コード例 #1
ファイル: Log.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public static function realtime($log)
     $log = json_encode(array('log' => $log));
     try {
         $http = new Http(array(CURLOPT_URL => Config::getConfig('local_base_url') . 'socket/log', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $log, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($log)), CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 1));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: Push.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function socket($data)
     $msg = json_encode(array('push' => $data), true);
     $baseUrl = Config::getConfig('local_base_url');
     try {
         $http = new Http(array(CURLOPT_URL => $baseUrl . 'socket/' . $data['uid'], CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $msg, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($msg)), CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 1));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Card.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function __construct($sid, $passwd)
     if (empty($sid) || empty($passwd)) {
         throw new \Exception('请输入一卡通查询密码:', Config::RETURN_NEED_PASSWORD);
     $this->sid = $sid;
     $this->passwd = $passwd;
     $this->baseUrl = Config::getConfig('card_base_url');
コード例 #4
ファイル: ScoreAll.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function scoreAll($scope, $course, $re = true)
     if (empty($this->sid) || empty($course)) {
         throw new \Exception('参数有误', Config::RETURN_ERROR);
     $sql = 'SELECT `class`, `major`, `grade`, `school` FROM `student` WHERE `sid` = ? LIMIT 1';
     $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->sid));
     $this->class = $result[0]['class'];
     $this->major = $result[0]['major'];
     $this->grade = $result[0]['grade'];
     $this->school = $result[0]['school'];
     if ('class' === $scope) {
         $sql = "SELECT `a`.`sid`, `a`.`name`, `a`.`idcard`,\n                      IF(`b`.`score` IS NULL, '[]', `b`.`score`) `score`\n                    FROM `student` `a`\n                    LEFT JOIN `score` `b` ON `a`.`sid` = `b`.`sid`\n                    WHERE `a`.`class` = ?";
         $students = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->class));
         $this->scoreName = $this->class;
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT `a`.`sid`, `a`.`name`, `a`.`idcard`,\n                      IF(`b`.`score` IS NULL, '[]', `b`.`score`) `score`\n                    FROM `student` `a`\n                    LEFT JOIN `score` `b` ON `a`.`sid` = `b`.`sid`\n                    WHERE `a`.`major` = ? AND `a`.`grade` = ? AND `a`.`school` = ?";
         $students = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->major, $this->grade, $this->school));
         $this->scoreName = $this->major;
     $failures = array();
     foreach ($students as $student) {
         $score = json_decode($student['score'], true);
         foreach ($score as $termScore) {
             foreach ($termScore as $courseScore) {
                 if ($courseScore['course'] == $course) {
                     $this->credit = empty($this->credit) ? $courseScore['credit'] : $this->credit;
                     $data[] = array("sid" => $student['sid'], "name" => $student['name'], "score" => $courseScore['mark'], 'resit' => $courseScore['resit']);
         $temp = empty($data) ? array() : end($data);
         if ($temp['sid'] != $student['sid']) {
             $failures[] = array('sid' => $student['sid'], 'name' => $student['name'], 'idcard' => $student['idcard']);
     if (\Hnust\input('re\\b', false)) {
         $failures = $students;
     if (!empty($failures) && $re) {
         $url = Config::getConfig('local_base_url') . 'Update/score';
         Http::multi($url, $failures);
         return $this->scoreAll($scope, $course, false);
     } elseif (!empty($failures)) {
         foreach ($failures as $student) {
             $data[] = array('sid' => $student['sid'], 'name' => $student['name'], 'score' => '-1', 'resit' => false);
     return $data;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Wechat.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 protected static function init()
