public function accessCheck() { $da = $this->get("we_data_access"); $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im'); $request = $this->getRequest(); //访问权限校验 $api = new ApiController(); $api->setContainer($this->container); $isWeFaFaDomain = $api->checkWWWDomain(); if (!$isWeFaFaDomain) { $token = $api->checkAccessToken($request, $da); if (!$token) { $re = array("returncode" => "9999"); $re["code"] = "err0105"; $re["msg"] = "参数Appid或Openid或Access_token未指定或无效."; return $re; } } $openid = $request->get("openid"); $staffinfo = new Staff($da, $da_im, $openid, $this->get("logger"), $this->container); $staffdata = $staffinfo->getInfo(); if (empty($staffdata)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("无效操作帐号"); } return Utils::WrapResultOk($staffinfo); }
public function sendSMSAction($mobiles, $msg) { $SmsFunction = null; try { $syspara = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\DataAccess\SysParam($this->container); $SmsFunction = $syspara->GetSysParam('SMS_FUNCTION_NAME', ''); } catch (\Exception $e) { return Utils::WrapResultError($e->getMessage()); } if (!empty($SmsFunction)) { $re = call_user_func(array($this, $SmsFunction), $mobiles, $msg); return $re; } $SMS_ACT = $this->container->getParameter('SMS_ACT'); $SMS_PWD = $this->container->getParameter('SMS_PWD'); $SMS_URL = $this->container->getParameter('SMS_URL'); $mobiles = str_replace(";", ",", $mobiles); $content = urlEncode(urlEncode(mb_convert_encoding($msg, 'gb2312', 'utf-8'))); $pwd = md5($SMS_PWD); $apidata = "func=sendsms&username={$SMS_ACT}&password={$pwd}&mobiles={$mobiles}&message={$content}&smstype=0&timerflag=0&timervalue=&timertype=0&timerid=0"; $this->get("logger")->err($SMS_URL . "?" . $apidata); $result = mb_convert_encoding($this->do_post_request($SMS_URL . "?" . $apidata, null), 'utf-8', 'gb2312'); $this->get("logger")->err($result); return Utils::WrapResultOK(''); }
public function e($parameters) { if (count($parameters) == 0) { return Utils::WrapResultError("无效的eno参数"); } $eno = $parameters[0]; if (empty($eno)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("无效的eno参数"); } $staffMgr = new Enterprise($this->conn, $this->logger, $this->container); $staffdata = $staffMgr->getInfo($eno); if (empty($staffdata)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("未查找到企业信息"); } return Utils::WrapResultOK($staffdata); }
public function push_receiverlistAction() { $da = $this->get("we_data_access"); $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im'); $request = $this->getRequest(); //访问权限校验 $api = new \Justsy\OpenAPIBundle\Controller\ApiController(); $api->setContainer($this->container); $isWeFaFaDomain = $api->checkWWWDomain(); if (!$isWeFaFaDomain) { $token = $api->checkAccessToken($request, $da); if (!$token) { $re = array("returncode" => "9999"); $re["code"] = "err0105"; $re["msg"] = "参数Appid或Openid或Access_token未指定或无效."; return $this->responseJson($request, $re); } } $openid = $request->get("openid"); $staffinfo = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\Staff($da, $da_im, $openid, $this->get("logger"), $this->container); $staffdata = $staffinfo->getInfo(); if (empty($staffdata)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效操作帐号"); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); } $appid = $request->get('appid'); $appmgr = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\App($this->container); $appdata = $appmgr->getappinfo(array('appid' => $appid)); if (empty($appdata)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效应用标识"); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); } $data = $request->get("data"); //部门名称 if (empty($data)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效的数据"); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); } $data = json_decode($data, true); $noticeMgr = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\PromptlyNotice($this->container, $staffdata, $appdata); $result = $noticeMgr->getReceiverList($data); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); }
