/** * forum_categories * * Function that handles all the Admin Functions for Forum Categories * * @param string $action - action to take within function * @param int/string * @param int/string * */ public function forum_categories($action = null, $id = null, $id2 = null) { // Get data for users $data['current_page'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $data['title'] = "Forum Categories"; // Check to see if there is an action if ($action != null && $id != null) { // Check to see if action is edit if ($action == 'CatMainEdit') { // Check to make sure admin is trying to update if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Check to make sure the csrf token is good if (Csrf::isTokenValid()) { if ($_POST['action'] == "update_cat_main_title") { // Catch password inputs using the Request helper $new_forum_title = Request::post('forum_title'); $prev_forum_title = Request::post('prev_forum_title'); if ($this->forum->updateCatMainTitle($prev_forum_title, $new_forum_title)) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Updated Forum Main Category Title to <b>' . $new_forum_title . '</b>', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'); } else { // Fail $error[] = "Edit Forum Main Category Failed"; } } } } else { // Get data for CatMainEdit Form $data['edit_cat_main'] = true; $data['data_cat_main'] = $this->forum->getCatMain($id); $data['welcome_message'] = "You are about to Edit Selected Forum Main Category."; // Setup Breadcrumbs $data['breadcrumbs'] = "\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-cog'></i> Admin Panel</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></i> " . $data['title'] . "</a></li>\n <li class='active'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil'></i> Edit Main Category</li>\n "; } } else { if ($action == "CatMainUp") { if ($this->forum->moveUpCatMain($id)) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Moved Up Forum Main Category', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'); } else { // Fail $error[] = "Move Up Forum Main Category Failed"; } } else { if ($action == "CatMainDown") { if ($this->forum->moveDownCatMain($id)) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Moved Down Forum Main Category', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'); } else { // Fail $error[] = "Move Down Forum Main Category Failed"; } } else { if ($action == 'CatMainNew') { // Check to make sure admin is trying to update if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Check to make sure the csrf token is good if (Csrf::isTokenValid()) { // Add new cate main title to database if ($_POST['action'] == "new_cat_main_title") { // Catch inputs using the Request helper $forum_title = Request::post('forum_title'); // Get last order title number from db $last_order_num = $this->forum->getLastCatMain(); // Attempt to add new Main Category Title to DB if ($this->forum->newCatMainTitle($forum_title, 'forum', $last_order_num)) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Created New Forum Main Category Title <b>' . $new_forum_title . '</b>', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'); } else { // Fail $error[] = "New Forum Main Category Failed"; } } } } } else { if ($action == "CatSubList") { // Check to make sure admin is trying to update if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Check to make sure the csrf token is good if (Csrf::isTokenValid()) { // Add new cate main title to database if ($_POST['action'] == "new_cat_sub") { // Catch inputs using the Request helper $forum_title = Request::post('forum_title'); $forum_cat = Request::post('forum_cat'); $forum_des = Request::post('forum_des'); // Check to see if we are adding to a new main cat if ($this->forum->checkSubCat($forum_title)) { // Get last cat sub order id $last_cat_order_id = $this->forum->getLastCatSub($forum_title); // Get forum order title id $forum_order_title = $this->forum->getForumOrderTitle($forum_title); // Run insert for new sub cat $run_sub_cat = $this->forum->newSubCat($forum_title, $forum_cat, $forum_des, $last_cat_order_id, $forum_order_title); } else { // Run update for new main cat $run_sub_cat = $this->forum->updateSubCat($id, $forum_cat, $forum_des); } // Attempt to update/insert sub cat in db if ($run_sub_cat) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Created Forum Sub Category', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/CatSubList/' . $id); } else { // Fail $error[] = "Create Forum Sub Category Failed"; } } } } else { // Set goods for Forum Sub Categories Listing $data['cat_sub_list'] = true; $data['cat_main_title'] = $this->forum->getCatMain($id); $data['cat_sub_titles'] = $this->forum->getCatSubs($data['cat_main_title']); $data['fourm_cat_sub_last'] = $this->forum->getLastCatSub($data['cat_main_title']); $data['welcome_message'] = "You