/** * Manage updates sent from the AdminConfig@index form. */ protected function update() { if (Auth::isAdmin()) { $ihooks = HookProvider::getInstance()->getInstalledHooks(); $module_names = Database::prepare("SELECT module_name FROM `##module` WHERE status='disabled'")->fetchOneColumn(); if ($ihooks !== null) { foreach ($ihooks as $ihook => $params) { if (Filter::post('hook-' . $params['id']) === 'yes') { $array_hook = explode('#', $ihook); //Update status $new_status = Filter::postBool('status-' . $params['id']); if (in_array($array_hook[0], $module_names)) { $new_status = false; } $previous_status = $params['status']; if ($new_status !== null) { $new_status = $new_status ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; if ($new_status != $previous_status) { $chook = new Hook($array_hook[1], $array_hook[2]); switch ($new_status) { case 'enabled': $chook->enable($array_hook[0]); break; case 'disabled': $chook->disable($array_hook[0]); break; default: break; } } } //Update priority $new_priority = Filter::postInteger("moduleorder-{$params['id']}"); $previous_priority = $params['priority']; if ($new_priority !== null) { if ($new_priority != $previous_priority) { $chook = new Hook($array_hook[1], $array_hook[2]); $chook->setPriority($array_hook[0], $new_priority); } } } } } } }
public function modAction($mod_action) { switch ($mod_action) { case 'admin_config': if (Filter::postBool('save')) { $this->setSetting('FRL_PLUGINS', serialize(Filter::post('NEW_FRL_PLUGINS'))); Log::addConfigurationLog($this->getTitle() . ' config updated'); } $template = new AdminTemplate(); return $template->pageContent(); case 'admin_reset': Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##module_setting` WHERE setting_name LIKE 'FRL%'")->execute(); Log::addConfigurationLog($this->getTitle() . ' reset to default values'); header('Location: ' . $this->getConfigLink()); break; default: http_response_code(404); break; } }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_other', Filter::postBool('show_other')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_unassigned', Filter::postBool('show_unassigned')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_future', Filter::postBool('show_future')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $show_other = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_other', self::DEFAULT_SHOW_OTHER); $show_unassigned = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_unassigned', self::DEFAULT_SHOW_UNASSIGNED); $show_future = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_future', self::DEFAULT_SHOW_FUTURE); $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', self::DEFAULT_BLOCK); ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Research tasks are special events, added to individuals in your family tree, which identify the need for further research. You can use them as a reminder to check facts against more reliable sources, to obtain documents or photographs, to resolve conflicting information, etc.'); ?> <?php echo I18N::translate('To create new research tasks, you must first add “research task” to the list of facts and events in the family tree’s preferences.'); ?> <?php echo I18N::translate('Research tasks are stored using the custom GEDCOM tag “_TODO”. Other genealogy applications may not recognize this tag.'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show research tasks that are assigned to other users'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('show_other', $show_other); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show research tasks that are not assigned to any user'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('show_unassigned', $show_unassigned); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show research tasks that have a date in the future'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('show_future', $show_future); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; }
private function edit() { global $WT_TREE; if (webtrees\Filter::postBool('save') && webtrees\Filter::checkCsrf()) { $block_id = webtrees\Filter::post('block_id'); if ($block_id) { webtrees\Database::prepare("UPDATE `##block` SET gedcom_id=NULLIF(?, ''), block_order=? WHERE block_id=?")->execute(array(webtrees\Filter::post('gedcom_id'), (int) webtrees\Filter::post('block_order'), $block_id)); } else { webtrees\Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##block` (gedcom_id, module_name, block_order) VALUES (NULLIF(?, ''), ?, ?)")