コード例 #1
 public function actions()
     return ['set-orientation' => ['class' => OrientationAction::class, 'allowedRoutes' => ['@client/index']], 'index' => ['class' => IndexAction::class, 'on beforePerform' => function ($event) {
         if (!Yii::$app->user->can('support')) {
             Yii::$app->response->redirect(Url::to(['@client/view', 'id' => Yii::$app->user->id]))->send();
     }, 'data' => function ($action) {
         return ['types' => $this->getRefs('type,client', 'hipanel:client'), 'states' => $this->getRefs('state,client', 'hipanel:client')];
     }, 'filterStorageMap' => ['login_like' => 'client.client.login_like', 'state' => 'client.client.state', 'type' => 'client.client.type', 'seller' => 'client.client.seller']], 'search' => ['class' => SearchAction::class], 'create' => ['class' => SmartCreateAction::class, 'success' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Client was created')], 'update' => ['class' => SmartUpdateAction::class, 'success' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Client was updated')], 'delete' => ['class' => SmartDeleteAction::class, 'success' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Client was deleted')], 'enable-block' => ['class' => SmartPerformAction::class, 'success' => 'Client was blocked successfully', 'error' => 'Error during the client account blocking'], 'disable-block' => ['class' => SmartPerformAction::class, 'success' => 'Client was unblocked successfully', 'error' => 'Error during the client account unblocking'], 'change-password' => ['class' => SmartUpdateAction::class, 'view' => '_changePasswordModal', 'POST' => ['save' => true, 'success' => ['class' => RenderJsonAction::class, 'return' => function ($action) {
         return ['success' => !$action->collection->hasErrors()];
     }]]], 'set-tmp-password' => ['class' => SmartUpdateAction::class, 'view' => '_setTmpPasswordModal', 'success' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Temporary password was sent on your email'), 'error' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Error during temporary password setting')], 'view' => ['class' => ViewAction::class, 'on beforePerform' => function ($event) {
         $action = $event->sender;
         $action->getDataProvider()->query->addSelect(array_filter(['last_seen', 'contacts_count', Yii::getAlias('@domain', false) ? 'domains_count' : null, Yii::getAlias('@ticket', false) ? 'tickets_count' : null, Yii::getAlias('@server', false) ? 'servers_count' : null, Yii::getAlias('@hosting', false) ? 'hosting_count' : null]))->joinWith('contact')->joinWith(['purses' => function ($query) {
     }], 'validate-form' => ['class' => ValidateFormAction::class], 'set-credit' => ['class' => SmartUpdateAction::class, 'success' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Credit changed')], 'set-note' => ['class' => SmartUpdateAction::class, 'success' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Note changed'), 'error' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Failed to change note')], 'bulk-enable-block' => ['class' => SmartUpdateAction::class, 'scenario' => 'enable-block', 'success' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Clients were blocked successfully'), 'error' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Error during the clients blocking'), 'POST html' => ['save' => true, 'success' => ['class' => RedirectAction::class]], 'on beforeSave' => function (Event $event) {
         /** @var \hipanel\actions\Action $action */
         $action = $event->sender;
         $type = Yii::$app->request->post('type');
         $comment = Yii::$app->request->post('comment');
         if (!empty($type)) {
             foreach ($action->collection->models as $model) {
                 $model->setAttributes(['type' => $type, 'comment' => $comment]);
     }], 'bulk-enable-block-modal' => ['class' => PrepareBulkAction::class, 'scenario' => 'enable-block', 'view' => '_bulkEnableBlock', 'data' => function ($action, $data) {
         return array_merge($data, ['blockReasons' => $this->getBlockReasons()]);
     }], 'bulk-disable-block' => ['class' => SmartUpdateAction::class, 'scenario' => 'disable-block', 'success' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Clients were unblocked successfully'), 'error' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Error during the clients unblocking'), 'POST html' => ['save' => true, 'success' => ['class' => RedirectAction::class]], 'on beforeSave' => function (Event $event) {
         /** @var \hipanel\actions\Action $action */
         $action = $event->sender;
         $comment = Yii::$app->request->post('comment');
         if (!empty($type)) {
             foreach ($action->collection->models as $model) {
                 $model->setAttribute('comment', $comment);
     }], 'bulk-disable-block-modal' => ['class' => PrepareBulkAction::class, 'scenario' => 'disable-block', 'view' => '_bulkDisableBlock'], 'ip-restrictions' => ['class' => ClassValuesAction::class, 'valuesClass' => 'client,access', 'view' => '_ipRestrictionsModal'], 'domain-settings' => ['class' => ClassValuesAction::class, 'valuesClass' => 'client,domain_defaults', 'view' => '_domainSettingsModal', 'on beforePerform' => function (Event $event) {
         $action = $event->sender;
         foreach (['registrant', 'admin', 'billing', 'tech'] as $key) {
             if (!$action->model->{$key}) {
     }], 'mailing-settings' => ['class' => ClassValuesAction::class, 'valuesClass' => 'client,mailing', 'view' => '_mailingSettingsModal'], 'ticket-settings' => ['class' => ClassValuesAction::class, 'valuesClass' => 'client,ticket_settings', 'view' => '_ticketSettingsModal'], 'pincode-settings' => ['class' => SmartUpdateAction::class, 'view' => '_pincodeSettingsModal', 'on beforeFetch' => function ($event) {
         /** @var \hipanel\actions\SearchAction $action */
         $action = $event->sender;
         $dataProvider = $action->getDataProvider();
     }, 'data' => function ($action, $data) {
         $apiData = $this->getRefs('type,question', 'hipanel:client');
         $questionList = array_merge(Client::makeTranslateQuestionList($apiData), ['own' => Yii::t('hipanel:client', 'Own question')]);
         return array_merge(['questionList' => $questionList], $data);