コード例 #1
ファイル: ZipBackup.php プロジェクト: khanduras/grav
 public static function backup($destination = null, callable $messager = null)
     if (!$destination) {
         $destination = self::getGrav()['locator']->findResource('backup://', true);
         if (!$destination) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('The backup folder is missing.');
     $name = self::getGrav()['config']->get('site.title', basename(GRAV_ROOT));
     $inflector = new Inflector();
     if (is_dir($destination)) {
         $date = date('YmdHis', time());
         $filename = trim($inflector->hyphenize($name), '-') . '-' . $date . '.zip';
         $destination = rtrim($destination, DS) . DS . $filename;
     $messager && $messager(['type' => 'message', 'level' => 'info', 'message' => 'Creating new Backup "' . $destination . '"']);
     $messager && $messager(['type' => 'message', 'level' => 'info', 'message' => '']);
     $zip = new \ZipArchive();
     $zip->open($destination, \ZipArchive::CREATE);
     $max_execution_time = ini_set('max_execution_time', 600);
     static::folderToZip(GRAV_ROOT, $zip, strlen(rtrim(GRAV_ROOT, DS) . DS), $messager);
     $messager && $messager(['type' => 'progress', 'percentage' => false, 'complete' => true]);
     $messager && $messager(['type' => 'message', 'level' => 'info', 'message' => '']);
     $messager && $messager(['type' => 'message', 'level' => 'info', 'message' => 'Saving and compressing archive...']);
     if ($max_execution_time !== false) {
         ini_set('max_execution_time', $max_execution_time);
     return $destination;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Installer.php プロジェクト: gabykode/tf
  * Installs a given package to a given destination.
  * @param  string $package     The local path to the ZIP package
  * @param  string $destination The local path to the Grav Instance
  * @param  array  $options     Options to use for installing. ie, ['install_path' => 'user/themes/antimatter']
  * @return boolean True if everything went fine, False otherwise.
 public static function install($package, $destination, $options = [])
     $destination = rtrim($destination, DS);
     $options = array_merge(self::$options, $options);
     $install_path = rtrim($destination . DS . ltrim($options['install_path'], DS), DS);
     if (!self::isGravInstance($destination) || !self::isValidDestination($install_path, $options['exclude_checks'])) {
         return false;
     if (self::lastErrorCode() == self::IS_LINK && $options['ignore_symlinks'] || self::lastErrorCode() == self::EXISTS && !$options['overwrite']) {
         return false;
     $zip = new \ZipArchive();
     $archive = $zip->open($package);
     $tmp = CACHE_DIR . DS . 'tmp/Grav-' . uniqid();
     if ($archive !== true) {
         self::$error = self::ZIP_OPEN_ERROR;
         return false;
     $unzip = $zip->extractTo($tmp);
     if (!$unzip) {
         self::$error = self::ZIP_EXTRACT_ERROR;
         return false;
     if (!$options['sophisticated']) {
         self::nonSophisticatedInstall($zip, $install_path, $tmp);
     } else {
         self::sophisticatedInstall($zip, $install_path, $tmp);
     self::$error = self::OK;
     return true;
コード例 #3
  * @param $package
  * @return string
 private function downloadPackage($package)
     $this->tmp = CACHE_DIR . DS . 'tmp/Grav-' . uniqid();
     $filename = $package->slug . basename($package->zipball_url);
     $output = Response::get($package->zipball_url, [], [$this, 'progress']);
     $this->output->write("  |- Downloading package...   100%");
     file_put_contents($this->tmp . DS . $filename, $output);
     return $this->tmp . DS . $filename;
コード例 #4
ファイル: gpm.php プロジェクト: symac/grav-plugin-admin
 private static function download($package)
     $contents = Response::get($package->zipball_url, []);
     $cache_dir = self::getGrav()['locator']->findResource('cache://', true);
     $cache_dir = $cache_dir . DS . 'tmp/Grav-' . uniqid();
     $filename = $package->slug . basename($package->zipball_url);
     file_put_contents($cache_dir . DS . $filename, $contents);
     return $cache_dir . DS . $filename;
 private function cleanFilesData($key, $file)
     $config = $this->grav['config'];
     $blueprint = isset($this->items['fields'][$key]['files']) ? $this->items['fields'][$key]['files'] : [];
     /** @var Page $page */
     $page = null;
     $cleanFiles[$key] = [];
     if (!isset($blueprint)) {
         return false;