public function setCovert($parameter) { $groupid = isset($parameter["groupid"]) ? $parameter["groupid"] : null; $jid = isset($parameter["jid"]) ? $parameter["jid"] : null; $state = isset($parameter["state"]) ? $parameter["state"] : "1"; //默认为添加 $success = true; $msg = ""; if (empty($groupid)) { return Utils::WrapResultError('群编号不能为空'); } else { if (empty($jid)) { return Utils::WrapResultError('设置的成员帐号不能为空'); } } $sql = ""; $para = array(); if ($state == "1") { $sql = "insert into im_groupemployee_covert(groupid,jid)values(?,?);"; } else { $sql = "delete from im_groupemployee_covert where groupid=? and jid=?;"; } try { $this->conn_im->ExecSQL($sql, array((string) $groupid, (string) $jid)); //向成员发送出席 $user = $parameter["user"]; $title = $state == "1" ? "set_covert" : "cancel_covert"; $message = $state == "1" ? "设置了您的屏蔽群消息" : "取消了您的屏蔽群消息"; Utils::sendImPresence($user->fafa_jid, $jid, $title, $message, $this->container, "", "", true, '', '0'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $success = false; $msg = $state == "1" ? "设置屏蔽成员失败!" : "取消屏蔽成员失败!"; return Utils::WrapResultError($e->getMessage()); } return Utils::WrapResultOK('1'); }
public function getfriendcardAction() { $re = array("returncode" => ReturnCode::$SUCCESS); $request = $this->getRequest(); $uEno = ""; $userJid = ""; $currUser = $this->get('security.context')->getToken(); if (!empty($currUser)) { $user = $currUser->getUser(); $uEno = $user->eno; //当前登录人企业 号 $userJid = $user->fafa_jid; } else { $ds = $this->getstaffinfo($request->get("Openid") . $request->get("openid")); if (empty($ds)) { $re = Utils::WrapResultError("当前操作人帐号无效"); $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re)); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json'); return $response; } $uEno = $ds["eno"]; $userJid = $ds["jid"]; } $staff = $request->get("staff"); $ds = $this->getstaffinfo($staff); if (empty($ds)) { $re = Utils::WrapResultError("未查询到用户数据!"); } else { $_source = $request->get("_source"); //wefafa_bizproxy:业务代理 if ($ds["eno"] != $uEno) { $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im'); //判断该人员是否自己好友 $dfriend = $da_im->GetData("f", "select count(1) from rosterusers where username=? and jid=? and subscription='B'", array((string) $userJid, (string) $ds["we_staff"]["rows"][0]["jid"])); if ($dfriend == null || count($dfriend["f"]["rows"]) == 0) { $re = Utils::WrapResultError("没有权限查询该帐号的信息", ReturnCode::$NOTACCESS); } else { if ("wefafa_bizproxy" != $_source) { $re["staff_full"] = $ds; $re["staff_full"]["pinyin"] = Utils::Pinyin($re["staff_full"]["nick_name"]); } else { $re = $ds; $re["pinyin"] = Utils::Pinyin($re["nick_name"]); $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS; } } } else { if ("wefafa_bizproxy" != $_source) { $re["staff_full"] = $ds; $re["staff_full"]["pinyin"] = Utils::Pinyin($re["staff_full"]["nick_name"]); } else { $re = $ds; $re["pinyin"] = Utils::Pinyin($re["nick_name"]); $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS; } } } $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re)); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json'); return $response; }
public function listAction() { $da = $this->get("we_data_access"); $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im'); $request = $this->getRequest(); //访问权限校验 $api = new \Justsy\OpenAPIBundle\Controller\ApiController(); $api->setContainer($this->container); $isWeFaFaDomain = $api->checkWWWDomain(); if (!$isWeFaFaDomain) { $token = $api->checkAccessToken($request, $da); if (!$token) { $re = array("returncode" => "9999"); $re["code"] = "err0105"; $re["msg"] = "参数Appid或Openid或Access_token未指定或无效."; return $this->responseJson($request, $re); } } $openid = $request->get("openid"); $staffinfo = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\Staff($da, $da_im, $openid, $this->get("logger"), $this->container); $staffdata = $staffinfo->getInfo(); if (empty($staffdata)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效操作帐号"); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); } $verCrl = new \Justsy\AdminAppBundle\Controller\VersionController(); $verCrl->setContainer($this->container); return $this->responseJson($request, $verCrl->SearchVersionAction()); }
