOF EOF )->addFileContents('DeathStar.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStar { public function blastPlanet(\$planetName) { echo 'BOOM '.\$planetName; } public function getWeakness() { return 'Thermal Exhaust Port'; } } EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% extends 'layout.twig' %} {% block body %} <h1>{{ fallCollectionTitle }}</h1> {% endblock %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('layout.twig', <<<EOF <html> <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-3"> {% block sidebar %}{% endblock %} </div> <div class="col-xs-9"> {% block body %}{% endblock %} </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF <h3> The sale starts: <!-- print the date here --> </h3> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF <h1> <!-- print the variable here --> </h1> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('singleItem.twig', <<<EOF <h1>{{ }}</h1> <div> {{ product.description }} </div> EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('singleItem.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFile('PantsProduct.php', __DIR__ . '/../stubs/PantsProduct.php'); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% for product in products %} <h3> {{ }} </h3> {% endfor %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFile('PantsProduct.php', __DIR__ . '/../stubs/PantsProduct.php'); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF <h2 class="featured-product"> <!-- use randomProductKey to randomly select and print a random product --> </h2> {% for product in products %} <h3>{{ product }}</h3> {% endfor %} EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'DeathStar.php'; require 'DeathStarII.php'; \$deathStar = new DeathStarII(); ?> <h2>New DeathStar Specs</h2> <table> <?php foreach (\$deathStar->getSpecs() as \$key => \$val): ?> <tr> <th><?php echo \$key; ?></th> <td><?php echo \$val; ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> EOF )->addFileContents('DeathStarII.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStarII extends DeathStar { public function getSpecs() { return array( 'name' => 'DeathStarII', 'laser_range' => \$this->planetarySuperLaserRange * 2, ); } } EOF )->addFileContents('DeathStar.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStar { private \$planetarySuperLaserRange = 2000000; } EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('aboutPenguins.twig', <<<EOF {{ include('_cannotFly.twig', reason: 'little wings') }} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('aboutPenguins.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('_cannotFly.twig', <<<EOF <div> Penguins cannot fly, due to: {{ reason }} </div> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('Cache.php', <<<EOF EOF )->addFileContents('StringTransformer.php', <<<EOF <?php class StringTransformer { public function transformString(\$str) { \$cacheFile = __DIR__.'/cache/'.md5(\$str); if (file_exists(\$cacheFile)) { return file_get_contents(\$cacheFile); } \$newStr = ''; foreach (str_split(strrev(\$str), 2) as \$twoChars) { // capitalize the first of 2 characters \$newStr .= ucfirst(\$twoChars); } if (!file_exists(dirname(\$cacheFile))) { mkdir(dirname(\$cacheFile)); } file_put_contents(\$cacheFile, \$newStr); return \$newStr; } } EOF )->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'Cache.php'; require 'StringTransformer.php'; \$str = 'Judge me by my size, do you?'; \$transformer = new StringTransformer(); var_dump(\$transformer->transformString(\$str)); EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('DeathStarIII.php', <<<EOF EOF )->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'AbstractDeathStar.php'; require 'DeathStarIII.php'; \$deathStar3 = new \\DeathStarIII(); ?> <h3> The DeathStar 3 - <!-- print the description here --> </h3> EOF )->addFileContents('AbstractDeathStar.php', <<<EOF <?php abstract class AbstractDeathStar { abstract protected function getLaserRange(); public function getDescription() { // replace this with a call to get the correct // range based on which DeathStar class is used \$range = \$this->getLaserRange(); return <<<HEREDOC A fantastic death machine, made to be extra cold and intimidating. It comes complete with a "super-laser" capable of destroying planets, with a range of \$range. HEREDOC; } } EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('LaserWeapon.php', <<<EOF EOF )->addFileContents('WeaponInterface.php', <<<EOF <?php interface WeaponInterface { /** * @return integer The weapon's range in kilometers */ public function getWeaponRange(); /** * @return bool Is this weapon effective in space */ public function canBeUsedInSpace(); /** * @return integer The amount of damage the weapon will cause against the given material */ public function getWeaponStrengthAgainstMaterial(\$material); } EOF )->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'WeaponInterface.php'; require 'LaserWeapon.php'; // instantiate a new LaserWeapon here ?> <h1> Laser weapon range: <!-- print your weapon's getWeaponRange() here --> </h1> EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('DeathStarII.