public function setUp() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Set this user as the admin. $this->setAdminUser(); $this->task = new dummy_sync_members_task(); $generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $course = $generator->create_course(); $tooldata = ['courseid' => $course->id, 'membersyncmode' => helper::MEMBER_SYNC_ENROL_AND_UNENROL, 'membersync' => 1]; $tool = $generator->create_lti_tool((object) $tooldata); $this->tool = helper::get_lti_tool($tool->id); $dataconnector = $this->task->get_dataconnector(); $this->consumer = new ToolConsumer('Consumer1Key', $dataconnector); $this->consumer->name = 'Consumer1'; $this->consumer->secret = 'Consumer1Secret'; $this->consumer->save(); $toolprovider = new tool_provider($this->tool->id); $toolprovider->consumer = $this->consumer; $toolprovider->map_tool_to_consumer(); $imageurl = $this->getExternalTestFileUrl('test.jpg'); $count = 10; $this->members = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { $user = new User(); $user->firstname = 'Firstname' . $i; $user->lastname = 'Lastname' . $i; $user->ltiUserId = 'user' . $i; // Set user image values for some users. if ($i % 3 == 0) { $user->image = $imageurl; } $this->members[] = $user; } $this->context = Context::fromConsumer($this->consumer, 'testlticontextid'); $this->context->save(); $this->resourcelink = ResourceLink::fromContext($this->context, 'testresourcelinkid'); $this->resourcelink->save(); }
/** * Check if a share arrangement is in place. * * @return boolean True if no error is reported */ private function checkForShare() { $ok = true; $doSaveResourceLink = true; $id = $this->resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId; $shareRequest = isset($_POST['custom_share_key']) && !empty($_POST['custom_share_key']); if ($shareRequest) { if (!$this->allowSharing) { $ok = false; $this->reason = 'Your sharing request has been refused because sharing is not being permitted.'; } else { // Check if this is a new share key $shareKey = new ResourceLinkShareKey($this->resourceLink, $_POST['custom_share_key']); if (!is_null($shareKey->primaryConsumerKey) && !is_null($shareKey->primaryResourceLinkId)) { // Update resource link with sharing primary resource link details $key = $shareKey->primaryConsumerKey; $id = $shareKey->primaryResourceLinkId; $ok = $key !== $this->consumer->getKey() || $id != $this->resourceLink->getId(); if ($ok) { $this->resourceLink->primaryConsumerKey = $key; $this->resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId = $id; $this->resourceLink->shareApproved = $shareKey->autoApprove; $ok = $this->resourceLink->save(); if ($ok) { $doSaveResourceLink = false; $this->user->getResourceLink()->primaryConsumerKey = $key; $this->user->getResourceLink()->primaryResourceLinkId = $id; $this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved = $shareKey->autoApprove; $this->user->getResourceLink()->updated = time(); // Remove share key $shareKey->delete(); } else { $this->reason = 'An error occurred initialising your share arrangement.'; } } else { $this->reason = 'It is not possible to share your resource link with yourself.'; } } if ($ok) { $ok = !is_null($key); if (!$ok) { $this->reason = 'You have requested to share a resource link but none is available.'; } else { $ok = !is_null($this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved) && $this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved; if (!$ok) { $this->reason = 'Your share request is waiting to be approved.'; } } } } } else { // Check no share is in place $ok = is_null($id); if (!$ok) { $this->reason = 'You have not requested to share a resource link but an arrangement is currently in place.'; } } // Look up primary resource link if ($ok && !is_null($id)) { $consumer = new ToolConsumer($key, $this->dataConnector); $ok = !is_null($consumer->created); if ($ok) { $resourceLink = ResourceLink::fromConsumer($consumer, $id); $ok = !is_null($resourceLink->created); } if ($ok) { if ($doSaveResourceLink) { $this->resourceLink->save(); } $this->resourceLink = $resourceLink; } else { $this->reason = 'Unable to load resource link being shared.'; } } return $ok; }