/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $numberOfLoopPasses = 20; $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); $userIds = User::lists('id')->toArray(); foreach ($userIds as $userId) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $faker->numberBetween(0, 2); $i++) { Boat::create(['name' => $faker->words($faker->numberBetween(1, 3), true), 'charter' => $faker->numberBetween(0, 1), 'user_id' => $userId]); } // Stop the loop after certain amount of passes. if (--$numberOfLoopPasses == 0) { break; } } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param WeighInsRequest|Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(WeighInsRequest $request) { // TODO: extract this as it is also used in weigh ins request // Clear up the entries $request['entries'] = array_filter(array_map(function ($entry) { return array_filter($entry); }, $request['entries'])); // If any exceptions are thrown any DB operations // will be automatically rolled back. DB::transaction(function () use($request) { $weighIn = new WeighIn(); // Deal with boat section if (!empty($request['boat']) && !empty($request['boat']['name'])) { if (isset($request['boat']['id'])) { // assign a boat to the weigh-in $boat = Boat::findOrFail($request['boat']['id']); } else { // create a new boat $boat = new Boat(); $boat->name = $request['boat']['name']; $boat->charter = isset($request['boat']['charter']) ? true : false; if (!empty($request['boat']['skipper']['id'])) { $boat->skipper()->associate(User::find($request['boat']['skipper']['id'])); } $boat->save(); } $weighIn->boat()->associate($boat); } // TODO: discuss with Rob if it makes sense // if(!empty($request['team_id'])){ // $weighIn->team()->associate(Team::find($request['team_id'])); // } $weighIn->date = $request['date']; $weighIn->entry_ticket_number = $request['entry_ticket_number']; $weighIn->sheet_number = $request['sheet_number']; $weighIn->team_number = !empty($request['team_number']) ? $request['team_number'] : null; $weighIn->event()->associate(Event::find($request['event_id'])); $weighIn->site()->associate(Site::find($request['weigh_in_site_id'])); $weighIn->user()->associate(User::find($request['user_id'])); $weighIn->save(); foreach ($request['entries'] as $e) { $entry = new Entry(); $entry->weight = Helpers::toDrams($e['species_weight']); $entry->percentage = Weight::calculatePercentage($e['species_id'], $e['sector_id'], $e['species_weight']); $entry->sector()->associate(Sector::find($e['sector_id'])); $entry->location()->associate(Location::find($e['location_id'])); $entry->event()->associate(Event::find($request['event_id'])); $entry->species()->associate(Species::find($e['species_id'])); $entry->user()->associate(User::find($request['user_id'])); $entry->weighIn()->associate($weighIn); $entry->save(); if (isset($e['categories'])) { $categories = []; foreach ($e['categories'] as $catId) { $categories[$catId] = ['event_id' => (int) $request['event_id']]; } $entry->categories()->sync($categories); } } //dd($request); }); flash()->success('Success!', "New weigh-in has been created!"); return redirect(route('admin.weigh-ins.create')); }
public function index() { $boats = Boat::orderBy('id')->get(); return $this->respond(['data' => $this->boatTransformer->transformCollection($boats->all())]); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $boat = Boat::findOrFail($id); $boatName = $boat->name; $boat->delete(); flash()->overlay('Success!', "Boat {$boatName} has been deleted!", 'success'); return redirect(route('admin.boats.index')); }