コード例 #1
  * Action to upload multiple files.
  * @return multitype:boolean multitype:
 public function actionIndex()
     Yii::$app->response->format = 'json';
     if (!$this->canWrite()) {
         throw new HttpException(401, Yii::t('CfilesModule.base', 'Insufficient rights to execute this action.'));
     $response = [];
     foreach (UploadedFile::getInstancesByName('files') as $cFile) {
         $folder = $this->getCurrentFolder();
         $currentFolderId = empty($folder) ? self::ROOT_ID : $folder->id;
         // check if the file already exists in this dir
         $filesQuery = File::find()->contentContainer($this->contentContainer)->joinWith('baseFile')->readable()->andWhere(['title' => File::sanitizeFilename($cFile->name), 'parent_folder_id' => $currentFolderId]);
         $file = $filesQuery->one();
         // if not, initialize new File
         if (empty($file)) {
             $file = new File();
             $humhubFile = new \humhub\modules\file\models\File();
         } else {
             $humhubFile = $file->baseFile;
             // logging file replacement
             $response['infomessages'][] = Yii::t('CfilesModule.base', '%title% was replaced by a newer version.', ['%title%' => $file->title]);
             $response['log'] = true;
         if ($humhubFile->validate()) {
             $file->content->container = $this->contentContainer;
             $folder = $this->getCurrentFolder();
             if ($folder !== null) {
                 $file->parent_folder_id = $folder->id;
             if ($file->save()) {
                 $humhubFile->object_model = $file->className();
                 $humhubFile->object_id = $file->id;
                 $this->files[] = array_merge($humhubFile->getInfoArray(), ['fileList' => $this->renderFileList()]);
             } else {
                 $count = 0;
                 $messages = "";
                 // show multiple occurred errors
                 foreach ($file->errors as $key => $message) {
                     $messages .= ($count++ ? ' | ' : '') . $message[0];
                 $response['errormessages'][] = Yii::t('CfilesModule.base', 'Could not save file %title%. ', ['%title%' => $file->title]) . $messages;
                 $response['log'] = true;
         } else {
             $count = 0;
             $messages = "";
             // show multiple occurred errors
             foreach ($humhubFile->errors as $key => $message) {
                 $messages .= ($count++ ? ' | ' : '') . $message[0];
             $response['errormessages'][] = Yii::t('CfilesModule.base', 'Could not save file %title%. ', ['%title%' => $humhubFile->filename]) . $messages;
             $response['log'] = true;
     $response['files'] = $this->files;
     return $response;
 public function up()
     $spaces = Space::find()->all();
     $users = User::find()->all();
     $containers = array_merge($users == null ? [] : $users, $spaces == null ? [] : $spaces);
     foreach ($containers as $container) {
         $created_by = $container instanceof User ? $container->id : $container instanceof Space ? $container->created_by : 1;
         $created_by = $created_by == null ? 1 : $created_by;
         if ($container->isModuleEnabled('cfiles')) {
             $this->insert('cfiles_folder', ['title' => Module::ROOT_TITLE, 'description' => Module::ROOT_DESCRIPTION, 'parent_folder_id' => 0, 'has_wall_entry' => false, 'type' => Folder::TYPE_FOLDER_ROOT]);
             $root_id = Yii::$app->db->getLastInsertID();
             $this->insert('content', ['guid' => \humhub\libs\UUID::v4(), 'object_model' => Folder::className(), 'object_id' => $root_id, 'visibility' => 0, 'sticked' => 0, 'archived' => 0, 'created_at' => new \yii\db\Expression('NOW()'), 'created_by' => $created_by, 'updated_at' => new \yii\db\Expression('NOW()'), 'updated_by' => $created_by, 'contentcontainer_id' => $container->contentcontainer_id]);
             $this->insert('cfiles_folder', ['title' => Module::ALL_POSTED_FILES_TITLE, 'description' => Module::ALL_POSTED_FILES_DESCRIPTION, 'parent_folder_id' => $root_id, 'has_wall_entry' => false, 'type' => Folder::TYPE_FOLDER_POSTED]);
             $allpostedfiles_id = Yii::$app->db->getLastInsertID();
