private function parseQuery() { $out = ""; $tmp = array_reverse(explode(" ", $this->query)); foreach ($tmp as $word) { $out .= " " . $word; } $this->results[] = array('type' => 'article', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 1), 'title' => 'backwards', 'input_message_content' => ['message_text' => $out, 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); $out = "*" . $this->from->getName() . "* " . $this->query; $this->results[] = array('type' => 'article', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 2), 'title' => 'me', 'input_message_content' => ['message_text' => $out, 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); $out = Zalgo::speak($this->query); $this->results[] = array('type' => 'article', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 3), 'title' => 'zalgo', 'input_message_content' => ['message_text' => $out, 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); $out = "*" . $this->query . "*"; $this->results[] = array('type' => 'article', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 4), 'title' => 'bold', 'input_message_content' => ['message_text' => $out, 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); $out = "_" . $this->query . "_"; $this->results[] = array('type' => 'article', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 5), 'title' => 'italic', 'input_message_content' => ['message_text' => $out, 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); $word = strlen($this->query) > 100 ? substr($this->query, 100) : $this->query; $out = ''; foreach (str_split($this->query) as $char) { $index = mt_rand(0, 3); if ($index == 0) { $out .= "`{$char}` "; } elseif ($index == 1) { $out .= "{$char} "; } elseif ($index == 2) { $out .= "*{$char}* "; } elseif ($index == 3) { $out .= "_" . $char . "_ "; } } $this->results[] = array('type' => 'article', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 6), 'title' => 'oi wut', 'input_message_content' => ['message_text' => $out, 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); $word = strlen($this->query) > 10 ? substr($this->query, 10) : $this->query; $word = strtoupper($word); $out = implode(' ', str_split($word)); foreach (str_split(substr($word, 1)) as $char) { $out .= "\n{$char}"; } $this->results[] = array('type' => 'article', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 7), 'title' => 'L O N D O N', 'input_message_content' => ['message_text' => "*{$out}*", 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); $Translate = new Translate(); $lang = $Translate->detectLanguage($this->query); if ($lang != 'English') { $translation = $Translate->translate($this->query, 'English'); $out = "_(" . $translation['lang_source'] . ")_* " . $this->query . "*" . "\n" . "_(English)_* " . $translation['result'][0] . "*"; } else { $out = $this->query; } $this->results[] = array('type' => 'article', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 8), 'title' => 'translate to english', 'input_message_content' => ['message_text' => $out, 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); $file = \GroupBot\Brains\Speak::createAudioFile($this->query); $this->results[] = array('type' => 'voice', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 9), 'title' => 'vocalise with hts', 'voice_url' => "{$file}"); $file = \GroupBot\Brains\Speak::createAudioFile($this->query, 'espeak'); $this->results[] = array('type' => 'voice', 'id' => strval(intval($this->id) + 10), 'title' => 'vocalise with espeak', 'voice_url' => "{$file}"); }
public function main() { $dir = "/var/www/html/bot"; $file = \GroupBot\Brains\Speak::createAudioFile($this->getAllParams()); Telegram::sendVoice($this->Message->Chat->id, "{$dir}/speech/{$file}"); }