/** * 腾讯IDIP接口 * @param array 通过HTTP POST方式提交数据,数据只有一个data_packet字段,里面包括IDIP协议定义好的各项数据,JSON编码 * @return array 按IDIP要求返回格式返回一个JSON数组, */ public function sendAction() { $ts1 = microtime(true); $logger = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zend\\Log'); $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config'); //$logger->debug('sendAction start' . $ts1); $data = $this->params()->fromPost('data_packet'); //$logger->debug($data); $data = json_decode($data, true); //$logger->debug($data); $request = new IdipRequest($data); //$logger->debug($idip_request); $area_id = $request->getBody('AreaId'); $plat_id = $request->getBody('PlatId'); $cmd_id = $request->getHead('Cmdid'); $ts2 = microtime(true); $time = $ts2 - $ts1; $response = new IdipResponse(); $response->setHead(array('Seqid' => $request->getHead('Seqid'), 'ServiceName' => $request->getHead('ServiceName'), 'Version' => $request->getHead('Version'), 'Authenticate' => null)); if (!$request->existBody('Partition') || $request->getBody('Partition') == 0) { //查询目标大区所有服 if ($cmd_id == 0x1027) { //查询用户角色信息 $adapter_name = "namespace_{$area_id}_{$plat_id}"; $adapter = $this->getServiceLocator()->get($adapter_name); $openid = $request->getBody('OpenId'); $page = $request->getBody('PageNo'); $start = ($page - 1) * IdipResponse::NUMBERS_PER_PAGE; $offset = IdipResponse::NUMBERS_PER_PAGE; $total_cnt = 0; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM PLAYER_TBL WHERE account = '{$openid}'"; //$logger->debug("execute sql: {$sql}"); $result = $adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); foreach ($result as $row) { $total_cnt = $row['cnt']; } $total_pages = ceil($total_cnt / IdipResponse::NUMBERS_PER_PAGE); $sql = "SELECT id, name, svr_name FROM PLAYER_TBL WHERE account='{$openid}' LIMIT {$start}, {$offset}"; $logger->info("execute sql: {$sql}"); $result = $adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $res = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $res[] = array('RoleId' => $row['id'], 'RoleName' => $row['name'], 'Partition' => (int) $row['svr_name'], 'TotalPageNo' => $total_pages); } //$logger->debug($res); $response->setHead('Cmdid', 0x1028); $response->setBody(array('RoleList_count' => count($res), 'RoleList' => $res)); } else { $response->setHead(array('Cmdid' => $cmd_id + 1, 'Result' => -101, 'RetErrMsg' => "CmdId({$cmd_id}) cannot be supported on multiple partitions")); $response->setBody(array('Result' => -101, 'RetMsg' => "CmdId({$cmd_id}) cannot be supported on multiple partitions")); } } else { //查询指定服 $partition = $request->getBody('Partition'); //根据area_id/plat_id/partition查找数据库连接 //$adapter_name = "gateway"; //$adapter = $this->getServiceLocator()->get($adapter_name); //$sql = "SELECT ip, port, db_host, db_port, db_name, db_user, db_pass, status FROM servers WHERE area_id = {$area_id} AND plat_id = {$plat_id} AND partition = {$partition}"; //$logger->info("execute sql: $sql"); //$result = $adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); //$logger->debug('find db info on gateway'); //$logger->debug(print_r($result, true)); //if (empty($result)) { // $response->setHead(array( // 'Result' => -102, // 'RetErrMsg' => "Cannot find this area_id/plat_id/partition on the gateway", // )); // $response->setBody(array( // 'Result' => -102, // 'RetMsg' => "Cannot find this area_id/plat_id/partition on the gateway", // )); //} elseif (count($result) > 1) { // $response->setHead(array( // 'Result' => -103, // 'RetErrMsg' => "Multiple servers are found with this area_id/plat_id/partition on the gateway", // )); // $response->setBody(array( // 'Result' => -103, // 'RetMsg' => "Multiple servers are found with this area_id/plat_id/partition on the gateway", // )); //} else { // $gs_config = array(); // foreach ($result as $row) { // $gs_config['status'] = $row['status']; // $gs_config['host'] = $row['db_host']; // $gs_config['port'] = $row['db_port']; // $gs_config['name'] = $row['db_name']; // $gs_config['user'] = $row['db_user']; // $gs_config['pass'] = $row['db_pass']; // // $gs_config['gs_ip'] = $row['ip']; // $gs_config['gs_port'] = $row['port']; // } // // if (!isset($gs_config['status'])) { // $response->setHead(array( // 'Result' => -102, // 'RetErrMsg' => "Cannot find this area_id/plat_id/partition on the gateway", // )); // $response->setBody(array( // 'Result' => -102, // 'RetMsg' => "Cannot find this area_id/plat_id/partition on the gateway", // )); // } elseif ($gs_config['status'] != Idip::STATUS_OPEN) { // $status_txt = Idip::$status_list[$gs_config['status']]; // $response->setHead(array( // 'Result' => -104, // 'RetErrMsg' => "This server has been {$status_txt}", // )); // $response->setBody(array( // 'Result' => -104, // 'RetMsg' => "This server has been {$status_txt}", // )); // } else { if ($cmd_id == 0x1029) { //查询用户基本 信息 $driver = array('driver' => 'Pdo', 'dsn' => "mysql:dbname={$gs_config['name']};host={$gs_config['host']};port={$gs_config['port']};charset=utf8", 'driver_options' => array(\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'UTF8\''), 'username' => $gs_config['user'], 'password' => $gs_config['pass']); $adapter = new Adapter($driver); $openid = $request->getBody('OpenId'); $sql = "SELECT \n last_logout_ip, \n online_time, \n name, \n account, \n gold, \n silver, \n wood, \n score, \n soul,\n power, \n merit, \n guild_name,\n vip, \n level, \n online_time \n FROM PLAYER_TBL\n WHERE account='{$openid}'"; $logger->info("execute sql: {$sql}"); $result = $adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); $res = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $res['Ip'] = $row['last_logout_ip']; $res['OnlineTime'] = $row['online_time']; $res['AvgOnlineTime'] = null; //TODO $res['RoleName'] = $row['name']; $res['Level'] = $row['level']; $res['Diamond'] = $row['gold']; $res['Money'] = $row['silver']; $res['Stone'] = $row['wood']; $res['Reputation'] = $row['score']; $res['Soul'] = $row['soul']; $res['Achieve'] = $row['merit']; $res['ArmyName'] = $row['guild_name']; $res['Vip'] = $row['vip']; $res['Physical'] = $row['power']; } //$logger->debug($res); $response->setHead('Cmdid', 0x102a); if (empty($res)) { $response->setHead(array('Result' => 1, 'RetErrMsg' => "Cannot find this OpenID exists any partitions on this platform")); } $response->setBody($res); } else { //Send GM to GS //$logger->debug("Connect to server {$gs_config['gs_ip']}:{$gs_config['gs_port']}"); //$logger->debug("Connect to server {""}:{9012}"); $gm = new \ServerApi($logger); //$ret = $gm->sendIdipCmd($gs_config['gs_ip'], $gs_config['gs_port'], $data); //$ret = $gm->sendIdipCmd("", 9012, $data); //$logger->debug($ret); $ret = array('body' => array('Result' => 0, 'RetMsg' => 'player_is_offline'), 'head' => array('Cmdid' => 4098, 'SendTime' => 1416835614, 'Version' => 3, 'RetErrMsg' => 'player_is_offline', 'ServiceName' => 'CX', 'Result' => 0, 'Seqid' => 4980, 'Authenticate' => '')); $response->makeHeadBody($ret); } // } //} } $ts3 = microtime(true); $ret = $response->generateResponse(); //$logger->debug($ret); $logger->info('-------------------------------------------'); echo $ret; $time = $ts3 - $ts2; $total = $ts3 - $ts1; //$logger->debug("sendAction return: {$ts3}, total time {$total}"); exit; }
$res['Vip'] = $row['vip']; $res['Physical'] = $row['power']; } $logger->debug($res); $response->setHead('Cmdid', 0x102a); if (empty($res)) { $response->setHead(array('Result' => 1, 'RetErrMsg' => "Cannot find this OpenID exists any partitions on this platform")); } $response->setBody($res); } else { //Send GM to GS $logger->debug("Connect to server {$gs_config['gs_ip']}:{$gs_config['gs_port']}"); $gm = new ServerApi($logger); $ret = $gm->sendIdipCmd($gs_config['gs_ip'], $gs_config['gs_port'], $data); $logger->debug($ret); $response->makeHeadBody($ret); } } } } $ts3 = microtime(true); $ret = $response->generateResponse(); $logger->debug($ret); $logger->info('-------------------------------------------'); echo $ret; $time = $ts3 - $ts2; $total = $ts3 - $ts1; $logger->debug("sendAction return: {$ts3}, total time {$total}"); } catch (Exception $e) { $logger->debug($e . msg); }