     $type = trim("{$this->view}/{$this->admin->route}", '/');
     $data = $this->admin->data($type, $this->post);
     $fields = $data->blueprints()->fields();
     $blueprint = isset($fields[$key]) ? $fields[$key] : [];
     $cleanFiles = [$key => []];
     foreach ((array) $file['error'] as $index => $error) {
         if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
             $tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'][$index];
             $name = $file['name'][$index];
             $type = $file['type'][$index];
             $destination = Folder::getRelativePath(rtrim($blueprint['destination'], '/'));
             if (!$this->match_in_array($type, $blueprint['accept'])) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('File "' . $name . '" is not an accepted MIME type.');
             if (Utils::startsWith($destination, '@page:')) {
                 $parts = explode(':', $destination);
                 $route = $parts[1];
                 $page = $this->grav['page']->find($route);
                 if (!$page) {
                     throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to upload file to destination. Page route not found.');
                 $destination = $page->relativePagePath();
             } else {
                 if ($destination == '@self') {
                     $page = $this->admin->page(true);
                     $destination = $page->relativePagePath();
                 } else {
             if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "{$destination}/{$name}")) {
                 $path = $page ? $this->grav['uri']->convertUrl($page, $page->route() . '/' . $name) : $destination . '/' . $name;
                 $cleanFiles[$key][] = $path;
             } else {
                 throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to upload file(s) to {$destination}/{$name}");
     return $cleanFiles[$key];
コード例 #6
ファイル: form.php プロジェクト: clee03/metal
 private function cleanFilesData($key, $file)
     /** @var Page $page */
     $page = null;
     $blueprint = $this->items['fields'][$key]['files'];
     $cleanFiles[$key] = [];
     if (!isset($blueprint)) {
         return false;
     $cleanFiles = [$key => []];
     foreach ((array) $file['error'] as $index => $error) {
         if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
             $tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'][$index];
             $name = $file['name'][$index];
             $type = $file['type'][$index];
             $destination = Folder::getRelativePath(rtrim($blueprint['destination'], '/'));
             if (!$this->match_in_array($type, $blueprint['accept'])) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('File "' . $name . '" is not an accepted MIME type.');
             if (Utils::startsWith($destination, '@page:')) {
                 $parts = explode(':', $destination);
                 $route = $parts[1];
                 $page = self::getGrav()['page']->find($route);
                 if (!$page) {
                     throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to upload file to destination. Page route not found.');
                 $destination = $page->relativePagePath();
             } else {
                 if ($destination == '@self') {
                     $page = self::getGrav()['page'];
                     $destination = $page->relativePagePath();
                 } else {
             if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "{$destination}/{$name}")) {
                 $path = $page ? self::getGrav()['uri']->convertUrl($page, $page->route() . '/' . $name) : $destination . '/' . $name;
                 $cleanFiles[$key][$path] = ['name' => $file['name'][$index], 'type' => $file['type'][$index], 'size' => $file['size'][$index], 'file' => $destination . '/' . $name, 'route' => $page ? $path : null];
             } else {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to upload file(s). Error Code: ' . $error);
     return $cleanFiles[$key];
コード例 #7
 private function getFilesOrderedByModifiedDate($path = '')
     $files = [];
     if (!$path) {
         $path = DATA_DIR . 'comments';
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
     $dirItr = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
     $filterItr = new RecursiveFolderFilterIterator($dirItr);
