コード例 #1
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     /** @var ObjectManager $em */
     $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
     /** @var EGPlayerStatsRepository $statsRepo */
     $statsRepo = $em->getRepository('GotChosenSiteBundle:EGPlayerStats');
     //$month = '2014-01';
     $month = date('Y-m');
     if (date('j') == '1') {
コード例 #2
 public function buildDevContestRanking($month)
      * - Plays
      * - Feedbacks Rated
      * - Qualifier Position
     $qualifierMonth = Dates::prevMonth($month);
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $egScholarship = $em->getRepository('GotChosenSiteBundle:Scholarship')->getCurrentEvoGames();
     $scholarshipId = $egScholarship ? $egScholarship->getId() : 0;
     $conn = $em->getConnection();
     // commenting this out and sorting in PHP, might be possible to use pure MySQL, but confusing.
     // would need to make sure the previous data we're selecting is not part of a scholarship and so on.
     // possibly remove IFNULL and change sprev LEFT JOIN to normal JOIN to fully exclude
     /*$stmt = $conn->prepare(
           'SELECT s.id, IFNULL(sprev.rank, 10000) previous_rank FROM EGGameStats s
            JOIN game_scholarships gs ON (gs.game_id = s.game_id)
            LEFT JOIN EGGameStats sprev ON
                (sprev.game_id = s.game_id AND sprev.statsMonth = :prevMonth)
            WHERE s.statsMonth = :month AND gs.scholarship_id = :sship AND gs.scholarship_type = :stype
            ORDER BY s.monthPlays DESC, s.monthRatedFeedbacks DESC, previous_rank ASC'
     $stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT s.id, s.game_id, s.monthPlays, s.monthRatedFeedbacks
          FROM EGGameStats s
          JOIN game_scholarships gs ON (gs.game_id = s.game_id)
          WHERE s.statsMonth = :month AND gs.scholarship_id = :sship AND gs.scholarshipType = :stype');
     $stmt->bindValue('month', $month, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
     //$stmt->bindValue('prevMonth', $qualifierMonth, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindValue('sship', $scholarshipId, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindValue('stype', EGGameScholarships::TYPE_CONTEST, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $values = $stmt->fetchAll();
     // collect the ranking for the previous month, so that can be used if necessary
     /*$stmt = $conn->prepare(
           'SELECT s.game_id FROM EGGameStats s
            LEFT JOIN game_scholarships gs ON (gs.game_id = s.game_id)
            WHERE s.statsMonth = :month AND (gs.scholarship_id IS NULL OR gs.scholarship_id != :sship)
            ORDER BY s.monthVotes DESC, s.monthPlays DESC, s.monthRatedFeedbacks DESC'
     $stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT s.game_id FROM EGGameStats s
          WHERE s.statsMonth = :month
          ORDER BY s.monthVotes DESC, s.monthPlays DESC, s.monthRatedFeedbacks DESC');
     $stmt->bindValue('month', $qualifierMonth, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
     //$stmt->bindValue('sship', $scholarshipId, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $qualValues = [];
     $rank = 0;
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
         $qualValues[$row['game_id']] = ++$rank;
     // sort by monthPlays DESC, monthRatedFeedbacks DESC, and qualifier rank ASC
     usort($values, function ($a, $b) use($qualValues) {
         if ($a['monthPlays'] != $b['monthPlays']) {
             return $b['monthPlays'] - $a['monthPlays'];
             // DESC
         if ($a['monthRatedFeedbacks'] != $b['monthRatedFeedbacks']) {
             return $b['monthRatedFeedbacks'] - $a['monthRatedFeedbacks'];
             // DESC
         if (!isset($qualValues[$a['game_id']])) {
             $qualValues[$a['game_id']] = 100000;
         if (!isset($qualValues[$b['game_id']])) {
             $qualValues[$b['game_id']] = 100000;
         return $qualValues[$a['game_id']] - $qualValues[$b['game_id']];
     $rank = 0;
     $mapping = [];
     foreach ($values as $stats) {
         $mapping[$stats['id']] = ++$rank;
コード例 #3
  * @return array
  * @Route("/evolution-games/wall-of-fame", name="eg_wall")
  * @Template
 public function wallAction()
     /** @var EGGameRepository $gameRepo */
     $gameRepo = $this->repo('EGGame');
     /** @var EGPlayerStatsRepository $pstatsRepo */
     $pstatsRepo = $this->repo('EGPlayerStats');
     $scholarship = $this->repo('Scholarship')->getCurrentEvoGames();
     $prevScholarship = $this->repo('Scholarship')->getEvoGamesByDate(date_create('-1 month'));
     $prev2Scholarship = $this->repo('Scholarship')->getEvoGamesByDate(date_create('-2 month'));
     $curMonth = date('Y-m');
     $prevMonth = Dates::prevMonth($curMonth);
     $prev2Month = Dates::prevMonth($prevMonth);
     $currentQualifier = $gameRepo->findQualifierGamesByRank($scholarship, $curMonth);
     $currentDev = $gameRepo->findContestGamesByRank($scholarship, $curMonth);
     $currentChamps = $pstatsRepo->getChampionshipLeaders($scholarship, $curMonth, 10);
     // cache these later, they don't really change
     if ($prevScholarship) {
         $prevQualifier = $gameRepo->findQualifierGamesByRank($prevScholarship, $prevMonth);
         $prevDev = $gameRepo->findContestGamesByRank($prevScholarship, $prevMonth, 2);
         $prevChamps = $pstatsRepo->getChampionshipLeaders($prevScholarship, $prevMonth, 1);
     } else {
         $prevQualifier = $prevDev = $prevChamps = [];
     if ($prev2Scholarship) {
         $prev2Qualifier = $gameRepo->findQualifierGamesByRank($prev2Scholarship, $prev2Month);
         $prev2Dev = $gameRepo->findContestGamesByRank($prev2Scholarship, $prev2Month, 2);
         $prev2Champs = $pstatsRepo->getChampionshipLeaders($prev2Scholarship, $prev2Month, 1);
     } else {
         $prev2Qualifier = $prev2Dev = $prev2Champs = [];
     $users = [];
     foreach ($currentChamps as $u) {
         $users[] = $u->getPlayer();
     foreach ($prevChamps as $u) {
         $users[] = $u->getPlayer();
     foreach ($prev2Champs as $u) {
         $users[] = $u->getPlayer();
     $this->repo('User')->precachePropertiesMulti($users, ['PhotoURL']);
     return ['currentQualifier' => $currentQualifier, 'currentDev' => $currentDev, 'currentChamps' => $currentChamps, 'prevMonth' => $prevMonth, 'prevQualifier' => $prevQualifier, 'prevDev' => $prevDev, 'prevChamps' => $prevChamps, 'prev2Month' => $prev2Month, 'prev2Qualifier' => $prev2Qualifier, 'prev2Dev' => $prev2Dev, 'prev2Champs' => $prev2Champs];
コード例 #4
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('gotchosen:new-eg-contest')->addOption('round', 'r', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Contest round #')->addOption('month', 'm', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Month to pull qualifier games from, defined as yyyy-MM, defaults to previous month', Dates::prevMonth('now'))->setDescription('Creates a new Evolution Games contest, seeding it with the top 10 qualifier games.');