public function check() { $errors =& $this->errors; $okeys =& $this->okeys; // reseteamos la puntuación $this->setScore(0, 0, true); /***************** Revisión de campos del paso 1, PERFIL *****************/ $score = 0; // obligatorios: nombre, email, ciudad if (empty($this->user->name)) { $errors['userProfile']['name'] = Text::get('validate-user-field-name'); } else { $okeys['userProfile']['name'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } // se supone que tiene email porque sino no puede tener usuario, no? if (!empty($this->user->email)) { ++$score; } if (empty($this->user->location)) { $errors['userProfile']['location'] = Text::get('validate-user-field-location'); } else { $okeys['userProfile']['location'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (!empty($this->user->avatar) && $this->user->avatar->id != 1) { $okeys['userProfile']['avatar'] = empty($errors['userProfile']['avatar']) ? 'ok' : null; $score += 2; } if (!empty($this->user->about)) { $okeys['userProfile']['about'] = 'ok'; ++$score; // otro +1 si tiene más de 1000 caracteres (pero menos de 2000) if (\strlen($this->user->about) > 1000 && \strlen($this->user->about) < 2000) { ++$score; } } else { $errors['userProfile']['about'] = Text::get('validate-user-field-about'); } if (!empty($this->user->interests)) { $okeys['userProfile']['interests'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } /* Aligerando superform if (!empty($this->user->keywords)) { $okeys['userProfile']['keywords'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (!empty($this->user->contribution)) { $okeys['userProfile']['contribution'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } */ if (empty($this->user->webs)) { $errors['userProfile']['webs'] = Text::get('validate-project-userProfile-web'); } else { $okeys['userProfile']['webs'] = 'ok'; ++$score; if (count($this->user->webs) > 2) { ++$score; } $anyerror = false; foreach ($this->user->webs as $web) { if (trim(str_replace('http://', '', $web->url)) == '') { $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; $errors['userProfile']['web-' . $web->id . '-url'] = Text::get('validate-user-field-web'); } else { $okeys['userProfile']['web-' . $web->id . '-url'] = 'ok'; } } if ($anyerror) { unset($okeys['userProfile']['webs']); $errors['userProfile']['webs'] = Text::get('validate-project-userProfile-any_error'); } } if (!empty($this->user->facebook)) { $okeys['userProfile']['facebook'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (!empty($this->user->twitter)) { $okeys['userProfile']['twitter'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (!empty($this->user->linkedin)) { $okeys['userProfile']['linkedin'] = 'ok'; } //puntos $this->setScore($score, 12); /***************** FIN Revisión del paso 1, PERFIL *****************/ /***************** Revisión de campos del paso 2,DATOS PERSONALES *****************/ $score = 0; // obligatorios: todos if (empty($this->contract_name)) { $errors['userPersonal']['contract_name'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-contract_name'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['contract_name'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->contract_nif)) { $errors['userPersonal']['contract_nif'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-contract_nif'); } elseif (!Check::nif($this->contract_nif) && !Check::vat($this->contract_nif)) { $errors['userPersonal']['contract_nif'] = Text::get('validate-project-value-contract_nif'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['contract_nif'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->contract_email)) { $errors['userPersonal']['contract_email'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-contract_email'); } elseif (!Check::mail($this->contract_email)) { $errors['userPersonal']['contract_email'] = Text::get('validate-project-value-contract_email'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['contract_email'] = 'ok'; } if (empty($this->contract_birthdate)) { $errors['userPersonal']['contract_birthdate'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-contract_birthdate'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['contract_birthdate'] = 'ok'; } if (empty($this->phone)) { $errors['userPersonal']['phone'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-phone'); } elseif (!Check::phone($this->phone)) { $errors['userPersonal']['phone'] = Text::get('validate-project-value-phone'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['phone'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->address)) { $errors['userPersonal']['address'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-address'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['address'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->zipcode)) { $errors['userPersonal']['zipcode'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-zipcode'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['zipcode'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->location)) { $errors['userPersonal']['location'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-residence'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['location'] = 'ok'; } if (empty($this->country)) { $errors['userPersonal']['country'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-country'); } else { $okeys['userPersonal']['country'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } $this->setScore($score, 6); /***************** FIN Revisión del paso 2, DATOS PERSONALES *****************/ /***************** Revisión de campos del paso 3, DESCRIPCION *****************/ $score = 0; // obligatorios: nombre, subtitulo, imagen, descripcion, about, motivation, categorias, video, localización if (empty($this->name)) { $errors['overview']['name'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-name'); } else { $okeys['overview']['name'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (!empty($this->subtitle)) { $okeys['overview']['subtitle'] = 'ok'; } if (empty($this->gallery) && empty($errors['overview']['image'])) { $errors['overview']['image'] .= Text::get('mandatory-project-field-image'); } else { $okeys['overview']['image'] = empty($errors['overview']['image']) ? 'ok' : null; ++$score; if (count($this->gallery) >= 2) { ++$score; } } if (empty($this->description)) { $errors['overview']['description'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-description'); } elseif (!Check::words($this->description, 80)) { $errors['overview']['description'] = Text::get('validate-project-field-description'); } else { $okeys['overview']['description'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->about)) { $errors['overview']['about'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-about'); } else { $okeys['overview']['about'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->motivation)) { $errors['overview']['motivation'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-motivation'); } else { $okeys['overview']['motivation'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (!empty($this->goal)) { $okeys['overview']['goal'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (!empty($this->related)) { $okeys['overview']['related'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->categories)) { $errors['overview']['categories'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-category'); } else { $okeys['overview']['categories'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } if (empty($this->media)) { $errors['overview']['media'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-media'); } else { $okeys['overview']['media'] = 'ok'; $score += 3; } if (empty($this->project_location)) { $errors['overview']['project_location'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-field-location'); } else { $okeys['overview']['project_location'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } $this->setScore($score, 13); /***************** FIN Revisión del paso 3, DESCRIPCION *****************/ /***************** Revisión de campos del paso 4, COSTES *****************/ $score = 0; $scoreName = $scoreDesc = $scoreAmount = $scoreDate = 0; if (count($this->costs) < 2) { $errors['costs']['costs'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-costs'); } else { $okeys['costs']['costs'] = 'ok'; ++$score; } $anyerror = false; foreach ($this->costs as $cost) { if (empty($cost->cost)) { $errors['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-cost'] = Text::get('mandatory-cost-field-name'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-cost'] = 'ok'; $scoreName = 1; } if (empty($cost->type)) { $errors['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-type'] = Text::get('mandatory-cost-field-type'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-type'] = 'ok'; } if (empty($cost->description)) { $errors['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-description'] = Text::get('mandatory-cost-field-description'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-description'] = 'ok'; $scoreDesc = 