     $itr = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($filterItr, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     $itrItr = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirItr, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     $filesItr = new \RegexIterator($itrItr, '/^.+\\.yaml$/i');
     // Collect files if modified in the last 7 days
     foreach ($filesItr as $filepath => $file) {
         $modifiedDate = $file->getMTime();
         $sevenDaysAgo = time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
         if ($modifiedDate < $sevenDaysAgo) {
         $files[] = (object) array("modifiedDate" => $modifiedDate, "fileName" => $file->getFilename(), "filePath" => $filepath, "data" => Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($filepath)));
     // Traverse folders and recurse
     foreach ($itr as $file) {
         if ($file->isDir()) {
             $this->getFilesOrderedByModifiedDate($file->getPath() . '/' . $file->getFilename());
     // Order files by last modified date
     usort($files, function ($a, $b) {
         return !($a->modifiedDate > $b->modifiedDate);
     return $files;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Folder.php プロジェクト: indigo423/blog.no42.org
  * Recursive copy of one directory to another
  * @param $src
  * @param $dest
  * @return bool
 public static function rcopy($src, $dest)
     // If the src is not a directory do a simple file copy
     if (!is_dir($src)) {
         copy($src, $dest);
         return true;
     // If the destination directory does not exist create it
     if (!is_dir($dest)) {
     // Open the source directory to read in files
     $i = new \DirectoryIterator($src);
     /** @var \DirectoryIterator $f */
     foreach ($i as $f) {
         if ($f->isFile()) {
             copy($f->getRealPath(), "{$dest}/" . $f->getFilename());
         } else {
             if (!$f->isDot() && $f->isDir()) {
                 static::rcopy($f->getRealPath(), "{$dest}/{$f}");
     return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: SelfupgradeCommand.php プロジェクト: re-pe/grav
  * @param $package
  * @return string
 private function download($package)
     $this->tmp = CACHE_DIR . DS . 'tmp/Grav-' . uniqid();
     $output = Response::get($package['download'], [], [$this, 'progress']);
     $this->output->write("  |- Downloading upgrade [" . $this->formatBytes($package['size']) . "]...   100%");
     file_put_contents($this->tmp . DS . $package['name'], $output);
     return $this->tmp . DS . $package['name'];
コード例 #10
ファイル: SelfupgradeCommand.php プロジェクト: dweelie/grav
  * @param $package
  * @return string
 private function download($package)
     $cache_dir = Grav::instance()['locator']->findResource('cache://', true);
     $this->tmp = $cache_dir . DS . 'tmp/Grav-' . uniqid();
     $output = Response::get($package['download'], [], [$this, 'progress']);
     $this->output->write("  |- Downloading upgrade [" . $this->formatBytes($package['size']) . "]...   100%");
     file_put_contents($this->tmp . DS . $package['name'], $output);
     return $this->tmp . DS . $package['name'];
コード例 #11
ファイル: form.php プロジェクト: getgrav/grav-plugin-form
  * Handles ajax upload for files.
  * Stores in a flash object the temporary file and deals with potential file errors.
  * @return mixed True if the action was performed.
 public function uploadFiles()
     $post = $_POST;
     $grav = Grav::instance();
     $uri = $grav['uri']->url;
     $config = $grav['config'];
     $session = $grav['session'];
     $settings = $this->data->blueprints()->schema()->getProperty($post['name']);
     $settings = (object) array_merge(['destination' => $config->get('plugins.form.files.destination', 'self@'), 'avoid_overwriting' => $config->get('plugins.form.files.avoid_overwriting', false), 'random_name' => $config->get('plugins.form.files.random_name', false), 'accept' => $config->get('plugins.form.files.accept', ['image/*']), 'limit' => $config->get('plugins.form.files.limit', 10), 'filesize' => $config->get('plugins.form.files.filesize', 5242880)], (array) $settings, ['name' => $post['name']]);
     $upload = $this->normalizeFiles($_FILES['data'], $settings->name);
     // Handle errors and breaks without proceeding further
     if ($upload->file->error != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
         // json_response
         return ['status' => 'error', 'message' => sprintf($grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.FILEUPLOAD_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD', null, true), $upload->file->name, $this->upload_errors[$upload->file->error])];
