コード例 #1
ファイル: TraitProcessed.php プロジェクト: Ilyes512/kahlan
 protected function dump()
     $__KMONKEY__0 = \Kahlan\Plugin\Monkey::patched(null, 'Kahlan\\Util\\Text');
     return $__KMONKEY__0::dump('Hello');
コード例 #2
ファイル: Checker.spec.php プロジェクト: crysalead/validator
     expect(Checker::is('email', 'abc,efg@example.com'))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('email', 'abc@sub,example.com'))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('email', "abc@sub'example.com"))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('email', 'abc@sub/example.com'))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('email', 'abc@yahoo!.com'))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('email', "Nyrée.surname@example.com"))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('email', 'abc@example_underscored.com'))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('email', '*****@*****.**'))->toBe(false);
 it("deeply checks emails", function () {
     Monkey::patch('getmxrr', function () {
         return true;
     expect(Checker::is('email', '*****@*****.**', ['deep' => true]))->toBe(true);
     Monkey::patch('getmxrr', function () {
         return false;
     expect(Checker::is('email', '*****@*****.**', ['deep' => true]))->toBe(false);
 it("checks in list values", function () {
     expect(Checker::is('inList', 'one', ['list' => ['one', 'two']]))->toBe(true);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', 'two', ['list' => ['one', 'two']]))->toBe(true);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', 0, ['list' => [0, 1]]))->toBe(true);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', 1, ['list' => [0, 1]]))->toBe(true);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', 0, ['list' => ['0', '1']]))->toBe(true);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', '1', ['list' => ['0', '1']]))->toBe(true);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', 1, ['list' => ['0', '1']]))->toBe(true);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', '1', ['list' => ['0', '1']]))->toBe(true);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', '', ['list' => ['0', '1']]))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', null, ['list' => ['0', '1']]))->toBe(false);
     expect(Checker::is('inList', false, ['list' => ['0', '1']]))->toBe(false);
コード例 #3
ファイル: PlainProcessed.php プロジェクト: nurka1109/kahlan

$__KMONKEY__3 = \kahlan\plugin\Monkey::patched(null, 'name\\space\\MyClass2');
$__KMONKEY__2 = \kahlan\plugin\Monkey::patched(null, 'name\\space\\MyClass');
$__KMONKEY__1 = \kahlan\plugin\Monkey::patched(__NAMESPACE__, 'mt_rand', true);
$__KMONKEY__0 = \kahlan\plugin\Monkey::patched(__NAMESPACE__, 'function_exists', true);
use name\space\MyClass as MyAlias;
use name\space;
if ($__KMONKEY__0('myfunction')) {
    $thatIsWeird = true;
$rand = $__KMONKEY__1();
new $__KMONKEY__2();
new $__KMONKEY__3();
コード例 #4
ファイル: Requests.spec.php プロジェクト: crysalead/net
     expect($request->export())->toEqual(['basePath' => '/base/path/webroot', 'locale' => null, 'data' => $_FILES + $_POST, 'params' => [], 'env' => $request->env, 'method' => 'GET', 'scheme' => 'http', 'version' => '1.1', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 80, 'path' => '/app', 'query' => '?get=value', 'fragment' => '', 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'url' => 'http://localhost/app?get=value', 'stream' => $request->stream()]);
 it("supports url rewriting", function () {
     $this->globals = defineGlobals(['SERVER' => ['REQUEST_URI' => '/base/path/app?get=value']]);
     $request = Request::ingoing();
     expect($request->export())->toEqual(['basePath' => '/base/path', 'locale' => null, 'data' => $_FILES + $_POST, 'params' => [], 'env' => $request->env, 'method' => 'GET', 'scheme' => 'http', 'version' => '1.1', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 80, 'path' => '/app', 'query' => '?get=value', 'fragment' => '', 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'url' => 'http://localhost/app?get=value', 'stream' => $request->stream()]);
 it("uses php://input as body message by default", function () {
     $temp = Dir::tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'spec');