->execute(array(webtrees\Filter::post('gedcom_id'), $this->getName(), (int) webtrees\Filter::post('block_order'))); $block_id = webtrees\Database::getInstance()->lastInsertId(); } $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'menu_title', webtrees\Filter::post('menu_title')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'menu_address', webtrees\Filter::post('menu_address')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'menu_access', webtrees\Filter::post('menu_access')); $languages = array(); foreach (webtrees\I18N::installedLocales() as $locale) { if (webtrees\Filter::postBool('lang_' . $locale->languageTag())) { $languages[] = $locale->languageTag(); } } $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'languages', implode(',', $languages)); $this->config(); } else { $block_id = webtrees\Filter::get('block_id'); $controller = new webtrees\Controller\PageController(); $controller->restrictAccess(webtrees\Auth::isEditor($WT_TREE)); if ($block_id) { $controller->setPageTitle(webtrees\I18N::translate('Edit menu')); $menu_title = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'menu_title'); $menu_address = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'menu_address'); $menu_access = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'menu_access'); $block_order = webtrees\Database::prepare("SELECT block_order FROM `##block` WHERE block_id=?")->execute(array($block_id))->fetchOne(); $gedcom_id = webtrees\Database::prepare("SELECT gedcom_id FROM `##block` WHERE block_id=?")->execute(array($block_id))->fetchOne(); } else { $controller->setPageTitle(webtrees\I18N::translate('Add menu')); $menu_access = 1; $menu_title = ''; $menu_address = ''; $block_order = webtrees\Database::prepare("SELECT IFNULL(MAX(block_order)+1, 0) FROM `##block` WHERE module_name=?")->execute(array($this->getName()))->fetchOne(); $gedcom_id = $WT_TREE->getTreeId(); } $controller->pageHeader(); ?> <ol class="breadcrumb small"> <li><a href="admin.php"><?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Control panel'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="admin_modules.php"><?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Module administration'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="module.php?mod=<?php echo $this->getName(); ?> &mod_action=admin_config"><?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate($this->getTitle()); ?> </a></li> <li class="active"><?php echo $controller->getPageTitle(); ?> </li> </ol> <form class="form-horizontal" method="POST" action="#" name="menu" id="menuForm"> <?php echo webtrees\Filter::getCsrf(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="save" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="block_id" value="<?php echo $block_id; ?> "> <h3><?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('General'); ?> </h3> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="menu_title"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Title'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <input class="form-control" id="menu_title" size="90" name="menu_title" required type="text" value="<?php echo webtrees\Filter::escapeHtml($menu_title); ?> " > </div> <span class="help-block col-sm-9 col-sm-offset-3 small text-muted"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Add your menu title here'); ?> </span> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="menu_address"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Menu address'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <input class="form-control" id="menu_address" size="90" name="menu_address" required type="text" value="<?php echo webtrees\Filter::escapeHtml($menu_address); ?> " > </div> <span class="help-block col-sm-9 col-sm-offset-3 small text-muted"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Add your menu address here'); ?> </span> </div> <h3><?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Languages'); ?> </h3> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="lang_*"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Show this menu for which languages?'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <?php $accepted_languages = explode(',', $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'languages')); foreach (webtrees\I18N::installedLocales() as $locale) { ?> <div class="checkbox"> <label title="<?php echo $locale->languageTag(); ?> "> <input type="checkbox" name="lang_<?php echo $locale->languageTag(); ?> " <?php echo in_array($locale->languageTag(), $accepted_languages) ? 'checked' : ''; ?> ><?php echo $locale->endonym(); ?> </label> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <h3><?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Visibility and Access'); ?> </h3> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="block_order"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Menu position'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <input class="form-control" id="position" name="block_order" size="3" required type="number" value="<?php echo webtrees\Filter::escapeHtml($block_order); ?