     } else {
         // Remove the error object to avoid storing it
         // we need to move the file at this stage or else
         // it won't be available upon save later on
         // since php removes it from the upload location
         $tmp_dir = Grav::instance()['locator']->findResource('tmp://', true, true);
         $tmp_file = $upload->file->tmp_name;
         $tmp = $tmp_dir . '/uploaded-files/' . basename($tmp_file);
         if (!move_uploaded_file($tmp_file, $tmp)) {
             // json_response
             return ['status' => 'error', 'message' => sprintf($grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.FILEUPLOAD_UNABLE_TO_MOVE', null, true), '', $tmp)];
         $upload->file->tmp_name = $tmp;
     // Handle file size limits
     $settings->filesize *= 1048576;
     // 2^20 [MB in Bytes]
     if ($settings->filesize > 0 && $upload->file->size > $settings->filesize) {
         // json_response
         return ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.EXCEEDED_GRAV_FILESIZE_LIMIT')];
     // Handle Accepted file types
     // Accept can only be mime types (image/png | image/*) or file extensions (.pdf|.jpg)
     $accepted = false;
     $errors = [];
     foreach ((array) $settings->accept as $type) {
         // Force acceptance of any file when star notation
         if ($type == '*') {
             $accepted = true;
         $isMime = strstr($type, '/');
         $find = str_replace('*', '.*', $type);
         $match = preg_match('#' . $find . '$#', $isMime ? $upload->file->type : $upload->file->name);
         if (!$match) {
             $message = $isMime ? 'The MIME type "' . $upload->file->type . '"' : 'The File Extension';
             $errors[] = $message . ' for the file "' . $upload->file->name . '" is not an accepted.';
             $accepted |= false;
         } else {
             $accepted |= true;
     if (!$accepted) {
         // json_response
         return ['status' => 'error', 'message' => implode('<br />', $errors)];
     // Retrieve the current session of the uploaded files for the field
     // and initialize it if it doesn't exist
     $sessionField = base64_encode($uri);
     $flash = $session->getFlashObject('files-upload');
     if (!$flash) {
         $flash = [];
     if (!isset($flash[$sessionField])) {
         $flash[$sessionField] = [];
     if (!isset($flash[$sessionField][$upload->field])) {
         $flash[$sessionField][$upload->field] = [];
     // Set destination
     $destination = Folder::getRelativePath(rtrim($settings->destination, '/'));
     $destination = $this->getPagePathFromToken($destination);
     // Create destination if needed
     if (!is_dir($destination)) {
     // Generate random name if required
     if ($settings->random_name) {
         $extension = pathinfo($upload->file->name)['extension'];
         $upload->file->name = Utils::generateRandomString(15) . '.' . $extension;
     // Handle conflicting name if needed
     if ($settings->avoid_overwriting) {
         if (file_exists($destination . '/' . $upload->file->name)) {
             $upload->file->name = date('YmdHis') . '-' . $upload->file->name;
     // Prepare object for later save
     $path = $destination . '/' . $upload->file->name;
     $upload->file->path = $path;
     // $upload->file->route = $page ? $path : null;
     // Prepare data to be saved later
     $flash[$sessionField][$upload->field][$path] = (array) $upload->file;
     // Finally store the new uploaded file in the field session
     $session->setFlashObject('files-upload', $flash);
     // json_response
     return ['status' => 'success', 'session' => \json_encode(['sessionField' => base64_encode($uri), 'path' => $upload->file->path, 'field' => $settings->name])];
コード例 #12
  * Copy the local zip package to tmp
  * @param $package_file
  * @param $tmp
  * @return null|string
 private function copyPackage($package_file, $tmp)
     $this->output->write("  |- Copying package...         0%");
     $package_file = realpath($package_file);
     if (file_exists($package_file)) {
         $filename = basename($package_file);
         $this->output->write("  |- Copying package...       100%");
         copy(realpath($package_file), $tmp . DS . $filename);
         return $tmp . DS . $filename;
     return null;
コード例 #13
  * Handles ajax upload for files.
  * Stores in a flash object the temporary file and deals with potential file errors.
