public function testPassword(HereAuth $main, $password) { $hash = HereAuth::hash($password, $this->name); if (strlen($this->passwordHash) === strlen($hash)) { return $hash === $this->passwordHash; } $salt = strtolower($this->name); if (isset($this->multiHash["nonhash:salt"])) { $salt = $this->multiHash["nonhash:salt"]; } foreach ($this->multiHash as $type => $value) { if ($type === "nonhash:salt") { continue; } $array = explode(";", $type); $name = $array[0]; $suffix = isset($array[1]) ? $array[1] : ""; $iHash = $main->getImportedHash($name); if ($iHash === null) { continue; } if ($iHash->hash($password, $salt, $suffix) === $value) { $this->multiHash = []; $this->passwordHash = $hash; return true; } } return false; }
public function __construct(HereAuth $main) { $this->main = $main; $this->path = $main->getConfig()->getNested("Database.JSON.DataFolder", "accounts"); if ($this->path[0] !== "/") { $this->path = $main->getDataFolder() . $this->path; } if (!is_dir($this->path)) { mkdir($this->path, 0777, true); } if (!is_dir($this->path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not create data directory at {$this->path}"); } $this->path = realpath($this->path) . "/"; $this->indexEnabled = $main->getConfig()->getNested("Database.JSON.EnableLeadingIndex", false); if (is_file($hadb = $this->path . ".hadb")) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($hadb), true); } else { $data = ["#" => "This is a HereAuth JSON-based account database.", "created" => time(), "lastClosed" => time()]; } $data["lastOpened"] = time(); $data["version"] = $this->main->getDescription()->getVersion(); file_put_contents($hadb, json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)); $this->sql = new SQLite3($this->path . "reg.db"); $this->sql->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reg (ip TEXT, name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, time INTEGER)"); var_dump($this->sql->busyTimeout(1)); // outputs bool(true) }
public function __construct(HereAuth $main) { parent::__construct($this->main = $main); $period = (int) ($main->getConfig()->getNested("RemindLogin.Interval", 0.5) * 20); $this->type = strtolower($main->getConfig()->getNested("RemindLogin.Type", "popup")); if ($this->type === "none") { return; } $main->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedRepeatingTask($this, $period, $period); }
public function onSubmit($value) { if ($this->validatePassword($this->user, $value)) { $this->user->getRegistration()->setTempHash(HereAuth::hash($value, $this->user->getPlayer())); return true; } return false; }
public function __construct(HereAuth $main) { $this->main = $main; if ($this->main->getConfig()->getNested("MultiSesCtrl.Enabled", true)) { $this->registerHandler(PlayerPreLoginEvent::class, "onPreLogin", EventPriority::NORMAL, true); } $this->registerHandler(PlayerLoginEvent::class, "onLogin", EventPriority::MONITOR, true); $this->registerHandler(PlayerQuitEvent::class, "onQuit", EventPriority::MONITOR, true); $this->registerHandler(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent::class, "onMessage", EventPriority::LOWEST, false); $this->registerHandler(PlayerRespawnEvent::class, "onRespawn", EventPriority::HIGHEST, false); $this->registerHandler(DataPacketSendEvent::class, "onSend", EventPriority::HIGH, true); $events = ["DropItem", "Pick", "Eat"]; $class = new \ReflectionClass($this); foreach ($events as $event) { if ($main->getConfig()->getNested("Blocking.{$event}", true)) { $method = $class->getMethod("on" . $event); if ($method === null) { throw new \RuntimeException("Missing method on{$event}"); } $this->registerHandler($method->getParameters()[0]->getClass()->getName(), $method->getName(), EventPriority::LOW, true); } } if ($main->getConfig()->getNested("Blocking.Damage", true) or $main->getConfig()->getNested("Blocking.Attack", true)) { $this->registerHandler(EntityDamageEvent::class, "onDamage", EventPriority::LOW, true); } if ($main->getConfig()->getNested("Blocking.Move.Locomotion", true) or $main->getConfig()->getNested("Blocking.Move.Rotation", true)) { $this->registerHandler(PlayerMoveEvent::class, "onMove", EventPriority::LOW, true); } if ($main->getConfig()->getNested("Blocking.Touch", true)) { $this->registerHandler(PlayerInteractEvent::class, "onTouch", EventPriority::LOW, true); $this->registerHandler(BlockBreakEvent::class, "onBreak", EventPriority::LOW, true); } }
