public function getV3BidValue() { return $this->hasOne(V3BidValue::className(), ['bidid' => 'bidid']); }
public function i2conv_run($job) { $workload = $job->workload(); $workload = Json::decode($workload); try { $this->module->i2db->close(); $this->module->infodb->close(); $bidKey = BidKey::findOne($workload['bidid']); if ($bidKey === null) { return; } $bidvalue = $bidKey->bidValue; if ($bidvalue === null) { return; } if (!ArrayHelper::isIn($bidKey->state, ['Y', 'N', 'D'])) { return; } if ($bidKey->bidproc === 'J') { return; } if (empty($bidKey->location)) { return; } switch ($bidKey->bidtype) { case 'con': echo Console::renderColoredString('%y[공사]%n'); break; case 'ser': echo Console::renderColoredString('%g[용역]%n'); break; case 'pur': echo Console::renderColoredString('%b[구매]%n'); break; default: return; } echo $bidKey->constnm; echo '[' . $bidKey->notinum . ']'; echo '(' . $bidKey->state . ',' . $bidKey->bidproc . ')'; //------------------------------------------------------ // v3_bid_key //------------------------------------------------------ $v3bidkey = V3BidKey::findNew($bidKey->bidid); $this->stdout($v3bidkey->isNewRecord ? "[NEW]\n" : "\n", Console::FG_RED); $v3bidkey->attributes = ['whereis' => $bidKey->whereis, 'bidtype' => $bidKey->bidtype, 'con' => strpos($bidKey->bidview, 'con') === false ? 'N' : 'Y', 'ser' => strpos($bidKey->bidview, 'ser') === false ? 'N' : 'Y', 'pur' => strpos($bidKey->bidview, 'pur') === false ? 'N' : 'Y', 'notinum' => $bidKey->notinum, 'orgcode' => $bidKey->orgcode_i, 'constnm' => $bidKey->constnm, 'org' => $bidKey->org_i, 'bidproc' => $bidKey->bidproc, 'contract' => $bidKey->contract, 'bidcls' => $bidKey->bidcls, 'succls' => $bidKey->succls, 'conlevel' => $bidKey->toV3BidKey_conlevel(), 'ulevel' => $bidKey->opt, 'concode' => $bidKey->toV3BidKey_concode(), 'sercode' => $bidKey->toV3BidKey_sercode(), 'purcode' => $bidKey->toV3BidKey_purcode(), 'location' => $bidKey->location ? $bidKey->location : 0, 'convention' => $bidKey->convention == '3' ? '2' : $bidKey->convention, 'presum' => $bidKey->presum ? $bidKey->presum : 0, 'basic' => $bidKey->basic ? $bidKey->basic : 0, 'pct' => $bidKey->pct ? $bidKey->pct : '', 'registdate' => strtotime($bidKey->registdt) > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bidKey->registdt)) : '', 'explaindate' => strtotime($bidKey->explaindt) > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bidKey->explaindt)) : '', 'agreedate' => strtotime($bidKey->agreedt) > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bidKey->agreedt)) : '', 'opendate' => strtotime($bidKey->opendt) > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bidKey->opendt)) : '', 'closedate' => strtotime($bidKey->closedt) > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bidKey->closedt)) : '', 'constdate' => strtotime($bidKey->constdt) > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bidKey->constdt)) : '', 'writedate' => strtotime($bidKey->writedt) > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bidKey->writedt)) : '', 'reswdate' => strtotime($bidKey->resdt) > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bidKey->resdt)) : '', 'state' => $bidKey->state, 'in_id' => 91]; //------------------------------------------------------ // v3_bid_value //------------------------------------------------------ $v3BidValue = V3BidValue::findNew($v3bidkey->bidid); $v3BidValue->attributes = ['scrcls' => $bidvalue->scrcls, 'scrid' => $bidvalue->scrid, 'constno' => $bidvalue->constno, 'refno' => $bidvalue->refno, 