     $filename = tempnam($temp, 'foo');
     $handler = fopen($filename, 'w');
     fwrite($handler, 'Hello World');
     Monkey::patch('fopen', function ($name, $mode, $use_include_path = false) use($filename) {
         if ($name === 'php://input') {
             $name = $filename;
         return fopen($name, $mode, $use_include_path);
     $request = Request::ingoing();
     expect($request->body())->toBe('Hello World');
     Dir::remove($temp, ['recursive' => true]);
 it("normalizes deep `\$_FILES` structure", function () {
     $_FILES = ['files' => ['name' => ['file 2.jpg', 'file 3.jpg', 'file 4.jpg'], 'type' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpeg'], 'tmp_name' => ['/private/var/tmp/phpF5vsky', '/private/var/tmp/phphRJ2zW', '/private/var/tmp/phprI92L1'], 'error' => [0, 0, 0], 'size' => [418, 418, 418]]];
     $request = Request::ingoing();
     expect($request->data())->toEqual(['files' => [['name' => 'file 2.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'tmp_name' => '/private/var/tmp/phpF5vsky', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 418], ['name' => 'file 3.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'tmp_name' => '/private/var/tmp/phphRJ2zW', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 418], ['name' => 'file 4.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'tmp_name' => '/private/var/tmp/phprI92L1', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 418]]] + $_POST);
 it("normalizes nested `\$_FILES` structure", function () {
     $_FILES = ['Image' => ['name' => ['file' => 'file 5.jpg'], 'type' => ['file' => 'image/jpeg'], 'tmp_name' => ['file' => '/private/var/tmp/phpAmSDL4'], 'error' => ['file' => 0], 'size' => ['file' => 418]]];
     $request = Request::ingoing();
     expect($request->data())->toEqual(['Image' => ['file' => ['name' => 'file 5.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'tmp_name' => '/private/var/tmp/phpAmSDL4', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 418]]] + $_POST);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Stub.php プロジェクト: crysalead/kahlan
  * Stubs a method.
  * @param  string   $path    Method name or array of stubs where key are method names and
  *                           values the stubs.
  * @param  string   $closure The stub implementation.
  * @return Method[]          The created array of method instances.
  * @return Method            The stubbed method instance.
 public function method($path, $closure = null)
     if ($this->_needToBePatched) {
         $layer = Double::classname();
         Monkey::patch($this->_reference, $layer);
         $this->_needToBePatched = false;
         $this->_reference = $layer;
     $reference = $this->_reference;
     if (!$path) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Method name can't be empty.");
     $names = is_array($path) ? $path : [$path];
     $this->_chain = [];
     $total = count($names);
     foreach ($names as $index => $name) {
         if (preg_match('/^::.*/', $name)) {
             $reference = is_object($reference) ? get_class($reference) : $reference;
         $hash = Suite::hash($reference);
         if (!isset(static::$_registered[$hash])) {
             static::$_registered[$hash] = new static($reference);
         $instance = static::$_registered[$hash];
         if (is_object($reference)) {
         } else {
         if (!isset($instance->_methods[$name])) {
             $instance->_methods[$name] = [];
             $instance->_stubs[$name] = Double::instance();
         $method = new Method(['parent' => $this, 'reference' => $reference, 'name' => $name]);
         $this->_chain[$name] = $method;
         array_unshift($instance->_methods[$name], $method);
         if ($index < $total - 1) {
             $reference = $instance->_stubs[$name];
     $method = end($this->_chain);
     if ($closure) {
     return $method;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MonkeySpec.php プロジェクト: Ilyes512/kahlan
        it("patches a core function with a closure", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('time', function () {
                return 123;
        it("patches a core class", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('DateTime', 'Kahlan\\Spec\\Suite\\Plugin\\MyDateTime');