  * @return bool True if the action was performed.
 public function taskFilesUpload()
     if (!$this->authorizeTask('save', $this->dataPermissions()) || !isset($_FILES)) {
         return false;
     /** @var Config $config */
     $config = $this->grav['config'];
     $data = $this->view == 'pages' ? $this->admin->page(true) : $this->prepareData([]);
     $settings = $data->blueprints()->schema()->getProperty($this->post['name']);
     $settings = (object) array_merge(['avoid_overwriting' => false, 'random_name' => false, 'accept' => ['image/*'], 'limit' => 10, 'filesize' => $config->get('system.media.upload_limit', 5242880)], (array) $settings, ['name' => $this->post['name']]);
     $upload = $this->normalizeFiles($_FILES['data'], $settings->name);
     if (!isset($settings->destination)) {
         $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.DESTINATION_NOT_SPECIFIED', null, true)];
         return false;
     // Do not use self@ outside of pages
     if ($this->view != 'pages' && in_array($settings->destination, ['@self', 'self@'])) {
         $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => sprintf($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FILEUPLOAD_PREVENT_SELF', null, true), $settings->destination)];
         return false;
     // Handle errors and breaks without proceeding further
     if ($upload->file->error != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
         $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => sprintf($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FILEUPLOAD_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD', null, true), $upload->file->name, $this->upload_errors[$upload->file->error])];
         return false;
     } else {
         // Remove the error object to avoid storing it
         // we need to move the file at this stage or else
         // it won't be available upon save later on
         // since php removes it from the upload location
         $tmp_dir = Admin::getTempDir();
         $tmp_file = $upload->file->tmp_name;
         $tmp = $tmp_dir . '/uploaded-files/' . basename($tmp_file);
         if (!move_uploaded_file($tmp_file, $tmp)) {
             $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => sprintf($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FILEUPLOAD_UNABLE_TO_MOVE', null, true), '', $tmp)];
             return false;
         $upload->file->tmp_name = $tmp;
     // Handle file size limits
     $settings->filesize *= 1048576;
     // 2^20 [MB in Bytes]
     if ($settings->filesize > 0 && $upload->file->size > $settings->filesize) {
         $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.EXCEEDED_GRAV_FILESIZE_LIMIT')];
         return false;
     // Handle Accepted file types
     // Accept can only be mime types (image/png | image/*) or file extensions (.pdf|.jpg)
     $accepted = false;
     $errors = [];
     foreach ((array) $settings->accept as $type) {
         // Force acceptance of any file when star notation
         if ($type == '*') {
             $accepted = true;
         $isMime = strstr($type, '/');
         $find = str_replace('*', '.*', $type);
         $match = preg_match('#' . $find . '$#', $isMime ? $upload->file->type : $upload->file->name);
         if (!$match) {
             $message = $isMime ? 'The MIME type "' . $upload->file->type . '"' : 'The File Extension';
             $errors[] = $message . ' for the file "' . $upload->file->name . '" is not an accepted.';
             $accepted |= false;
         } else {
             $accepted |= true;
     if (!$accepted) {
         $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => implode('<br />', $errors)];
         return false;
     // Retrieve the current session of the uploaded files for the field
     // and initialize it if it doesn't exist
     $sessionField = base64_encode($this->uri);
     $flash = $this->admin->session()->getFlashObject('files-upload');
     if (!$flash) {
         $flash = [];
     if (!isset($flash[$sessionField])) {
         $flash[$sessionField] = [];
     if (!isset($flash[$sessionField][$upload->field])) {
         $flash[$sessionField][$upload->field] = [];
     // Set destination
     $destination = Folder::getRelativePath(rtrim($settings->destination, '/'));
     $destination = $this->admin->getPagePathFromToken($destination);
     // Create destination if needed
     if (!is_dir($destination)) {
     // Generate random name if required
     if ($settings->random_name) {
