public function getItemsOf($collection) { if (file_exists($this->dataFilePath)) { $dataJSON = $this->fileGetJSON(); $jsonObject = new JsonObject($dataJSON); $jsonResult = $jsonObject->get('$.' . $collection . '[*]'); if ($jsonResult) { return $jsonResult; } return []; } else { $this->initDataFile(); } }
public function testGetJsonObjects() { $jsonObject = new JsonObject($this->json); $childs = $jsonObject->getJsonObjects('$[*]'); foreach ($childs as $key => $book) { $book->set('$.price', $key); $this->assertEquals($jsonObject->{'$[' . $key . ']'}[0], $book->getValue()); } $this->assertEquals(4, count($childs)); $jsonObject = new JsonObject($this->json, true); $bike = $jsonObject->getJsonObjects('$.store.bicycle'); $bike->set('$.price', 412); $this->assertEquals($jsonObject->{'$.store.bicycle'}, $bike->getValue()); $this->assertFalse($jsonObject->getJsonObjects('$.abc')); }
] } '; switch (count($argv)) { case 1: print "Usage: {$argv['0']} <jsonpath> [<file to json>]\n"; print "If no json file is given it defaults to the json specified in\n"; die; break; case 3: $json = file_get_contents($argv[2]); default: $jsonPath = $argv[1]; } try { $jsonObject = new JsonObject($json); } catch (InvalidJsonException $e) { print "Invalid JSON error: '" . $e->getMessage() . "'\r\n"; die; } try { $r = $jsonObject->get($jsonPath); } catch (InvalidJsonPathException $e) { print "Invalid JSONPath error: '" . $e->getMessage() . "'\r\n"; die; } if ($r === false) { print "false"; } else { print json_encode($r); }
public function match(&$actual) { $json = new JsonObject($actual, true); $actualValue = $json->get($this->jsonPathSelector); return $actualValue == $this->_expected; }