  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \FrontPanels\Interfaces\InterfacePanelsProcessor::processPanel()
 public function processPanel(FrontPanelsPanelEntity $objPanel)
     //load user
     $objUser = \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     //load user contacts
     $objContacts = $this->getContactsModel()->fetchContacts(array("regtbl_user" => $objUser->id));
     $arr = array();
     foreach ($objContacts as $objContact) {
         if (!is_numeric($objContact->id) || $objContact->id == "") {
         //end if
         $arr_contact["name"] = $objContact->fname . " " . $objContact->sname;
         $arr_contact["reference"] = $objContact->reference;
         $arr_contact["source"] = $objContact->source;
         $view_url = "<a href=\"" . $this->getViewUrlHelper()->url("front-contacts", array("action" => "view-contact", "id" => $objContact->id)) . "\" title=\"View Contact Information\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\">" . ICON_SMALL_PROFILE_HTML . "</a>";
         $edit_url = "<a href=\"" . $this->getViewUrlHelper()->url("front-contacts", array("action" => "edit-contact", "id" => $objContact->id)) . "\" title=\"Edit Contact Information\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\">" . ICON_SMALL_MODIFY_HTML . "</a>";
         $comms_url = "<a href=\"" . $this->getViewUrlHelper()->url("front-contacts", array("action" => "view-contact", "id" => $objContact->id)) . "\" class=\"contact_comms\" data-contact-id=\"" . $objContact->id . "\" title=\"Contact Communications\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\">" . ICON_SMALL_COMMS_HTML . "</a>";
         $arr_contact["Links"] = $view_url . "&nbsp;" . $edit_url . "&nbsp" . $comms_url;
         $arr[] = $arr_contact;
     //end foreach
     $add_url = "<a href=\"" . $this->getViewUrlHelper()->url("front-contacts", array("action" => "create-contact")) . "\" title=\"Create a new Contact\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\"><span class=\"icon-button-very-large\">" . ICON_MEDIUM_ADD_HTML . "</a>";
     //load table helper
     $objSimpleHTMLTable = new \FrontCore\ViewHelpers\FrontRenderSimpleHtmlTable();
     $html = $objSimpleHTMLTable->generate("", array("Name", "Reference", "Source", $add_url), $arr);
     $objPanel->set("html", $html);
     return $objPanel;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \FrontPanels\Interfaces\InterfacePanelsProcessor::processPanel()
 public function processPanel(FrontPanelsPanelEntity $objPanel)
     //load user
     $objUser = \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     $html = "<a href=\"" . $this->getViewUrlHelper()->url("front-contacts") . "\" title=\"Contacts\">" . ICON_XLARGE_CONTACTS_HTML . "</a>";
     $objPanel->set("html", $html);
     return $objPanel;
コード例 #3
  * Generate a standard view heading
  * @param string $header_html
  * @return string
 public function __invoke($arr_date)
     //set options
     if (isset($arr_date["options"])) {
         foreach ($arr_date["options"] as $k => $v) {
             $this->{$k} = $v;
         //end foreach
     //end if
     //is the date specified?
     if (!isset($arr_date["date"]) || trim($arr_date["date"]) == "" || trim($arr_date['date']) == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || trim($arr_date['date']) == '0000-00-00') {
         return FALSE;
     //end if
     try {
         //create date object and check date is utc formatted
         $objDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat(\DateTime::RFC3339, $arr_date["date"]);
         //was the date received valid?
         if (!$objDate) {
             if ($this->bool_report_errors === TRUE) {
                 trigger_error("Date '" . $arr_date['date'] . "' is not a valid UTC formatted date", E_USER_WARNING);
                 return FALSE;
             //end if
         //end if
         //format date to requested format and apply user timezone
         $objUser = \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
         $timezone = $objUser->locale_timezone;
         if ($timezone == '') {
             //try profile defined timezone
             $timezone = $objUser->profile->settings->locale_timezone;
         //end if
         if ($timezone != '') {
             $objTimezone = new \DateTimeZone($timezone);
         //end if
         $date = $objDate->format($this->output_format);
         return $date;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($this->bool_report_errors === TRUE) {
             //ignore error
             trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_NOTICE);
         //end if
         if ($this->bool_throw_exception === TRUE) {
             throw new \Exception(__CLASS__ . " : Line " . __LINE__ . " : " . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
         //end if
         return $arr_date["date"];
     //end catch
コード例 #4
 public function ajaxToggleFeedAction()
     $i = $this->params()->fromQuery("i", 1);
     //load user session
     $objUser = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if ($i == 1 || $i == 0) {
         $objUser->user_news_feed_activity = $i;
     } else {
         $objUser->user_news_feed_activity = 1 - $objUser->user_news_feed_activity;
     //end if
コード例 #5
 public function displayPanelsAction()
     //check if panels are enabled
     $objUser = \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if (!in_array("panels", $objUser->profile->plugins_enabled)) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute("front-contacts");
     //end if
     try {
         //load user session
         $objUserSession = new \Zend\Session\Container("user");
         //load user panels
         $objUserPanels = $this->getFrontPanelsModel()->fetchUserPanels();