public function __construct(HereAuth $main) { $this->main = $main; $this->registerHandler(PlayerLoginEvent::class, "onLogin", EventPriority::MONITOR, true); $this->registerHandler(PlayerQuitEvent::class, "onQuit", EventPriority::MONITOR, true); $this->registerHandler(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent::class, "onMessage", EventPriority::LOWEST, false); $events = ["DropItem", "Touch", "Pick", "Eat"]; $class = new \ReflectionClass($this); foreach ($events as $event) { if ($main->getConfig()->getNested("Blocking.{$event}", true)) { $method = $class->getMethod("on" . $event); if ($method === null) { throw new \RuntimeException("Missing method on{$event}"); } $this->registerHandler($method->getParameters()[0]->getClass()->getName(), $method->getName(), EventPriority::LOW, true); } } }
public function onCompletion(Server $server) { $main = HereAuth::getInstance($server); if ($main === null) { return; } $hook = $main->getFridge()->get($this->hook); $hook($this->success); }
public function onCompletion(Server $server) { if (!$this->passed) { $main = HereAuth::getInstance($server); if ($main !== null) { $player = $main->getPlayerById($this->identifier); $player->kick("You created too many accounts!", false); } } }
public function onCompletion(Server $server) { $main = HereAuth::getInstance($server); if ($main !== null) { $hook = $main->getFridge()->get($this->hookId); if (is_callable($hook)) { $hook($this->success); } } }
public function onSubmit($value) { $hash = HereAuth::hash($value, $this->user->getPlayer()); $tempHash = $this->user->getRegistration()->getTempHash(); $this->user->getRegistration()->setTempHash(""); if ($hash !== $tempHash) { $this->user->getRegistration()->rewind(); return false; } $this->user->getAccountInfo()->passwordHash = $hash; return true; }
public function __construct(HereAuth $main) { $dir = rtrim($main->getConfig()->getNested("AuditLogger.LogFolder", "audit"), "/") . "/"; if ($dir[0] !== "/" and strpos($dir, "://") === false) { $dir = $main->getDataFolder() . $dir; } if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } foreach ($entries = ["register", "login", "push", "bump", "invalid", "timeout", "factor"] as $entry) { $value = $main->getConfig()->getNested("AuditLogger.Log." . ucfirst($entry), ($isWin = Utils::getOS() === "win") ? "/NUL" : "/dev/null"); if ($value === "/NUL" and !$isWin or $value === "/dev/null" and $isWin) { $main->getLogger()->warning("Your OS is " . ($isWin ? "Windows" : "not Windows") . ", where {$value} is not a special file! HereAuth will attempt to create that file!"); } if ($value[0] !== "/") { $value = $dir . $value; } $this->{$entry} = $stream = $this->getStream($value); // fwrite($stream, date(self::DATE_FORMAT) . " Start logging $entry\n"); } }
public function onCompletion(Server $server) { $main = HereAuth::getInstance($server); if ($main !== null) { if ($this->output !== null) { $output = new AccountInfo(); $output->unserialize($this->output); } else { $output = null; } $main->onUserStart($this->identifier, $output); } }
public function onSubmit($value) { $hash = HereAuth::hash($value, $this->user->getPlayer()); $tempHash = $this->user->getRegistration()->getTempHash(); $this->user->getRegistration()->setTempHash(""); if ($hash !== $tempHash) { $this->user->getPlayer()->sendMessage($this->user->getMain()->getConfig()->getNested("Messages.Register.PasswordMismatch", "Incorrect password")); $this->user->getRegistration()->rewind(); return false; } $this->user->getAccountInfo()->passwordHash = $hash; return true; }
/** * @param MySQLCredentials $crd * @param HereAuth $main * * @return \mysqli */ public static function createMysqliInstance(MySQLCredentials $crd, HereAuth $main = null) { /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */ $db = @new \mysqli($crd->host, $crd->username, $crd->password, $crd->schema, $crd->port, $crd->socket); if ($db->connect_error === "Unknown database '{$crd->schema}'") { /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */ $db = @new \mysqli($crd->host, $crd->username, $crd->password, "", $crd->port, $crd->socket); $createSchema = true; } if ($db->connect_error) { throw new \InvalidKeyException($db->connect_error); } if (isset($createSchema)) { if ($main !== null) { $main->getLogger()->notice("Creating nonexistent `{$crd->schema}`..."); } $db->query("CREATE SCHEMA `{$crd->schema}`"); if (isset($db->error)) { throw new \InvalidKeyException("Schema does not exist and cannot be created"); } } return $db; }
