/** * 输出调试信息 * @todo 完善各级别的调试信息输出 */ public static function outPut() { $contentType = \Helper\ResponseUtil::getHeader('content-type'); $contentType = explode(';', $contentType); $contentType = trim($contentType[0]); if (DEBUG_LEVEL === 0) { self::$debugInfo['IncludedFiles'] = get_included_files(); } switch ($contentType) { case 'text/html': case 'text/plain': continue; case 'application/json': $str = ob_get_contents(); $debugStr = json_encode(self::$debugInfo); if (strpos($str, '[') === 0) { $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - 1) . ',{"debugInfo":' . $debugStr . '}]'; } else { if (strpos($str, '{') === 0) { $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - 1) . ',"debugInfo":' . $debugStr . '}'; } else { $str = $debugStr; } } ob_end_clean(); echo $str; return; defautl: return; } $str = '<style type="text/css">@import url("' . IMAGE_URL . 'debug.css");</style>'; if (DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 || DEBUG_LEVEL == 2) { $str .= '<div id="milanooDebugFrame">' . self::consumption() . self::infoToStr(self::$debugInfo); } else { if (DEBUG_LEVEL === 1) { $str .= '<div id="milanooDebugFrame">' . self::consumption(); } } $str .= '</div>'; echo $str; }
/** * 根据后台设定和通用规则,对指定的当前页面进行30X 跳转. 来源:需求#6894 * @param boolean $forceExit 是否强制终止程序 */ public function fix($forceExit = false) { $redirected = false; $m = new \Model\Redirect30X(); $rules = $m->getRules(); $requestUrl = \Helper\RequestUtil::getUrl(); $key = md5($requestUrl . SELLER_LANG); //指定的规则优先与通用规则 if (isset($rules[$key]['target_url'])) { //根据后台指定的规则进行修正 $this->redirect($rules[$key]['target_url']); $redirected = true; $m->increaseClicks($rules[$key]['id']); } else { //通用规则跳转 $params = Rq::getParams(); if (isset($params->module) && $params->module == 'thing') { if (isset($params->action) && $params->action == 'glist' && isset($params->class) && empty($params->aparams)) { $catId = $params->class; $model = new \Model\Navigator(); $catInfo = $model->getNav($catId, '0:0:0'); if (isset($catInfo['code']) && $catInfo['code'] == 0) { $seoUrl = Rp::rewrite(array('url' => '?module=thing&action=glist&class=' . $catId, 'isxs' => 'no', 'seo' => stripslashes($catInfo['selfCategory']['categoryName']))); $origUrl = Rq::getUrl(false); $origQueryStr = Rq::getRawQueryString(); if ($origUrl != $seoUrl) { if ($origQueryStr) { $seoUrl .= '?' . $origQueryStr; } $this->redirect($seoUrl); $redirected = true; } } } } } if ($redirected && $forceExit) { die; } }
public function __construct() { $productId = R::getParams('productId'); $keyword = R::getParams('keyword'); $page = R::getParams('page'); $pageSize = R::getParams('pageSize'); if (!empty($productId)) { $page = !empty($page) ? $page : 1; $keyword = !empty($keyword) ? $keyword : ''; $pageSize = !empty($pageSize) ? $pageSize : 9; $searchTopQueryArray = array('productId' => $productId, 'searchContent' => $keyword, 'pageSize' => $pageSize, 'pageNo' => $page); $getTopQueryRecommend = new \Model\ItemOtherProducts(); $topQueryData = $getTopQueryRecommend->getTopQuery($searchTopQueryArray); $html = ''; if (!empty($topQueryData) && $topQueryData['code'] == 0) { header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8'); if (!empty($topQueryData['listResults']['results'])) { //去掉反斜杠 $topQueryData['listResults']['results'] = $this->dostrip($topQueryData['listResults']['results']); foreach ($topQueryData['listResults']['results'] as $val) { $html .= '<dl>'; if ($keyword) { $html .= '<dt><a href="' . Rewrite::rewrite(array('url' => '?module=thing&action=item&id=' . $val['productId'], 'seo' => $val['productName'], 'isxs' => 'no')) . '?searchKeyword=' . $keyword . '"><img src="' . CDN_UPLOAD_URL . 'upen/m/' . $val['firstPictureUrl'] . '" width="66" height="89" /></a></dt>'; } else { $html .= '<dt><a href="' . Rewrite::rewrite(array('url' => '?module=thing&action=item&id=' . $val['productId'], 'seo' => $val['productName'], 'isxs' => 'no')) . '"><img src="' . CDN_UPLOAD_URL . 'upen/m/' . $val['firstPictureUrl'] . '" width="66" height="89" /></a></dt>'; } $html .= '<dd><b>' . Currency . \Lib\common\Language::priceByCurrency($val['productPrice']) . '</b></dd>'; $html .= '</dl>'; } } echo $html; } else { echo ''; } } else { echo 'no productId'; } }
