private function getLength() { $gifFilePath = $this->directory['full'] . $this->fileinfo['filename']; if (GifFrameExtractor::isAnimatedGif($gifFilePath)) { $gfe = new GifFrameExtractor(); $gfe->extract($gifFilePath); $gifTotalDuration = 0; // Get the total duration of the gif; if a frame is 0s of a second long, automatically add 0.1s because browsers play it at that speed anyway. // Read more: foreach ($gfe->getFrameDurations() as $duration) { $gifTotalDuration += $duration == 0 ? 10 : $duration; } return $gifTotalDuration / 100; } else { // So it's a gif, but it's not animated. Return 0 return 0; } }
public function automatic_reduction($file, $image_url) { $filetype = $this->getFileType($file); if ((!empty($this->maximum_picture_size['width']) || !empty($this->maximum_picture_size['height'])) && ($this->width > $this->maximum_picture_size['width'] || $this->height > $this->maximum_picture_size['height'])) { if ($this->width > $this->height) { $maximum_picture_size_width = empty($this->maximum_picture_size['width']) ? $this->width * $this->maximum_picture_size['height'] / $this->height : $this->maximum_picture_size['width']; $new_width = intval($maximum_picture_size_width); $new_height = intval($this->height * $maximum_picture_size_width / $this->width); } else { $maximum_picture_size_height = empty($this->maximum_picture_size['height']) ? $this->height * $this->maximum_picture_size['width'] / $this->width : $this->maximum_picture_size['height']; $new_width = intval($this->width * $maximum_picture_size_height / $this->height); $new_height = intval($maximum_picture_size_height); } $layer = ImageWorkshop::initFromString($file); if ($filetype == 'gif' && GifFrameExtractor\GifFrameExtractor::isAnimatedGif($this->temp)) { $gfe = new GifFrameExtractor\GifFrameExtractor(); $frames = $gfe->extract($this->temp, true); $retouchedFrames = array(); foreach ($frames as $frame) { $frameLayer = ImageWorkshop::initFromResourceVar($frame['image']); $frameLayer->resizeInPixel($new_width, $new_height); $retouchedFrames[] = $frameLayer->getResult(); } $gc = new GifCreator\GifCreator(); $gc->create($retouchedFrames, $gfe->getFrameDurations(), 0); $file = $gc->getGif(); } else { $layer->resizeInPixel($new_width, $new_height, true); ob_start(); switch ($filetype) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': ImageJpeg($layer->getResult(), null, 75); break; case 'png': imagealphablending($layer->getResult(), false); imagesavealpha($layer->getResult(), true); ImagePng($layer->getResult()); break; case 'gif': ImageGif($layer->getResult(), null, 75); break; } $file = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } imagedestroy($layer->getResult()); $this->width = $new_width; $this->height = $new_height; } return $file; }