public function onCompletion(Server $server) { $main = HereAuth::getInstance($server); if ($main === null) { return; } $result = $this->getResult(); if (is_array($result)) { $info = AccountInfo::fromDatabaseRow($result); } else { $info = null; } $main->onUserStart($this->identifier, $info); }
public static function defaultInstance(HereAuth $main) { $opts = new self(); $opts->autoSecret = $main->getConfig()->getNested("DefaultSettings.AutoAuth.ClientSecretAuth", true); $opts->autoIp = $main->getConfig()->getNested("DefaultSettings.AutoAuth.IPAuth", false); $opts->autoUuid = $main->getConfig()->getNested("DefaultSettings.AutoAuth.UUIDAuth", false); $opts->maskLoc = $main->getConfig()->getNested("DefaultSettings.Masking.Location.Enabled", false); $opts->maskLocPos = $main->getConfig()->getNested("DefaultSettings.Masking.Location.Value", "?spawn?@?current?"); if (!preg_match('#^((\\?spawn\\?)|((\\-)?[0-9]+,(\\-)?[0-9]+,(\\-)?[0-9]+))@[^/\\\\]+$#', $opts->maskLocPos)) { $main->getLogger()->alert("Incorrect syntax for location-masking position (DefaultSettings.Masking.Location.Value)! Assuming as \"?spawn?@?current?\"."); $opts->maskLocPos = "?spawn?@?current?"; } return $opts; }
public function onCompletion(Server $server) { if (!$this->isReg or $this->time === -1) { return; } $main = HereAuth::getInstance($server); if ($main === null) { return; } $db = $main->getDataBase(); if (!$db instanceof JsonDatabase) { return; } $stmt = $db->getSQLite3()->prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO reg (ip, name, time) VALUES (:ip, :name, :time)"); $stmt->bindValue(":ip", $this->ip, SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->bindValue(":name", strtolower($this->name), SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->bindValue(":time", $this->time, SQLITE3_INTEGER); $stmt->execute(); }
protected function onRun(array $args, User $user) { if (!isset($args[0])) { return "Usage: " . $this->getUsage(); } $password = $args[0]; $hash = HereAuth::hash($password, $user->getPlayer()); $firstHash = $user->getChangepwHash(); if ($firstHash !== null) { $user->setChangepwHash(null); if ($firstHash === $hash) { $user->getAccountInfo()->passwordHash = $hash; return $this->getMessage("Commands.ChangePassword.Success", "Your password has been changed."); } return $this->getMessage("Commands.ChangePassword.DoubleCheckFailure", "Your password is different this time! Aborted."); } if (!PasswordInputRegistrationStep::validatePassword($user, $password)) { return false; } $user->setChangepwHash($hash); return $this->getMessage("Commands.ChangePassword.RequestRepeat", "Please run this command again to confirm."); }
public function handle($value) { /** @noinspection PhpInternalEntityUsedInspection */ if (!$this->current() instanceof PasswordRegistrationStep) { if (HereAuth::hash($value, $this->user->getPlayer()) === $this->user->getAccountInfo()->passwordHash) { $this->user->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[HereAuth] If the message above is asking you to enter your password, it is not a message from HereAuth! Please beware your password being stolen!"); return; } } if ($this->current()->onSubmit($value)) { if ($this->next()) { return; } } $this->user->getPlayer()->sendMessage($this->current()->getMessage()); }
protected function onRun(array $args, User $user) { if (!isset($args[1])) { $page = isset($args[0]) ? (int) $args[0] + 1 : 1; return HereAuth::page($this->getHelpMessage($user), $page); } $opts = $user->getAccountInfo()->opts; $type = array_shift($args); $value = array_shift($args); $boolVal = $this->parseBool($value); $action = $boolVal ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; switch ($type) { case "autosecret": case "as": if (!$user->getPlayer()->hasPermission("hereauth.auth.autoauth.clientsecret")) { return "You don't have permission to do this!"; } $opts->autoSecret = $boolVal; return "{$action} client secret AutoAuth"; case "autouuid": case "au": if (!$user->getPlayer()->hasPermission("hereauth.auth.autoauth.uuid")) { return "You don't have permission to do this!"; } $opts->autoUuid = $boolVal; return "{$action} UUID AutoAuth"; case "autoip": case "ai": if (!$user->getPlayer()->hasPermission("hereauth.auth.autoauth.ip")) { return "You don't have permission to do this!"; } $opts->autoIp = $boolVal; return "{$action} IP AutoAuth"; case "maskloc": case "ml": if (!