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStarII extends DeathStar { } EOF )->addFileContents('DeathStar.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStar { public function blastPlanet(\$planetName) { echo 'BOOM '.\$planetName; } public function getWeakness() { return 'Thermal Exhaust Port'; } } EOF )->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'DeathStar.php'; require 'DeathStarII.php'; \$original = new DeathStar(); \$new = new DeathStarII(); ?> <h2>Original DeathStar Weakness: <?php echo \$original->getWeakness(); ?></h2> <h2>New DeathStar Weakness: <?php echo \$new->getWeakness(); ?></h2> EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% for product in products %} <h3> {{ }} <span class="price">{{ product.price }}</span> </h3> {% endfor %} {# Print your message down here if there are an odd number of pants! #} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFile('PantsProduct.php', __DIR__ . '/../stubs/PantsProduct.php'); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% extends 'layout.twig' %} {% block body %} <section class="featured-product"> This week's featured product is a pin-striped full suit, complete with cane, monocle and an elegant pocket watch! <button class="btn btn-primary">Buy now</button> </section> <h1>{{ fallCollectionTitle }}</h1> {% endblock %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('mainCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% extends 'layout.twig' %} {% block body %} <section class="featured-product"> This week's featured product is a pin-striped full suit, complete with cane, monocle and an elegant pocket watch! <button class="btn btn-primary">Buy now</button> </section> <h1>The Main Collection</h1> {% endblock %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('_featuredProduct.twig', <<<EOF EOF ); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('layout.twig', <<<EOF <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Penguins Pants Plus!</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> {% block body %}{% endblock %} <footer> You're hip, you're cool, you're a penguin! </footer> </body> </html> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% extends 'layout.twig' %} {% block body %} <h1>{{ fallCollectionTitle }}</h1> {% endblock %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('mainCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% extends 'layout.twig' %} {% block body %} <table class="sizing-chart"> <tr> <th>S</th> <th>M</th> <th>L</th> <th>XL</th> </tr> <tr> <td>5-15 lbs</td> <td>16-35 lbs</td> <td>36-60 lbs</td> <td>61-85 lbs</td> </tr> </table> <h1>The Main Collection</h1> {% endblock %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('macros.twig', <<<EOF EOF ); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('layout.twig', <<<EOF <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Penguins Pants Plus!</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <header>Penguins Pants Plus!</header> {% block body %}{% endblock %} </body> </html> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% for product in products %} <h3> {{ }} <span class="price">{{ product.price }}</span> </h3> {% endfor %} {% if products is empty %} <div class="alert alert-warning"> No pants for you! </div> {% endif %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('DeathStarII.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStarII extends DeathStar { } EOF )->addFileContents('DeathStar.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStar { public function getLaserRange() { return 2000000; } } EOF )->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'DeathStar.php'; require 'DeathStarII.php'; \$deathStar = new DeathStarII(); ?> <h3> Laser Range <?php echo \$deathStar->getLaserRange(); ?> </h3> EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% for product in products %} <h3> {{ }} <div class="stock-status"> {% if product.quantity > 0 %} {{ product.quantity }} {% else %} Out of stock {% endif %} </div> </h3> {% endfor %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFile('PantsProduct.php', __DIR__ . '/../stubs/PantsProduct.php'); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {{ include('_featuredProduct.twig') }} EOF ); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('_featuredProduct.twig', <<<EOF <section class="featured-product"> This week's featured product is a pin-striped full suit, complete with cane, monocle and an elegant pocket watch! <div class="featured-quantity"> {{ quantityRemaining }} </div> <button class="btn btn-primary">Buy now</button> </section> EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% extends 'layout.twig' %} <h1> {{ fallCollectionTitle }} </h1> <div> The fall products are coming soon! </div> EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('layout.twig', <<<EOF <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Penguins Pants Plus!</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <header> <div class="logo">Penguins Pants Plus!