コード例 #1
Tap::isa($listing, 'Gaia\\Souk\\Listing', 'create returns a souk listing object');
Tap::is($listing->price, 10, 'price returned is 10');
Tap::is($listing->step, 1, 'step is one if no step specified');
Tap::is($listing->bid, 0, 'opening bid is zero');
Tap::is($listing->seller, $seller_id, 'seller matches the user id we passed in');
Tap::is($listing->closed, 0, 'auction not closed yet');
Tap::is($listing->buyer, 0, 'no buyer yet');
Tap::is($listing->bidder, 0, 'no bidder either');
Tap::is($listing->touch, 0, 'auction hasnt been touched yet');
Tap::cmp_ok(abs($listing->created - Time::now()), '<', 2, 'created matches current time');
Tap::is($listing->expires - $listing->created, 86400 * 14, 'when no expires time set, defaults to 2 weeks');
Tap::is($listing, $souk->get($listing->id), 'get by id returns same item we got back from auction step');
Tap::is(array($listing->id => $listing), $souk->fetch(array($listing->id)), 'fetch by id returns same item we got back from auction step');
Time::offset(86400 * 15);
$listing = $souk->close($listing->id);
Tap::isa($listing, 'Gaia\\Souk\\Listing', 'close returns a souk listing object');
Tap::is($listing->closed, 1, 'the listing is now closed');
Tap::cmp_ok(abs($listing->touch - Time::now()), '<', 2, 'after closing, touch matches current time');
Tap::is($listing->buyer, 0, 'the buyer field is still zero');
Tap::is($listing->bid, 0, 'bid is also empty');
$souk = Souk($app, $seller_id);
$listing = $souk->auction(array('price' => 10, 'bid' => 0, 'item_id' => $item_id));
$e = NULL;
try {
    $listing = $souk->bid($listing->id, 4);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $e = $e->getMessage();
Tap::is($e, 'invalid bidder', 'sellers cant bid on their their own items');