     if (is_null(self::$cache)) {
         self::$cache = new Cache('wechat');
     if (is_null(self::$secret)) {
         self::$secret = Config::getConfig('wechat_secret');
     if (is_null(self::$baseUrl)) {
         self::$baseUrl = Config::getConfig('local_base_url');
コード例 #6
ファイル: Score.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function getScore()
     $cache = new Cache('score');
     $cacheData = $cache->get($this->sid);
     if (time() - $cacheData['time'] <= \Hnust\Config::getConfig('score_cache_time')) {
         return $cacheData['data'];
     try {
         $score = parent::getScore();
         $sid = $score['info']['sid'];
         $class = $score['info']['class'];
         $major = $score['info']['major'];
         $college = $score['info']['college'];
         $grade = $class[0] . $class[1] . "级";
         $time = $score['info']['time'];
         $score = $score['data'];
         $sql = 'UPDATE `student` SET `sid` = ?, `class` = ?, `major` = ?, `college` = ?, `grade` = ? WHERE `sid` = ?';
         Mysql::execute($sql, array($sid, $class, $major, $college, $grade, $this->sid));
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `score`(`sid`, `score`, `time`) VALUES(?, ?, ?)\n                    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `score` = ?, `time` = ?";
         $jsonScore = json_encode($score, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
         Mysql::execute($sql, array($sid, $jsonScore, $time, $jsonScore, $time));
         $cache->set($this->sid, array('time' => time(), 'data' => $score));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() !== Config::RETURN_ERROR) {
             throw new \Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
         } elseif (empty($cacheData)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT `score`, `time` FROM `score` WHERE `sid` = ?';
             $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->sid));
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 $cacheData = array('time' => $result[0]['time'], 'data' => json_decode($result[0]['score'], true));
         if (empty($cacheData)) {
             throw new \Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
         $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $cacheData['time']);
         $this->error = $e->getMessage() . "\n当前数据更新时间为:" . $time;
         $score = $cacheData['data'];
     return $score;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Tuition.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function getTuition()
     $cache = new Cache('tuition');
     //$cacheData = $cache->get($this->sid);
     if (time() - $cacheData['time'] <= Config::getConfig('tuition_cache_time')) {
         return $cacheData['data'];
     try {
         $tuition = parent::getTuition();
         $cache->set($this->sid, array('time' => time(), 'data' => $tuition));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (empty($cacheData) || $e->getCode() !== Config::RETURN_ERROR) {
             throw new \Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
         $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $cacheData['time']);
         $this->error = $e->getMessage() . "\n当前数据更新时间为:" . $time;
         $tuition = $cacheData['data'];
     return $tuition;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Jwc.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function __construct($sid, $passwd = '', $nocache = false)
     if (empty($sid)) {
         throw new \Exception('服务器错误,学号为空', Config::RETURN_ERROR);
     $this->sid = $sid;
     $this->passwd = $passwd;
     if ($this->sid[2] < 3) {
         $this->school = '科大本部';
         $this->baseUrl = Config::getConfig('kdjw_base_url');
         $this->referer = 'http://kdjw.hnust.cn/kdjw/Logon.do?method=logon';
     } else {
         $this->school = '潇湘学院';
         $this->baseUrl = Config::getConfig('xxjw_base_url');
         $this->referer = 'http://xxjw.hnust.cn/xxjw/Logon.do?method=logon';
     $this->logined = false;
     $this->cache = new Cache('cookies_jwc');
     $this->cookies = $nocache ? '' : $this->cache->get($this->sid);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Notice.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public static function sms($phone, $template, $smsParam = array())
     if (empty($phone)) {
         return false;
     $smsInfo = Config::getConfig('sms_info');
     $smsInfo = json_decode($smsInfo, true);
     $smsParam = json_encode($smsParam);
     $c = new \TopClient();
     $c->appkey = $smsInfo['appkey'];
     $c->secretKey = $smsInfo['secretKey'];
     $req = new \AlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSendRequest();
     $resp = $c->execute($req);
     return !!$resp->result->success;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Credit.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function getCredit()
     $cache = new Cache('credit');
     $cacheData = $cache->get($this->sid);
     if (time() - $cacheData['time'] <= Config::getConfig('credit_cache_time')) {
         return $cacheData['data'];
     try {
         $credit = parent::getCredit();
         $cache->set($this->sid, array('time' => time(), 'data' => $credit));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (empty($cacheData) || $e->getCode() !== Config::RETURN_ERROR) {
             throw new \Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
         $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $cacheData['time']);
         $this->error = $e->getMessage() . "\n当前数据更新时间为:" . $time;
         $credit = $cacheData['data'];
     return $credit;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Update.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function schedule()
     if (empty($this->sid)) {
         return $this->log('', '课表更新', '学号为空,不更新课表');
     $sql = "SELECT `a`.`sid`, `a`.`school` FROM `student` `a`\n                LEFT JOIN `schedule` `b` ON `a`.`sid` = `b`.`sid`\n                WHERE (`b`.`sid` IS NULL OR (`b`.`time` + INTERVAL 1 WEEK) < NOW())\n                AND `a`.`sid` > ? LIMIT 1";
     $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->sid));
     if (empty($result)) {
         return $this->log('', '课表更新', '课表更新完成');
     $this->sid = $result[0]['sid'];
     $term = Config::getConfig('current_term');
     $school = $result[0]['school'];
     $schedule = new \Hnust\Analyse\Schedule($this->sid, '');
     $sql = 'SELECT `a`.`sid` FROM `student` `a`
             LEFT JOIN `schedule` `b` ON `a`.`sid` = `b`.`sid`
             WHERE `a`.`sid` >= ? AND `a`.`school` = ?
             AND (`b`.`sid` IS NULL OR (`b`.`time` + INTERVAL 1 WEEK) < NOW())
             LIMIT 100';
     $students = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->sid, $school));
     foreach ($students as $student) {
         try {
             $schedule->getSchdule($student['sid'], $term);
             $this->log($student['sid'], '课表更新', '课表更新至' . $student['sid']);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $this->setCache(__FUNCTION__, $this->sid);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Schedule.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function getSchdule($sid, $term, $type = 0, $week = -1)
     $cache = new Cache('schedule');
     $cacheData = $cache->get($sid);
     $cacheData = empty($cacheData) ? array() : $cacheData;
     if (time() - $cacheData[$term]['time'] <= \Hnust\Config::getConfig('schedule_cache_time')) {
         return $this->type($cacheData[$term]['data'], $type, $week);
     try {
         $schedule = parent::getSchdule($sid, $term);
         if ($term === Config::getConfig('current_term')) {
             $sql = "INSERT INTO `schedule`(`sid`, `schedule`, `term`, `time`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)\n                        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `schedule` = ?, `time` = ?";
             $jsonSchedule = json_encode($schedule, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
             Mysql::execute($sql, array($sid, $jsonSchedule, $term, $time, $jsonSchedule, $time));
         $cacheData[$term] = array('time' => time(), 'data' => $schedule);
         $cache->set($sid, $cacheData);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (empty($cacheData[$term]) || $e->getCode() !== Config::RETURN_ERROR) {
             throw new \Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
         $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $cacheData[$term]['time']);
         $this->error = $e->getMessage() . "\n当前数据更新时间为:" . $time;
         $schedule = $cacheData[$term]['data'];
     return $this->type($schedule, $type, $week);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Daily.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function log()
     $logSuffix = '.log';
     $logLength = 5000;
     $path = Config::BASE_PATH . Config::LOGS_PATH . '/';
     $handle = opendir($path);
     while ($handle && false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
         $suffix = strrchr(strtolower($file), $logSuffix);
         if ($suffix !== $logSuffix) {
         $content = file_get_contents($path . $file);
         $content = explode("\n", $content);
         $count = count($content);
         if ($count > $logLength) {
             $content = array_slice($content, $count - $logLength);
             $content = implode("\n", $content);
             file_put_contents($path . $file, $content);
     $sql = "DELETE FROM `logs`\n                WHERE `uid` IN ('1305010117', '1305010119', '1305020233')\n                OR (`ip` != ? AND `location` LIKE '%阿里%')\n                OR`time` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)";
     $num = Mysql::execute($sql, array(Config::getConfig('local_out_ip')));
     $sql = "DELETE FROM `logs` WHERE `uid` != ''\n                AND `uid` NOT IN (SELECT `uid` FROM `user`)";
     $num += Mysql::execute($sql);
     $log = "清除日志{$num}条";
     $sql = "UPDATE `student` `s`, `logs` `l`\n                SET `l`.`key` = `s`.`name`\n                WHERE `l`.`key` = `s`.`sid`";
     $num = Mysql::execute($sql);
     $sql = "UPDATE `logs` SET `key` = ''\n                WHERE `key` in (`uid`, `name`, '湖南科技大学', '计算机科学与工程学院')";
     $num += Mysql::execute($sql);
     return $log . ",更新日志{$num}条";
コード例 #14
ファイル: Auth.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function user()
     $sql = 'SELECT `u`.`uid`, `u`.`rank`, `u`.`apiToken`,
                    `s`.`name`, `s`.`class`, `s`.`major`, `s`.`college`,
                    `s`.`mail`, `s`.`phone`, `s`.`qq`
             FROM `user` `u`, `student` `s`
             WHERE `u`.`uid` = `s`.`sid` AND `u`.`uid` = ?';
     $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->uid));
     $this->info = empty($result) ? array() : $result[0];
     $this->info['token'] = $this->token;
     $this->info['week'] = \Hnust\week();
     $this->info['term'] = Config::getConfig('current_term');
     $this->info['avatar'] = Config::getConfig('local_base_url');
     if (empty($this->info['qq'])) {
         $this->info['avatar'] .= "avatar/qy/{$this->info['uid']}";
     } else {
         $this->info['avatar'] .= "avatar/qq/{$this->info['qq']}";
     $group = new \Hnust\Analyse\Group();
     $this->info['group'] = $group->belong($this->uid);
     $this->info = array_merge($this->info, array('sid' => $this->sid, 'isAdmin' => $this->rank === Config::RANK_ADMIN));
     return $this->info;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Weixin.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function schedule()
     $term = Config::getConfig('current_term');
     $schedule = new \Hnust\Analyse\Schedule($this->sid);
     $data = $schedule->getSchdule($this->sid, $term, 1);
     $week = \Hnust\week();
     $day = date('w');
     $isToday = true;
     if (date('H') >= 21) {
         $isToday = false;
         $day = ($day + 1) % 7;
     $day = $day ? $day : 7;
     $data = $data[$week][$day];
     $session = array('', '一、二', '三、四', '五、六', '七、八', '九、十');
     $content = '';
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
         if (empty($data[$i])) {
         $content .= "第{$session[$i]}节:\n课程:{$data[$i]['course']}\n教室:{$data[$i]['classroom']}\n\n";
     if ($content) {
         $content = ($isToday ? '今' : '明') . "日课表如下:\n\n" . $content;
         if ($schedule->error) {
             $content .= $schedule->error;
         $this->data = trim($content);
     } else {
         $this->data = ($isToday ? '今' : '明') . '日无课,但不要太放松哦';
コード例 #16
ファイル: Student.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function rank()
     $by = \Hnust\input('by', 'term');
     $scope = \Hnust\input('scope', 'class');
     $term = \Hnust\input('term');