        it("patches a function", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('Kahlan\\Spec\\Fixture\\Plugin\\Monkey\\rand', 'Kahlan\\Spec\\Suite\\Plugin\\myrand');
            expect($foo->rand(0, 100))->toBe(101);
        it("patches a class", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('Kahlan\\Util\\Text', 'Kahlan\\Spec\\Suite\\Plugin\\MyString');
            expect($foo->dump((object) 'hello'))->toBe('myhashvalue');
        it("can unpatch a monkey patch", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('Kahlan\\Spec\\Fixture\\Plugin\\Monkey\\rand', 'Kahlan\\Spec\\Suite\\Plugin\\myrand');
            expect($foo->rand(0, 100))->toBe(101);
            expect($foo->rand(0, 100))->toBe(50);
コード例 #7
ファイル: functionsSpec.php プロジェクト: guide42/ochenta
 // Disabled because Monkey::patch doesn't work on included files
 xit('emit response to beyond', function () {
     Monkey::patch('header', function (string $header, bool $replace = TRUE) {
         static $first = TRUE;
         static $reset = TRUE;
         if ($first) {
             expect($header)->toBe('HTTP/1.1 202');
             $first = FALSE;
         } else {
             $reset = FALSE;
     Monkey::patch('headers_sent', function () {
         return FALSE;
     expect(function () {
         emit(new ServerRequest(), function (ServerRequest $req, callable $open) {
             $name = $req->getQuery()['name'] ?? 'World';
             $open(202, ['Content-Language' => ['en', 'es']]);
             (yield "Hola {$name}");
     })->toEcho('Hola World');
 it('calls responder\'s return', function () {
     $closed = FALSE;
     emit(new ServerRequest(), function (ServerRequest $req, callable $open) use(&$closed) {
         (yield '');
         return function () use(&$closed) {
             $closed = TRUE;
コード例 #8
     it("returns the PDO driver", function () {
 describe("->connect()", function () {
     it("throws an exception if no DSN is set", function () {
         $closure = function () {
             Stub::create(['extends' => 'chaos\\database\\Database']);
         expect($closure)->toThrow(new DatabaseException('Error, no DSN setup has been configured for database connection.'));
     it("throws an exception when PDO throws an exception on connect", function () {
         $closure = function () {
             Stub::create(['extends' => 'chaos\\database\\Database', 'params' => [['dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=test']]]);
         Monkey::patch('PDO', 'chaos\\database\\spec\\mock\\PDO');
         expect($closure)->toThrow(new DatabaseException("Error, PDO mock class used can't connect."));
 describe("->_exception()", function () {
     beforeEach(function () {
         Stub::on($this->database)->method('exception', function ($e) {
             return $this->_exception($e);
     it("throws an exception when PDO can't connect to the host", function () {
         $closure = function () {
             $e = Stub::create();
             Stub::on($e)->method('getCode', function () {
                 return 'HY000';
コード例 #9
 beforeEach(function () {
     $box = box('chaos.spec');
     $this->adapter = $box->get('source.database.mysql');
 describe("::enabled()", function () {
     it("returns `true` for enabled features, false otherwise.", function () {
         expect(MySql::enabled())->toEqual(['arrays' => false, 'transactions' => true, 'booleans' => true, 'default' => false]);
     it("throws an exception if the extension is not loaded.", function () {
         Monkey::patch('extension_loaded', function () {
             return false;
         expect(function () {
         })->toThrow(new DatabaseException("The PDO MySQL extension is not installed."));
 describe("->connect()", function () {
     it("throws an exception if no database name is set", function () {
         $closure = function () {
             new MySql();
         expect($closure)->toThrow(new DatabaseException('Error, no database name has been configured.'));
 describe("->sources()", function () {
コード例 #10
ファイル: ToReceive.php プロジェクト: crysalead/kahlan
  * Return the actual reference which must be used.
  * @param mixed $reference An instance or a fully-namespaced class name.
