コード例 #1
  * Display the specified article.
  * @param  int $slug
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function show($slug)
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Populate single article view
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Find published article by slug, build breadcrumb stack, retrieve article
      * author, article tags, related and popular article.
     $article = $this->article->whereSlug($slug)->firstOrFail();
     if ($article->status == 'pending') {
         return view('article.pending', compact('article'));
     if ($article->status == 'published') {
         $category = $article->subcategory->category->category;
         $subcategory = $article->subcategory->subcategory;
         $comments = $article->comments;
         $breadcrumb = ['Archive' => route('article.archive'), $category => route('article.category', [str_slug($category)]), $subcategory => route('article.subcategory', [str_slug($category), str_slug($subcategory)])];
         $previous_article = $this->article->navigateArticle($article->id, 'prev');
         $next_article = $this->article->navigateArticle($article->id, 'next');
         $prev_ref = $previous_article != null ? route('article.show', [$previous_article->slug]) : '#';
         $next_ref = $next_article != null ? route('article.show', [$next_article->slug]) : '#';
         $tags = $article->tags()->get();
         $related = $this->article->related($article->id);
         $popular = $this->article->mostPopular(5);
         $contributor = new Contributor();
         $author = $contributor->profile($article->contributor->username);
         return view('article.article', compact('breadcrumb', 'prev_ref', 'next_ref', 'article', 'author', 'comments', 'tags', 'related', 'popular'));
     } else {
コード例 #2
  * Display a listing of the index resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Retrieve featured posts from Article model
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Headline : indicate article with headline state
      * Trending : indicate article with trending state
      * Popular  : the top of post sort by most viewed on last 3 months
      * Ranked   : the top of post sort by most stared
      * Latest   : last published article
     $article = new Article();
     $featured = $article->headline();
     $trending = $article->trending();
     $popular = $article->mostPopular();
     $ranked = $article->mostRanked();
     $latest = $article->latest();
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Retrieve featured category
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Selecting the most viewed articles on top 4 categories
     $category = new Category();
     $summary = $category->featured();
     return view('pages.index', compact('featured', 'popular', 'ranked', 'trending', 'latest', 'summary'));