'realorg' => $bidvalue->realorg, 'yegatype' => $bidvalue->yegatype, 'yegarng' => str_replace('|', '/', $bidvalue->yegarng), 'prevamt' => $bidvalue->prevamt, 'parbasic' => $bidvalue->parbasic, 'lvcnt' => $bidvalue->lvcnt, 'charger' => str_replace('|', '/', $bidvalue->charger), 'multispare' => str_replace('|', '/', str_replace(',', '', $bidvalue->multispare)), 'contper' => $bidvalue->contper, 'noticedt' => strtotime($bidKey->noticedt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->noticedt) : 0, 'registdt' => strtotime($bidKey->registdt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->registdt) : 0, 'explaindt' => strtotime($bidKey->explaindt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->explaindt) : 0, 'agreedt' => strtotime($bidKey->agreedt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->agreedt) : 0, 'opendt' => strtotime($bidKey->opendt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->opendt) : 0, 'closedt' => strtotime($bidKey->closedt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->closedt) : 0, 'constdt' => strtotime($bidKey->constdt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->constdt) : 0, 'writedt' => strtotime($bidKey->writedt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->writedt) : 0, 'editdt' => strtotime($bidKey->editdt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->editdt) : 0]; //공동도급지역코드 (사용하나??) $arr = explode('|', $bidvalue->contloc); foreach ($arr as $val) { if (empty($val)) { continue; } $m = BidLocal::findOne(['bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid, 'name' => iconv('utf-8', 'euckr', $val)]); if ($m !== null) { $v3BidValue->contloc = $m->code; break; //v3_bid_key.contloc char(4) 때문 1개 지역만 처리... } } //------------------------------------------------------ // v3_bid_itemcode //------------------------------------------------------ V3BidItemcode::deleteAll(['bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid]); $bidItemcodes = $bidKey->toV3BidItemcodes_attributes(); foreach ($bidItemcodes as $row) { $v3BidItemcode = V3BidItemcode::findNew($v3bidkey->bidid, $row['bidtype'], $row['code']); $v3BidItemcode->name = $row['name']; $v3BidItemcode->save(); } //------------------------------------------------------ // v3_bid_local //------------------------------------------------------ V3BidLocal::deleteAll(['bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid]); $bidlocals = $bidKey->bidLocals; foreach ($bidlocals as $bidlocal) { $v3BidLocal = new V3BidLocal(['bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid, 'code' => $bidLocal->code, 'name' => $bidLocal->name]); $v3BidLocal->save(); } //------------------------------------------------------ // v3_bid_subcode //------------------------------------------------------ V3BidSubcode::deleteAll(['bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid]); $subcodes = $bidKey->bidSubcodes; foreach ($subcodes as $subcode) { $v3BidSubcode = new V3BidSubcode(['bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid, 'g2b_code' => $subcode->g2b_code, 'g2b_code_nm' => $subcode->g2b_code_nm, 'i2_code' => $subcode->i2_code, 'itemcode' => $subcode->itemcode, 'pri_cont' => $subcode->pri_cont, 'share' => $subcode->share]); $v3BidSubcode->save(); } //------------------------------------------------------- // v3_bid_content //------------------------------------------------------- $bidcontent = $bidKey->bidContent; if ($bidcontent !