public function register() { //Sanitize Data using Gump helper $_POST = Gump::sanitize($_POST); if (isset($_POST['login'])) { //Validate data using Gump $is_valid = Gump::is_valid($_POST, array('login' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'email' => 'required|valid_email', 'password' => 'required', 'password-again' => 'required')); if ($is_valid === true) { //Test for duplicate username` $user = $this->userSQL->prepareFindByLogin($_POST['login']); if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['password-again']) { $error[] = "Les deux mots de passes doivent être identiques"; } if ($user != false) { $error[] = 'Ce compte existe déjà'; } $user = $this->userSQL->prepareFindByEmail($_POST['email'])->execute(); //Test for dupicate email address if (count($user) > 0) { $error[] = 'Ce compte email existe déjà.'; } } else { $error = $is_valid; } if (!$error) { //Register and return the data as an array $data[] $user = new Utilisateur($_POST['login'], $_POST['email'], Password::make($_POST['password']), ""); $this->entityManager->save($user); Session::set('id', $user->getId()); Session::set('login', $user->login); Session::set('loggedin', true); Url::redirect(); } } $data['title'] = 'Inscription'; View::rendertemplate('header', $data); View::render('user/register', $data, $error); View::rendertemplate('footer', $data); }
public function edit($parameter) { $item_id = $parameter[0]; $this->data['title'] = 'Add Item'; $this->data['page_section'] = 'edit'; $category_model = new \Models\Category(); $this->data['category'] = $category_model->find($item_id); if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { $category_title = $_POST['category_title']; $category_slug = $_POST['category_slug']; $category_modified = time(); $update_array = array('category_title' => $category_title, 'category_modified' => $category_created); $update_array = Gump::xss_clean($update_array); $update_array = Gump::sanitize($update_array); $update_id = $category_model->updateId($update_array, $item_id); if ($update_id > 0) { Session::set('success', 'category edited'); Url::redirect('category'); } } View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('sidebar', $this->data); View::render('category/category.add', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function inscription() { $data['title'] = "Inscription"; $data['inscription'] = "Ici l'espace pour créer un compte"; $_POST = Gump::sanitize($_POST); if (isset($_POST['pseudo'])) { //Validate data using Gump $is_valid = Gump::is_valid($_POST, array('pseudo' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'email' => 'required|valid_email', 'password' => 'required', 'password-again' => 'required')); if ($is_valid === true) { //Test for duplicate username` $user = $this->userSQL->prepareFindByLogin($_POST['pseudo']); if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['password-again']) { $error[] = "Les deux mots de passes doivent être identiques"; } if ($user != false) { $error[] = 'Ce compte existe déjà'; } $user = $this->userSQL->prepareFindByEmail($_POST['email'])->execute(); //Test for dupicate email address if (count($user) > 0) { $error[] = 'Ce compte email existe déjà.'; } $data['erreurs'] = $error; View::renderTemplate('header', $data); View::render('connexion/inscription', $data); View::renderTemplate('footer', $data); } else { $error = $is_valid; } if (!$error) { //Register and return the data as an array $data[] $pseudo = $_POST['pseudo']; $mail = $_POST['email']; $password = Password::make($_POST['password']); $user = new Personne($pseudo, $mail, $password); print_r($user); $this->entityManager->save($user); Session::set('id', $user->getId()); Session::set('pseudo', $user->login); Session::set('level', $user->currentLvl); Session::set('loggedin', true); Url::redirect(); } } }
public function edit($param) { $song_id = $param[0]; $songModel = new \Models\Song(); $this->data['title'] = 'Edit Song'; $this->data['albums'] = $this->albumModel->all(); $this->data['artist'] = User::artist(); $this->data['genre'] = $this->categoryModel->get(array('category_slug' => 'genre')); $this->data['tags'] = $this->categoryModel->get(array('category_slug' => 'tag')); $this->data['status'] = $this->status_model->get(array('status_slug' => 'album')); if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { $songArray = array('song_album_id' => $_POST['album_id'], 'song_user_id' => Session::get('user_id'), 'song_artist_id' => $_POST['artist_id'], 'song_genre_id' => $_POST['genre_id'], 'song_status_id' => $_POST['status_id'], 'song_title' => $_POST['title'], 'song_description' => $_POST['description'], 'song_modified' => time(), 'song_slug' => Url::generateSafeSlug($_POST['title'])); $songArray = Gump::xss_clean($songArray); $songArray = Gump::sanitize($songArray); $update = $songModel->updateId($songArray, $song_id); if ($update > 0) { $message = 'ok'; } else { $message = 'no'; } if ($_FILES["mp3"]["tmp_name"] != '') { //resize youtube image into uploads folder Upload::setName(time()); Upload::upload_file($_FILES["mp3"], UPLOAD_PATH); $filepath = UPLOAD_PATH . Upload::getName(); $outputMp3 = UPLOAD_PATH . 