public function reject($paraObj) { $currUser = $paraObj["user"]; if (empty($currUser)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("请登录后重试", ReturnCode::$NOTLOGIN); } $wfl = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Business\WeWorkflow($this->container); //根据申请帐号处理 $account = isset($paraObj["staff"]) ? $paraObj["staff"] : ""; if (!empty($account)) { $paraObj["submit_staff"] = $account; } $nodeinfo = $wfl->getNode($paraObj); if (empty($nodeinfo)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("申请已被取消或删除"); } //判断申请状态 if ($nodeinfo["status"] != "9") { return Utils::WrapResultError("该申请已处理"); } //向申请人发送处理消息 $message = "你的请假申请已由【" . $currUser->nick_name . "】驳回"; Utils::sendImMessage("", $applystaff, "bus_apply_reject", $message, $this->container, "", "", true, '', '0'); $paraObj["node_id"] = $nodeinfo["node_id"]; //申请状态处理 $re = $wfl->reject($paraObj); //消息通知 if (!empty($re)) { //通知所有的节点处理人 $dealstaffJids = isset($re["dealstaffs"]) ? $re["dealstaffs"] : ""; if (!empty($dealstaffJids)) { $to = explode(",", $dealstaffJids); Utils::sendImMessage("", $to, "bus_apply_reject", json_encode($re), $this->container, "", "", false, '', '0'); } } return Utils::WrapResultOK($re); }
private function parseEjabberdCfg($cfgPath) { $data = array(); $handle = @fopen($cfgPath, "r"); if ($handle) { while (($buffer = fgets($handle)) !== false) { $buffer = trim($buffer); if (empty($buffer) || $buffer[0] == '%') { //$data[] = $buffer; } else { $data[] = $buffer[strlen($buffer) - 1] == '.' ? rtrim($buffer, '.') . '\\n' : $buffer; } } if (!feof($handle)) { return Utils::WrapResultError($cfgPath . '文件上调用fgets函数失败!'); } fclose($handle); $formatContent = implode('', $data); $data = explode('\\n', $formatContent); return Utils::WrapResultOK($data); } else { return Utils::WrapResultError($cfgPath . '文件打开失败,请检查参数ejabberd_server_path设置及文件是否存在!'); } }
public function getCountNoAtten($paramObj) { $ymd = $paramObj['ymd']; $deptid = $this->getDeptSql($paramObj['deptid']); $user = $paramObj['user']; $eno = $user->eno; if (empty($ymd)) { $ymd = date('Y-m-d'); } $getatten_setup = $this->getatten_setup($paramObj); if ($getatten_setup['returncode'] != '0000' || count($getatten_setup['data']) == 0) { return Utils::WrapResultError('未正确的设置考勤参数'); } $late_time = $getatten_setup['data'][0]['late_time']; $offwork_time = $getatten_setup['data'][0]['offwork_time']; $sql = 'select count(1) count from ( select s.login_account staff_id from we_staff s where #deptid and s.eno = ? and s.login_account not in ( select c.staff_id from ma_checkatten c where c.check_date=? and c.eno = ? group by c.staff_id union all select login_account from we_service ) ) temp '; $sql = str_replace("#deptid", $deptid, $sql); $da = $this->conn; $ds = $da->GetData('t', $sql, array((string) $eno, (string) $ymd, (string) $eno)); return Utils::WrapResultOK(count($ds['t']['rows']) > 0 ? $ds['t']['rows'][0]['count'] : array()); }
public function setFriend($parameter) { $userinfo = $parameter["user"]; $user = array(); $user["login_account"] = $userinfo->getUserName(); $user["fafa_jid"] = $userinfo->fafa_jid; $deptids = $parameter["deptid"]; $success = true; $message = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($deptids); $i++) { $deptid = $deptids[$i]; $sql = 'update im_base_dept set friend=1 where deptid=?'; $this->conn_im->ExecSQL($sql, array((string) $deptid)); $this->getinfo($deptid, true); $re = $this->setFriendByDept($deptid); if (!$re["success"]) { return Utils::WrapResultError($re["message"]); } } return Utils::WrapResultOK(''); }
public function getMessageDetail($parameter) { $msgid = $parameter["msgid"]; $sql = "select msg_title,msg_type,case when msg_type='TEXT' then msg_text else msg_content end as msg_content,ifnull(msg_summary,'') msg_summary,msg_img_url \n from we_micro_message where send_id=?;"; $success = true; $returndata = array(); $msg_type = ""; try { $ds = $this->conn->GetData("table", $sql, array((string) $msgid)); if ($ds && $ds["table"]["recordcount"] > 0) { $returndata = $ds["table"]["rows"]; $msg_type = strtolower($ds["table"]["rows"][0]["msg_type"]); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $success = false; $this->logger->err($e->getMessage()); return Utils::WrapResultError($e->getMessage()); } return Utils::WrapResultOK($returndata); }