/** * * 成功页面 */ public static function getPaypalData() { $req = 'cmd=_notify-synch'; $tx_token = $_REQUEST['tx']; $auth_token = "h_CYbjUsWBv4NEwyPsmb91zXIpiB7zyPN54g33F8lFoTh5TPpmSdl1CGyoG"; $req .= "&tx={$tx_token}&at={$auth_token}"; // post back to PayPal system to validate $header .= "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n"; $url = ''; if ($isSandBox === true) { $url = self::$paypalSandBoxUrl; } else { $url = self::$paypalUrl; } $fp = fsockopen($url, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); if ($fp) { fputs($fp, $header . $req); // read the body data $res = ''; $headerdone = false; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 1024); if (strcmp($line, "\r\n") == 0) { // read the header $headerdone = true; } else { if ($headerdone) { // header has been read. now read the contents $res .= $line; } } } // parse the data $lines = explode("\n", $res); $keyarray = array(); if (strcmp($lines[0], "SUCCESS") == 0) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); $i++) { list($key, $val) = explode("=", $lines[$i]); $keyarray[urldecode($key)] = urldecode($val); } $invoice = $keyarray['invoice']; $mc_currency = $keyarray['mc_currency']; $payment_gross = $keyarray['mc_gross']; $custom = $keyarray['custom']; $mc_fee = $keyarray['mc_fee']; $receiver_email = urldecode($keyarray['receiver_email']); $payment_status = strtoupper($keyarray['payment_status']); $invoice_array = explode("_", $invoice); if ($payment_status == 'COMPLETED' && $receiver_email == self::$receiverEmail) { $paytime = time(); $OrdersPayDetails = 'Payment:paypal|' . 'CurrencyCode:' . $mc_currency . '|' . 'amount:' . $payment_gross . '|' . 'REFERENCEID:' . $tx_token . '|' . 'Remarks:' . $Remarks . '|' . 'time:' . $paytime; $shoppingProcess = new \Model\ShoppingProcess(); $lang = strtolower(substr(trim($invoice), 0, 5)); $orderInfoFromCid = $shoppingProcess->GetOrderByCid(array('cr.ordersCid' => $invoice, 'cr.lang' => $lang)); $orderFromCid = $orderInfoFromCid['orderInfo']['order']; $response = $shoppingProcess->updateOrder(array('cr.ordersCid' => $invoice, 'cr.ordersPay' => 1, 'cr.ordersPayDetails' => $OrdersPayDetails, 'cr.cardType' => 'Paypal', 'cr.pamentToken' => $tx_token, 'cr.payTime' => $paytime, 'cr.payClass' => 'paypal', 'cr.ordersPayFeeamt' => $mc_fee, 'cr.endTime' => $paytime + ($orderFromCid['viewStock'] + $orderFromCid['expressTime']) * 24 * 3600)); header("Location:" . Rewrite::rewrite(array('url' => '?module=shop&action=Achieve&id=' . $response['ordersId'], 'isxs' => 'no'))); exit; } } } }
/** * Smarty {rewrite} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Name: rewrite<br> * Purpose: 重写为符合SEO的URL地址 * @param array $params 包含的属性为$url,<br /> * $isxs='yes',返回重写后的值还是直接输入.默认为直接输出.<br /> * $html='.html',生成的地址后缀.<br /> * $seo='',生成seo的字符.<br /> * $IS_REWRITE_URL='',<br /> * $rewriteDirName='',<br /> * $force_seo=0,<br /> * $forceNoDomainPrepend=0,是否强制不添加完整的域名.<br /> * $domain 指定域名 * $seoTargetLanguage 指定Seo目标语言 * @param Smarty */ function smarty_function_rewrite($rawParams, &$smarty) { return \Helper\ResponseUtil::rewrite($rawParams); }
