コード例 #1
ファイル: top.inc.PHP53.php プロジェクト: kirkbauer2/kirkxc
define('LC_DIR_CACHE_IMAGES', LC_DIR_VAR . 'images' . LC_DS);
define('LC_DIR_SERVICE', LC_DIR_FILES . 'service' . LC_DS);
define('LC_OS_WINDOWS', 'WIN' === strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)));
// Disabled xdebug coverage for Selenium-based tests [DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE]
if (isset($_COOKIE) && !empty($_COOKIE['no_xdebug_coverage']) && function_exists('xdebug_stop_code_coverage')) {
// Autoloading routines
require_once LC_DIR_INCLUDES . 'Autoloader.php';
// Fire the error if LC is not installed
if (!defined('XLITE_INSTALL_MODE')) {
// So called "developer" mode. Set it to "false" in production mode!
define('LC_DEVELOPER_MODE', (bool) \Includes\Utils\ConfigParser::getOptions(array('performance', 'developer_mode')));
// Correct error handling mode
ini_set('display_errors', LC_DEVELOPER_MODE);
// Fatal error and exception handlers
register_shutdown_function(array('\\Includes\\ErrorHandler', 'shutdown'));
set_exception_handler(array('\\Includes\\ErrorHandler', 'handleException'));
require_once LC_DIR_INCLUDES . 'prepend.php';
// Safe mode
if (!defined('XLITE_INSTALL_MODE')) {
// Check and (if needed) rebuild classes cache
if (!defined('LC_DO_NOT_REBUILD_CACHE')) {