         // TODO: document
         $extension = pathinfo($upload->file->name)['extension'];
         $upload->file->name = Utils::generateRandomString(15) . '.' . $extension;
     // Handle conflicting name if needed
     if ($settings->avoid_overwriting) {
         // TODO: document
         if (file_exists($destination . '/' . $upload->file->name)) {
             $upload->file->name = date('YmdHis') . '-' . $upload->file->name;
     // Prepare object for later save
     $path = $destination . '/' . $upload->file->name;
     $upload->file->path = $path;
     // $upload->file->route = $page ? $path : null;
     // Prepare data to be saved later
     $flash[$sessionField][$upload->field][$path] = (array) $upload->file;
     // Finally store the new uploaded file in the field session
     $this->admin->session()->setFlashObject('files-upload', $flash);
     $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'success', 'session' => \json_encode(['sessionField' => base64_encode($this->uri), 'path' => $upload->file->path, 'field' => $settings->name])];
     return true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Installer.php プロジェクト: indigo423/blog.no42.org
  * Unzip a file to somewhere
  * @param $zip_file
  * @param $destination
  * @return bool|string
 public static function unZip($zip_file, $destination)
     $zip = new \ZipArchive();
     $archive = $zip->open($zip_file);
     if ($archive === true) {
         $unzip = $zip->extractTo($destination);
         if (!$unzip) {
             self::$error = self::ZIP_EXTRACT_ERROR;
             return false;
         $package_folder_name = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
         $extracted_folder = $destination . '/' . $package_folder_name;
         return $extracted_folder;
     self::$error = self::ZIP_EXTRACT_ERROR;
     return false;
コード例 #15
ファイル: InstallCommand.php プロジェクト: dweelie/grav
  * @param Package $package
  * @return string
 private function downloadPackage($package)
     $cache_dir = Grav::instance()['locator']->findResource('cache://', true);
     $this->tmp = $cache_dir . DS . 'tmp/Grav-' . uniqid();
     $filename = $package->slug . basename($package->zipball_url);
     $output = Response::get($package->zipball_url, [], [$this, 'progress']);
     $this->output->write("  |- Downloading package...   100%");
     file_put_contents($this->tmp . DS . $filename, $output);
     return $this->tmp . DS . $filename;
コード例 #16
  * Handles creating an empty page folder (without markdown file)
  * @return bool True if the action was performed.
 public function taskSaveNewFolder()
     if (!$this->authorizeTask('save', $this->dataPermissions())) {
     $data = $this->post;
     if ($data['route'] == '/') {
         $path = $this->grav['locator']->findResource('page://');
     } else {
         $path = $page = $this->grav['page']->find($data['route'])->path();
     $files = Folder::all($path, ['recursive' => false]);
     $highestOrder = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         preg_match(PAGE_ORDER_PREFIX_REGEX, $file, $order);
         if (isset($order[0])) {
             $theOrder = intval(trim($order[0], '.'));
         } else {
             $theOrder = 0;
         if ($theOrder >= $highestOrder) {
             $highestOrder = $theOrder;
     $orderOfNewFolder = $highestOrder + 1;
     if ($orderOfNewFolder < 10) {
         $orderOfNewFolder = '0' . $orderOfNewFolder;
     Folder::mkdir($path . '/' . $orderOfNewFolder . '.' . $data['folder']);
     $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED'), 'info');
     $multilang = $this->isMultilang();
     $admin_route = $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.admin.route');
     $redirect_url = '/' . ($multilang ? $this->grav['session']->admin_lang : '') . $admin_route . '/' . $this->view;
     return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Installer.php プロジェクト: ulilu/grav-toctoc
  * @param $state
  * @param $install_path
 protected static function flightProcessing($state, $install_path)
     $blueprints_path = $install_path . DS . 'blueprints.yaml';
     if (file_exists($blueprints_path)) {
         $package_yaml = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($blueprints_path));
         if (isset($package_yaml['install'][$state]['create'])) {
             foreach ((array) $package_yaml['install']['pre_install']['create'] as $file) {
                 Folder::mkdir($install_path . '/' . ltrim($file, '/'));