         $arr_panels = array();
         //preprocess some panels
         foreach ($objUserPanels as $objPanel) {
             //check if panel has been cached
             if (isset($objUserSession->arr_cached_processed_panels[$objPanel->get("fk_id_panels")])) {
                 $obj = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("FrontPanels\\Entities\\FrontPanelsPanelEntity");
                 $arr_panels[] = $obj;
             //end if
             switch ($objPanel->get("panels_panel_type")) {
                 case "icon":
                     $objPanelOutput = $this->getFrontPanelsModel()->processUserPanel($objPanel->get("fk_id_panels"), array("panel_id" => $objPanel->get("fk_id_panels"), "panels_name" => $objPanel->get("panels_name"), "panels_categories_category" => $objPanel->get("panels_categories_category"), "panels_unique_identifier" => $objPanel->get("panels_unique_identifier")));
                     $objPanel->set("html", $objPanelOutput->get("html"));
                     //cache user icon
                     if (!isset($objUserSession->arr_cached_processed_panels)) {
                         $objUserSession->arr_cached_processed_panels = array();
                     //end if
                     $objUserSession->arr_cached_processed_panels[$objPanel->get("fk_id_panels")] = $objPanel->getArrayCopy();
             //end switch
             $arr_panels[] = $objPanel;
         //end foreach
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage("Panels could not be loaded");
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute("front-contacts");
     //end catch
     return array("objUserPanels" => (object) $arr_panels);
  * View a communication online
  * Although comm_history_id and comm_id is optional, either one is created. comm_history_id takes precedence over the comm id
  * @param mixed $comm_history_id - Optional, where set, the comm will be processed as if sent to a contact
  * @param mixed $comm_id - Optional, where comm history id is not, the comm content will be produced without processing replace fields
  * @return stdClass
 public function viewCommOnline($comm_history_id, $comm_id)
     //create the request object
     $objApiRequest = $this->getApiRequestModel();
     //load authentication details
     $arr_data = array("comm_history_id" => $comm_history_id, "comm_id" => $comm_id);
     $arr_data["util"] = "view-comm-online";
     //where the comm history id is not, us user is probably trying to preview the communication which requires a user session
     if ($comm_history_id == '' && !FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn()) {
         throw new \Exception(__CLASS__ . " : Line " . __LINE__ . " : You must be logged in the view this page", 500);
     //end if
     //where comm history id is set, use util to authenticate the request regardless of user being logged in
     if ($comm_history_id != '') {
         $objRequestAuthentication = $this->setRequestLogin($arr_data);
     //end if
     //setup the object and specify the action
     $objCommContent = $objApiRequest->performGETRequest($arr_data)->getBody()->data;
     return $objCommContent;
コード例 #7
  * Request a full list of contacts
  * This is saved to a file in the background and cached for 30 minutes
  * This function bypasses the normal api request model and makes a direct request
  * @param string $action
 public function fetchContactsStream($action = '')
     //trigger pre event
     $result = $this->getEventManager()->trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '.pre', $this, array());
      * Set user details for request
     //load user session data
     $objUserSession = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     //set file path
     $path = './data/cache/cache_streams/' . str_replace('-', '', $objUserSession->profile->profile_identifier);
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         mkdir($path, 0755, TRUE);
     //end if
     $csv_file = $path . '/' . $objUserSession->profile->profile_identifier . '-contacts.csv';
     $csv_metadata_file = $path . '/' . $objUserSession->profile->profile_identifier . '-contacts.csv.metadata';
     $arr_return = array('source_data_path' => $csv_file, 'source_metadata' => $csv_metadata_file);
     switch ($action) {
         case 'delete':
     //end switch
     //check if data file exists
     if (is_file($csv_file) && is_file($csv_metadata_file)) {
         //check if file has expired
         $arr = unserialize(file_get_contents($csv_metadata_file));
         if (!is_array($arr)) {
         //end if
         if (time() > $arr['expires']) {
         } else {
             return $arr_return;
         //end if
     //end if
     //check if this is a user or site call
     if ($this->api_pword == "" || !$this->api_pword) {
         //try to extract from session
         if (is_object($objUserSession)) {
             $this->api_pword = $objUserSession->pword;
         //end if
     //end if
     //set api username
     if ($this->api_user == "" || !$this->api_user) {
         //is api key encoded?
         if (is_object($objUserSession)) {
             if (isset($objUserSession->api_key_encoded) && $objUserSession->api_key_encoded === TRUE) {
                 $key = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("FrontCore\\Models\\FrontCoreSecurityModel")->decodeValue($objUserSession->uname);
                 $this->api_user = $key;
             } else {
                 //try to extract from session
                 $this->api_user = $objUserSession->uname;
             //end if
         //end if
     //end if
     //set api key
     if ($this->api_key == "" || !$this->api_key) {
         //is api key encoded?