</div> </header> {% block body %}{% endblock %} </body> </html> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF {% extends 'layout.twig' %} {# make some change so that the footer says: Winter is coming! Get your pants! #} {% block body %} <h1>{{ fallCollectionTitle }}</h1> {% endblock %} EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('layout.twig', <<<EOF <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Penguins Pants Plus!</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> {% block body %}{% endblock %} <footer> You're hip, you're cool, you're a penguin! </footer> </body> </html> EOF ); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $fileBuilder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('fallCollection.twig', <<<EOF <html> <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <header>Penguins Pants Plus!</header> <h1>{{ fallCollectionTitle }}</h1> <div>The fall products are coming soon!</div> </body> </html> EOF ); $fileBuilder->setEntryPointFilename('fallCollection.twig'); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('mainCollection.twig', <<<EOF <html> <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <header>Penguins Pants Plus!</header> <h1>Welcome to our main collection or products</h1> <div>The main products are being updated!</div> </body> </html> EOF ); $fileBuilder->addFileContents('layout.twig', ''); return $fileBuilder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('PlanetInterface.php', <<<EOF <?php interface PlanetInterface { /** * Return the radius if the planet, in thousands of kilometers. * * @return integer */ public function getRadius(); /** * Return the hex color (without the #) for the planet. * * @return string */ public function getHexColor(); } EOF )->addFileContents('SolidPlanet.php', <<<EOF <?php class SolidPlanet extends AbstractPlanet { private \$radius; private \$hexColor; public function __construct(\$radius, \$hexColor) { \$this->radius = \$radius; \$this->hexColor = \$hexColor; } public function getRadius() { return \$this->radius; } public function getHexColor() { return \$this->hexColor; } } EOF )->addFileContents('GasPlanet.php', <<<EOF <?php class GasPlanet extends AbstractPlanet { private \$diameter; private \$mainElement; public function __construct(\$mainElement, \$diameter) { \$this->diameter = \$diameter; \$this->mainElement = \$mainElement; } public function getRadius() { return \$this->diameter / 2; } public function getHexColor() { // a "fake" map of elements to colors switch (\$this->mainElement) { case 'ammonia': return '663300'; case 'hydrogen': case 'helium': return 'FFFF66'; case 'methane': return '0066FF'; default: return '464646'; } } } EOF )->addFileContents('PlanetRenderer.php', <<<EOF <?php class PlanetRenderer { public function render(AbstractPlanet \$planet) { return sprintf( '<div style="width: %spx; height: %spx; border-radius: %spx; background-color: #%s;"></div>', \$planet->getRadius() * 2, \$planet->getRadius() * 2, \$planet->getRadius(), \$planet->getHexColor() ); } } EOF )->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'PlanetInterface.php'; require 'SolidPlanet.php'; require 'GasPlanet.php'; require 'PlanetRenderer.php'; \$planets = array( new SolidPlanet(10, 'CC66FF'), new SolidPlanet(50, '00FF99'), new GasPlanet('ammonia', 100), new GasPlanet('methane', 150), ); \$renderer = new PlanetRenderer(); foreach (\$planets as \$planet) { echo \$renderer->render(\$planet); } EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }
public function getChallengeBuilder() { $builder = new ChallengeBuilder(); $builder->addFileContents('AbstractDeathStar.php', <<<EOF EOF )->addFileContents('DeathStar.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStar { private \$crewSize; private \$weaponPower; public function setCrewSize(\$numberOfPeople) { \$this->crewSize = \$numberOfPeople; } public function getCrewSize() { return \$this->crewSize; } public function setWeaponPower(\$power) { \$this->weaponPower = \$power; } public function getWeaponPower() { return \$this->weaponPower; } public function makeFiringNoise() { echo 'BOOM x '.\$this->weaponPower; } } EOF )->addFileContents('DeathStarII.php', <<<EOF <?php class DeathStarII extends DeathStar { // this DeathStar must *always* have 5000 people on it public function getCrewSize() { return 5000; } public function makeFiringNoise() { echo 'SUPER BOOM'; } } EOF )->addFileContents('index.php', <<<EOF <?php require 'AbstractDeathStar.php'; require 'DeathStar.php'; require 'DeathStarII.php'; \$deathStar1 = new DeathStar(); \$deathStar1->setCrewSize(3000); \$deathStar1->setWeaponPower(500); \$deathStar2 = new DeathStarII(); \$deathStar2->setWeaponPower(999); ?> <table> <tr> <td> </td> <th>DeathStar 1</th> <th>DeathStar 2</th> </tr> <tr> <th>Crew Size</th> <td><?php echo \$deathStar1->getCrewSize(); ?></td> <td><?php echo \$deathStar2->getCrewSize(); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Weapon Power</th> <td><?php echo \$deathStar1->getWeaponPower(); ?></td> <td><?php echo \$deathStar2->getWeaponPower(); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Fire!</th> <td><?php echo \$deathStar1->makeFiringNoise(); ?></td> <td><?php echo \$deathStar2->makeFiringNoise(); ?></td> </tr> </table> EOF )->setEntryPointFilename('index.php'); return $builder; }