public function checkmobile($parameter) { $list = $parameter["list"]; //手机号列表。多个手机号用,分隔 if (empty($list)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("手机号不能为空"); } $sqlqlist = array(); $para = array(); $list = explode(",", $list); $reglist = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) { $m = $list[$i]; if (empty($m)) { continue; } $sqlqlist[] = "?"; $para[] = (string) $m; } if (count($sqlqlist) == 0) { return Utils::WrapResultError("手机号不能为空"); } $sql = "select mobile_bind mobile,login_account,fafa_jid,nick_name from we_staff where mobile_bind in(" . implode(",", $sqlqlist) . ")"; try { $ds = $this->conn->GetData("t", $sql, $para); if ($ds && count($ds["t"]["rows"]) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($ds["t"]["rows"]); $i++) { $reglist[] = $ds["t"]["rows"][$i]; } } return $reglist; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->err($e->getMessage()); return Utils::WrapResultError($e->getMessage()); } }
public function reply($data) { $noticeid = $data["noticeid"]; if (empty($noticeid)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("noticeid不能为空"); } $files = isset($data["files"]) ? $data["files"] : ''; if (!empty($files) && is_array($files)) { $files = implode(',', $files); } $sql = 'update im_pushnotice_memebr set receive_time=now() where noticeid=? and employeeid=? and receive_time is not null'; $sql1 = 'insert into im_pushnotice_msg(id,replyid,msg,created,us,msgid)values(?,?,?,now(),?,?)'; $replyid = SysSeq::GetSeqNextValue($this->conn_im, "im_pushnotice_msg", "id"); $sql = 'select count(1)+1 cnt from im_pushnotice_msg where replyid=?'; $ds = $this->conn_im->Getdata('t', $sql, array((int) $noticeid)); $cnt = $ds['t']['rows'][0]['cnt']; $senddata = array(); $senddata = array('noticeid' => $noticeid, 'reply_count' => $cnt, 'reply' => array('id' => $replyid, 'nickname' => $this->user["nick_name"], 'photo' => $this->user["photo_path"], 'jid' => $this->user["jid"], 'text' => $data["reply-text"], 'files' => $files, 'sendtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()))); $notice = array(); // Utils::WrapMessageNoticeinfo($data["reply-text"],$this->module["appname"],null,$this->module["logo"]); $msg = Utils::WrapMessage('push-notice-reply', $senddata, $notice); $msgxml = Utils::WrapMessageXml($this->module["jid"], $msg, 'push-notice-reply-' . $replyid); $this->conn_im->ExecSQLs(array($sql, $sql1), array(array((int) $noticeid, (string) $this->user["jid"]), array((int) $replyid, (int) $noticeid, (string) json_encode($senddata['reply']), $this->user['jid'], 'push-notice-reply-' . $replyid))); $noticeinfo = $this->getinfo($noticeid); $receiver = $this->getmember($noticeid); $receiver[] = $noticeinfo["us"]; Utils::findonlinejid($this->conn_im, $receiver); if (!empty($receiver)) { //发送消息 $presence = new \Justsy\OpenAPIBundle\Controller\ApiController(); $presence->setContainer($this->container); $presence->sendMsg($this->module["jid"], $receiver, '通知回复', json_encode($msg)); } return Utils::WrapResultOK(array('noticeid' => $noticeid)); }
public function dealapplylist($paraObj) { $currUser = $paraObj["user"]; if (empty($currUser)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("请登录后重试", ReturnCode::$NOTLOGIN); } $wfl = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Business\WeWorkflow($this->container); if (isset($paraObj["status"])) { if ($paraObj["status"] == "todo") { return Utils::WrapResultOK($wfl->listtodo($paraObj)); } if ($paraObj["status"] == "did") { return Utils::WrapResultOK($wfl->listtdid($paraObj)); } } return Utils::WrapResultOK($wfl->listall($paraObj)); }