         if (is_object($objUserSession)) {
             if (isset($objUserSession->api_key_encoded) && $objUserSession->api_key_encoded === TRUE) {
                 $this->api_key = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("FrontCore\\Models\\FrontCoreSecurityModel")->decodeValue($objUserSession->api_key);
             } else {
                 //try to extract from session
                 $this->api_key = $objUserSession->api_key;
             //end if
         //end if
     //end if
     require "./config/helpers/ob1.php";
     $arr_set_headers = array();
     foreach ($arr_headers as $k => $v) {
         $arr_set_headers[] = "{$k}: {$v}";
     //end foreach
     //load config
     $arr_config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config')['profile_config'];
     //build the url
     $arr_fields = array('reg_id', 'reg_id_encoded', 'fname', 'sname', 'comm_destinations_email', 'source', 'reference', 'datetime_created', 'datetime_updated', 'registration_status_status', 'registration_status_colour', 'user_uname', 'user_sname');
     $url = $arr_config['api_request_location'] . '/api/contacts?qp_limit=all&qp_stream_output_csv=1&qp_disable_hypermedia=1&qp_export_fields=' . implode(',', $arr_fields);
      * We use curl, its just easier
     $fp = fopen($csv_file, 'w');
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $arr_set_headers);
     $data = curl_exec($ch);
     //set metadata
     file_put_contents($csv_metadata_file, serialize(array('expires' => time() + 60 * 60)));
     //trigger pre event
     $result = $this->getEventManager()->trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '.post', $this, array());
     //return file paths
     return $arr_return;
コード例 #8
  * Set unique identifier so profiles do not overwrite each other
  * @param string $key
  * @return string
 private function setIdentifier($key)
     $objUser = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if (is_object($objUser) && isset($objUser->profile->profile_identifier) && $objUser->profile->profile_identifier != "") {
         return $objUser->profile->profile_identifier . "-" . $key;
     //end if
     if (is_object($objUser) && is_numeric($objUser->site_id)) {
         return $objUser->site_id . "-" . $key;
     //end if
     return $key;
コード例 #9
  * Check if a user is logged in
  * If not, setup a session with the correct key for form submission to work
  * @param int $form_id
  * @return stdClass
 private function setUserLogin($form_id)
     //check if user is logged into frontend
     $objUserSession = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if (!$objUserSession) {
         $cache_key = "ex_form_" . $form_id . "_" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "_key";
         //check if data has been cached
         $objData = $this->getFormsCacheModel()->readFormCache($cache_key);
         if (!$objData || is_null($objData)) {
             //create the request object
             $objApiRequest = $this->getApiRequestModel();
             //disable api session login
             //load master user details
             $arr_user = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("config")["master_user_account"];
             //set api request authentication details
             //setup the object and specify the action
             //set payload
             $arr_data = array("fid" => $form_id, "tstamp" => time(), 'key' => $arr_user['apikey']);
             $objData = $objApiRequest->performPOSTRequest($arr_data)->getBody();
             //cache the data
             $this->getFormsCacheModel()->setFormCache($cache_key, $objData);
         //end if
         return $objData->data;
     //end function
     return FALSE;
コード例 #10
 public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
     $eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
     $moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener();
     //preload the Service Manager instance to the Service Manager Factory
      * Register event listeners
     $eventsFrontCore = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get("FrontCore\\Events\\FrontCoreEvents");
     $eventsSystemForms = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get("FrontCore\\Events\\FrontCoreSystemFormEvents");
     //append app config to layout
     //load config
     $arr_config = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get("config");
     $e->getViewModel()->setVariable("app_config", $arr_config);
     $e->getViewModel()->setVariable("cdn_url", $arr_config["cdn_config"]["url"]);
      * Check if user is logged in
     $sharedEvents = $eventManager->getSharedManager();
     $sharedEvents->attach("*", 'dispatch', function ($e) {
         // fired when an ActionController under the namespace is dispatched.
         $controller = $e->getTarget();
         //first check if user needs to be logged in
         if ($e->getRouteMatch()->getParam("user-bypass-login") === TRUE) {
         //end if
         $arr_exclude_controllers = array("FrontUserLogin\\Controller\\IndexController");
         //check for cli requests
         if (get_class($controller) == "FrontCLI\\Controller\\IndexController") {
             //check if module is activated
             $objModuleManager = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('ModuleManager');
             $arr_modules = $objModuleManager->getLoadedModules();
             if (array_key_exists("FrontCLI", $arr_modules)) {
             //end if
         //end if
         if (strtolower(substr(get_class($controller), 0, 5)) == "front" && !in_array(get_class($controller), $arr_exclude_controllers) || strtolower($e->getRouteMatch()->getMatchedRouteName()) == "home") {
             //check if user is logged in
             if (!FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn()) {
                 //redirect to login screen and set message
                 $flashMessenger = new \Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger();
                 $flashMessenger->addInfoMessage("Please login to continue");
                 //redirect back to login page
                 $target = $e->getTarget();
                 if (strtolower($e->getRouteMatch()->getMatchedRouteName()) == "home") {
                     //home page, access service manager differently from event
                     $serviceLocator = $target->getServiceManager();
                 } else {
                     $serviceLocator = $target->getServiceLocator();
                 //end if
                 $url = $e->getRouter()->assemble(array("controller" => "FrontUserLogin\\Controller\\IndexController"), array('name' => 'front-user-login'));
                 $response = $e->getResponse();
                 $response->setHeaders($response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Location', $url));
             //end if
         //end if
     }, 110);
      * Deal with flash messages that needs to be passed to the layout view
     $eventManager->attach(\Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER, function ($e) {