             $this->insert('content', ['guid' => \humhub\libs\UUID::v4(), 'object_model' => Folder::className(), 'object_id' => $allpostedfiles_id, 'visibility' => 0, 'sticked' => 0, 'archived' => 0, 'created_at' => new \yii\db\Expression('NOW()'), 'created_by' => $created_by, 'updated_at' => new \yii\db\Expression('NOW()'), 'updated_by' => $created_by, 'contentcontainer_id' => $container->contentcontainer_id]);
             $posted_content_id = Yii::$app->db->getLastInsertID();
             $filesQuery = File::find()->joinWith('baseFile')->contentContainer($container);
             $foldersQuery = Folder::find()->contentContainer($container);
             $filesQuery->andWhere(['cfiles_file.parent_folder_id' => 0]);
             // user maintained folders
             $foldersQuery->andWhere(['cfiles_folder.parent_folder_id' => 0]);
             // do not return any folders here that are root or allpostedfiles
             $foldersQuery->andWhere(['cfiles_folder.type' => null]);
             $rootsubfiles = $filesQuery->all();
             $rootsubfolders = $foldersQuery->all();
             foreach ($rootsubfiles as $file) {
                 $this->update('cfiles_file', ['cfiles_file.parent_folder_id' => $root_id], ['id' => $file->id]);
             foreach ($rootsubfolders as $folder) {
                 $this->update('cfiles_folder', ['parent_folder_id' => $root_id], ['id' => $folder->id]);
コード例 #3
 public function disableContentContainer(ContentContainerActiveRecord $container)
     foreach (Folder::find()->contentContainer($container)->all() as $folder) {
     foreach (File::find()->contentContainer($container)->all() as $file) {
コード例 #4
 public function getItemById($itemId)
     list($type, $id) = explode('-', $itemId);
     if ($type == 'file') {
         return models\File::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     } elseif ($type == 'folder') {
         return models\Folder::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     return null;
コード例 #5
 public function disableContentContainer(\humhub\modules\content\components\ContentContainerActiveRecord $container)
     $folders = Content::findAll(['object_model' => Folder::className(), 'space_id' => $container->id]);
     foreach ($folders as $key => $folderContent) {
         $folder = Folder::findOne(['id' => $folderContent->object_id]);
     $files = Content::findAll(['object_model' => File::className(), 'space_id' => $container->id]);
     foreach ($files as $key => $fileContent) {
         $file = File::findOne(['id' => $fileContent->object_id]);
コード例 #6
 public function getItemById($itemId)
     $params = explode('_', $itemId);
     if (sizeof($params) < 2) {
         return null;
     list($type, $id) = explode('_', $itemId);
     if ($type == 'file') {
         return models\File::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     } elseif ($type == 'folder') {
         return models\Folder::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     } elseif ($type == 'baseFile') {
         return \humhub\modules\file\models\File::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     return null;
コード例 #7
  * Add all posted files virtual directory content to zip file.
  * @param ZipArchive $zipFile
  *            The zip file to add the entries to
  * @param int $localPathPrefix
  *            where we currently are in the zip file
 protected function archiveAllPostedFiles(&$zipFile, $localPathPrefix)
     $files = $this->getAllPostedFilesList();
     foreach ($files['postedFiles'] as $file) {
         $this->archiveFile($file, $zipFile, $localPathPrefix, \humhub\modules\cfiles\models\File::getUserById($file->created_by)->username . '_' . $file->created_at . '_');
コード例 #8
 public static function getPathFromId($id, $parentFolderPath = false, $separator = '/')
     if ($id == 0) {
         return $separator;
     $item = File::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     if (empty($item)) {
         return null;
     $tempFolder = $item->parentFolder;
     $path = $separator;
     if (!$parentFolderPath) {
         $path .= $item->title;
     while (!empty($tempFolder)) {
         $path = $separator . $tempFolder->title . $path;
     return $path;
コード例 #9
