コード例 #1
 public function getTicketReplyById($replyId)
     $result = Ticket_reply::whereId($replyId)->first();
     //first() function in sql returns the first value of the selected column
     return $result;
コード例 #2
 public function replyOnTicketsPost($id)
     $reply = $_POST['val'];
     $reply = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $reply));
     if (!$reply == "") {
         //        $objTicket = Ticket::getInstance();
         //        $whereForData = array('rawQuery' => 'ticket_id=?', 'bindParams' => [$id]);
         //        $selectedColumns = ['users.*', 'tickets.*', 'ticket_reply.reply_text','ticket_reply.created_at'];
         //        $ticketDetails = $objTicket->getUserInfoByTicketId($whereForData, $selectedColumns);
         //        print_r($reply);
         ////        $id = $_POST['ticket_id'];
         //        print_r($id);die;
         $objMOdelTicket_reply = new Ticket_reply();
         //            dd($objComment);
         $input = array('reply_id' => '', 'ticketId' => $id, 'replied_by' => Session::get('ig_user')['id'], 'reply_text' => $reply);
         //            dd($input);
         //            $data = json_encode($input, true);
         //            dd($data);
         //            $result = DB::table('comments')->insert($data);
         $result = $objMOdelTicket_reply->addNewReply($input);
     //        $objTicket = Ticket::getInstance();
     //        $whereForData = array('rawQuery' => 'ticket_id=?', 'bindParams' => [$id]);
     //        $selectedColumns = ['users.*', 'tickets.*', 'ticket_reply.reply_text','ticket_reply.created_at'];
     //        $ticketDetails = $objTicket->getUserInfoByTicketId($whereForData, $selectedColumns);
     //        $countTotalReply = count($ticketDetails);
     //        $i = 0;
     //        foreach($ticketDetails as $t) {
     ////            if (++$i === $countTotalReply) {
     //            $username = $t->username;
     //            $email = $t->email;
     //            $ticket_id = $t->ticket_id;
     //            $subject = $t->subject;
     //            $descriptions = $t->descriptions;
     //            $text = $t->reply_text;
     ////            }
     //        }
     //        if ($result) {
     ////                    $objMailTemplate = new MailTemplate();
     ////                    $temp_name = "forgot_password_mail";
     ////                    $mailTempContent = $objMailTemplate->getTemplateByName($temp_name);
     //            $key = env('MANDRILL_KEY');
     //            $mandrill = new Mandrill($key);
     //            $async = false;
     //            $ip_pool = 'Main Pool';
     //            $message = array(
     //                'html' => "<html><body>Hello!!!*|username|* Reply to your query<br>
     //                           Ticket ID: *|ticket_id|*<br>
     //                           Subject:*|subject|*<br>
     //                           Descriptions:*|descriptions|*<br>
     //                           Reply:*|reply_text|*<br>
     //                           <br> If You are Satisfied with this reply, Please Close the ticket.</body></html>",
     //                'subject' => "Reply To your Query",
     //                'from_email' => "*****@*****.**",
     //                'to' => array(
     //                    array(
     //                        'email' => $email,
     //                        'type' => 'to'
     //                    )
     //                ),
     //                'merge_vars' => array(
     //                    array(
     //                        "rcpt" => $email,
     //                        'vars' => array(
     //                            array(
     //                                "name" => "username",
     //                                "content" => $username
     //                            ),
     //                            array(
     //                                "name" => "ticket_id",
     //                                "content" => $ticket_id
     //                            ),
     //                            array(
     //                                "name" => "subject",
     //                                "content" => $subject
     //                            ),
     //                            array(
     //                                "name" => "descriptions",
     //                                "content" => $descriptions
     //                            ),
     //                            array(
     //                                "name" => "reply_text",
     //                                "content" => $text
     //                            ),
     //                        )
     //                    )
     //                ),
     //            );
     //            $mailrespons = $mandrill->messages->send($message, $async, $ip_pool);
     ////                  dd($mailrespons);
     //            if ($mailrespons[0]['status'] == "sent") {
     //                return Redirect::back()->with(['status' => 'Success', 'msg' => 'An email has sent to ' . $email . ' regarding the reply.']);
     //            } else {
     //                return Redirect::back()->with(['status' => 'Error', 'msg' => 'Missing Something.']);
     //            }
     //        }
     //        else {
     //            return Redirect::back()->with(['status' => 'Error', 'msg' => 'This Email is not Registered.']);
     //            //return redirect('admin/forgot');
     ////                return redirect('admin/forgotpasswordpage')->withErrors([
     ////                    'errMsg' => 'this email is not registered.'
     ////                ]);
     //        }
     //    }