> " > </div> <span class="help-block col-sm-9 col-sm-offset-3 small text-muted"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('This field controls the order in which the menu items are displayed.'), '<br><br>', webtrees\I18N::translate('You do not have to enter the numbers sequentially. If you leave holes in the numbering scheme, you can insert other menu items later. For example, if you use the numbers 1, 6, 11, 16, you can later insert menu items with the missing sequence numbers. Negative numbers and zero are allowed, and can be used to insert menu items in front of the first one.'), '<br><br>', webtrees\I18N::translate('When more than one menu item has the same position number, only one of these menu items will be visible.'); ?> </span> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="block_order"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Menu visibility'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <?php echo webtrees\Functions\FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('gedcom_id', webtrees\Tree::getIdList(), webtrees\I18N::translate('All'), $WT_TREE->getTreeId(), 'class="form-control"'); ?> </div> <span class="help-block col-sm-9 col-sm-offset-3 small text-muted"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('You can determine whether this menu item will be visible regardless of family tree, or whether it will be visible only to the current family tree.'); ?> </span> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="menu_access"> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Access level'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <?php echo webtrees\Functions\FunctionsEdit::editFieldAccessLevel('menu_access', $menu_access, 'class="form-control"'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="row col-sm-9 col-sm-offset-3"> <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"> <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('save'); ?> </button> <button class="btn" type="button" onclick="window.location='<?php echo $this->getConfigLink(); ?> ';"> <i class="fa fa-close"></i> <?php echo webtrees\I18N::translate('cancel'); ?> </button> </div> </form> <?php } }
echo I18N::translate('sort by date of marriage'); ?> "> <input type="button" class="cancel" value="<?php echo I18N::translate('close'); ?> " onclick="window.close();"> </p> </form> </div> <?php break; case 'reorder_fams_update': $xref = Filter::post('xref', WT_REGEX_XREF); $order = Filter::post('order'); $keep_chan = Filter::postBool('keep_chan'); if (!Filter::checkCsrf()) { header('Location: ' . WT_BASE_URL . WT_SCRIPT_NAME . '?action=reorder_fams&xref=' . $xref); return; } $person = Individual::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE); check_record_access($person); $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Re-order families'))->pageHeader(); if (is_array($order)) { $gedcom = array('0 @' . $person->getXref() . '@ INDI'); $facts = $person->getFacts(); // Move families to the end of the record foreach ($order as $family => $num) { foreach ($facts as $n => $fact) { if ($fact->getValue() === '@' . $family . '@') { $facts[] = $fact;
header('Location: ' . WT_BASE_URL); return; } // Extract form variables $form_action = Filter::post('form_action'); $form_username = Filter::post('form_username'); $form_realname = Filter::post('form_realname'); $form_pass1 = Filter::post('form_pass1', WT_REGEX_PASSWORD); $form_pass2 = Filter::post('form_pass2', WT_REGEX_PASSWORD); $form_email = Filter::postEmail('form_email'); $form_rootid = Filter::post('form_rootid', WT_REGEX_XREF); $form_theme = Filter::post('form_theme'); $form_language = Filter::post('form_language'); $form_timezone = Filter::post('form_timezone'); $form_contact_method = Filter::post('form_contact_method'); $form_visible_online = Filter::postBool('form_visible_online'); // Respond to form action if ($form_action && Filter::checkCsrf()) { switch ($form_action) { case 'update': if ($form_username !== Auth::user()->getUserName() && User::findByUserName($form_username)) { FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('Duplicate user name. A user with that user name already exists. Please choose another user name.')); } elseif ($form_email !== Auth::user()->getEmail() && User::findByEmail($form_email)) { FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('Duplicate email address. A user with that email already exists.')); } else { // Change username if ($form_username !== Auth::user()->getUserName()) { Log::addAuthenticationLog('User ' . Auth::user()->getUserName() . ' renamed to ' . $form_username); Auth::user()->setUserName($form_username); } // Change password