are viewing a complete list of sub categories for requeted main category."; // Setup Breadcrumbs $data['breadcrumbs'] = "\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-cog'></i> Admin Panel</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></i> " . $data['title'] . "</a></li>\n <li class='active'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil'></i> Sub Categories List</li>\n "; } } else { if ($action == "CatSubEdit") { // Check to make sure admin is trying to update if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Check to make sure the csrf token is good if (Csrf::isTokenValid()) { // Add new cate main title to database if ($_POST['action'] == "edit_cat_sub") { // Catch inputs using the Request helper $forum_cat = Request::post('forum_cat'); $forum_des = Request::post('forum_des'); // Attempt to update sub cat in db if ($this->forum->updateSubCat($id, $forum_cat, $forum_des)) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Updated Forum Sub Category', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/CatSubList/' . $id); } else { // Fail $error[] = "Update Forum Sub Category Failed"; } } } } else { // Display Edit Forum for Selected Sub Cat $data['cat_sub_edit'] = true; $data['cat_sub_data'] = $this->forum->getCatSubData($id); $data['welcome_message'] = "You are about to edit requeted sub category."; // Setup Breadcrumbs $data['breadcrumbs'] = "\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-cog'></i> Admin Panel</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></i> " . $data['title'] . "</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/CatSubList/{$id}'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></i> Sub Categories List</a></li>\n <li class='active'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil'></i> Edit Sub Category</li>\n "; } } else { if ($action == "DeleteSubCat") { // Check to make sure admin is trying to update if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Check to make sure the csrf token is good if (Csrf::isTokenValid()) { // Add new cate main title to database if ($_POST['action'] == "delete_cat_sub") { // Catch inputs using the Request helper $delete_cat_sub_action = Request::post('delete_cat_sub_action'); // Get title basted on forum_id $forum_title = $this->forum->getCatMain($id); // Get title basted on forum_cat $forum_cat = $this->forum->getCatSub($id); // Check to see what delete function admin has selected if ($delete_cat_sub_action == "delete_all") { // Admin wants to delete Sub Cat and Everything Within it // First we delete all related topic Replies if ($this->forum->deleteTopicsForumID($id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } // Second we delete all topics if ($this->forum->deleteTopicRepliesForumID($id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } // Finally we delete the main cat and all related sub cats if ($this->forum->deleteCatForumID($id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } // Check to see if everything was deleted Successfully if ($success_count > 0) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Deleted Sub Category: <b>' . $forum_title . ' > ' . $forum_cat . '</b> and Everything Within it!', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'); } } else { // Extract forum_id from move_to_# string $forum_id = str_replace("move_to_", "", $delete_cat_sub_action); if (!empty($forum_id)) { // First Update Topic Replies forum_id if ($this->forum->updateTopicRepliesForumID($id, $forum_id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } // Second Update Topics forum_id if ($this->forum->updateTopicsForumID($id, $forum_id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } // Last delete the sub Category if ($this->forum->deleteCatForumID($id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } // Check to see if anything was done if ($success_count > 0) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Moved Main Category From <b>' . $old_forum_title . '</b> to <b>' . $new_forum_title . '</b>', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/CatSubList/' . $forum_id); } } else { // User has not selected to delete or move main cat \Helpers\ErrorHelper::push('No Action Selected. No actions executed.', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/DeleteSubCat/' . $id); } } } } } else { // Display Delete Cat Sub Form $data['delete_cat_sub'] = true; // Get list of all sub cats except current $data['list_all_cat_sub'] = $this->forum->catSubListExceptSel($id); // Setup Breadcrumbs $data['breadcrumbs'] = "\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-cog'></i> Admin Panel</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></i> " . $data['title'] . "</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/CatSubList/" . $id . "'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></i> Sub Categories List</a></li>\n <li class='active'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil'></i> Delete Sub Category</li>\n "; } } else { if ($action == "CatSubUp") { // Get forum_title for cat $data['cat_main_title'] = $this->forum->getCatMain($id); // Try to move up if ($this->forum->moveUpCatSub($data['cat_main_title'], $id2)) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Moved Up Forum Sub Category', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/CatSubList/' . $id); } else { // Fail $error[] = "Move Up Forum Main Category Failed"; } } else { if ($action == "CatSubDown") { // Get forum_title for cat $data['cat_main_title'] = $this->forum->getCatMain($id); // Try to move down if ($this->forum->moveDownCatSub($data['cat_main_title'], $id2)) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Moved Down Forum Sub Category', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/CatSubList/' . $id); } else { // Fail $error[] = "Move Down Forum Main Category Failed"; } } else { if ($action == "DeleteMainCat") { // Check to make sure admin is trying to update if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Check to make sure the csrf token is good if (Csrf::isTokenValid()) { // Add new cate main title to database if ($_POST['action'] == "delete_cat_main") { // Catch inputs using the Request helper $delete_cat_main_action = Request::post('delete_cat_main_action'); // Get title basted on forum_id $forum_title = $this->forum->getCatMain($id); // Check to see what delete function admin has selected if ($delete_cat_main_action == "delete_all") { // Admin wants to delete Main Cat and Everything Within it // Get list of all forum_id's for this Main Cat $forum_id_all = $this->forum->getAllForumTitleIDs($forum_title); $success_count = "0"; if (isset($forum_id_all)) { foreach ($forum_id_all as $row) { // First we delete all related topic Replies if ($this->forum->deleteTopicsForumID($row->forum_id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } // Second we delete all topics if ($this->forum->deleteTopicRepliesForumID($row->forum_id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } // Finally we delete the main cat and all related sub cats if ($this->forum->deleteCatForumID($row->forum_id)) { $success_count = $success_count + 1; } } } if ($success_count > 0) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Deleted Main Category: <b>' . $forum_title . '</b> and Everything Within it!', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'); } } else { // Extract forum_id from move_to_# string $forum_id = str_replace("move_to_", "", $delete_cat_main_action); if (!empty($forum_id)) { // Get new and old forum titles $new_forum_title = $this->forum->getCatMain($forum_id); $old_forum_title = $this->forum->getCatMain($id); // Get forum_order_title id for forum_title we are moving to $new_forum_order_title = $this->forum->getForumOrderTitle($new_forum_title); // Get last order id for new forum_title we are moving to $new_forum_order_cat = $this->forum->getLastCatSub($new_forum_title); // Update with the new forum title from the old one if ($this->forum->moveForumSubCat($old_forum_title, $new_forum_title, $new_forum_order_title, $new_forum_order_cat)) { // Success \Helpers\SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Moved Main Category From <b>' . $old_forum_title . '</b> to <b>' . $new_forum_title . '</b>', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/CatSubList/' . $forum_id); } } else { // User has not selected to delete or move main cat \Helpers\ErrorHelper::push('No Action Selected. No actions executed.', 'AdminPanel-Forum-Categories/DeleteMainCat/' . $id); } } } } } else { // Show delete options for main cat $data['delete_cat_main'] = true; $data['welcome_message'] = "You are about to delete requested main category. Please proceed with caution."; // Get title for main cat admin is about to delete $data['delete_cat_main_title'] = $this->forum->getCatMain($id); // Get all other main cat titles $data['list_all_cat_main'] = $this->forum->catMainListExceptSel($data['delete_cat_main_title']); // Setup Breadcrumbs $data['breadcrumbs'] = "\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-cog'></i> Admin Panel</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel-Forum-Categories'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></i> " . $data['title'] . "</a></li>\n <li class='active'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil'></i> Delete Main Category</li>\n "; } } } } } } } } } } } } else { // Get data for main categories $data['cat_main'] = $this->forum->catMainList(); // Welcome message $data['welcome_message'] = "You are viewing a complete list of main categories."; // Setup Breadcrumbs $data['breadcrumbs'] = "\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "AdminPanel'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-cog'></i> Admin Panel</a></li>\n <li class='active'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></i> " . $data['title'] . "</li>\n "; } // Get Last main cat order number $data['fourm_cat_main_last'] = $this->forum->getLastCatMain(); // Setup CSRF token $data['csrf_token'] = Csrf::makeToken(); View::renderModule('AdminPanel/views/header', $data); View::renderModule('AdminPanel/views/forum_categories', $data, $error, $success); View::renderModule('AdminPanel/views/footer', $data); }
public function newmessage($to_user = NULL) { // Check if user is logged in if ($this->auth->isLoggedIn()) { // Get Current User's ID $u_id = $this->auth->user_info(); } else { Url::redirect(); } // Check to see if user is over quota // Disable New Message Form is they are if ($this->model->checkMessageQuota($u_id)) { // user is over limit, disable new message form $data['hide_form'] = "true"; $error[] = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign' aria-hidden='true'></span>\n <b>Your Outbox is Full!</b> You Can NOT send any messages!"; } // Check to make sure user is trying to send new message if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Check to make sure the csrf token is good if (Csrf::isTokenValid()) { // Get data from post $to_username = Request::post('to_username'); $subject = Request::post('subject'); $content = Request::post('content'); $reply = Request::post('reply'); // Check to see if this is coming from a reply button if ($reply != "true") { // Check to make sure user completed all required fields in form if (empty($to_username)) { // Username field is empty $error[] = 'Username Field is Blank!'; } if (empty($subject)) { // Subject field is empty $error[] = 'Subject Field is Blank!'; } if (empty($content)) { // Username field is empty $error[] = 'Message Content Field is Blank!'; } // Check for errors before sending message if (count($error) == 0) { // Get the userID of to username $to_userID = $this->model->getUserIDFromUsername($to_username); // Check to make sure user exists in Database if (isset($to_userID)) { // Check to see if to user's inbox is not full if ($this->model->checkMessageQuotaToUser($to_userID)) { // Run the Activation script if ($this->model->sendmessage($to_userID, $u_id, $subject, $content)) { // Success SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Sent a Private Message', 'Messages'); $data['hide_form'] = "true"; } else { // Fail $error[] = 'Message Send Failed'; } } else { // To user's inbox is full. Let sender know message was not sent $error[] = '<b>${to_username}'s Inbox is Full!</b> Sorry, Message was NOT sent!'; } } else { // User does not exist $error[] = 'Message Send Failed - To User Does Not Exist'; } } // End Form Complete Check } else { // Get data from reply $_POST $subject = Request::post('subject'); $content = Request::post('content'); $date_sent = Request::post('date_sent'); // Add Reply details to subject ex: RE: $data['subject'] = "RE: " . $subject; // Clean up content so it looks pretty $content_reply = " ##########"; $content_reply .= " # PREVIOUS MESSAGE"; $content_reply .= " # From: {$to_username}"; $content_reply .= " # Sent: {$date_sent} "; $content_reply .= " ########## "; $content_reply .= $content; $content_reply = str_replace("<br />", " ", $content_reply); $data['content'] = $content_reply; } // End Reply Check } } // Check to see if there were any errors, if so then auto load form data if (count($error) > 0) { // Auto Fill form to make things eaiser for user $data['subject'] = Request::post('subject'); $data['content'] = Request::post('content'); } // Collect Data for view $data['title'] = "My Private Message"; $data['welcome_message'] = "Welcome to Your Private Message Creator"; $data['csrf_token'] = Csrf::makeToken(); // Check to see if username is in url or post if (isset($to_user)) { $data['to_username'] = $to_user; } else { $data['to_username'] = Request::post('to_username'); } // Setup Breadcrumbs $data['breadcrumbs'] = "\n\t\t\t<li><a href='" . DIR . "'>Home</a></li>\n\t\t\t<li><a href='" . DIR . "Messages'>Private Messages</a></li>\n\t\t\t<li class='active'>" . $data['title'] . "</li>\n\t\t"; // Get requested message data //$data['message'] = $this->model->getMessage($m_id); // Check for new messages in inbox $data['new_messages_inbox'] = $this->model->getUnreadMessages($u_id); // Send data to view View::renderTemplate('header', $data); View::renderModule('Messages/views/messages_sidebar', $data); View::renderModule('Messages/views/message_new', $data, $error, $success); View::renderTemplate('footer', $data); }