         if (isset($package_yaml['install'][$state]['remove'])) {
             foreach ((array) $package_yaml['install']['pre_install']['remove'] as $file) {
                 Folder::delete($install_path . '/' . ltrim($file, '/'));
コード例 #18
  * @param Package $package
  * @param string    $license
  * @return string
 private function downloadPackage($package, $license = null)
     $tmp_dir = Grav::instance()['locator']->findResource('tmp://', true, true);
     $this->tmp = $tmp_dir . '/Grav-' . uniqid();
     $filename = $package->slug . basename($package->zipball_url);
     $query = '';
     if ($package->premium) {
         $query = \json_encode(array_merge($package->premium, ['slug' => $package->slug, 'filename' => $package->premium['filename'], 'license_key' => $license]));
         $query = '?d=' . base64_encode($query);
     try {
         $output = Response::get($package->zipball_url . $query, [], [$this, 'progress']);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $error = str_replace("\n", "\n  |  '- ", $e->getMessage());
         // extra white spaces to clear out the buffer properly
         $this->output->writeln("  |- Downloading package...    <red>error</red>                             ");
         $this->output->writeln("  |  '- " . $error);
         return false;
     $this->output->write("  |- Downloading package...   100%");
     file_put_contents($this->tmp . DS . $filename, $output);
     return $this->tmp . DS . $filename;
コード例 #19
ファイル: gpm.php プロジェクト: emac/emacoo.cn
 private static function _downloadSelfupgrade($package, $tmp)
     $output = Response::get($package['download'], []);
     file_put_contents($tmp . DS . $package['name'], $output);
     return $tmp . DS . $package['name'];
コード例 #20
ファイル: Installer.php プロジェクト: dweelie/grav
  * Installs a given package to a given destination.
  * @param  string $package     The local path to the ZIP package
  * @param  string $destination The local path to the Grav Instance
  * @param  array  $options     Options to use for installing. ie, ['install_path' => 'user/themes/antimatter']
  * @return boolean True if everything went fine, False otherwise.
 public static function install($package, $destination, $options = [])
     $destination = rtrim($destination, DS);
     $options = array_merge(self::$options, $options);
     $install_path = rtrim($destination . DS . ltrim($options['install_path'], DS), DS);
     if (!self::isGravInstance($destination) || !self::isValidDestination($install_path, $options['exclude_checks'])) {
         return false;
     if (self::lastErrorCode() == self::IS_LINK && $options['ignore_symlinks'] || self::lastErrorCode() == self::EXISTS && !$options['overwrite']) {
         return false;
     $zip = new \ZipArchive();
     $archive = $zip->open($package);
     $cache_dir = Grav::instance()['locator']->findResource('cache://', true);
     $tmp = $cache_dir . DS . 'tmp/Grav-' . uniqid();
     if ($archive !== true) {
         self::$error = self::ZIP_OPEN_ERROR;
         return false;
     $unzip = $zip->extractTo($tmp);
     if (!$unzip) {
         self::$error = self::ZIP_EXTRACT_ERROR;
         return false;
     $package_folder_name = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
     $installer_file_folder = $tmp . '/' . $package_folder_name;
     $is_install = true;
     $installer = self::loadInstaller($installer_file_folder, $is_install);
     if (isset($options['is_update']) && $options['is_update'] === true) {
         $method = 'preUpdate';
     } else {
         $method = 'preInstall';
     if ($installer && method_exists($installer, $method)) {
         $method_result = $installer::$method();
         if ($method_result !== true) {
             self::$error = 'An error occurred';
             if (is_string($method_result)) {
                 self::$error = $method_result;
             return false;
     if (!$options['sophisticated']) {
         if ($options['theme']) {
             self::copyInstall($zip, $install_path, $tmp);
         } else {
             self::moveInstall($zip, $install_path, $tmp);
     } else {
         self::sophisticatedInstall($zip, $install_path, $tmp);
     if (isset($options['is_update']) && $options['is_update'] === true) {
         $method = 'postUpdate';
     } else {
         $method = 'postInstall';
     self::$message = '';
     if ($installer && method_exists($installer, $method)) {
         self::$message = $installer::$method();
     self::$error = self::OK;
     return true;