case 'site': if (Filter::checkCsrf()) { $INDEX_DIRECTORY = Filter::post('INDEX_DIRECTORY'); if (substr($INDEX_DIRECTORY, -1) !== '/') { $INDEX_DIRECTORY .= '/'; } if (File::mkdir($INDEX_DIRECTORY)) { Site::setPreference('INDEX_DIRECTORY', $INDEX_DIRECTORY); } else { FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The folder %s does not exist, and it could not be created.', Filter::escapeHtml($INDEX_DIRECTORY)), 'danger'); } Site::setPreference('MEMORY_LIMIT', Filter::post('MEMORY_LIMIT')); Site::setPreference('MAX_EXECUTION_TIME', Filter::post('MAX_EXECUTION_TIME')); Site::setPreference('ALLOW_USER_THEMES', Filter::postBool('ALLOW_USER_THEMES')); Site::setPreference('THEME_DIR', Filter::post('THEME_DIR')); Site::setPreference('ALLOW_CHANGE_GEDCOM', Filter::postBool('ALLOW_CHANGE_GEDCOM')); Site::setPreference('SESSION_TIME', Filter::post('SESSION_TIME')); Site::setPreference('SERVER_URL', Filter::post('SERVER_URL')); Site::setPreference('TIMEZONE', Filter::post('TIMEZONE')); FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The website preferences have been updated.'), 'success'); } header('Location: ' . WT_BASE_URL . 'admin.php'); return; case 'email': if (Filter::checkCsrf()) { Site::setPreference('SMTP_ACTIVE', Filter::post('SMTP_ACTIVE')); Site::setPreference('SMTP_FROM_NAME', Filter::post('SMTP_FROM_NAME')); Site::setPreference('SMTP_HOST', Filter::post('SMTP_HOST')); Site::setPreference('SMTP_PORT', Filter::post('SMTP_PORT')); Site::setPreference('SMTP_AUTH', Filter::post('SMTP_AUTH')); Site::setPreference('SMTP_AUTH_USER', Filter::post('SMTP_AUTH_USER'));
/** * Action from the configuration page */ private function edit() { global $WT_TREE; if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $block_id = Filter::postInteger('block_id'); if ($block_id) { Database::prepare("UPDATE `##block` SET gedcom_id = NULLIF(:tree_id, '0'), block_order = :block_order WHERE block_id = :block_id")->execute(array('tree_id' => Filter::postInteger('gedcom_id'), 'block_order' => Filter::postInteger('block_order'), 'block_id' => $block_id)); } else { Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##block` (gedcom_id, module_name, block_order) VALUES (NULLIF(:tree_id, '0'), :module_name, :block_order)")->execute(array('tree_id' => Filter::postInteger('gedcom_id'), 'module_name' => $this->getName(), 'block_order' => Filter::postInteger('block_order'))); $block_id = Database::getInstance()->lastInsertId(); } $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'header', Filter::post('header')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'faqbody', Filter::post('faqbody')); $languages = Filter::postArray('lang'); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'languages', implode(',', $languages)); $this->config(); } else { $block_id = Filter::getInteger('block_id'); $controller = new PageController(); if ($block_id) { $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Edit FAQ item')); $header = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'header'); $faqbody = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'faqbody'); $block_order = Database::prepare("SELECT block_order FROM `##block` WHERE block_id = :block_id")->execute(array('block_id' => $block_id))->fetchOne(); $gedcom_id = Database::prepare("SELECT gedcom_id FROM `##block` WHERE block_id = :block_id")->execute(array('block_id' => $block_id))->fetchOne(); } else { $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Add an FAQ item')); $header = ''; $faqbody = ''; $block_order = Database::prepare("SELECT IFNULL(MAX(block_order)+1, 0) FROM `##block` WHERE module_name = :module_name")->execute(array('module_name' => $this->getName()))->fetchOne(); $gedcom_id = $WT_TREE->getTreeId(); } $controller->pageHeader(); if (Module::getModuleByName('ckeditor')) { CkeditorModule::enableEditor($controller); } ?> <ol class="breadcrumb small"> <li><a href="admin.php"><?php echo I18N::translate('Control panel'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="admin_modules.php"><?php echo I18N::translate('Module administration'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="module.php?mod=<?php echo $this->getName(); ?> &mod_action=admin_config"><?php echo I18N::translate('Frequently asked questions'); ?> </a> </li> <li class="active"><?php echo $controller->getPageTitle(); ?> </li> </ol> <h1><?php echo $controller->getPageTitle(); ?> </h1> <form name="faq" class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="module.php?mod=<?php echo $this->getName(); ?> &mod_action=admin_edit"> <?php echo Filter::getCsrf(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="save" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="block_id" value="<?php echo $block_id; ?> "> <div class="form-group"> <label for="header" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Question'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="header" id="header" value="<?php echo Filter::escapeHtml($header); ?> "> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="faqbody" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Answer'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <textarea name="faqbody" id="faqbody" class="form-control html-edit" rows="10"><?php echo Filter::escapeHtml($faqbody); ?