  * @param mixed            The reference or the monkey patched one if exist.
 protected function _reference($reference)
     if (!is_string($reference)) {
         return $reference;
     $pos = strrpos($reference, '\\');
     if ($pos !== false) {
         $namespace = substr($reference, 0, $pos);
         $basename = substr($reference, $pos + 1);
     } else {
         $namespace = null;
         $basename = $reference;
     $substitute = null;
     $reference = Monkey::patched($namespace, $basename, false, $substitute);
     return $substitute ?: $reference;
コード例 #11
ファイル: PlainProcessed.php プロジェクト: crysalead/kahlan

$__KMONKEY__0 = \Kahlan\Plugin\Monkey::patched(__NAMESPACE__, 'function_exists');
$__KMONKEY__1 = \Kahlan\Plugin\Monkey::patched(__NAMESPACE__, 'mt_rand');
$__KMONKEY__2__ = null;
$__KMONKEY__2 = \Kahlan\Plugin\Monkey::patched(null, 'name\\space\\MyClass', false, $__KMONKEY__2__);
$__KMONKEY__3 = \Kahlan\Plugin\Monkey::patched(__NAMESPACE__, 'time');
$__KMONKEY__4__ = null;
$__KMONKEY__4 = \Kahlan\Plugin\Monkey::patched(null, 'name\\space\\MyClass2', false, $__KMONKEY__4__);
use name\space\MyClass as MyAlias;
use name\space;
if ($__KMONKEY__0('myfunction')) {
    $thatIsWeird = true;
$rand = $__KMONKEY__1();
$__KMONKEY__2__ ? $__KMONKEY__2__ : new $__KMONKEY__2();
$__KMONKEY__4__ ? $__KMONKEY__4__ : new $__KMONKEY__4($__KMONKEY__3());
コード例 #12
ファイル: MonkeySpec.php プロジェクト: nurka1109/kahlan
        it("patches a core function with a closure", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('time', function () {
                return 123;
        it("patches a core class", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('DateTime', 'kahlan\\spec\\suite\\plugin\\MyDateTime');
        it("patches a function", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('kahlan\\spec\\fixture\\plugin\\monkey\\rand', 'kahlan\\spec\\suite\\plugin\\myrand');
            expect($foo->rand(0, 100))->toBe(101);
        it("patches a class", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('kahlan\\util\\Text', 'kahlan\\spec\\suite\\plugin\\MyString');
            expect($foo->dump((object) 'hello'))->toBe('myhashvalue');
        it("can unpatch a monkey patch", function () {
            $foo = new Foo();
            Monkey::patch('kahlan\\spec\\fixture\\plugin\\monkey\\rand', 'kahlan\\spec\\suite\\plugin\\myrand');
            expect($foo->rand(0, 100))->toBe(101);
            expect($foo->rand(0, 100))->toBe(50);
コード例 #13
ファイル: ServerRequestSpec.php プロジェクト: guide42/ochenta
                 throw RuntimeExpection('This should never be called');
             return fopen($filename, $mode);
         $req = new ServerRequest(['CONTENT_TYPE' => 'text/plain', 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => 11], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Hello World');
         expect(fread($req->getBody(), 11))->toBe('Hello World');
 describe('->getParsedBody', function () {
     it('returns parsed body when is application/x-www-form-urlencoded', function () {
         Monkey::patch('fopen', function ($filename, $mode) {
             if ($filename === 'php://input') {
                 $input = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
                 fwrite($input, 'hello=world&foo=bar');
                 fseek($input, 0);
                 return $input;
             return fopen($filename, $mode);
         $req = new ServerRequest(['REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => 17]);
         expect($req->getParsedBody())->toBe(['hello' => 'world', 'foo' => 'bar']);
 describe('->isSecure', function () {
     it('returns true when the HTTPS header is on', function () {
         expect((new ServerRequest(['HTTPS' => 'on']))->isSecure())->toBe(TRUE);
 describe('->normalizeServer', function () {
     it('returns HTTPS when SCRIPT_URI starts with https://', function () {
コード例 #14
ファイル: Response.spec.php プロジェクト: crysalead/net
     it("clones cookies", function () {
         $response = new Response(['body' => 'Body Message']);
         $cookies = $response->headers->cookies;
         $cookies['foo'] = 'bar';