1; } if (empty($cost->amount)) { $errors['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-amount'] = Text::get('mandatory-cost-field-amount'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-amount'] = 'ok'; $scoreAmount = 1; } if ($cost->type == 'task' && (empty($cost->from) || empty($cost->until))) { $errors['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-dates'] = Text::get('mandatory-cost-field-task_dates'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } elseif ($cost->type == 'task') { $okeys['costs']['cost-' . $cost->id . '-dates'] = 'ok'; $scoreDate = 1; } } if ($anyerror) { unset($okeys['costs']['costs']); $errors['costs']['costs'] = Text::get('validate-project-costs-any_error'); } $score = $score + $scoreName + $scoreDesc + $scoreAmount + $scoreDate; $costdif = $this->maxcost - $this->mincost; $maxdif = $this->mincost * 0.5; $scoredif = $this->mincost * 0.35; if ($this->mincost == 0) { $errors['costs']['total-costs'] = Text::get('mandatory-project-total-costs'); } elseif ($costdif > $maxdif) { $errors['costs']['total-costs'] = Text::get('validate-project-total-costs'); } else { $okeys['costs']['total-costs'] = 'ok'; } if ($costdif <= $scoredif) { ++$score; } $this->setScore($score, 6); /***************** FIN Revisión del paso 4, COSTES *****************/ /***************** Revisión de campos del paso 5, RETORNOS *****************/ $score = 0; $scoreName = $scoreDesc = $scoreAmount = $scoreLicense = 0; if (empty($this->social_rewards)) { $errors['rewards']['social_rewards'] = Text::get('validate-project-social_rewards'); } else { $okeys['rewards']['social_rewards'] = 'ok'; if (count($this->social_rewards) >= 2) { ++$score; } } if (empty($this->individual_rewards)) { $errors['rewards']['individual_rewards'] = Text::get('validate-project-individual_rewards'); } else { $okeys['rewards']['individual_rewards'] = 'ok'; if (count($this->individual_rewards) >= 3) { ++$score; } } $anyerror = false; foreach ($this->social_rewards as $social) { if (empty($social->reward)) { $errors['rewards']['social_reward-' . $social->id . 'reward'] = Text::get('mandatory-social_reward-field-name'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['rewards']['social_reward-' . $social->id . 'reward'] = 'ok'; $scoreName = 1; } if (empty($social->description)) { $errors['rewards']['social_reward-' . $social->id . '-description'] = Text::get('mandatory-social_reward-field-description'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['rewards']['social_reward-' . $social->id . '-description'] = 'ok'; $scoreDesc = 1; } if (empty($social->icon)) { $errors['rewards']['social_reward-' . $social->id . '-icon'] = Text::get('mandatory-social_reward-field-icon'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['rewards']['social_reward-' . $social->id . '-icon'] = 'ok'; } if (!empty($social->license)) { $scoreLicense = 1; } } if ($anyerror) { unset($okeys['rewards']['social_rewards']); $errors['rewards']['social_rewards'] = Text::get('validate-project-social_rewards-any_error'); } $score = $score + $scoreName + $scoreDesc + $scoreLicense; $scoreName = $scoreDesc = $scoreAmount = 0; $anyerror = false; foreach ($this->individual_rewards as $individual) { if (empty($individual->reward)) { $errors['rewards']['individual_reward-' . $individual->id . '-reward'] = Text::get('mandatory-individual_reward-field-name'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['rewards']['individual_reward-' . $individual->id . '-reward'] = 'ok'; $scoreName = 1; } if (empty($individual->description)) { $errors['rewards']['individual_reward-' . $individual->id . '-description'] = Text::get('mandatory-individual_reward-field-description'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['rewards']['individual_reward-' . $individual->id . '-description'] = 'ok'; $scoreDesc = 1; } if (empty($individual->amount)) { $errors['rewards']['individual_reward-' . $individual->id . '-amount'] = Text::get('mandatory-individual_reward-field-amount'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['rewards']['individual_reward-' . $individual->id . '-amount'] = 'ok'; $scoreAmount = 1; } if (empty($individual->icon)) { $errors['rewards']['individual_reward-' . $individual->id . '-icon'] = Text::get('mandatory-individual_reward-field-icon'); $anyerror = !