public function up() { if (\humhub\models\Setting::isInstalled()) { $this->alterColumn('profile', 'zip', 'VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL'); $this->update('profile_field', array('field_type_class' => 'ProfileFieldTypeText', 'field_type_config' => '{"minLength":null,"maxLength":10,"validator":null,"default":null,"regexp":null,"regexpErrorMessage":null}'), 'internal_name="zip"'); } }
public function up() { if (Setting::isInstalled()) { $this->insert('setting', array('name' => 'enable_html5_desktop_notifications', 'value' => 0, 'module_id' => 'notification')); } $this->addColumn('notification', 'desktop_notified', 'tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0'); $this->update('notification', array('desktop_notified' => 1)); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { if (\humhub\models\Setting::isInstalled()) { $secret = \humhub\models\Setting::Get('secret'); if ($secret != "") { $this->cookieValidationKey = \humhub\models\Setting::Get('secret'); } } else { $this->cookieValidationKey = 'installer'; } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { if (\humhub\models\Setting::isInstalled()) { $secret = Yii::$app->settings->get('secret'); if ($secret != "") { $this->cookieValidationKey = $secret; } } if ($this->cookieValidationKey == '') { $this->cookieValidationKey = 'installer'; } }
public function up() { // Check if the installer already ran when not create new profile field // (Typically the installer creates initial data.) if (\humhub\models\Setting::isInstalled()) { $row = (new \yii\db\Query())->select("*")->from('profile_field_category')->where(['title' => 'General'])->one(); $categoryId = $row['id']; if ($categoryId == "") { throw new yii\base\Exception("Could not find 'General' profile field category!"); } $this->insert('profile_field', ['profile_field_category_id' => $categoryId, 'field_type_class' => 'ProfileFieldTypeSelect', 'field_type_config' => '{"options":"male=>Male\\r\\nfemale=>Female\\r\\ncustom=>Custom"}', 'internal_name' => 'gender', 'title' => 'Gender', 'sort_order' => '350', 'editable' => '1', 'visible' => '1', 'show_at_registration' => '0', 'required' => '0']); // Create column for profile field $this->addColumn('profile', 'gender', 'varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL'); } }
public function up() { // Check if the installer already ran when not create new profile field // (Typically the installer creates initial data.) if (\humhub\models\Setting::isInstalled()) { $row = (new \yii\db\Query())->select("*")->from('profile_field_category')->where(['title' => 'General'])->one(); $categoryId = $row['id']; if ($categoryId == "") { throw new yii\base\Exception("Could not find 'General' profile field category!"); } $this->insert('profile_field', ['profile_field_category_id' => $categoryId, 'field_type_class' => 'ProfileFieldTypeBirthday', 'field_type_config' => '', 'internal_name' => 'birthday', 'title' => 'Birthday', 'sort_order' => '850', 'editable' => '1', 'is_system' => '1', 'visible' => '1', 'show_at_registration' => '0', 'required' => '0']); // Create columns for profile field $this->addColumn('profile', 'birthday', 'DATETIME DEFAULT NULL'); $this->addColumn('profile', 'birthday_hide_year', 'INT(1) DEFAULT NULL'); } }
public function up() { $rows = (new \yii\db\Query())->select("*")->from('user')->all(); foreach ($rows as $row) { // Ignore deleted users if ($row['status'] == 3) { continue; } $userId = $row['id']; $receive_email_notifications = $row['receive_email_notifications']; $receive_email_messaging = $row['receive_email_messaging']; $receive_email_activities = $row['receive_email_activities']; $this->insert('user_setting', array('user_id' => $userId, 'module_id' => 'core', 'name' => 'receive_email_notifications', 'value' => $receive_email_notifications)); $this->insert('user_setting', array('user_id' => $userId, 'module_id' => 'core', 'name' => 'receive_email_messaging', 'value' => $receive_email_messaging)); $this->insert('user_setting', array('user_id' => $userId, 'module_id' => 'core', 'name' => 'receive_email_activities', 'value' => $receive_email_activities)); } $this->dropColumn('user', 'receive_email_notifications'); $this->dropColumn('user', 'receive_email_messaging'); $this->dropColumn('user', 'receive_email_activities'); if (\humhub\models\Setting::isInstalled()) { $this->insert('setting', array('name' => 'receive_email_activities', 'value' => '1', 'name' => 'mailing')); $this->insert('setting', array('name' => 'receive_email_notifications', 'value' => '2', 'name' => 'mailing')); } }
public function up() { if (\humhub\models\Setting::isInstalled()) { $this->insert('setting', array('name' => 'installationId', 'value' => md5(uniqid("", true)), 'module_id' => 'admin')); } }