     if (empty($term) || !in_array(strlen($term), array(9, 11))) {
         $term = Config::getConfig('current_term');
     } elseif ('term' === $by && 11 !== strlen($term)) {
         $term = Config::getConfig('current_term');
     $term = 'term' !== $by ? substr($term, 0, 9) : $term;
     $isDownload = \Hnust\input('download/b', false);
     $rank = new \Hnust\Analyse\Rank($this->sid);
     if ($isDownload) {
         $rank->getExcel($this->uid, $term, $scope, $by);
     } else {
         $this->data = $rank->getRank($term, $scope, $by);
         $this->info = array('sid' => $this->sid, 'by' => $by, 'scope' => $scope, 'term' => $term, 'class' => $rank->class, 'major' => $rank->major, 'terms' => $rank->terms, 'courses' => $rank->courses, 'rankName' => $rank->rankName);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Tuition.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function __construct($sid, $passwd = '')
     $this->sid = $sid;
     $this->passwd = $passwd;
     $this->baseUrl = Config::getConfig('cwc_base_url');
コード例 #18
ファイル: Remind.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function network()
     $this->logFileName = 'network';
     $net = file_get_contents('/proc/net/dev');
     $pattern = "/eth1:\\s*(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)/";
     preg_match($pattern, $net, $matches);
     $newRes = array('in' => array('bytes' => $matches[1], 'packets' => $matches[2]), 'out' => array('bytes' => $matches[3], 'packets' => $matches[4]), 'time' => time());
     $cache = new Cache('remind_network');
     $oldRes = $cache->get('res');
     $cache->set('res', $newRes);
     if (empty($oldRes)) {
     $minutes = number_format(($newRes['time'] - $oldRes['time']) / 60, 2);
     $bytes = $newRes['out']['bytes'] - $oldRes['out']['bytes'];
     $currentSize = \Hnust\sizeFormat($bytes);
     $totalSize = \Hnust\sizeFormat($newRes['out']['bytes']);
     $remindValue = Config::getConfig('network_remind_value');
     $remindUser = Config::getConfig('network_remind_user');
     if ($bytes > $remindValue) {
         $sql = 'SELECT `sid`, `name`, `mail` FROM `student` WHERE `sid` = ?';
         $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($remindUser));
         $student = $result[0];
         $title = '服务器流量异常提醒 -- Tick团队';
         $content = "尊敬的管理员您好,系统检测服务器出网流量在 {$minutes} 分钟内共消耗了 {$currentSize},累计使用 {$totalSize},请及时处理!";
         $this->remind($student, $title, $content, '', '0100');
     $this->record("{$minutes} 分钟内共消耗出网流量 {$currentSize},累计使用 {$totalSize}");
コード例 #19
ファイル: Elective.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function addQueue($title, $url)
     if ('是' !== Config::getConfig('is_elective')) {
         throw new \Exception('加入队列失败,原因:管理员已关闭选课功能', Config::RETURN_ALERT);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `elective_queue` (`sid`, `title`, `url`, `time`)\n                   VALUES (?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
     $sqlArr = array($this->sid, $title, $url);
     if (!Mysql::execute($sql, $sqlArr)) {
         throw new \Exception('加入队列失败,数据库异常', Config::RETURN_ALERT);
     $id = Mysql::lastInsertId();
     $baseUrl = Config::getConfig('local_base_url');
     try {
         $http = new Http(array(CURLOPT_URL => $baseUrl . 'remind/electiveQueue?id=' . $id, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 1));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return array('title' => $title, 'result' => '', 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()));
コード例 #20
ファイル: Admin.php プロジェクト: qious/Hnust
 public function update()
     $type = \Hnust\input('type');
     $start = \Hnust\input('start');
     $cookie = \Hnust\input('cookie');
     $cache = new Cache('update');
     $cacheData = $cache->get($type);
     $cacheData = empty($cacheData) ? array() : $cacheData;
     if (!empty($start)) {
         $cacheData['start'] = $start;
     if (!empty($cookie)) {
         $cacheData['cookie'] = $cookie;
     $cache->set($type, $cacheData);
     $url = Config::getConfig('local_base_url') . 'update/' . $type;
     try {
         new Http(array(CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 1));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $this->msg = '已加入更新队列,请通过实时日志查看更新进度';