$anyerror ?: true; } else { $okeys['rewards']['individual_reward-' . $individual->id . '-icon'] = 'ok'; } } if ($anyerror) { unset($okeys['rewards']['individual_rewards']); $errors['rewards']['individual_rewards'] = Text::get('validate-project-individual_rewards-any_error'); } $score = $score + $scoreName + $scoreDesc + $scoreAmount; $this->setScore($score, 8); /***************** FIN Revisión del paso 5, RETORNOS *****************/ /***************** Revisión de campos del paso 6, COLABORACIONES *****************/ $scorename = $scoreDesc = 0; foreach ($this->supports as $support) { if (!empty($support->support)) { $okeys['supports']['support-' . $support->id . '-support'] = 'ok'; $scoreName = 1; } if (!empty($support->description)) { $okeys['supports']['support-' . $support->id . '-description'] = 'ok'; $scoreDesc = 1; } } $score = $scoreName + $scoreDesc; $this->setScore($score, 2); /***************** FIN Revisión del paso 6, COLABORACIONES *****************/ //-------------- Calculo progreso ---------------------// $this->setProgress(); //-------------- Fin calculo progreso ---------------------// return true; }
public function validate(&$errors = array()) { if (empty($this->year)) { $this->year = self::$currYear; } if (!empty($this->nif) && !Check::nif($this->nif)) { $errors['nif'] = Text::get('validate-project-value-contract_nif'); } }
public function getList($filters = array(), $csv = false) { // naturaleza según tipo de persona (F, J) $nt = array('nif' => 'F', 'nie' => 'F', 'cif' => 'J'); // porcentaje segun tipo de persona (25, 35) $pt = array('nif' => '25', 'nie' => '25', 'cif' => '35'); $year = empty($filter['year']) ? static::$currYear : $filter['year']; $year0 = $year; $year1 = $year + 1; $values = array(); $list = array(); $sqlFilter = ''; if (!empty($filters['user'])) { $user = $filters['user']; $sqlFilter .= " AND ( LIKE :user OR LIKE :user OR LIKE :user)"; $values[':user'] = "******"; } if (!empty($filters['year'])) { $ayear = $filters['year']; $sqlFilter .= " AND DATE_FORMAT(invest.invested,'%Y') = :ayear"; $values[':ayear'] = $ayear; } if (!empty($filters['status'])) { switch ($filters['status']) { case 'pending': // Pendientes de confirmar $sqlFilter .= " AND user_donation.user IS NULL"; break; case 'edited': // Revisados $sqlFilter .= " AND user_donation.edited = 1 AND (user_donation.confirmed IS NULL OR user_donation.confirmed = 0)"; break; case 'confirmed': // Confirmados $sqlFilter .= " AND user_donation.confirmed = 1"; break; case 'emited': // Certificado emitido $sqlFilter .= " AND (user_donation.pdf IS NOT NULL OR user_donation.pdf != '')"; break; case 'notemited': //Confirmado pero no emitido $sqlFilter .= " AND user_donation.confirmed = 1 AND (user_donation.pdf IS NULL OR user_donation.pdf = '')"; break; } } $sql = "SELECT\n as id,\n,\n IFNULL(, as name,\n IFNULL(user_donation.nif, invest_address.nif) as nif,\n IFNULL(user_donation.address, invest_address.address) as address,\n IFNULL(user_donation.zipcode, invest_address.zipcode) as zipcode,\n IFNULL(user_donation.location, invest_address.location) as location,\n IFNULL(, as country,\n IFNULL(user_donation.amount, SUM(invest.amount)) as amount,\n IFNULL(user_donation.numproj, COUNT(DISTINCT(invest.project))) as numproj,\n CONCAT('{$year}') as year,\n IFNULL(user_donation.user, 'Pendiente') as pending,\n user_donation.edited as edited,\n user_donation.confirmed as confirmed,\n user_donation.pdf as pdf\n FROM invest\n INNER JOIN project\n ON = invest.project\n AND (project.passed IS NOT NULL AND project.passed != '0000-00-00')\n INNER JOIN user ON = invest.user\n LEFT JOIN user_donation ON user_donation.user = invest.user AND user_donation.year = '{$year}'\n LEFT JOIN invest_address ON invest_address.invest =\n WHERE invest.status IN ('1', '3')\n AND (\n (invest.invested >= '{$year0}-01-01' AND invest.invested < '{$year1}-01-01') \n OR (invest.invested < '{$year0}-01-01' AND project.passed >= '{$year0}-01-01')\n )\n {$sqlFilter}\n GROUP BY invest.user\n ORDER BY ASC"; $query = self::query($sql, $values); $items = $query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ); foreach ($items as $item) { if (empty($item->country)) { $prov = ''; } else { // dos dígitos para la provincia (99 si no es españa) $prov = static::esPana($item->country) ? substr($item->zipcode, 0, 2) : '99'; } // tipo de persona segun nif/nie/cif $type = ''; Check::nif($item->nif, $type); $per = $pt[$type]; $nat = $nt[$type]; // NIF;NIF_REPRLEGAL;Nombre;Provincia;CLAVE;PORCENTAJE;VALOR;EN_ESPECIE;COMUNIDAD;PORCENTAJE_CA;NATURALEZA;REVOCACION;EJERCICIO;TIPOBIEN;BIEN $list[] = array($item->nif, '', $item->name, $prov, 'A', $per, $item->amount, '', '', '', $nat, '', $item->year, '', '', ''); } return $list; }