public function revokeMsgAction() { //判断请求域。是wefafa或子域则不验证授权令牌 $isWeFaFaDomain = $this->checkWWWDomain(); $request = $this->get("request"); $da = $this->get("we_data_access"); if (!$isWeFaFaDomain) { $token = $this->checkAccessToken($request, $da); if (!$token) { return $this->responseJson($request, Utils::WrapResultError('参数Appid或Openid或Access_token未指定或无效.')); } } $openid = $request->get("openid"); $staffinfo = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\Staff($da, $this->get("we_data_access_im"), $openid, $this->get("logger"), $this->container); $staffdata = $staffinfo->getInfo(); if (empty($staffdata)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效操作帐号"); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); } $to_jid = array(); $chatjid = $request->get('jid'); $to_jid[] = $chatjid; $groupid = $request->get('groupid'); $msgid = $request->get('msgid'); if (empty($chatjid) && empty($groupid)) { return $this->responseJson($request, Utils::WrapResultError('无效的撤回类型.')); } if (empty($msgid)) { return $this->responseJson($request, Utils::WrapResultError('无效的消息ID.')); } if (!empty($groupid)) { $groupMgr = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\GroupMgr($da, $this->get("we_data_access_im"), $this->container); $to_jid = $groupMgr->getGroupMembersJidByIM($groupid); //群消息默认采用的发送时的iq ID。生成规则:Msgid =case QMsgid of []-> From#jid.luser++"-"++IQId; _-> QMsgid end, //生成消息ID $jid_user = explode('@', $staffdata['jid'])[0]; $msgid = $jid_user . '-' . $msgid; } $msgtype = !empty($chatjid) ? 'chat' : 'group'; $notice = array(); $message = json_encode(Utils::WrapMessage('message_revoke', array('type' => $msgtype, 'msgid' => $msgid, 'sender' => array('nick_name' => $staffdata['nick_name'], 'photo' => $staffdata['photo_path'], 'jid' => $staffdata['jid'], 'sendtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()))), $notice)); $success = Utils::sendImMessage($staffdata['jid'], $to_jid, "message_revoke", $message, $this->container, "", "", false, Utils::$systemmessage_code); return $this->responseJson($request, Utils::WrapResultOK('')); }
public function mobilenumactiveAction() { $deploy_mode = $this->container->getParameter('deploy_mode'); $request = $this->getRequest(); $mobile_num = $request->get('mobile_num'); $mobile_pwd = $request->get('mobile_pwd'); //$eno = $request->get('eno'); $eno = $deploy_mode == "C" ? Utils::$PUBLIC_ENO : $this->container->getParameter("ENO"); //企业独立部署时企业不设置,从配置文件中获取固定的企业号 $ename = $request->get('ename'); $nick_name = $request->get('nick_name'); $active_code = $request->get('active_code'); $login_account = $mobile_num; $ldap_uid = $request->get("ldap_uid"); if (empty($active_code)) { return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "请输入短信验证码!"); } if (empty($mobile_pwd)) { return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "请输入密码!"); } if (empty($nick_name)) { return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "请输入姓名!"); } $da = $this->get('we_data_access'); $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im'); $cacheobj = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\Enterprise($da, $this->get("logger"), $this->container); if (!strpos($login_account, "@")) { $domain = $this->container->getParameter('edomain'); $login_account .= "@" . $domain; } $staffMgr = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\Staff($da, $da_im, $login_account, $this->get("logger"), $this->container); $had = $staffMgr->getInfo(); if (!empty($had)) { return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "该手机号已注册,继续使用请先找回密码"); } //判断手机号是否已经被使用 if ($staffMgr->checkUser($mobile_num)) { return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "该手机号已被绑定,请解绑后重试"); } $sysparam = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\DataAccess\SysParam($this->container); $wn_code = $sysparam->GetSysParam("mobile_active_code"); try { if ($wn_code != $active_code) { $sql = "select state_id,active_code,review_note from we_register where login_account=?"; $ds = $da->GetData("we_register", $sql, array($login_account)); if ($ds && $ds['we_register']['recordcount'] <= 0) { return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "未找到该手机号的注册信息!"); } if ($ds['we_register']['rows'][0]['state_id'] == '3') { return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "该手机号已被注册!"); } if ((empty($ds['we_register']['rows'][0]['review_note']) ? 0 : $ds['we_register']['rows'][0]['review_note']) >= 5) { return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "抱歉,验证码请求次数过多,如果获取不到验证码请根据下方提示与我们联系"); } if ($ds['we_register']['rows'][0]['active_code'] != $active_code) { $num = 5 - (empty($ds['we_register']['rows'][0]['review_note']) ? 