コード例 #1
ファイル: Bf4.php プロジェクト: Au1st3in/au1st3in.net
  * Handle processing details since they are different than BF3
  * @param \GameQ\Buffer $buffer
  * @return array
 protected function processDetails(Buffer $buffer)
     // Decode into items
     $items = $this->decode($buffer);
     // Set the result to a new result instance
     $result = new Result();
     // Server is always dedicated
     $result->add('dedicated', 1);
     // These are the same no matter what mode the server is in
     $result->add('hostname', $items[1]);
     $result->add('num_players', (int) $items[2]);
     $result->add('max_players', (int) $items[3]);
     $result->add('gametype', $items[4]);
     $result->add('map', $items[5]);
     $result->add('roundsplayed', (int) $items[6]);
     $result->add('roundstotal', (int) $items[7]);
     $result->add('num_teams', (int) $items[8]);
     // Set the current index
     $index_current = 9;
     // Pull the team count
     $teamCount = $result->get('num_teams');
     // Loop for the number of teams found, increment along the way
     for ($id = 1; $id <= $teamCount; $id++, $index_current++) {
         // Shows the tickets
         $result->addTeam('tickets', $items[$index_current]);
         // We add an id so we know which team this is
         $result->addTeam('id', $id);
     // Get and set the rest of the data points.
     $result->add('targetscore', (int) $items[$index_current]);
     $result->add('online', 1);
     // Forced true, it seems $words[$index_current + 1] is always empty
     $result->add('ranked', (int) $items[$index_current + 2]);
     $result->add('punkbuster', (int) $items[$index_current + 3]);
     $result->add('password', (int) $items[$index_current + 4]);
     $result->add('uptime', (int) $items[$index_current + 5]);
     $result->add('roundtime', (int) $items[$index_current + 6]);
     $result->add('ip_port', $items[$index_current + 7]);
     $result->add('punkbuster_version', $items[$index_current + 8]);
     $result->add('join_queue', (int) $items[$index_current + 9]);
     $result->add('region', $items[$index_current + 10]);
     $result->add('pingsite', $items[$index_current + 11]);
     $result->add('country', $items[$index_current + 12]);
     //$result->add('quickmatch', (int) $items[$index_current + 13]); Supposed to be here according to R42 but is not
     $result->add('blaze_player_count', (int) $items[$index_current + 13]);
     $result->add('blaze_game_state', (int) $items[$index_current + 14]);
     unset($items, $index_current, $teamCount, $buffer);
     return $result->fetch();
コード例 #2
ファイル: Teamspeak3.php プロジェクト: Au1st3in/au1st3in.net
  * Process the channel listing
  * @param string        $data
  * @param \GameQ\Result $result
 protected function processChannels($data, Result &$result)
     // We need to split the data at the pipe
     $channels = explode('|', $data);
     // Iterate over the channels
     foreach ($channels as $channel) {
         // Offload the parsing for these values
         $properties = $this->processProperties($channel);
         // Iterate over the properties
         foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
             $result->addTeam($key, $value);
     unset($data, $channel, $channels, $properties, $key, $value);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Mumble.php プロジェクト: Au1st3in/au1st3in.net
  * Handles processing the the channels and user info
  * @param array         $data
  * @param \GameQ\Result $result
 protected function processChannelsAndUsers(array $data, Result &$result)
     // Let's add all of the channel information
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         // We will handle these later
         if (in_array($key, ['channels', 'users'])) {
             // skip
         // Add the channel property as a team
         $result->addTeam($key, $value);
     // Itereate over the users in this channel
     foreach ($data['users'] as $user) {
         foreach ($user as $key => $value) {
             $result->addPlayer($key, $value);
     // Offload more channels to parse
     foreach ($data['channels'] as $channel) {
         $this->processChannelsAndUsers($channel, $result);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Teamspeak2.php プロジェクト: Au1st3in/au1st3in.net
  * Process the channel listing
  * @param string        $data
  * @param \GameQ\Result $result
 protected function processChannels($data, Result &$result)
     // Create a buffer
     $buffer = new Buffer($data);
     // The first line holds the column names, data returned is in column/row format
     $columns = explode("\t", trim($buffer->readString("\n")), 9);
     // Loop through the rows until we run out of information
     while ($buffer->getLength()) {
         // Grab the row, which is a tabbed list of items
         $row = trim($buffer->readString("\n"));
         // Explode and merge the data with the columns, then parse
         $data = array_combine($columns, explode("\t", $row, 9));
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             // Now add the data to the result
             $result->addTeam($key, utf8_encode($value));
     unset($data, $buffer, $row, $columns, $key, $value);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Gamespy.php プロジェクト: Au1st3in/au1st3in.net
  * Handle processing the status buffer
  * @param Buffer $buffer
  * @return array
 protected function processStatus(Buffer $buffer)
     // Set the result to a new result instance
     $result = new Result();
     // By default dedicted
     $result->add('dedicated', 1);
     // Lets peek and see if the data starts with a \
     if ($buffer->lookAhead(1) == '\\') {
         // Burn the first one
     // Explode the data
     $data = explode('\\', $buffer->getBuffer());
     // No longer needed
     // Init some vars
     $numPlayers = 0;
     $numTeams = 0;
     $itemCount = count($data);
     // Now lets loop the array
     for ($x = 0; $x < $itemCount; $x += 2) {
         // Set some local vars
         $key = $data[$x];
         $val = $data[$x + 1];
         // Check for <variable>_<count> variable (i.e players)
         if (($suffix = strrpos($key, '_')) !== false && is_numeric(substr($key, $suffix + 1))) {
             // See if this is a team designation
             if (substr($key, 0, $suffix) == 'teamname') {
                 $result->addTeam('teamname', $val);
             } else {
                 // Its a player
                 if (substr($key, 0, $suffix) == 'playername') {
                 $result->addPlayer(substr($key, 0, $suffix), utf8_encode($val));
         } else {
             // Regular variable so just add the value.
             $result->add($key, $val);
     // Add the player and team count
     $result->add('num_players', $numPlayers);
     $result->add('num_teams', $numTeams);
     // Unset some stuff to free up memory
     unset($data, $key, $val, $suffix, $x, $itemCount);
     // Return the result
     return $result->fetch();