== null) { $v3content = V3BidContent::findNew($v3bidkey->bidid); $v3content->attributes = ['content_bid' => $bidcontent->bid_html, 'important_suc' => $bidcontent->nbidcomment, 'content_suc' => $bidcontent->nbid_html, 'upfile_bid' => $bidcontent->bid_file, 'upfile_suc' => $bidcontent->nbid_file, 'important_bid' => !empty($bidcontent->bidcomment_mod) ? $bidcontent->bidcomment_mod . '\\n<hr/>\\n' . $bidcontent->bidcomment : $bidcontent->bidcomment]; $v3content->save(); $v3BidValue->origin_lnk = $bidcontent->orign_lnk; $v3BidValue->attchd_lnk = $bidcontent->attchd_lnk; } //----------------------------------------------------- // v3_bid_goods //----------------------------------------------------- $bidGoods = $bidKey->bidGoods; V3BidGoods::deleteAll(['bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid]); foreach ($bidGoods as $g) { $v3BidGood = new V3BidGoods(); $v3BidGood->attributes = $g->attributes; $v3BidGood->save(); } //------------------------------------------------------- // v3_bid_res,v3_bid_succom //------------------------------------------------------- $bidRes = $bidKey->bidRes; if (ArrayHelper::isIn($bidKey->bidproc, ['S', 'F']) && $bidRes !== null) { $v3BidResult = V3BidResult::findNew($v3bidkey->bidid); $v3BidResult->attributes = ['yega' => $bidRes->yega, 'innum' => $bidRes->innum, 'officenm1' => $bidRes->officenm1, 'prenm1' => $bidRes->prenm1, 'officeno1' => $bidRes->officeno1, 'success1' => $bidRes->success1, 'resdt' => strtotime($bidKey->resdt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidKey->resdt) : 0, 'reswdt' => strtotime($bidRes->reswdt) > 0 ? strtotime($bidRes->reswdt) : 0]; $arr = explode('|', $bidRes->selms); $selms = []; foreach ($arr as $v) { if ($v == '') { continue; } $selms[] = intval($v) - 1; } $v3BidResult->selms = implode('-', $selms); $v3BidResult->save(); if ($bidKey->whereis != '08' && $bidKey->bidproc != 'F') { $v3BidValue->multispare = str_replace('|', '/', str_replace(',', '', $bidRes->multispare)); } $v3BidValue->save(); if ($bidRes->innum > 0) { $succoms = $bidKey->succoms; if (count($succoms) == $bidRes->innum) { V3BidSuccom::deleteAll(['constdate' => $v3bidkey->constdate, 'bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid]); Console::startProgress(0, $bidRes->innum); $n = 1; foreach ($succoms as $s) { $v3succom = V3BidSuccom::findNew($v3bidkey->constdate, $v3bidkey->bidid, $s->seq); $v3succom = new V3BidSuccom(['constdate' => $v3bidkey->constdate, 'bidid' => $v3bidkey->bidid, 'seq' => $s->seq, 'regdt' => strtotime($s->regdt) > 0 ? strtotime($s->regdt) : 0, 'pct' => $s->pct, 'prenm' => $s->prenm == null ? '' : $s->prenm, 'officenm' => $s->officenm, 'officeno' => $s->officeno, 'success' => $s->success, 'etc' => $s->etc, 'rank' => $s->rank]); $v3succom->save(); Console::updateProgress($n, $bidRes->innum); $n++; } Console::endProgress(); } } } $v3BidValue->save(); $v3bidkey->save(); $gman_client = new GearmanClient(); $gman_client->addServers($this->module->gman_server); $gman_client->doBackground('i2conv_legacy', Json::encode($workload)); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo Console::ansiFormat($e, [Console::FG_RED]), PHP_EOL; Yii::error($e, 'i2conv'); $gman_client = new GearmanClient(); $gman_client->addServers(''); $gman_client->doBackground('send_chat_message_from_admin', Json::encode(['recv_id' => 149, 'message' => iconv('cp949', 'utf-8', $e) . "\n[i2conv]"])); } $this->stdout(sprintf("[%s] Peak memory usage: %s MB\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024), Console::FG_GREY); }