0 : $ds['we_register']['rows'][0]['review_note']); $sql = "update we_register set review_note=ifnull(review_note,0)+1 where login_account=?"; $da->ExecSQL($sql, array($login_account)); return $this->getResponse(ReturnCode::$OTHERERROR, "验证码错误,请重新输入。"); } } $para = array(); $para['account'] = $mobile_num; $para['password'] = $mobile_pwd; $para['deptid'] = ''; $para['nick_name'] = $nick_name; $para['ldap_uid'] = ''; $re = $staffMgr->createstaff($para); } catch (\Exception $e) { $re = Utils::WrapResultError($e->getMessage()); } return $this->getResponse($re['returncode'], $re['msg']); }
public function webServerCtl($paraObj) { $command = $paraObj['command']; if (empty($command)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效的命令"); return $this->responseJson($result); } try { $dir = explode("src", __DIR__); if ($command == "start") { $str = "php {$dir[0]}app/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug\nchmod -R 777 {$dir[0]}app"; $command = $dir[0] . ''; $data = shell_exec($command); if (strpos($data, 'Clearing the cache for the prod environment with debug false') === false) { throw new Exception($data); } return Utils::WrapResultOK($data); } return Utils::WrapResultError('无效的命令' . $command); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->err($e); return Utils::WrapResultError($e->getMessage()); } }
public function SearchVersionAction() { $da = $this->get("we_data_access"); $request = $this->getRequest(); $pageindex = (int) $request->get("pageindex"); $pagenumber = (int) $request->get("record"); $success = true; $msg = ""; $limit = " limit " . ($pageindex - 1) * $pagenumber . "," . $pagenumber; $para = array(); $url = $this->container->getParameter('FILE_WEBSERVER_URL'); $sql = "select,version,case type when 0 then 'PC版' when 1 then 'Android版' when 2 then 'IOS版' end apptype,update_content,\n concat('{$url}',fileid) down_url,date_format(date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') date,nick_name\n from we_version a inner join we_staff b on staffid=login_account order by date desc,type desc " . $limit; try { $ds = $da->GetData("table", $sql, $para); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->get("logger")->err($e->getMessage()); return Utils::WrapResultError($e->getMessage()); } $data = $ds["table"]["rows"]; $recordcount = 0; if ($pageindex == 1) { //如果为第一页时返回记录总数 $sql = " select count(*) recordcount from we_version;"; if (count($para) > 0) { $ds = $da->GetData("table", $sql, $para); } else { $ds = $da->GetData("table", $sql); } if ($ds && $ds["table"]["recordcount"] > 0) { $recordcount = $ds["table"]["rows"][0]["recordcount"]; } } return Utils::WrapResultOK($data); }
public function removeMonitorAction() { $da = $this->get("we_data_access"); $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im'); $request = $this->getRequest(); //访问权限校验 $api = new ApiController(); $api->setContainer($this->container); $isWeFaFaDomain = $api->checkWWWDomain(); if (!$isWeFaFaDomain) { $token = $api->checkAccessToken($request, $da); if (!$token) { $re = array("returncode" => "9999"); $re["code"] = "err0105"; $re["msg"] = "参数Appid或Openid或Access_token未指定或无效."; return $this->responseJson($request, $re); } } $openid = $request->get("openid"); $staffinfo = new Staff($da, $da_im, $openid, $this->get("logger"), $this->container); $staffdata = $staffinfo->getInfo(); if (empty($staffdata)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效操作帐号"); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); } $to = $request->get("to"); if (empty($to)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效的帐号"); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); } $to = $staffinfo->getStaffInfo($to); if (empty($to)) { $result = Utils::WrapResultError("无效的帐号"); return $this->responseJson($request, $result); } try { $sql = 'delete from t_module_location_monitor where staff=?'; $da->ExecSQL($sql, array((string) $to['jid'])); $sql = 'delete from t_module_location where staff=?'; $da->ExecSQL($sql, array((string) $to['login_account'])); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $senddata = array('opt' => 'stop'); $msg = Utils::WrapMessage('sendlocation', $senddata, array()); //$msgxml = Utils::WrapMessageXml($this->module["jid"],$msg,'sendlocation-id'); $api->sendMsg("", $to['jid'], 'sendlocation', json_encode($msg)); return $this->responseJson($request, Utils::WrapResultOk("")); }
