public static function buildParameters(Event $event) { ScriptHandler::buildParameters($event); $extras = $event->getComposer()->getPackage()->getExtra(); if (!isset($extras['aliexpress-open'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The parameter handler needs to be configured through the extra.aliexpress-open setting.'); } $configs = $extras['aliexpress-open']; if (!is_array($configs)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The extra.aliexpress-open setting must be an array or a configuration object.'); } if (!file_exists($configs['file']) && file_exists($extras['incenteev-parameters']['file'])) { $YamlParser = new Parser(); $YamlValues = $YamlParser->parse(file_get_contents($extras['incenteev-parameters']['file'])); $params = ['client_id' => $YamlValues[$extras['incenteev-parameters']['parameter-key']]['appKey'], 'redirect_uri' => 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', 'site' => 'aliexpress']; ksort($params); $paramsForSign = $params; array_walk($paramsForSign, function (&$value, $key) { $value = $key . $value; }); $params[Api::SIGN_PARAM] = Sign::getSignString(implode("", $paramsForSign), $YamlValues[$extras['incenteev-parameters']['parameter-key']]['appKeySecret']); $link = "" . http_build_query($params, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986); $event->getIO()->write('<comment>Goto ' . $link . ' and get temporary auth code.</comment>'); $processor = new Processor($event->getIO()); $processor->processFile($configs); } }
/** * @dataProvider provideParameterHandlingTestCases */ public function testParameterHandling($testCaseName) { $dataDir = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/testcases/' . $testCaseName; $testCase = array_replace_recursive(array('title' => 'unknown test', 'config' => array('file' => 'parameters.yml'), 'dist-file' => 'parameters.yml.dist', 'environment' => array(), 'interactive' => false), (array) Yaml::parse($dataDir . '/setup.yml')); $workingDir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/incenteev_parameter_handler'; $exists = $this->initializeTestCase($testCase, $dataDir, $workingDir); $message = sprintf('<info>%s the "%s" file</info>', $exists ? 'Updating' : 'Creating', $testCase['config']['file']); $this->io->write($message)->shouldBeCalled(); $this->setInteractionExpectations($testCase); $this->processor->processFile($testCase['config']); $this->assertFileEquals($dataDir . '/expected.yml', $workingDir . '/' . $testCase['config']['file'], $testCase['title']); }
public static function buildParameters(Event $event) { $extras = $event->getComposer()->getPackage()->getExtra(); if (!isset($extras['incenteev-parameters'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The parameter handler needs to be configured through the extra.incenteev-parameters setting.'); } $configs = $extras['incenteev-parameters']; if (!is_array($configs)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The extra.incenteev-parameters setting must be an array or a configuration object.'); } if (array_keys($configs) !== range(0, count($configs) - 1)) { $configs = array($configs); } $processor = new Processor($event->getIO()); foreach ($configs as $config) { if (!is_array($config)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The extra.incenteev-parameters setting must be an array of configuration objects.'); } $processor->processFile($config); } }
public static function postCreateProjectInstall(Event $event) { // echo "Would you like to start the configuration process? [yes]: "; $stream = new cli\Streams(); // Set currently working directory to root chdir(__DIR__ . "/../"); $io = $event->getIO(); self::outSolidGreen('Verifying the "config/parameters.yml" file'); if (file_exists("config/parameters.yml")) { self::outSolidGreen('The file "config/parameters.yml" already exists'); return 0; } if (!$io->isInteractive()) { self::outInBox(self::BG_YELLOW, self::COLOR_BLACK, [[["Warning!", self::STYLE_BRIGHT . self::STYLE_UNDERLINE], "You cannot use this application without the", ["'config/parameters.yml'", self::COLOR_GREEN_BRIGHT], "file."], ["You will have to create the", ["'config/parameters.yml'", self::COLOR_GREEN_BRIGHT], "file manually."], ["You may create one by cloning the", ["'config/parameters.yml.sample'", self::COLOR_GREEN_BRIGHT], "file, and changing the value correspondingly."], ["Without it, the application will not work."]]); return 0; } //set environment variable putenv("SLIM_API_SECRET=" . self::generateSecret(1)); // Create the parameter file $processor = new Processor($io); $processor->processFile(["file" => "config/parameters.yml", "dist-file" => "config/parameters.yml.sample", "env-map" => ["auth.secret" => "SLIM_API_SECRET"]]); //remove environment variable putenv("SLIM_API_SECRET"); //TODO: Create user table and insert a user from input // $result = copy("config/parameters.yml.sample", "config/parameters__.yml"); // // if ( !$result ) { // self::outInBox(self::BG_RED, self::COLOR_GREY_BRIGHT, [ // [["ERROR!",self::STYLE_BRIGHT.self::COLOR_BLACK_BRIGHT]], // ["Error occurred when the process tried to create the 'config/parameters.yml' file."], // ["Make sure the directory 'config' is writable and try again."], // ]); // return 1; // } // echo "'config/parameter.yml' file has been generated successfully.\n" . // "You can now start your using the API. Just make sure your web server points to '" . getcwd() . "/public' path.\n" . // "For more information, go to:\n\n" . // "Enjoy developing!\n\n"; return 0; }