コード例 #1
 * @link http://www.iron.io/products/mq
 * @link http://dev.iron.io/
 * @license BSD License
 * @copyright Feel free to copy, steal, take credit for, or whatever you feel like doing with this code. ;)
 * For more information about push queues and subscribers, visit http://dev.iron.io/mq/reference/push_queues/
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use IronMQ\IronMQ;
$ironMQ = new IronMQ();
//$ironMQ->debug_enabled = true;
$ironMQ->ssl_verifypeer = false;
// Generating a random queue so we don't collide with any existing queues. Feel free to use a proper name
$queueName = md5(rand() . time());
// We add a 'type' => 'multicast' to turn this into a push queue, and attach a single subscriber
$queueOptions = array('message_expiration' => 3600, 'type' => 'multicast', 'push' => array('subscribers' => array(array('url' => 'http://domain0.com/endpoint', 'name' => 'Sub 0'))));
$ironMQ->createQueue($queueName, $queueOptions);
// Add a single subscriber
$singleAddResponse = $ironMQ->addSubscriber($queueName, array('url' => 'http://domain.com/endpoint', 'name' => 'Sub 1'));
$subscribers = array(array('url' => 'http://domain2.com/endpoint', 'name' => 'Sub 4'), array('url' => 'http://domain3.com/endpoint', 'name' => 'Sub 3'));
$multiAddResponse = $ironMQ->addSubscribers($queueName, $subscribers);
// Replace the list of subscribers. You can also replace multiple with IronMQ::replaceSubscribers()
// THIS DOES NOT UPDATE, BUT REPLACE THE ENTIRE LIST. To update a URL, you will need to remove and re-add the subscriber
$updateSingleResponse = $ironMQ->replaceSubscriber($queueName, array('url' => 'http://newdomain.com/endpoint', 'name' => 'Sub 1'));
// Remove a subscriber
$removeResponse = $ironMQ->removeSubscriber($queueName, array('name' => 'Sub 3'));
// Clean up our tests