    foreach (array_key_exists('files', $items) ? $items['files'] : [] as $file) {
        echo FileSystemItem::widget(['parentFolderId' => $parentFolderId, 'type' => $file->getItemType(), 'id' => $file->getItemId(), 'downloadUrl' => $file->getUrl(true), 'url' => $file->getUrl(), 'wallUrl' => $file->getWallUrl(), 'iconClass' => $file->getIconClass(), 'title' => $file->getTitle(), 'size' => $file->getSize(), 'creator' => $file->creator, 'editor' => $file->editor, 'updatedAt' => $file->content->updated_at, 'contentObject' => $file]);
    foreach (array_key_exists('postedFiles', $items) ? $items['postedFiles'] : [] as $file) {
        echo FileSystemItem::widget(['parentFolderId' => $parentFolderId, 'type' => \humhub\modules\cfiles\models\File::getItemTypeByExt($file->getExtension()), 'columns' => $itemsSelectable ? ['select', 'title', 'size', 'timestamp', 'creator'] : ['title', 'size', 'timestamp', 'creator'], 'id' => 'baseFile_' . $file->id, 'downloadUrl' => $file->getUrl() . '&' . http_build_query(['download' => true]), 'url' => $file->getUrl(), 'wallUrl' => \humhub\modules\cfiles\models\File::getBasePost($file)->getUrl(), 'iconClass' => \humhub\modules\cfiles\models\File::getIconClassByExt($file->getExtension()), 'title' => $file->file_name, 'size' => $file->size, 'creator' => \humhub\modules\cfiles\models\File::getUserById($file->created_by), 'editor' => \humhub\modules\cfiles\models\File::getUserById($file->updated_by), 'updatedAt' => $file->updated_at]);
} else {
<div class="folderEmptyMessage">
    <div class="panel">
        <div class="panel-body">
    echo Yii::t('CfilesModule.base', 'This folder is empty.');
コード例 #10
  * Load all posted files from the database and get an array of them.
  * @return Ambigous <multitype:, multitype:\yii\db\ActiveRecord >
 protected function getAllPostedFiles()
     // Get Posted Files
     $query = \humhub\modules\file\models\File::find();
     $query->join('LEFT JOIN', 'comment', '(file.object_id=comment.id)');
     $query->join('LEFT JOIN', 'content', '(comment.object_model=content.object_model AND comment.object_id=content.object_id) OR (file.object_model=content.object_model AND file.object_id=content.object_id)');
     $query->andWhere(['content.space_id' => $this->contentContainer->id]);
     $query->andWhere(['<>', 'file.object_model', File::className()]);
     $query->orderBy(['file.updated_at' => SORT_DESC]);
     // Get Files from comments
     return $query->all();
コード例 #11
            echo Yii::$app->formatter->asShortSize($item['file']->size, 1);
                            <td class="text-right" data-sort-value=""
        echo File::getCreatorById($item['file']->created_by)->createUrl();
        echo File::getCreatorById($item['file']->created_by)->username;

                            <td class="text-right" data-sort-value=""
        echo \humhub\widgets\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $item['file']->updated_at]);
} else {
コード例 #12
 public function getFiles()
     return $this->hasMany(File::className(), ['parent_folder_id' => 'id']);
コード例 #13
ファイル: File.php プロジェクト: humhub/humhub-modules-cfiles
 public static function getPathFromId($id, $parentFolderPath = false, $separator = '/', $withRoot = false)
     if ($id == 0) {
         return $separator;
     $item = File::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     if (empty($item)) {
         return null;
     $tempFolder = $item->parentFolder;
     $path = $separator;
     if (!$parentFolderPath) {
         $path .= $item->title;
     $counter = 0;
     // break at maxdepth 20 to avoid hangs
     while (!empty($tempFolder) && $counter++ <= 20) {
         $path = $separator . $tempFolder->title . $path;
         $tempFolder = $tempFolder->parentFolder;
     return $path;
コード例 #14
  * Create a cfile model and create and connect it with its basefile File model from a given data file, connect it with its parent folder.
  * TODO: This method has a lot in common with BrowseController/actionUpload, common logic needs to be extracted and reused
  * @param Response $response
  *            the response errors will be parsed to.
  * @param int $parentFolderId
  *            the files pid.
  * @param string $folderPath
  *            the path of the folder the file data lies in.