private function update_old($v3key, $bidtype) { $workload = $this->_workload; if ($bidtype === 'con') { $keyClass = ConKey::className(); $valClass = ConValue::className(); $skeyClass = ConSucKey::className(); $svalClass = ConSucValue::className(); $succomClass = ConSucCom::className(); } else { if ($bidtype === 'ser') { $keyClass = SerKey::className(); $valClass = SerValue::className(); $skeyClass = SerSucKey::className(); $svalClass = SerSucValue::className(); $succomClass = SerSucCom::className(); } else { return; } } switch ($v3key->whereis) { case '03': $succomClass = KepcoSucCom::className(); break; case '05': $succomClass = JuSucCom::className(); break; case '10': $succomClass = DpaSucCom::className(); break; case '52': $succomClass = KrSucCom::className(); break; } list($bidno, $bidseq, $rebidno, $divno) = explode('-', $v3key->bidid); //---------------------------------------------- // xxxKey //---------------------------------------------- $v3val = $v3key->v3BidValue; $tkey = $keyClass::findNew($v3val->keyid); $tkey->attributes = ['item_code' => $v3key->concode, 'location' => $v3key->location, 'constname' => $v3key->constnm, 'organization' => $v3key->org, 'notinum' => $v3key->notinum, 'basic' => $v3key->basic, 'presum' => $v3key->presum, 'constdate' => $v3val->constdt, 'writedate' => $v3val->writedt, 'spot_explain' => $v3val->explaindt, 'ulevel' => $v3key->ulevel, 'in_id' => $v3key->in_id, 'state' => $v3key->state, 'pct' => $v3key->pct, 'level_cnt' => $v3val->lvcnt, 'org_code' => $v3key->orgcode, 'registdate' => $v3val->closedt]; switch ($v3key->whereis) { case '01': $tkey->whereis = 'G2B'; break; case '03': $tkey->whereis = 'KEPCO'; break; case '08': $tkey->whereis = 'EX'; break; case '10': $tkey->whereis = 'DPA'; break; case '96': $tkey->whereis = 'KHNP'; break; case '52': $tkey->whereis = 'KR'; break; default: $tkey->whereis = $v3key->whereis; } switch ($v3key->whereis) { case '10': case '07': case '03': case '06': case '93': if ($v3val->registdt > 0) { $tkey->registdate = $v3val->registdt; } break; } switch ($v3key->contract) { case '10': $tkey->contract_sys = '일반'; break; case '20': $tkey->contract_sys = '제한'; break; case '30': $tkey->contract_sys = '지명'; break; case '40': $tkey->contract_sys = '수의'; break; case '50': $tkey->contract_sys = '장기'; break; case '60': $tkey->contract_sys = '복수경쟁'; break; case '70': $tkey->contract_sys = '역경매'; break; case '80': $tkey->contract_sys = '실적'; break; default: $tkey->contract_sys = ''; } $tkey->save(); if ($v3val->keyid != $tkey->id) { $v3val->keyid = $tkey->id; $v3val->save(); } //---------------------------------------------------- // xxxValue //---------------------------------------------------- $tval = $valClass::findNew($tkey->id); $tval->attributes = ['parent' => 0, 'sun' => 0, 'hyup_enddate' => $v3val->agreedt, 'selms' => '', 'original_link' => $v3val->origin_lnk, 'par_basic' => $v3val->parbasic, 'level_cnt' => $v3val->lvcnt, 'attatched_file_lnk' => $v3val->attchd_lnk, 'filename1' => '', 'filename2' => '', 'filename3' => '']; if ($v3key->whereis == '08') { $ms = explode('/', $v3val->multispare); foreach ($ms as $i => $m) { if ($i > 14) { break; } $tval->{'multispare' . ($i + 1)} = $m; } } if (($v3key->ulevel & pow(2, 1)) > 0) { $prev = V3BidValue::find()->where("bidid like '{$bidno}%' and bidid<'{$v3key->bidid}'")->orderBy('bidid desc')->limit(1)->one(); if ($prev !== null) { $tval->parent = $prev->keyid; $parent = $valClass::findOne($prev->keyid); if ($parent !== null) { $parent->sun = $tval->id; $parent->save(); } } } $tval->save(); $v3res = $v3key->v3BidResult; if ($v3res !