コード例 #1
  * Transforming classes
  * Found class, interface and trait definitions can be transformed and
  * written to a single file.
  * @expectOutputRegex /^\<\?php/
 public function exampleMinimize()
     $finder = new Finder();
     $iter = new ClassIterator($finder->in('src'));
     // Print all found definitions in one snippet
     echo $iter->minimize();
     // The same can be done using
     echo $iter->transform(new MinimizingWriter());
コード例 #2
 public static function setupBeforeClass()
     MockFinder::setIterator(new \ArrayIterator([new MockSplFileInfo('<?php namespace foobar; use \\some\\name; class A {}'), new MockSplFileInfo('<?php interface Baz {}'), new MockSplFileInfo('<?php class B implements Baz {} class C extends \\foobar\\A implements Baz {}'), new MockSplFileInfo('<?php funct error(){}')]));
     self::$sut = new ClassIterator(new MockFinder());