> </textarea> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="xref" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Show this block for which languages?'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::editLanguageCheckboxes('lang', explode(',', $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'languages'))); ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="block_order" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('FAQ position'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <input type="text" name="block_order" id="block_order" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $block_order; ?> "> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="gedcom_id" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('FAQ visibility'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('gedcom_id', Tree::getIdList(), I18N::translate('All'), $gedcom_id, 'class="form-control"'); ?> <p class="small text-muted"> <?php echo I18N::translate('A FAQ item can be displayed on just one of the family trees, or on all the family trees.'); ?> </p> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-offset-3 col-sm-9"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <?php echo I18N::translate('save'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </form> <?php } }
/** {@inheritdoc} */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'days', Filter::postInteger('days', 1, self::MAX_DAYS)); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'sortStyle', Filter::post('sortStyle', 'name|date_asc|date_desc')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_user', Filter::postBool('show_user')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'hide_empty', Filter::postBool('hide_empty')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $days = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'days', self::DEFAULT_DAYS); $infoStyle = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', self::DEFAULT_INFO_STYLE); $sortStyle = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'sortStyle', self::DEFAULT_SORT_STYLE); $show_user = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_user', self::DEFAULT_SHOW_USER); $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', self::DEFAULT_BLOCK); $hide_empty = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'hide_empty', self::DEFAULT_HIDE_EMPTY); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Number of days to show'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo '<input type="text" name="days" size="2" value="', $days, '">'; echo ' <em>', I18N::plural('maximum %s day', 'maximum %s days', I18N::number(self::MAX_DAYS), I18N::number(self::MAX_DAYS)), '</em>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Presentation style'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('infoStyle', array('list' => I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Sort order'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('sortStyle', array('name' => I18N::translate('sort by name'), 'date_asc' => I18N::translate('sort by date, oldest first'), 'date_desc' => I18N::translate('sort by date, newest first')), null, $sortStyle, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show the user who made the change'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('show_user', $show_user); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Should this block be hidden when it is empty'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('hide_empty', $hide_empty); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="optionbox wrap">'; echo '<span class="error">', I18N::translate('If you hide an empty block, you will not be able to change its configuration until it becomes visible by no longer being empty.'), '</span>'; echo '</td></tr>'; }
/** * Show and process a form to edit a story. */ private function edit() { global $WT_TREE; if (Auth::isEditor($WT_TREE)) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $block_id = Filter::postInteger('block_id'); if ($block_id) { Database::prepare("UPDATE `##block` SET gedcom_id=?, xref=? WHERE block_id=?")->execute(array(Filter::postInteger('gedcom_id'), Filter::post('xref', WT_REGEX_XREF), $block_id)); } else { Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##block` (gedcom_id, xref, module_name, block_order) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array(Filter::postInteger('gedcom_id'), Filter::post('xref', WT_REGEX_XREF), $this->getName(), 0)); $block_id = Database::getInstance()->lastInsertId(); } $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'title', Filter::post('title')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'story_body', Filter::post('story_body')); $languages = Filter::postArray('lang'); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'languages', implode(',', $languages)); $this->config(); } else { $block_id = Filter::getInteger('block_id'); $controller = new PageController(); if ($block_id) { $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Edit story')); $title = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'title'); $story_body = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'story_body'); $xref = Database::prepare("SELECT xref FROM `##block` WHERE block_id=?")->execute(array($block_id))->fetchOne(); } else { $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Add a story')); $title = ''; $story_body = ''; $xref = Filter::get('xref', WT_REGEX_XREF); } $controller->pageHeader()->addExternalJavascript(WT_AUTOCOMPLETE_JS_URL)->addInlineJavascript('autocomplete();'); if (Module::getModuleByName('ckeditor')) { CkeditorModule::enableEditor($controller); } $individual = Individual::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE); ?> <ol class="breadcrumb small"> <li><a href="admin.php"><?php echo I18N::translate('Control panel'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="admin_modules.php"><?php echo I18N::translate('Module administration'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="module.php?mod=<?php echo $this->getName(); ?> &mod_action=admin_config"><?php echo $this->getTitle(); ?> </a></li> <li class="active"><?php echo $controller->getPageTitle(); ?> </li> </ol> <h1><?php echo $controller->getPageTitle(); ?> </h1> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="module.php?mod=<?php echo $this->getName(); ?> &mod_action=admin_edit"> <?php echo Filter::getCsrf(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="save" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="block_id" value="<?php echo $block_id; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="gedcom_id" value="<?php echo $WT_TREE->getTreeId(); ?> "> <div class="form-group"> <label for="title" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Story title'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="title" id="title" value="<?php echo Filter::escapeHtml($title); ?> "> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="story_body" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Story'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <textarea name="story_body" id="story_body" class="html-edit form-control" rows="10"><?php echo Filter::escapeHtml($story_body); ?> </textarea> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="xref" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Individual'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <input data-autocomplete-type="INDI" type="text" name="xref" id="xref" size="4" value="<?php echo $xref; ?> "> <?php echo FunctionsPrint::printFindIndividualLink('xref'); ?> <?php if ($individual) { ?> <?php echo $individual->formatList('span'); ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="xref" class="col-sm-3 control-label"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Show this block for which languages?'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::editLanguageCheckboxes('lang', explode(',', $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'languages'))); ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-offset-3 col-sm-9"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <?php echo I18N::translate('save'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </form> <?php } } else { header('Location: ' . WT_BASE_URL); } }
/** * Edit the configuration */ private function admin() { $controller = new PageController(); $controller->restrictAccess(Auth::isAdmin())->setPageTitle($this->getTitle())->pageHeader(); // Save the updated preferences if (Filter::post('action') == 'save') { foreach (Tree::getAll() as $tree) { $tree->setPreference('include_in_sitemap', Filter::postBool('include' . $tree->getTreeId())); } // Clear cache and force files to be regenerated Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##module_setting` WHERE setting_name LIKE 'sitemap%'")->execute(); } $include_any = false; ?> <ol class="breadcrumb small"> <li><a href="admin.php"><?php echo I18N::translate('Control panel'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="admin_modules.php"><?php echo I18N::translate('Module administration'); ?> </a></li> <li class="active"><?php echo $controller->getPageTitle(); ?> </li> </ol> <h1><?php echo $controller->getPageTitle(); ?