コード例 #1
  * @covers ::apply
  * @covers ::to
 public function testFailedAssertProvidesRejectedValue()
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // setup your test
     // we care about:
     // - fieldOrVar
     // - dataType
     $value = 5;
     $reason = "must be less than 4";
     $e = null;
     $expectedMessage = __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__ . '()@' . (__LINE__ + 14) . ': contract failed; ' . $reason;
     $expectedData = ['thrownByName' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__ . '()@' . (__LINE__ + 12), 'thrownBy' => new CodeCaller(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, '->', __FILE__, __LINE__ + 11), 'fieldOrVar' => $value, 'fieldOrVarName' => 'value', 'reason' => $reason, 'dataType' => 'integer<' . $value . '>'];
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // perform the change
     try {
         AssertValue::apply($value < 4, $reason)->to($value);
     } catch (ContractFailed $e) {
         // do nothing
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // test the results
     // make sure we caught an exception
     $this->assertInstanceOf(ContractFailed::class, $e);
     // make sure it has the details we expect
     $actualMessage = $e->getMessage();
     $actualData = $e->getMessageData();
     $this->assertEquals($expectedMessage, $actualMessage);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedData, $actualData);
コード例 #2
  * check that an expression is true ... and if it is not, throw an
  * exception
  * @param  mixed $value
  *         the value check we are checking
  * @param  boolean $expr
  *         the expression we use to check $value
  * @param  string|null $reason
  *         the reason why $expr must be true
  * @return boolean
  *         TRUE on success
 public static function assertValue($value, $expr, $reason = null)
     AssertValue::apply($expr, $reason)->to($value);