         $newRequest = clone $response;
         $new = $newRequest->headers->cookies;
 describe("::parse()", function () {
     it("creates a response with some set-cookies", function () {
         Monkey::patch('time', function () {
             return strtotime('24 Dec 2015');
         $message = join("\r\n", ['HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Connection: close', 'Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF8', 'Content-Length: 5', 'Set-Cookie: doctor=who; Path=/tardis; HttpOnly', 'Set-Cookie: test=foo%20bar; Expires=Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT; Secure', 'Set-Cookie: test=foo%2Bbin; Path=/test; Domain=.domain.com', '', 'Test!']);
         $cookies = ['doctor' => [['value' => 'who', 'expires' => null, 'path' => '/tardis', 'domain' => null, 'max-age' => null, 'secure' => false, 'httponly' => true]], 'test' => [['value' => 'foo bar', 'expires' => 1451001600, 'path' => null, 'domain' => null, 'max-age' => null, 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => false], ['value' => 'foo+bin', 'expires' => null, 'path' => '/test', 'domain' => '.domain.com', 'max-age' => null, 'secure' => false, 'httponly' => false]]];
         $response = Response::parse($message);
     it("decodes chunked body", function () {
         $headers = join("\r\n", ['HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 11:15:03 GMT', 'Content-Type: text/html', 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked', '', '']);
         $body = "29\r\n";
         $body .= "<html><body><p>The file you requested is \r\n";
         $body .= "6\r\n";
         $body .= "3,400 \r\n";
         $body .= "22\r\n";
         $body .= "bytes long and was last modified: \r\n";
コード例 #15
ファイル: ClassProcessed.php プロジェクト: nurka1109/kahlan
 public function subChild()
     $__KMONKEY__18 = \kahlan\plugin\Monkey::patched(__NAMESPACE__, 'RecursiveIteratorIterator', false);
     if ($options['recursive']) {
         $worker = new $__KMONKEY__18($worker, $iteratorFlags);
コード例 #16
ファイル: Monkey.spec.php プロジェクト: crysalead/kahlan
            $patch->toBe(new DateTime('@123'), new DateTime('@456'));
        it("patches a function", function () {
            $mon = new Mon();
            Monkey::patch('Kahlan\\Spec\\Fixture\\Plugin\\Monkey\\rand', 'Kahlan\\Spec\\Suite\\Plugin\\myrand');
            expect($mon->rand(0, 100))->toBe(101);
        it("patches a class", function () {
            $mon = new Mon();
            Monkey::patch('Kahlan\\Util\\Text', 'Kahlan\\Spec\\Mock\\Plugin\\Monkey\\MyString');
            expect($mon->dump((object) 'hello'))->toBe('myhashvalue');
        it("can unpatch a monkey patch", function () {
            $mon = new Mon();
            Monkey::patch('Kahlan\\Spec\\Fixture\\Plugin\\Monkey\\rand', 'Kahlan\\Spec\\Suite\\Plugin\\myrand');
            expect($mon->rand(0, 100))->toBe(101);
            expect($mon->rand(0, 100))->toBe(50);
        it("throws an exception with trying to patch an unsupported functions or core langage statements", function () {
            $closure = function () {
                Monkey::patch('func_get_args', function () {
                    return [];
            expect($closure)->toThrow(new Exception('Monkey patching `func_get_args()` is not supported by Kahlan.'));
コード例 #17
ファイル: Allow.php プロジェクト: crysalead/kahlan
  * Sets the stub logic.
  * @param mixed $substitute The logic.
 public function toBeOK()
     if (!is_string($this->_actual)) {
         throw new Exception("Error `toBeOK()` need to be applied on a fully-namespaced class or function name.");
     if ($this->_isClass) {
         Monkey::patch($this->_actual, Double::classname());
     } else {
         Monkey::patch($this->_actual, function () {
コード例 #18
ファイル: ClassProcessed.php プロジェクト: crysalead/kahlan
 public function subChild()
     $__KMONKEY__20__ = null;
     $__KMONKEY__20 = \Kahlan\Plugin\Monkey::patched(__NAMESPACE__, 'RecursiveIteratorIterator', false, $__KMONKEY__20__);
     if ($options['recursive']) {
         $worker = $__KMONKEY__20__ ? $__KMONKEY__20__ : new $__KMONKEY__20($worker, $iteratorFlags);