         $flashMessenger = new \Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger();
         if ($flashMessenger->hasMessages()) {
             $e->getViewModel()->setVariable('flashMessages', $flashMessenger->getMessages());
         //end if
         if ($flashMessenger->hasErrorMessages()) {
             $e->getViewModel()->setVariable('flashMessages_errors', $flashMessenger->getErrorMessages());
         //end if
         if ($flashMessenger->hasInfoMessages()) {
             $e->getViewModel()->setVariable('flashMessages_info', $flashMessenger->getInfoMessages());
         //end if
         if ($flashMessenger->hasSuccessMessages()) {
             $e->getViewModel()->setVariable('flashMessages_success', $flashMessenger->getSuccessMessages());
         //end if
      * Log api calls
     if (isset($_GET["debug_display_errors"]) && $_GET["debug_display_errors"] == 1 || isset($_GET["debug_display_queries"]) && $_GET["debug_display_queries"] == 1) {
         //get shared event manager
         $sem = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager()->getSharedManager();
         $sem->attach("*", "apiCallExecuted", function ($event) use($e) {
             $objApiData = $event->getParam("objApiData");
             $objResponse = $event->getParam("objResponse");
             $objApiData->rawResponse = $objResponse->getBody();
             if (isset($_GET["debug_display_errors"]) && $_GET["debug_display_errors"] == 1) {
                 $url = $objApiData->url;
                 $response = $objApiData->rawResponse;
                 $arr = $e->getViewModel()->getVariable("api_logs");
                 $arr[] = $objApiData;
                 $arr[] = $response;
                 $e->getViewModel()->setVariable("api_logs", $arr);
             //end if
     //end if
      * Start session
     //load icon packs
コード例 #11
 public function getUserNativePreferencesForm($objController)
     $objForm = new NativeUserPreferencesForm();
     $objUser = \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     //load contact profile forms
     $arr_forms = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("FrontContacts\\Models\\FrontContactsModel")->getContactProfileForm();
     //set no option
     $arr_element_value_options = array();
     $arr_element_value_options["none"] = "No Layout";
     //create element options
     foreach ($arr_forms as $key => $form_name) {
         if (is_numeric($key)) {
             $arr_element_value_options[$key] = $form_name;
         //end if
     //end foreach
     //set home page locations
     $arr_locations = array($objController->url()->fromRoute("front-contacts") => "My Contacts", $objController->url()->fromRoute("front-comms-admin/journeys") => "My Journeys", $objController->url()->fromRoute("front-form-admin") => "My Forms", $objController->url()->fromRoute("front-users") => "Manage Users");
     //check if panels is enabled for profile
     if (in_array("panels", $objUser->profile->plugins_enabled)) {
         $arr_locations[$objController->url()->fromRoute("front-panels-display")] = "My Panels";
     //end if
     //set news feed options
     $arr_config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("config")["profile_config"];
     if (!isset($arr_config["news_feed_credentials"])) {
     //end if
     //set contact toolkit default tab options
     $arr_contact_toolkit_default_tab = array("comments" => "Comments", "forms" => "Forms", "journeys" => "Journeys", "status-history" => "Status History");
     //add some more items to the contact toolkit default tabs list
     if (in_array("to_do_list", $objUser->profile->plugins_enabled)) {
         $arr_contact_toolkit_default_tab["user-tasks"] = "To-Do List";
     //end if
     if (in_array("sales_funnels", $objUser->profile->plugins_enabled)) {
         $arr_contact_toolkit_default_tab["sales-funnels"] = "Trackers";
     //end if
     // 		$objForm->get("contacts_toolkit_default_tab")->setValueOptions($arr_contact_toolkit_default_tab);
     return $objForm;
コード例 #12
  * Password confirm request
 public function pcAction()
     $objUser = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if ($objUser !== FALSE) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute("home");
     //end if
     //check if code has been set
     $i = $this->params()->fromQuery('i', '');
     if ($i == '') {
         return array('errorText' => 'Required information to complete the request is not available.');
     //end if
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $arr_data = (array) $request->getPost();
         if ($arr_data['password'] != $arr_data['password_confirm']) {
             return array('noticeText' => 'Password does not match, please try again');
         //end if
         $arr_data['code'] = $i;
         try {
             $objUser = $this->getUserLoginModel()->passwordResetConfirm($arr_data);
             $this->flashMessenger()->addInfoMessage('Your request has been processed');
             return $this->redirect()->toRoute("home");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $text = $this->frontControllerErrorHelper()->formatErrors($e);
             return array('noticeText' => $text);
         //end catch
     //end if
     return array();
コード例 #13
  * Load toolkit sections available
  * @return \Zend\View\Model\JsonModel
 public function iframeContactToolkitSectionsAction()
     //set layout to toolkit
     $contact_id = $this->params()->fromRoute("id", "");
     //load contact
     $objContact = $this->getContactsModel()->fetchContact($contact_id);
     $arr = array("comments" => array("title" => "Comments", "url" => $this->url()->fromRoute("front-contact-toolkit", array("action" => "contact-comments", "id" => $contact_id))), "forms" => array("title" => "Forms Completed", "url" => $this->url()->fromRoute("front-contact-toolkit", array("action" => "contact-forms-completed", "id" => $contact_id))), "journeys" => array("title" => "Journeys", "url" => $this->url()->fromRoute("front-contact-toolkit", array("action" => "contact-journeys", "id" => $contact_id))), "status-history" => array("title" => "Contact Status", "url" => $this->url()->fromRoute("front-contact-toolkit", array("action" => "contact-status-history", "id" => $contact_id))), "user-tasks" => array("title" => "To-do", "url" => $this->url()->fromRoute("front-contact-toolkit", array("action" => "contact-user-tasks", "id" => $contact_id))), "sales-funnels" => array("title" => "Trackers", "url" => $this->url()->fromRoute("front-contact-toolkit", array("action" => "contact-sales-funnels", "id" => $contact_id))));
     //check plugins enabled
     $objUser = \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if (!in_array("to_do_list", $objUser->profile->plugins_enabled)) {
     //end if
     if (!in_array("sales_funnels", $objUser->profile->plugins_enabled)) {
     //end if
     return array("arr_sections" => $arr, "objContact" => $objContact);
コード例 #14
  * Initiate an HTTP GET request
  * This is used to request a list of data.
  * Where get params are specified, it normally returns data for a specific entity
  * @param array $arr_request_params - optional
  * @return Ambigous <\FrontCore\Models\ApiRequestModel, \FrontCore\Models\ApiRequestModel>
 public function performGETRequest($arr_request_params = NULL)
     if (is_object($arr_request_params) && $arr_request_params instanceof \Zend\Stdlib\ArrayObject) {
         $arr_request_params = $arr_request_params->getArrayCopy();
     //end if
     //load user session data
     $objUserSession = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     //configure the request and client
     $request = new Request();
     $client = new Client();
     //set GET params if any
     if (is_array($arr_request_params)) {
     //end if
     return self::executeRequest($client, $request);
  * Check if a user is logged in
  * If not, setup a session with the correct key for form submission to work
  * @param int $form_id
  * @return stdClass
 private function setUserLogin($form_id)
     //check if user is logged into frontend
     $objUserSession = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if (!$objUserSession) {
         //create the request object
         $objApiRequest = $this->getApiRequestModel();
         //disable api session login
         //load master user details
         $arr_user = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("config")["master_user_account"];
         //set api request authentication details
         return (object) array("form_id" => $form_id, "api_key" => $arr_user["apikey"]);
     //end function
コード例 #16
 private function renderOutputFormat($layout = "layout/layout-toolkit-body")
     $objUserSession = \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     $this->objUserSession = $objUserSession;
コード例 #17
  * Submit a webform
  * @return Ambigous <\Zend\Http\Response, \Zend\Stdlib\ResponseInterface>|Ambigous <unknown, \Zend\Form\Form>
 public function bfAction()
     //set container for additional params
     $arr_additional_params = array();
     $form_id = $this->params()->fromRoute("fid");
     $reg_id = $this->params()->fromRoute("reg_id", NULL);
     $arr_additional_params["reg_id"] = $reg_id;
     //check if reg id is encoded, if not, do not process
     if (is_numeric($reg_id)) {
         $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage("An error occured attempting to load data");
         //redirect back to form
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute("majestic-external-forms/bf", array("fid" => $form_id));
     //end if
     //load comm history id
     $comm_history_id = $this->params()->fromQuery("cid", "");
     if ($comm_history_id != "") {
         $arr_additional_params["cid"] = $comm_history_id;
     //end if
     //check form id has been set
     if (!is_string($form_id)) {
         echo "Form could not be loaded. Required information is not available.";
     //end if
     try {
         //load form details
         $arr_return = $this->getExternalFormsModel()->loadForm($form_id, $reg_id, $arr_additional_params);
         $arr_return["additional_data"] = $arr_additional_params;
         //add plain form url
         $arr_return["form_url"] = $this->url()->fromRoute("majestic-external-forms/bf", array("fid" => $form_id));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         //@TODO do something with the error
         // var_dump($e->getMessage() . " : " . $e->getPrevious()); exit;
         die("The requested form could not be loaded. Response: " . $this->frontControllerErrorHelper()->formatErrors($e));
     //end catch
     if ($arr_return["objFormRawData"]->secure_form == "1") {
         if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != "on" && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] != 1 && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "443") {
             header("location:https://" . $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] . $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]);
         //end if
     //end if
     //should the user be logged in?
     if ($arr_return["objFormRawData"]->user_login == 1) {
         $objUserSession = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
         if (!$objUserSession) {
             $this->flashMessenger()->addInfoMessage("User must be logged in in order to access form");
             //redirect to login screen
             return $this->redirect()->toRoute("front-user-login");
         //end if
     //end if
     //should the contact be specified
     if ($arr_return["objFormRawData"]->id_required == 1 && $reg_id == "") {
         echo "Form could not be loaded. Contact ID is not set";
     //end if
     //should the form be redirected on loading?
     if ($arr_return["objFormRawData"]->redirect_on_load != "") {
         header("location:" . $arr_return["objFormRawData"]->redirect_on_load);
     //end if
     //extract form from result
     $form = $arr_return["objForm"];
     //does form have password access enabled?
     //@TODO set proper session data
     if ($arr_return["objFormRawData"]->form_password != "" && $_SESSION["form_data"]["password"] != $arr_return["objFormRawData"]->form_password) {
         $form = new \Zend\Form\Form();
         $form->add(array("type" => "password", "name" => "password", "attributes" => array("id" => "password", "required" => "required"), "options" => array("label" => "Form Password")));
         $form->add(array("type" => "submit", "name" => "submit", "attributes" => array("value" => "Submit")));
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         if ($request->isPost()) {
             if ($request->getPost("password") == $arr_return["objFormRawData"]->form_password) {
                 $_SESSION["form_data"]["password"] = $request->getPost("password");
                 return $this->redirect()->toRoute("majestic-external-forms/bf", array("fid" => $form_id, "reg_id" => $reg_id));
             //end if
         //end if
         if ($_SESSION["form_data"]["password"] != $arr_return["objFormRawData"]->form_password) {
             $arr_return["form"] = $form;
             return $arr_return;
         //end if
     //end if
     //is form captcha enabled?
     if ($arr_return["objFormRawData"]->captcha == 1) {
         if (!is_dir("./public/captcha")) {
             mkdir("./public/captcha", 0755, TRUE);
         //end if
         $objCaptcha = new \Zend\Captcha\Image(array('expiration' => '300', 'wordlen' => '7', 'font' => 'data/fonts/arial.ttf', 'fontSize' => '20', 'imgDir' => 'public/captcha', 'imgUrl' => '/captcha', 'lineNoiseLevel' => 1, 'dotNoiseLevel' => 1));
         $form->add(array("name" => "captcha", "type" => "Zend\\Form\\Element\\Captcha", "attributes" => array("id" => "captcha", "required" => "required", "autocomplete" => "off"), "options" => array("label" => "Human verification", "captcha" => $objCaptcha)));
     //end if
     $arr_return["form_posted"] = FALSE;
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         if ($form->has("captcha")) {
             if (!$objCaptcha->isValid($request->getPost("captcha"), $request->getPost())) {
                 $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage("CAPTCHA validation failed");
                 $arr_return["form"] = $form;
                 return $arr_return;
             //end if
         //end if
         //set form post flag to stop javascript loading on form error
         $arr_return["form_posted"] = TRUE;
         if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
             try {
                 //submit the form
                 $objResult = $this->getExternalFormsModel()->processFormSubmit($form_id, $form->getData(), $arr_additional_params);
                 //unset form password
                 if (isset($_SESSION["form_data"]["password"])) {
                 //end if
                 //redirect to post submit page
                 return $this->redirect()->toRoute("majestic-external-forms/bfs", array("fid" => $form_id, "reg_id" => $objResult->data->reg_id_encoded));
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 //extract errors from the request return by the API
                 $arr_response = explode("||", $e->getMessage());
                 $objResponse = json_decode($arr_response[1]);
                 //check if user is logged in to display links to duplicate contacts
                 $objUserSession = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
                 if (is_object($objResponse) && is_object($objUserSession)) {
                     switch ($objResponse->HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE) {
                         case 409:
                             //duplicates found
                             //extract message
                             $arr_t = explode(":", $objResponse->HTTP_RESPONSE_MESSAGE);
                             $id_string = array_pop($arr_t);
                             $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage(trim(str_replace(array("{", "}"), "", $id_string)));
                             //extract ids and create links to each
                             preg_match('~{(.*?)}~', $id_string, $output);
                             $arr_contact_ids = explode(",", $output[1]);
                             if (is_array($arr_contact_ids) && count($arr_contact_ids) > 0) {
                                 foreach ($arr_contact_ids as $k => $id) {
                                     $this->flashMessenger()->addInfoMessage("<a href=\"" . $this->url()->fromRoute("front-contacts", array("action" => "view-contact", "id" => $id)) . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"View Contact\">Click to view duplicate {$id}</a>");
                                     if ($k > 19) {
                                     //end if
                                 //end foreach
                             //end if
                             //add errors to the form already where set
                             //@TODO this needs some work, messages  should be generated back into the form directly...
                             if (is_object($objResponse) && isset($objResponse->data)) {
                                 foreach ($objResponse->data as $k => $objField) {
                                     if (is_object($objField) && isset($objField->messages) && isset($objField->attributes->name)) {
                                         if ($form->has($objField->attributes->name)) {
                                             $arr_message = (array) $objField->messages;
                                         //end if
                                     //end if
                                 //end if
                             //end if
                             //set form errors
                             $form = $this->frontFormHelper()->formatFormErrors($form, $e->getMessage());
                     //end switch
                 } else {
                     //@TODO this needs some work, messages  should be generated back into the form directly...
                     if (is_object($objResponse) && isset($objResponse->data)) {
                         foreach ($objResponse->data as $k => $objField) {
                             if (is_object($objField) && isset($objField->messages) && isset($objField->attributes->name)) {
                                 if ($form->has($objField->attributes->name)) {
                                     $arr_message = (array) $objField->messages;
                                 //end if
                             //end if
                         //end if
                     //end if
                     //set form errors
                     $form = $this->frontFormHelper()->formatFormErrors($form, $e->getMessage());
                 //end if
             //end catch
         //end if
     //end if
     $arr_return["form"] = $form;
     $arr_return["form_id"] = $form_id;
     if ($reg_id != "") {
         $arr_return["reg_id"] = $reg_id;
     //end if
     return $arr_return;
コード例 #18
  * Update an existing User
  * @return multitype:\Zend\Form\Form
 public function editAction()
     // Get ID from route
     $id = $this->params()->fromRoute("id", "");
     if ($id == "") {
         // Set unsuccessful message
         $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage("User could not be loaded. ID is not set.");
         // Redirect to index page
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute("front-users");
     //end if
     // Load existing User details
     $objUser = $this->getUsersModel()->fetchUser($id);
     // Load form of user
     $form = $this->getUsersModel()->getUserSystemForm();
     //remove required attribute from password field
     $form->get("pword")->setAttribute("required", FALSE);
     $objUser->set("pword", "");
     // Populate specific User.ID
     // Loads HTTP request.
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         // Load data into form of User
         if ($request->getPost("pword") == "") {
         //end if
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             try {
                 $objUser = $form->getData();
                 $objUser->set("id", $id);
                 if ($request->getPost("pword") == "") {
                     $objUser->set("pword", "");
                 //end if
                 $objUser = $this->getUsersModel()->updateUser($objUser);
                 // Set successful message
                 $this->flashMessenger()->addSuccessMessage("User details have been saved");
                 //check if logged in user updated its own details
                 $objUserSession = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
                 if ($objUserSession->id == $objUser->get("id") && $request->getPost("pword") != "") {
                     //log user out
                     $this->flashMessenger()->addInfoMessage("Password change has been detected. Please login to continue");
                     return $this->redirect()->toRoute("front-user-login", array("action" => "logout"));
                 //end if
                 // Redirect to index page
                 return $this->redirect()->toRoute("front-users");
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 //set error message
                 $form = $this->frontFormHelper()->formatFormErrors($form, $e->getMessage());
             //end try{}
         //end if
     // end if
     // Load form of User
     return array("form" => $form, "objUser" => $objUser);
コード例 #19
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
  * @return \Zend\Navigation\Navigation
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     if (!FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn()) {
         return new Navigation(array());
     //end if
     //load the user session
     $objUserSession = new Container("user");
     //load route map
     $arr_route_map = $serviceLocator->get("config")["api_route_vs_front_route_map"];
     //container for routes allowed for logged in user
     $arr_user_navigation = array();
     if (is_array($objUserSession->arr_user_acl)) {
         $arr_user_navigation = $objUserSession->arr_user_acl;
     } else {
         //check mode of acl engine
         switch (strtolower($objUserSession->acl->profile_acl_mode)) {
             case "strict":
             case "relaxed":
                 $arr_t = (array) $objUserSession->acl->user_acl_access_allowed;
                 foreach ($arr_route_map as $route => $arr_acl_resources) {
                     foreach ($arr_acl_resources as $resource) {
                         if ((isset($arr_t[$resource]) || in_array($resource, (array) $objUserSession->acl->user_acl_access_allowed)) && !in_array($route, $arr_user_navigation)) {
                             $arr_user_navigation[] = $route;
                         //end if
                     //end foreach
                 //end foreach
         //end switch
         //save user acl to session
         $objUserSession->arr_user_acl = $arr_user_navigation;
     //end if
     //load navigation
     $arr_pages = $this->getPages($serviceLocator);
     foreach ($arr_pages as $key => $arr_page) {
         //get route match from map
         if (in_array(strtolower($arr_page["route"]), $this->arr_ignore_route_map)) {
             //check second level nav
             if (isset($arr_page["pages"]) && is_array($arr_page["pages"])) {
                 foreach ($arr_page["pages"] as $kk => $arr_rr) {
                     if (in_array($arr_rr["route"], $this->arr_ignore_route_map)) {
                     //end if
                     if (!in_array($arr_rr["route"], $arr_user_navigation)) {
                         // 							unset($arr_pages[$key][$kk]);
                     } else {
                         //check third level nav
                         if (isset($arr_rr["pages"]) && is_array($arr_rr["pages"])) {
                             foreach ($arr_rr["pages"] as $kkk => $arr_rrr) {
                                 if (in_array($arr_rrr["route"], $this->arr_ignore_route_map)) {
                                 //end if
                                 if (!in_array($arr_rrr["route"], $arr_user_navigation)) {
                                     // 										unset($arr_pages[$key][$kk][$kkk]);
                                 //end if
                             //end foreach
                         //end if
                     //end if
                 //end foreach
             //end foreach
         } else {
             if (!in_array($arr_page["route"], $arr_user_navigation)) {
                 // 					unset($arr_pages[$key]);
             //end if
         //end if
     //end foreach
     //sort pages into required groups
     $arr_menu = array("relationship" => array("label" => "Relationships", "route" => "home"), "data" => array("label" => "Data", "route" => "home"), "sales" => array("label" => "Sales", "route" => "home"), "profile-management" => array("label" => "Profile", "route" => "home"));
     if (!is_array($arr_pages)) {
         $arr_pages = array();
     //end if
     foreach ($arr_pages as $key => $arr_page) {
         switch ($arr_page["route"]) {
              * Relationships
             case "front-comms-admin/journeys":
             case "front-contacts":
                 $arr_menu["relationship"]["pages"][] = $arr_page;
                  * Data
              * Data
             case "front-custom-tables":
             case "front-statuses":
                 $arr_menu["data"]["pages"][] = $arr_page;
                  * Sales
                  * Profile Management
              * Sales
              * Profile Management
             case "front-users":
                 $arr_menu["profile-management"]["pages"][] = $arr_page;
                  * Ignore
              * Ignore
             case "home":
             case "front-inbox-manager":
             case "front-power-tools/announcements":
                 //do nothing
         //end switch
     //end foreach
     return new Navigation($arr_pages);
  * Check if behaviours are active against profile plugin settings
  * @throws \Exception
 private function isBehavioursActive()
     //load session for plugins enabled
     $objUserSession = \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if (!isset($objUserSession->plugins_enabled)) {
         //plugins not managed
     //end if
     $arr_plugins = (array) $objUserSession->plugins_enabled;
     if (!in_array("behviours_basic", $arr_plugins) && !in_array("behaviours_advanced", $arr_plugins)) {
         throw new \Exception(__CLASS__ . " : Line " . __LINE__ . " : Behaviours are not activated", 500);
     //end if
  * Set path to config file
 private function setPath($include_file = TRUE)
     $objUser = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if (!$objUser) {
         return FALSE;
         //@TODO this redirect breaks external entities, is the return causing security gaps?
     //end if
     //set cache
     $this->objCache = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("FrontCore\\Caches\\FrontCachesRedis");
     //retrieve profile identifier
     $profile_id = $objUser->profile->profile_identifier;
     //check if path exists
     if (!is_dir("./data/profiles/settings/{$profile_id}")) {
         mkdir("./data/profiles/settings/{$profile_id}", 0755, TRUE);
     //end if
     if ($include_file === TRUE) {
         $this->path = "./data/profiles/settings/{$profile_id}/" . $profile_id . ".dat";
         if (!is_file($this->path)) {
             file_put_contents($this->path, json_encode(array(), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT));
         //end if
     } else {
         $this->path = "./data/profiles/settings/{$profile_id}";
     //end if
コード例 #22
 private function getUserSession()
     return \FrontUserLogin\Models\FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
コード例 #23
 public function userSettingsAction()
     //check if user is already logged in, if so, redirect to the home page
     $objUser = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if ($objUser === FALSE) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute("home");
     //end if
     //set layout
     //create form
     $objForm = new Form();
     $objForm->add(array("type" => "text", "name" => "locale_timezone", "attributes" => array("id" => "locale_timezone", "disabled" => "disabled", "title" => "Timezone currently set for your profile"), "options" => array("label" => "Timezone")));
     //populate form values using user settings
     foreach ($objForm as $objElement) {
     //end foreach
     return array("objUser" => $objUser, "form" => $objForm);
 public function readMessages($initial = FALSE)
     $arr_config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("config")["profile_config"];
     //load user session
     $objUser = FrontUserSession::isLoggedIn();
     if (!isset($arr_config["news_feed_credentials"]) || !isset($objUser->profile->plugins->newsfeed_exchange)) {
         //return emtpy object for javascript
         return (object) array(json_encode(array("id" => "")));
     //end if
     if ($initial === TRUE) {
         if (isset($_SESSION["user_news_feed"])) {
             $this->arr_messages = $_SESSION["user_news_feed"];
             if (count($this->arr_messages) > 2) {
                 return array_reverse($this->arr_messages);
             //end if
         } else {
             $this->arr_messages[] = json_encode((object) array("id" => ""));
         //end if
     //end if
     $this->objChannel = $this->getConnectionChannel($arr_config["news_feed_credentials"]);
     $exchange = $objUser->profile->plugins->newsfeed_exchange;
     $consumer_tag = 'consumer' . getmypid();
     //set queue identifier
     if (!isset($objUser->user_news_feed_queue) || $objUser->user_news_feed_queue == "") {
         $objUser->user_news_feed_queue = sha1(md5(microtime(TRUE) . rand(time(), 249348748) . $consumer_tag));
         $queue = $objUser->user_news_feed_queue;
     } else {
         $queue = $objUser->user_news_feed_queue;
     //end if
      name: $queue // should be unique in fanout exchange.
      passive: false // don't check if a queue with the same name exists
      durable: false // the queue will not survive server restarts
      exclusive: false // the queue might be accessed by other channels
      auto_delete: true //the queue will be deleted once the channel is closed.
     $this->objChannel->queue_declare($queue, false, false, false, true, new AMQPTable(array("x-message-ttl" => 60 * 5 * 100)));
     $this->objChannel->queue_bind($queue, $exchange);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
         $msg = $this->objChannel->basic_get($queue);
         if (is_object($msg)) {
             array_unshift($this->arr_messages, $msg->body);
         //end if
     //end for
     //save to session
     if (count($this->arr_messages) > 0 && $initial !== TRUE) {
         if (!isset($_SESSION["user_news_feed"]) || !is_array($_SESSION["user_news_feed"])) {
             $_SESSION["user_news_feed"] = array();
             $arr_messages = array();
         } else {
             $arr_messages = $_SESSION["user_news_feed"];
         //end if
         $arr_total = array_merge($this->arr_messages, $arr_messages);
         if (count($arr_total) > 50) {
             $_SESSION["user_news_feed"] = $this->arr_messages = array_slice($arr_total, 0, 50);
         } else {
             $_SESSION["user_news_feed"] = $arr_total;
         //end if
     //end if
     if (count($this->arr_messages) == 0 && $initial !== TRUE && isset($_SESSION["user_news_feed"]) && count($_SESSION["user_news_feed"]) > 0) {
         $this->arr_messages = array_reverse($_SESSION["user_news_feed"]);
     //end if
     //close connection
     //reverse the order, the information is prended in view
     return $this->arr_messages;