public function __construct() { $tpl = \Lib\common\Template::getSmarty(); if ($_POST) { $loginmethod = R::getParams('loginmethod'); $forward = R::getParams('forward'); $Conditions = R::getParams('Conditions'); if (!$Conditions && $loginmethod != 'cart') { \helper\Js::alertForward('noConditions', '', 1); } $UserPass = R::getParams('UserPass'); $UserPass2 = R::getParams('UserPass2'); $email = R::getParams('email'); $describes = R::getParams('describes'); $CompanyName = R::getParams('CompanyName'); $KnowWeb = R::getParams('KnowWeb'); $reg_array = array(); if (!\helper\Verification::isemail($email)) { if ($loginmethod == 'cart') { $msg = array('error_status' => 4, 'msg' => \LangPack::$items['email1']); echo json_encode($msg); exit; } else { \helper\Js::alertForward('email1', '', 1); } } $reg_array['member.email'] = $email; if (!$UserPass) { if ($loginmethod == 'cart') { $msg = array('error_status' => 1, 'msg' => \LangPack::$items['pass1']); echo json_encode($msg); exit; } else { \helper\Js::alertForward('pass1', '', 1); } } if (!$UserPass || $UserPass != addslashes($UserPass)) { if ($loginmethod == 'cart') { $msg = array('error_status' => 2, 'msg' => \LangPack::$items['pass2']); echo json_encode($msg); exit; } else { \helper\Js::alertForward('pass2', '', 1); } } if ($UserPass != $UserPass2) { if ($loginmethod == 'cart') { $msg = array('error_status' => 3, 'msg' => \LangPack::$items['pass3']); echo json_encode($msg); exit; } else { \helper\Js::alertForward('pass3', '', 1); } } $UserPass = md5($UserPass . MD5_pass); $reg_array['member.userPass'] = $UserPass; $emailsDy = R::getParams('emailsDy'); if (empty($emailsDy)) { $reg_array['member.emailsDy'] = $emailsDy; } if (empty($describes)) { $reg_array['member.describes'] = $describes; } if (empty($CompanyName)) { $reg_array['member.companyName'] = $CompanyName; } if (empty($KnowWeb)) { $reg_array['member.knowWeb'] = $KnowWeb; } $reg_array['member.userState'] = 1; $reg_array['member.integral'] = 0; $reg_array['member.type'] = 'Personal'; $reg_array['member.loginTime'] = time(); $reg_array['member.loginNum'] = 1; $reg_array['member.webSiteId'] = MAIN_WEBSITEID; $clientIp = \Helper\RequestUtil::getClientIp(); $reg_array['member.loginIp'] = $clientIp; $reg_array['member.userTime'] = time(); if (isset($_COOKIE['PromotionURL'])) { $reg_array['member.promotionURL'] = addslashes($_COOKIE['PromotionURL']); } $regObj = new \Model\Register(); $data = $regObj->registerMember($reg_array); if (isset($data['addFlag']) && $data['addFlag'] == 2) { if ($loginmethod == 'cart') { $msg = array('error_status' => 5, 'msg' => \LangPack::$items['email2']); echo json_encode($msg); exit; } else { \helper\Js::alertForward('email2', '', 1); } } if (isset($data['code']) && $data['code'] == 0) { /*统计代码需要记录第一次注册的操作*/ $_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . "reg_record_once"] = 'reg'; /*统计代码需要记录第一次注册的操作 end*/ $_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . "MemberId"] = $data['id']; $_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . "MemberEmail"] = $email; $pos = strpos($forward, 'Step1'); $loginType = 0; if ($pos !== false) { $loginType = 1; } $cartParmas = array('cookieId' => isset($_COOKIE['CartId']) ? $_COOKIE['CartId'] : '', 'memberId' => $data['id'], 'loginType' => $loginType, 'languageCode' => SELLER_LANG); $cartObj = new \model\Cart(); $cartObj->mergeShoppingCart($cartParmas); if ($loginmethod == 'cart') { $msg = array('error_status' => 0, 'forward' => $forward); echo json_encode($msg); exit; } else { if (!$forward) { $forward = rew::rewrite(array('url' => '?module=index&action=index', 'isxs' => 'no')); } header("Location:" . $forward); exit; } } return; } else { $forward = rew::rewrite(array('url' => '?module=member&action=login', 'isxs' => 'no')); header("Location:" . $forward); exit; } }