'encoded_' . Upload::getName(); //check bitrate $bitRate = Audio::bitRateSampleRate($filepath, 'bitrate'); $duration = Audio::duration($filepath); if ($bitRate > 128) { $convertMp3 = Audio::convertMp3($filepath, 128, $outputMp3); } if (is_file($outputMp3)) { $updateArray = array('song_file' => 'images/encoded_' . Upload::getName(), 'song_duration' => $duration); unlink($filepath); } else { $updateArray = array('song_file' => Upload::getFileName('images'), 'song_duration' => $duration); } $saveMp3 = $songModel->updateId($updateArray, $song_id); } //UPLOAD SONG COVER if ($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] != '') { //upload file into uploads folder Upload::setName(time()); Upload::resizeUpload($_FILES["image"], UPLOAD_PATH, '450px'); $update_data = array('song_image' => Upload::getFileName('images')); $songModel->updateId($update_data, $song_id); } } if ($message == 'ok') { Session::set('success', 'record edited'); Url::redirect('song/item/' . $_POST['album_id']); } else { if ($message == 'no') { $this->data['error'] = 'Operation Fails!'; } } $this->data['song'] = \Models\Song::item($song_id); View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('sidebar', $this->data); View::render('song/song.edit', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function edit($param) { $edit_id = $param[0]; $user_model = new User(); if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { $artistArray = array('user_firstname' => $_POST['firstname'], 'user_stagename' => $_POST['stagename'], 'user_bio' => $_POST['bio'], 'twitter_handle' => $_POST['twitter_handle'], 'user_modified' => time()); $artistArray = Gump::xss_clean($artistArray); $artistArray = Gump::sanitize($artistArray); $update_id = $user_model->updateId($artistArray, $edit_id); //UPLOAD ATTACHMENT if ($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] != '') { //upload image into uploads folder Upload::setName($slug . time()); Upload::resizeUpload($_FILES["image"], UPLOAD_PATH, '450px'); $update_data = array('user_image' => Upload::getFileName('images')); if ($this->user_model->updateId($update_data, $edit_id)) { Session::set('success', 'Artist record edited'); } else { Session::set('error', 'operation fails'); } } if ($update_id > 0) { Session::set('success', 'Artist record edited'); Url::redirect('artist'); } else { Session::set('error', 'operation fails'); } } $this->data['user_data'] = $user_model->find($edit_id); View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('sidebar', $this->data); View::render('artist/artist.add', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
/** * define page title and load template files */ public function index() { $action = $_GET['action']; $this->data['album_group'] = $this->albumModel->all(); $this->data['parent_page'] = $this->pageModel->parent_page(); $this->data['title'] = 'All Pages'; if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { //PAGE DATA $pagename = $_POST['pagename']; $category = $_POST['category']; $parent_page = $_POST['parent_page']; $sort_order = $_POST['sort_order']; //CONTENT $content = $_POST['content']; $homepage = $_POST['homepage']; $header_menu = $_POST['header_menu']; $footer_menu = $_POST['footer_menu']; $redirecturl = $_POST['redirecturl']; $album = $_POST['album']; $meta_keywords = $_POST['meta_keywords']; $meta_title = $_POST['meta_title']; $meta_description = $_POST['meta_description']; // $sort_order = $_POST['sort_order']; $slug = Url::generateSafeSlug($pagename); $check_if_page_exist = $this->pageModel->get(array('page_alias' => $slug)); if (count($check_if_page_exist) < 1) { $insert_array = array('page_name' => $pagename, 'page_category_id' => $category, 'page_sort_order' => $sort_order, 'page_alias' => $slug); $insert_page_id = $this->pageModel->create($insert_array); //UPDATE CONTENT PAGE if ($parent_page == '') { $parent_page = $insert_page_id; } // var_dump($parent_page); $insert_content_array = array('content_page_id' => $insert_page_id, 'content_subto' => $parent_page, 'content_plugin' => $plugin, 'content_body' => $content, 'content_homepage' => $homepage, 'content_header_menu' => $header_menu, 'content_footer_menu' => $footer_menu, 'content_redirecturl' => $redirecturl, 'content_album' => $album, 'content_meta_keywords' => $meta_keywords, 'content_meta_title' => $meta_title, 'content_meta_description' => $meta_description, 'content_created' => time()); $insert_content_array = Gump::xss_clean($insert_content_array); $insert_content_array = Gump::sanitize($insert_content_array); $insert_content_id = $this->contentModel->create($insert_content_array); //UPLOAD IMAGE $where_array = array('content_id' => $insert_content_id); if ($_FILES["image1_extra"]["tmp_name"] != '') { Upload::setName($slug . uniqid()); Upload::upload_file($_FILES["image1_extra"], UPLOAD_PATH); $image_name = 'images/' . Upload::$filename; $update_data = array('content_banner' => $image_name); $update = $this->contentModel->update($update_data, $where_array); } if ($_FILES["image2_extra"]["tmp_name"] != '') { Upload::setName($slug . uniqid()); Upload::upload_file($_FILES["image2_extra"], UPLOAD_PATH); $image_name = 'images/' . Upload::$filename; $update_data = array('content_thumbnail' => $image_name); $update = $this->contentModel->update($update_data, $where_array); } if ($insert_content_id > 0) { $this->data['success'] = 'Page created!'; } else { $this->data['error'] = 'Operation Fails!'; } } else { $this->data['error'] = 'Page already exists!'; } $this->data['page_data'] = $this->pageModel->detail($insert_page_id); } if ($message == 'ok') { $this->data['success'] = 'Record Deleted!'; } else { if ($message == 'no') { $this->data['error'] = 'Operation Fails!'; } } $this->data['pages'] = $this->pageModel->allPages(); $this->data['page_categories'] = $this->categoryModel->get(array('category_slug' => 'page')); View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('sidebar', $this->data); View::render('pages/pages.index', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function password() { $this->data['title'] = 'Change Password'; $userModel = new User(); $user_id = Session::get('user')->user_id; $user_details = $userModel->get(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'user_password' => md5($_POST['old_password']))); if (isset($_POST['password1']) && !empty($_POST['password1'])) { if (count($user_details) > 0) { if ($_POST['password1'] == $_POST['password2']) { //update user db $update_array = array('user_password' => md5($_POST['password1'])); $update_array = Gump::xss_clean($update_array); $update_array = Gump::sanitize($update_array); $update_id = $user_model->updateId($update_array, $user_id); if ($update_id > 0) { Session::set('success', 'Password Changed'); } else { Session::set('error', 'Operation Fails!'); } } else { Session::set('error', 'Incorrect match, password change fails!'); } } else { Session::set('error', 'Incorrect match, password change fails!'); } } View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::render('workspace/workspace.password', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function edit($parameter) { $item_id = $parameter[0]; $this->data['title'] = 'Edit Post'; $category_model = new \Models\Category(); $post_model = new \Models\Post(); $album_model = new \models\album(); $this->data['post'] = $post_model->getItem($item_id); $this->data['album_group'] = $album_model->all(); $this->data['post_category_groups'] = $category_model->groupByCol('category_slug'); if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { $post_category_id = $_POST['post_category_id']; $post_album_id = $_POST['post_album_id']; $post_title = $_POST['post_title']; $post_body = $_POST['post_body']; $post_link = $_POST['post_link']; $post_excerpt = $_POST['post_excerpt']; $post_slug = Url::generateSafeSlug($post_title); $post_modified = time(); $update_array = array('post_category_id' => $post_category_id, 'post_album_id' => $post_album_id, 'post_title' => $post_title, 'post_body' => $post_body, 'post_link' => $post_link, 'post_excerpt' => $post_excerpt, 'post_slug' => $post_slug, 'post_modified' => $post_modified); $update_array = Gump::xss_clean($update_array); $update_array = Gump::sanitize($update_array); $update_id = $post_model->updateId($update_array, $item_id); //UPLOAD IMAGE if ($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] != '') { Upload::setName(uniqid()); Upload::upload_file($_FILES["image"], UPLOAD_PATH); $image_name = Upload::getFileName('images'); $update_data = array('post_image' => $image_name); $update = $post_model->updateId($update_data, $update_id); } if ($update_id > 0) { Session::set('success', 'post edited'); Url::redirect('post'); } } View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('sidebar', $this->data); View::render('post/post.add', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function user($param) { $album_id = $param[0]; $user_id = $param[1]; $this->data['album_id'] = $album_id; $this->data['user_id'] = $user_id; $album_detail = $this->albumModel->find($album_id); $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($album_detail->album_name) . ' Album'; $albumitems = $this->mediaModel->getAlbumItems($album_id); $this->data['album_categories'] = $this->categoryModel->get(array('category_slug' => 'album')); $this->data['status'] = $this->status_model->get(array('status_slug' => 'album')); if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { $title = $_POST['title']; $description = $_POST['description']; $youtubelink = $_POST['youtubelink']; $category_id = $_POST['category']; $status_id = $_POST['status_id']; $slug = Url::generateSafeSlug($title); $insert_array = array('media_album_id' => $album_id, 'media_category_id' => $category_id, 'media_status_id' => $status_id, 'media_user_id' => $user_id, 'media_title' => $title, 'media_description' => $description, 'media_youtubelink' => $youtubelink, 'media_created' => time(), 'media_alias' => $slug); $insert_array = Gump::xss_clean($insert_array); $insert_array = Gump::sanitize($insert_array); $insert_id = $this->mediaModel->create($insert_array); if ($insert_id > 0) { $message = 'ok'; } else { $message = 'no'; } //update where_array $where_array = array('media_id' => $insert_id); //check if item is a video $category_type = $this->categoryModel->find($_POST['category']); if ($category_type->category_title == 'video' && isset($youtubelink) && $youtubelink != '') { //item is a video $youtube_url = "" . $youtubelink . "/maxresdefault.jpg"; if (!file_exists($youtube_url)) { $youtube_url = "" . $youtubelink . "/hqdefault.jpg"; } //resize youtube image into uploads folder Upload::setName(time()); Upload::resizeUrl($youtube_url, UPLOAD_PATH, '480px'); $image_name = Upload::getFileName('images'); $update_data = array('media_file' => $image_name); $this->mediaModel->update($update_data, $where_array); } //UPLOAD ATTACHMENT if ($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] != '') { //upload image into uploads folder Upload::setName(uniqid()); // Upload::upload_file($_FILES["image"],UPLOAD_PATH); Upload::resizeUpload($_FILES["image"], UPLOAD_PATH, '480px'); $image_name = Upload::getFileName('images'); $update_data = array('media_file' => $image_name); $this->mediaModel->update($update_data, $where_array); } } if (isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] == 'delete') { if ($delete = $this->mediaModel->delete(array('media_id' => $_GET['qid']))) { $message = 'ok'; } else { $message = 'no'; } } if (isset($_GET['status'])) { switch ($_GET['status']) { case 'deactivate': $deactivate = $this->status_model->get_row(array('status_title' => 'inactive')); $update_user = $this->mediaModel->update(array('media_status_id' => $deactivate->status_id), array('media_id' => $_GET['id'])); break; case 'activate': $activate = $this->status_model->get_row(array('status_title' => 'active')); $update_user = $this->mediaModel->update(array('media_status_id' => $activate->status_id), array('media_id' => $_GET['id'])); break; } if (isset($update_user)) { $this->data['success'] = 'status changed!'; } else { $this->data['error'] = 'operation fails'; } } if ($message == 'ok') { $this->data['success'] = 'Record Added!'; } else { if ($message == 'no') { $this->data['error'] = 'Operation Fails!'; } } $this->data['albumitems'] = $this->mediaModel->getAlbumItems($album_id, $user_id); View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('sidebar', $this->data); View::render('album/album.user.add_item', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function signup($slug = null) { $this->data['title'] = 'Join Us'; $statusModel = new Status(); $roleModel = new Role(); $userModel = new User(); if (isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email'])) { $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $email = $_POST['email']; if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2']) { $encrypted = md5($_POST['password']); $row_count = $userModel->getColRow('user_email', $email); if (!is_bool($row_count)) { Session::set('error', 'Email exists in our records, please use a different email'); } else { $userArray = array('user_firstname' => $firstname, 'user_email' => $email, 'user_password' => $encrypted, 'user_role_id' => Role::id('user'), 'user_status_id' => Status::id('active')); $userArray = Gump::xss_clean($userArray); $userArray = Gump::sanitize($userArray); $is_valid = Gump::is_valid($userArray, array('user_firstname' => 'required|max_len,200|min_len,1', 'user_email' => 'required|max_len,200|min_len,1', 'user_password' => 'required|max_len,200|min_len,1')); if ($is_valid === true) { $user_id = $userModel->create($userArray); if ($user_id > 0) { $slug = Url::generateSafeSlug($firstname . $user_id); //send email $subject = 'Welcome to GbeduMobile'; $content .= "You just opened a new account with us, Get login details below<br><br>"; $content .= "Username: "******"<br>"; $content .= "Password: "******"<br>"; if (ENVIRONMENT == 'production') { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->general($email, $subject, $firstname, $content); } Session::set('success', 'Login details has been sent to your email, Congrats!'); Url::redirect('home'); } else { Session::set('error', 'Operation Fails, Please contact admin'); } } else { Session::set('error', $is_valid); } } } else { Session::set('error', 'Password does not match!'); } } View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::render('account/signup', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }