/** * Clear all cache in Varnish for given tags * * @param array $tags * @param string $domain The domain to flush, e.g. "example.com" * @return void */ public function banByTags(array $tags, $domain = NULL) { if (count($this->settings['ignoredCacheTags']) > 0) { $tags = array_diff($tags, $this->settings['ignoredCacheTags']); } if ($domain !== NULL) { $this->varnishProxyClient->setDefaultBanHeader(ProxyClient\Varnish::HTTP_HEADER_HOST, $domain); } $this->tagHandler->invalidateTags($tags); if ($domain !== NULL) { $this->varnishProxyClient->setDefaultBanHeader(ProxyClient\Varnish::HTTP_HEADER_HOST, ProxyClient\Varnish::REGEX_MATCH_ALL); } $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Cleared varnish cache for tags "%s"%s', implode(',', $tags), $domain ? ' for domain "' . $domain . '"' : '')); $this->execute(); }
/** * Clear all cache in Varnish for given tags * * @param array $tags * @param string $domain The domain to flush, e.g. "example.com" * @return void */ public function banByTags(array $tags, $domain = NULL) { if (count($this->settings['ignoredCacheTags']) > 0) { $tags = array_diff($tags, $this->settings['ignoredCacheTags']); } /** * Sanitize tags * @see \TYPO3\TypoScript\Core\Cache\ContentCache */ foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) { $tags[$key] = strtr($tag, '.:', '_-'); } // Set specific domain before invalidating tags if ($domain !== NULL) { $this->varnishProxyClient->setDefaultBanHeader(ProxyClient\Varnish::HTTP_HEADER_HOST, $domain); } $this->tagHandler->invalidateTags($tags); // Unset specific domain after invalidating tags if ($domain !== NULL) { $this->varnishProxyClient->setDefaultBanHeader(ProxyClient\Varnish::HTTP_HEADER_HOST, ProxyClient\Varnish::REGEX_MATCH_ALL); } $this->logger->log(sprintf('Cleared Varnish cache for tags "%s"%s', implode(',', $tags), $domain ? ' for domain "' . $domain . '"' : '')); $this->execute(); }
public function testEliminateDuplicates() { $self = $this; $client = \Mockery::mock('\Guzzle\Http\Client[send]', array('', null)) ->shouldReceive('send') ->once() ->with( \Mockery::on( function ($requests) use ($self) { /** @type Request[] $requests */ $self->assertCount(4, $requests); foreach ($requests as $request) { $self->assertEquals('PURGE', $request->getMethod()); } return true; } ) ) ->getMock(); $varnish = new Varnish(array('', ''), 'fos.lo', $client); $this->assertEquals( 2, $varnish ->purge('/c', array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd')) ->purge('/c', array('c' => 'd', 'a' => 'b')) // same request (header order is not significant) ->purge('/c') // different request as headers different ->purge('/c') ->flush() ); }
public function testPurgeHost() { $varnish = new Varnish(array('' . $this->getProxy()->getPort())); $this->getResponse('/cache.php'); $varnish->purge('http://localhost:6181/cache.php')->flush(); $this->assertMiss($this->getResponse('/cache.php')); }