== null and ArrayHelper::isIn($v3key->bidproc, ['S', 'F'])) { //-------------------------------------------------- // xxxSucKey //-------------------------------------------------- $tskey = $skeyClass::findNew($v3res->sucid); $tskey->attributes = ['item_code' => $tkey->item_code, 'location' => $tkey->location, 'constname' => $tkey->constname, 'organization' => $tkey->organization, 'notinum' => $tkey->notinum, 'contract_sys' => $tkey->contract_sys, 'basic' => $tkey->basic, 'presum' => $tkey->presum, 'registdate' => $tkey->registdate, 'org_code' => $tkey->org_code, 'level_cnt' => $tkey->level_cnt, 'par_basic' => $tkey->par_basic, 'pct' => $tkey->pct, 'constdate' => $tkey->constdate, 'ulevel' => $tkey->ulevel, 'yega' => $v3res->yega, 'success' => $v3res->success1, 'success_name' => $v3res->officenm1, 'writedate' => $v3res->reswdt, 'in_id' => $tkey->in_id, 'whereis' => $tkey->whereis, 'state' => $tkey->state]; $tskey->save(); if ($v3res->sucid != $tskey->id) { $v3res->sucid = $tskey->id; $v3res->save(); } //------------------------------------------------- // xxxSucValue //------------------------------------------------- $tsval = $svalClass::findNew($tskey->id); $tsval->attributes = ['selms' => $v3res->selms, 'original_link' => '', 'filename1' => $tval->filename1, 'filename2' => $tval->filename2, 'filename3' => $tval->filename3]; $ms = explode('/', $v3val->multispare); foreach ($ms as $i => $m) { if ($i > 14) { break; } $tsval->{'multispare' . ($i + 1)} = $m; } $tsval->save(); //-------------------------------------------------- // xxxSucCom //-------------------------------------------------- $succomClass::deleteAll(['id' => $tskey->id]); KepcoSucCom::deleteAll(['id' => $tskey->id, 'bidtype' => $bidtype]); JuSucCom::deleteAll(['id' => $tskey->id]); DpaSucCom::deleteAll(['id' => $tskey->id, 'bidtype' => $bidtype]); KrSucCom::deleteAll(['id' => $tskey->id]); $succoms = V3BidSuccom::findAll(['constdate' => $v3key->constdate, 'bidid' => $v3key->bidid]); $innum = count($succoms); $n = 1; Console::startProgress(0, $innum); foreach ($succoms as $s) { $tsuccom = null; switch ($v3key->whereis) { case '03': $tsuccom = new KepcoSucCom(['id' => $tskey->id, 'bidtype' => $bidtype, 'seq' => $s->seq, 'officeno' => $s->officeno, 'officename' => $s->officenm, 'pre_name' => $s->prenm, 'success' => $s->success, 'pct' => $s->pct]); break; case '05': if ($bidtype === 'con') { $tsuccom = new JuSucCom(['id' => $tskey->id, 'officeno' => $s->officeno, 'officename' => $s->officenm, 'pre_name' => $s->prenm, 'rank' => $s->rank, 'success' => $s->success, 'pct' => $s->pct, 'result' => $s->etc]); } break; case '10': $tsuccom = new DpaSucCom(['id' => $tskey->id, 'bidtype' => $bidtype, 'officecode' => $s->officeno, 'seq' => $s->seq, 'officeno' => $s->officeno, 'officename' => $s->officenm, 'pre_name' => $s->prenm, 'success' => $s->success, 'pct' => $s->pct, 'result' => $s->etc]); break; case '52': if ($bidtype === 'con') { $tsuccom = new KrSucCom(['id' => $tskey->id, 'officeno' => $s->officeno, 'officename' => $s->officenm, 'pre_name' => $s->prenm, 'rank' => $s->rank, 'success' => $s->success, 'pct' => $s->pct]); } break; default: $tsuccom = new $succomClass(['id' => $tskey->id, 'officeno' => $s->officeno, 'officename' => $s->officenm, 'pre_name' => $s->prenm, 'rank' => $s->rank, 'success' => $s->success, 'pct' => $s->pct]); } if ($tsuccom !== null) { $tsuccom->save(); } Console::updateProgress($n, $innum); $n++; } Console::endProgress(); } }