  * @param string $filename
  *            the files name.
 protected function fileToModel(&$response, $parentFolderId, $folderPath, $filename)
     $filepath = $folderPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
     // check if the file already exists in this dir
     $filesQuery = File::find()->joinWith('baseFile')->readable()->andWhere(['title' => File::sanitizeFilename($filename), 'parent_folder_id' => $parentFolderId]);
     $file = $filesQuery->one();
     // if not, initialize new File
     if (empty($file)) {
         $file = new File();
         $humhubFile = new \humhub\modules\file\models\File();
     } else {
         // else replace the existing file
         $humhubFile = $file->baseFile;
         // logging file replacement
         $response['infomessages'][] = Yii::t('CfilesModule.base', '%title% was replaced by a newer version.', ['%title%' => $file->title]);
         $response['log'] = true;
     // populate the file
     $humhubFile->mime_type = FileHelper::getMimeType($filepath);
     if ($humhubFile->mime_type == 'image/jpeg') {
         ImageConverter::TransformToJpeg($filepath, $filepath);
     $humhubFile->size = filesize($filepath);
     $humhubFile->file_name = $filename;
     $humhubFile->newFileContent = stream_get_contents(fopen($filepath, 'r'));
     if ($humhubFile->save()) {
         $file->content->container = $this->contentContainer;
         $file->parent_folder_id = $parentFolderId;
         if ($file->save()) {
             $humhubFile->object_model = $file->className();
             $humhubFile->object_id = $file->id;
             $this->files[] = array_merge($humhubFile->getInfoArray(), ['fileList' => $this->renderFileList()]);
         } else {
             $count = 0;
             $messages = "";
             // show multiple occurred errors
             foreach ($file->errors as $key => $message) {
                 $messages .= ($count++ ? ' | ' : '') . $message[0];
             $response['errormessages'][] = Yii::t('CfilesModule.base', 'Could not save file %title%. ', ['%title%' => $file->title]) . $messages;
             $response['log'] = true;
     } else {
         $count = 0;
         $messages = "";
         // show multiple occurred errors
         foreach ($humhubFile->errors as $key => $message) {
             $messages .= ($count++ ? ' | ' : '') . $message[0];
         $response['errormessages'][] = Yii::t('CfilesModule.base', 'Could not save file %title%. ', ['%title%' => $humhubFile->filename]) . $messages;
         $response['log'] = true;
コード例 #15
 public function getFiles()
     return $this->hasMany(File::className(), ['parent_folder_id' => 'id'])->joinWith('baseFile')->orderBy(['title' => SORT_ASC]);
コード例 #16
  * Load all files and folders of the current folder from the database and get an array of them.
  * @param array $filesOrder
  *            orderBy array appended to the files query
  * @param array $foldersOrder
  *            orderBy array appended to the folders query
  * @return Ambigous <multitype:, multitype:\yii\db\ActiveRecord >
 protected function getItemsList($filesOrder = NULL, $foldersOrder = NULL)
     // set default value
     if (!$filesOrder) {
         $filesOrder = ['title' => SORT_ASC];
     if (!$foldersOrder) {
         $foldersOrder = ['title' => SORT_ASC];
     $filesQuery = File::find()->joinWith('baseFile')->contentContainer($this->contentContainer)->readable();
     $foldersQuery = Folder::find()->contentContainer($this->contentContainer)->readable();
     $specialFoldersQuery = Folder::find()->contentContainer($this->contentContainer)->readable();
     $filesQuery->andWhere(['cfiles_file.parent_folder_id' => $this->getCurrentFolder()->id]);
     // user maintained folders
     $foldersQuery->andWhere(['cfiles_folder.parent_folder_id' => $this->getCurrentFolder()->id]);
     // do not return any folders here that are root or allpostedfiles
     $foldersQuery->andWhere(['or', ['cfiles_folder.type' => null], ['and', ['<>', 'cfiles_folder.type', Folder::TYPE_FOLDER_POSTED], ['<>', 'cfiles_folder.type', Folder::TYPE_FOLDER_ROOT]]]);
     // special default folders like the allposted files folder
     $specialFoldersQuery->andWhere(['cfiles_folder.parent_folder_id' => $this->getCurrentFolder()->id]);
     $specialFoldersQuery->andWhere(['is not', 'cfiles_folder.type', null]);
     return ['specialFolders' => $specialFoldersQuery->all(), 'folders' => $foldersQuery->all(), 'files' => $filesQuery->all()];