<?php // Message New Displays form for user to create a new message to send // Also works with message reply use Core\Language, Helpers\ErrorHelper, Helpers\SuccessHelper, Core\Error, Helpers\Form; ?> <div class='col-lg-8 col-md-8'> <?php // Display Success and Error Messages if any (TODO: Move to header file) echo ErrorHelper::display(); echo SuccessHelper::display(); echo ErrorHelper::display_raw($error); echo SuccessHelper::display_raw($success); ?> <div class='panel panel-default'> <div class='panel-heading'> <h3 class='jumbotron-heading'><?php echo $data['title']; ?> </h3> </div> <div class='panel-body'> <p><?php echo $data['welcome_message']; ?> </p> <?php
public function newtopic($id) { // Check if user is logged in if ($this->auth->isLoggedIn()) { // Get Current User's ID $u_id = $this->auth->user_info(); } else { //Url::redirect(); } // Output Current User's ID $data['current_userID'] = $u_id; // Get Requested Topic's Title and Description $data['forum_cat'] = $this->model->forum_cat($id); $data['forum_cat_des'] = $this->model->forum_cat_des($id); $data['forum_topics'] = $this->model->forum_topics($id); // Ouput Page Title $data['title'] = "New Topic for " . $data['forum_cat']; // Output Welcome Message $data['welcome_message'] = "Welcome to the new topic page."; // Check to see if current user is a new user $data['is_new_user'] = $this->auth->checkIsNewUser($u_id); // Check to see if user is submitting a new topic if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Check to make sure the csrf token is good if (Csrf::isTokenValid()) { // Get data from post $data['forum_title'] = strip_tags(Request::post('forum_title')); $data['forum_content'] = strip_tags(Request::post('forum_content')); // Check to make sure user completed all required fields in form if (empty($data['forum_title'])) { // Username field is empty $error[] = 'Topic Title Field is Blank!'; } if (empty($data['forum_content'])) { // Subject field is empty $error[] = 'Topic Content Field is Blank!'; } // Check for errors before sending message if (count($error) == 0) { // No Errors, lets submit the new topic to db $new_topic = $this->model->sendTopic($u_id, $id, $data['forum_title'], $data['forum_content']); if ($new_topic) { // New Topic Successfully Created Now Check if User is Uploading Image // Check for image upload with this topic $picture = file_exists($_FILES['forumImage']['tmp_name']) || is_uploaded_file($_FILES['forumImage']['tmp_name']) ? $_FILES['forumImage'] : array(); // Make sure image is being uploaded before going further if (sizeof($picture) > 0 && $data['is_new_user'] != true) { // Get image size $check = getimagesize($picture['tmp_name']); // Get file size for db $file_size = $picture['size']; // Make sure image size is not too large if ($picture['size'] < 5000000 && $check && ($check['mime'] == "image/jpeg" || $check['mime'] == "image/png" || $check['mime'] == "image/gif")) { if (!file_exists('images/forum-pics')) { mkdir('images/forum-pics', 0777, true); } // Upload the image to server $image = new SimpleImage($picture['tmp_name']); $new_image_name = "forum-image-topic-uid{$u_id}-fid{$id}-ftid{$new_topic}"; $dir = 'images/forum-pics/' . $new_image_name . '.gif'; $image->best_fit(400, 300)->save($dir); $forumImage = $dir; var_dump($forumImage); // Make sure image was Successfull if ($forumImage) { // Add new image to database if ($this->model->sendNewImage($u_id, $new_image_name, $dir, $file_size, $id, $new_topic)) { $img_success = "<br> Image Successfully Uploaded"; } else { $img_success = "<br> No Image Uploaded"; } } } else { $img_success = "<br> Image was NOT uploaded because the file size was too large!"; } } // Success SuccessHelper::push('You Have Successfully Created a New Topic' . $img_success, 'Topic/' . $new_topic); $data['hide_form'] = "true"; } else { // Fail $error[] = 'New Topic Create Failed'; } } // End Form Complete Check } } // Get Recent Posts List for Sidebar $data['forum_recent_posts'] = $this->model->forum_recent_posts(); // Setup Breadcrumbs $data['breadcrumbs'] = "\n \t\t\t<li><a href='" . DIR . "'>Home</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "Forum'>" . $this->forum_title . "</a></li>\n <li><a href='" . DIR . "Topics/{$id}'>" . $data['forum_cat'] . "</a>\n \t\t\t<li class='active'>" . $data['title'] . "</li>\n \t\t"; // Ready the token! $data['csrf_token'] = Csrf::makeToken(); // Send data to view View::renderTemplate('header', $data); View::renderModule('Forum/views/newtopic', $data, $error, $success); View::renderModule('Forum/views/forum_sidebar', $data); View::renderTemplate('footer', $data); }