$user->getPlayer()->hasPermission("hereauth.auth.masking.location.toggle")) { return "You don't have permission to do this!"; } $opts->maskLoc = $boolVal; return "{$action} location masking"; case "maskinv": case "mi": if (!$user->getPlayer()->hasPermission("hereauth.auth.masking.inventory")) { return "You don't have permission to do this!"; } $opts->maskInv = $boolVal; return "{$action} inventory masking"; case "mafskin": case "mafs": if (!$user->getPlayer()->hasPermission("")) { return "You don't have permission to do this!"; } $opts->multiSkin = $boolVal; return "{$action} skin MAF"; case "mafip": case "mafi": if (!$user->getPlayer()->hasPermission("hereauth.auth.multiauth.ip")) { return "You don't have permission to do this!"; } $opts->multiIp = $boolVal; return "{$action} IP MAF"; } return "Unknown option \"{$type}\""; }
public function onMessage(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent $event) { $message = $event->getMessage(); $hash = HereAuth::hash($message, $this->getPlayer()); if ($this->state === self::STATE_PENDING_LOGIN) { if ($hash === $this->accountInfo->passwordHash) { $this->onAuth(); } else { $this->loginAttempts++; $chances = $this->main->getConfig()->getNested("Login.MaxAttempts", 5); $left = $chances - $this->loginAttempts; if ($left <= 0) { $this->getPlayer()->kick("Failed to login in {$chances} attempts", false); } $msg = $this->getMain()->getConfig()->getNested("Messages.Login.WrongPass", "wrong pass"); $msg = str_replace('$CHANCES', $left, $msg); $this->getPlayer()->sendMessage($msg); } $event->setCancelled(); $event->setMessage(""); } elseif ($this->state === self::STATE_PLAYING) { if ($hash === $this->accountInfo->passwordHash and $this->getMain()->getConfig()->getNested("BlockPasswordChat", true)) { $event->setCancelled(); $event->setMessage(""); } } elseif ($this->state === self::STATE_REGISTERING) { $this->registration->handle($message); $event->setCancelled(); $event->setMessage(""); } }
public function hash($password, $salt, $suffix) { return HereAuth::hash($password, $suffix); }
public function onMessage(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent $event) { $message = $event->getMessage(); $hash = HereAuth::hash($message, $this->getPlayer()); if ($this->state === self::STATE_PENDING_LOGIN) { if ($this->accountInfo->testPassword($this->main, $message) and $this->callLogin(HereAuthLoginEvent::METHOD_PASSWORD)) { $this->main->getAuditLogger()->logLogin(strtolower($this->player->getName()), $this->player->getAddress(), "password"); $this->onAuth(); } else { $this->main->getAuditLogger()->logInvalid(strtolower($this->player->getName()), $this->player->getAddress()); $this->loginAttempts++; $chances = $this->main->getConfig()->getNested("Login.MaxAttempts", 5); $left = $chances - $this->loginAttempts; if ($left <= 0) { $this->getPlayer()->kick("Failed to login in {$chances} attempts", false); $event->setCancelled(); $event->setMessage(""); $blockSecs = $this->main->getConfig()->getNested("Login.MaxAttemptsBlock", 600); if ($blockSecs > 0) { $this->main->getServer()->getNetwork()->blockAddress($this->player->getAddress(), $blockSecs); } return; } $msg = $this->getMain()->getMessages()->getNested("Login.WrongPass", "wrong pass"); $msg = str_replace('$CHANCES', $left, $msg); $this->getPlayer()->sendMessage($msg); } $event->setCancelled(); $event->setMessage(""); } elseif ($this->state === self::STATE_PLAYING) { if ($hash === $this->accountInfo->passwordHash and $this->getMain()->getConfig()->getNested("BlockPasswordChat", true)) { $event->setCancelled(); $event->setMessage(""); $this->getPlayer()->sendMessage($this->getMain()->getMessages()->getNested("Chat.DirectPass", "Don't tell your password")); } } elseif ($this->state === self::STATE_REGISTERING) { $this->registration->handle($message); $event->setCancelled(); $event->setMessage(""); } }
public function hash($password, $salt, $suffix) { return bin2hex(HereAuth::hash($password, $salt)); }
public function handle($value) { /** @noinspection PhpInternalEntityUsedInspection */ if (!$this->current() instanceof PasswordRegistrationStep) { if (HereAuth::hash($value, $this->user->getPlayer()) === $this->user->getAccountInfo()->passwordHash) { if ($this->current()->onSubmit($value)) { if ($this->next()) { return; } } } } $this->user->getPlayer()->sendMessage($this->current()->getMessage()); }