public function resetpwdAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $account = $request->get("account"); $txtvaildcode = $request->get("txtvaildcode"); $pwd = $request->get("txtnewpwd"); $pwd_im = $pwd; $da = $this->get("we_data_access"); $da_im = $this->get("we_data_access_im"); $re = array("returncode" => ReturnCode::$SUCCESS); if (empty($account)) { return $this->responseJson(Utils::WrapResultError("帐号不能为空"), $request->get('jsoncallback')); } if (empty($txtvaildcode)) { return $this->responseJson(Utils::WrapResultError("验证码不能为空"), $request->get('jsoncallback')); } //验证帐号及验证码 $isEmail = Utils::validateEmail($account); $isMobile = Utils::validateMobile($account); if (!$isEmail && !$isMobile) { return $this->responseJson(Utils::WrapResultError("帐号格式不正确,仅支持邮箱或手机帐号"), $request->get('jsoncallback')); } $u_staff = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\Staff($da, $da_im, $account, $this->get('logger'), $this->container); $targetStaffInfo = $u_staff->getInfo(); if (empty($targetStaffInfo)) { return $this->responseJson(Utils::WrapResultError("帐号无效"), $request->get('jsoncallback')); } $sysparam = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\DataAccess\SysParam($this->container); $wn_code = $sysparam->GetSysParam("mobile_active_code"); if ($txtvaildcode != $wn_code) { $sql = "select * from we_mobilebind_validcode where login_account=? and actiontype='FP' and valid_date>now() order by valid_date desc limit 0,1"; $ds = $da->GetData('t', $sql, array((string) $account)); if ($txtvaildcode != $ds["t"]["rows"][0]["validcode"]) { return $this->responseJson(Utils::WrapResultError("验证码无效"), $request->get('jsoncallback')); } } try { $login_account = $targetStaffInfo['login_account']; $re = $u_staff->changepassword($login_account, $pwd, $this->get('security.encoder_factory')); return $this->responseJson($re, $request->get('jsoncallback')); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->responseJson(Utils::WrapResultError("重置密码失败,请稍后重试"), $request->get('jsoncallback')); } }
public function save($parameter) { $curuser = $parameter["user"]; $sql = ""; $para = array(); $da = $this->conn; $result = array(); try { if ($this->existsAppName($curuser->eno, $parameter["appid"], $parameter["appname"])) { return Utils::WrapResultError("PUSH应用名称已存在!"); } else { if (empty($appid)) { $appid = Utils::getAppid($curuser->eno, $curuser->login_account); $appkey = Utils::getAppkey(); //$MicroAccountMgr=new MicroAccountMgr($da,$this->get('we_data_access_im'),$curuser,$this->get("logger"), $this->container); //$MicroAccountMgr->register("",$number,$name,$type,$micro_use,$introduction,$concern_approval,$salutatory,$level,$password,$filename48,$filename120,$filename24,$factory,$dm,$appid); $sql = "insert into we_appcenter_apps(appid,appkey,logo,appname,state,appdeveloper,appdesc,bindurl,apptype,sortid,createstaffid)values(?,?,?,?,1,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $para = array($appid, $appkey, "", $parameter["appname"], $curuser->eno, "", "", "99", 0, $curuser->login_account); } else { $sql = "update we_appcenter_apps set appname=?,logo=?,appdesc=?,bindurl=?,sortid=?,createstaffid=? where appid=?"; $para = array($parameter["appname"], "", "", "", 0, $curuser->login_account, $parameter["appid"]); } if ($sql != "") { $da->ExecSQL($sql, $para); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { return Utils::WrapResultError($e->getMessage()); } return Utils::WrapResultOK(""); }
public function receipt($parameters) { $currUser = $parameters["user"]; if (empty($currUser)) { return Utils::WrapResultError("请登录后重试", ReturnCode::$NOTLOGIN); } $this->conn->ExecSQL("update we_app_bus_receipt set receiptdate=now() where appid=? and bus_id=? and staffid=?", array((string) $parameters["appid"], (string) $parameters["id"], (string) $currUser->getUserName())); return Utils::WrapResultOK(""); }