/** * Determine if the session is using cookie sessions. * * @return bool */ protected function usingCookieSessions() { if (!$this->sessionConfigured()) { return false; } return $this->manager->driver()->getHandler() instanceof CookieSessionHandler; }
/** * @param RequestInterface $request * @return SessionInterface */ private function getSession(RequestInterface $request) { $session = $this->manager->driver(); $cookieData = FigRequestCookies::get($request, $session->getName()); $session->setId($cookieData->getValue()); return $session; }
public function handleProviderCallback(Guard $auth, Socialite $socialite, UsersService $userService, SessionManager $manager) { $user = $socialite->driver('facebook')->user(); $authUser = $userService->findOrCreateByFacebook($user); $auth->login($authUser); $manager->driver()->save(); return redirect('/'); }
public function startSession() { $encrypter = $this->createEncrypter(); $manager = new SessionManager($this->laravel); $session = $manager->driver(); $this->updateSessionId($encrypter, $session); $session->start(); $this->bindNewSession($session); }
/** * getSession. * * @method getSession * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store */ protected function getSession($request) { $session = $this->sessionManager->driver(); if ($session->isStarted() === false) { $session->setId($request->cookies->get($session->getName())); $session->setRequestOnHandler($request); $session->start(); } return $session; }
/** * Register the service provider. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->app['session'] = $this->app->share(function ($app) { // First, we will create the session manager which is responsible for the // creation of the various session drivers when they are needed by the // application instance, and will resolve them on a lazy load basis. $manager = new SessionManager($app); $driver = $manager->driver(); $config = $app['config']['session']; // Once we get an instance of the session driver, we need to set a few of // the session options based on the application configuration, such as // the session lifetime and the sweeper lottery configuration value. $driver->setLifetime($config['lifetime']); $driver->setSweepLottery($config['lottery']); return $driver; }); }
/** * Get a driver instance. * * @param string $driver * @return mixed * @static */ public static function driver($driver = null) { //Method inherited from \Illuminate\Support\Manager return \Illuminate\Session\SessionManager::driver($driver); }
/** * Get the session implementation from the manager. * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Session\SessionInterface */ public function getSession(Request $request) { $session = $this->manager->driver(); $session->setId($request->cookies->get($session->getName())); return $session; }
// Not 100% sure on how many of these are needed $container['config']['session.lifetime'] = 120; // Minutes idleable $container['config']['session.expire_on_close'] = false; $container['config']['session.lottery'] = array(2, 100); // lottery--how often do they sweep storage location to clear old ones? $container['config']['session.cookie'] = 'laravel_session'; $container['config']['session.path'] = '/'; $container['config']['session.domain'] = null; $container['config']['session.driver'] = 'file'; $container['config']['session.files'] = $path . '/sessions'; // Cookie time $container['cookie'] = (new CookieJar())->setDefaultPathAndDomain('/', null); // Now we need to fire up the session manager $sessionManager = new SessionManager($container); $container['session.store'] = $sessionManager->driver(); $container['session'] = $sessionManager; // In order to maintain the session between requests, we need to populate the // session ID from the supplied cookie $cookieName = $container['session']->getName(); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) { if ($sessionId = $_COOKIE[$cookieName]) { $container['session']->setId($sessionId); } } // Boot the session $container['session']->start(); // END BOOTSTRAP--------------------------------------------------------------- // View $app->get('/', function () use($container) { echo 'Current state of <code>$test</code>: ';
/** * __construct. * * @method __construct * * @param \Illuminate\Session\SessionManager $sessionManager */ public function __construct(SessionManager $sessionManager) { $this->session = $sessionManager->driver(); }
public function __construct(SessionManager $session, array $processors = null) { $this->processors = $processors; $this->session = $session->driver(); }
/** * elfinder. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory $responseFactory * @param \Illuminate\Session\SessionManager $sessionManager * * @return mixed */ public function elfinder(ResponseFactory $responseFactory, SessionManager $sessionManager) { $token = $sessionManager->driver()->token(); return $responseFactory->view('elfinder::elfinder', compact('token')); }
/** * Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response * @return void */ public function terminate($request, $response) { if ($this->sessionHandled && $this->sessionConfigured() && !$this->usingCookieSessions()) { $this->manager->driver()->save(); } }
/** * Get the session implementation from the manager. * * @return \Illuminate\Session\SessionInterface */ public function getSession() { return $this->manager->driver(); }
Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::setFacadeApplication($app); $app['app'] = $app; $app['env'] = 'production'; $app['path'] = $basePath . '/app'; $app['path.lang'] = base_path('resources/lang'); $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture(); $app['request'] = $request; /*load configure*/ $app['config'] = new Config(require base_path('config/config.php')); /*end load configure*/ /*init new filesystem and register to container*/ $app['files'] = new Filesystem(); /*end init new filesystem and register to container*/ /*session manager*/ $sessionManager = new SessionManager($app); $app['session.store'] = $sessionManager->driver(); $app['session'] = $sessionManager; // In order to maintain the session between requests, we need to populate the // session ID from the supplied cookie $cookieName = $app['session']->getName(); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) { if ($sessionId = $_COOKIE[$cookieName]) { $app['session']->setId($sessionId); } } // Boot the session $app['session']->start(); /*end session manager*/ /*setup cookie*/ $cookie = new Cookie($app['session']->getName(), $app['session']->getId(), time() + $app['config']['session.lifetime'] * 60, '/', null, false); setcookie($cookie->getName(), $cookie->getValue(), $cookie->getExpiresTime(), $cookie->getPath(), $cookie->getDomain());