> </h1> <?php echo '<p>', I18N::translate('Sitemaps are a way for webmasters to tell search engines about the pages on a website that are available for crawling. All major search engines support sitemaps. For more information, see <a href="http://www.sitemaps.org/">www.sitemaps.org</a>.') . '</p>', '<p>', I18N::translate('Which family trees should be included in the sitemaps'), '</p>', '<form method="post" action="module.php?mod=' . $this->getName() . '&mod_action=admin">', '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save">'; foreach (Tree::getAll() as $tree) { echo '<div class="checkbox"><label><input type="checkbox" name="include', $tree->getTreeId(), '" '; if ($tree->getPreference('include_in_sitemap')) { echo 'checked'; $include_any = true; } echo '>', $tree->getTitleHtml(), '</label></div>'; } echo '<input type="submit" value="', I18N::translate('save'), '">', '</form>', '<hr>'; if ($include_any) { $site_map_url1 = WT_BASE_URL . 'module.php?mod=' . $this->getName() . '&mod_action=generate&file=sitemap.xml'; $site_map_url2 = rawurlencode(WT_BASE_URL . 'module.php?mod=' . $this->getName() . '&mod_action=generate&file=sitemap.xml'); echo '<p>', I18N::translate('To tell search engines that sitemaps are available, you should add the following line to your robots.txt file.'), '</p>', '<pre>Sitemap: ', $site_map_url1, '</pre>', '<hr>', '<p>', I18N::translate('To tell search engines that sitemaps are available, you can use the following links.'), '</p>', '<ul>', '<li><a href="http://www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=' . $site_map_url2 . '">Bing</a></li>', '<li><a href="http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ping?sitemap=' . $site_map_url2 . '">Google</a></li>', '</ul>'; } }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'num', Filter::postInteger('num', 1, 10000, 10)); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'count_placement', Filter::post('count_placement', 'before|after', 'before')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $num = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'num', '10'); $count_placement = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'count_placement', 'before'); $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', '0'); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Number of items to show'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo '<input type="text" name="num" size="2" value="', $num, '">'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo "<tr><td class=\"descriptionbox wrap width33\">"; echo I18N::translate('Place counts before or after name?'); echo "</td><td class=\"optionbox\">"; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('count_placement', array('before' => I18N::translate('before'), 'after' => I18N::translate('after')), null, $count_placement, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; }
/** * Create a form to add a new fact. * * @param string $fact * * @return string */ public static function addNewFact($fact) { global $WT_TREE; $FACT = Filter::post($fact); $DATE = Filter::post($fact . '_DATE'); $PLAC = Filter::post($fact . '_PLAC'); if ($DATE || $PLAC || $FACT && $FACT !== 'Y') { if ($FACT && $FACT !== 'Y') { $gedrec = "\n1 " . $fact . ' ' . $FACT; } else { $gedrec = "\n1 " . $fact; } if ($DATE) { $gedrec .= "\n2 DATE " . $DATE; } if ($PLAC) { $gedrec .= "\n2 PLAC " . $PLAC; if (preg_match_all('/(' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $WT_TREE->getPreference('ADVANCED_PLAC_FACTS'), $match)) { foreach ($match[1] as $tag) { $TAG = Filter::post($fact . '_' . $tag); if ($TAG) { $gedrec .= "\n3 " . $tag . ' ' . $TAG; } } } $LATI = Filter::post($fact . '_LATI'); $LONG = Filter::post($fact . '_LONG'); if ($LATI || $LONG) { $gedrec .= "\n3 MAP\n4 LATI " . $LATI . "\n4 LONG " . $LONG; } } if (Filter::postBool('SOUR_' . $fact)) { return self::updateSource($gedrec, 2); } else { return $gedrec; } } elseif ($FACT === 'Y') { if (Filter::postBool('SOUR_' . $fact)) { return self::updateSource("\n1 " . $fact . ' Y', 2); } else { return "\n1 " . $fact . ' Y'; } } else { return ''; } }
/** {@inheritdoc} */ public function modAction($mod_action) { Database::updateSchema(self::SCHEMA_MIGRATION_PREFIX, self::SCHEMA_SETTING_NAME, self::SCHEMA_TARGET_VERSION); switch ($mod_action) { case 'admin_config': $template = new AdminTemplate(); return $template->pageContent(); case 'admin_search': // new settings $surname = Filter::post('SURNAME'); $pid = Filter::post('PID'); if ($surname) { $soundex_std = Filter::postBool('soundex_std'); $soundex_dm = Filter::postBool('soundex_dm'); $indis = $this->module()->indisArray($surname, $soundex_std, $soundex_dm); usort($indis, 'Fisharebest\\Webtrees\\Individual::compareBirthDate'); if (isset($indis) && count($indis) > 0) { $pid = $indis[0]->getXref(); } else { $result['error'] = I18N::translate('Error: The surname you entered doesn’t exist in this tree.'); } } if (isset($pid)) { $FTV_SETTINGS = unserialize($this->getSetting('FTV_SETTINGS')); if ($this->module()->searchArray($this->module()->searchArray($FTV_SETTINGS, 'TREE', Filter::getInteger('tree')), 'PID', $pid)) { if ($surname) { $result['error'] = I18N::translate('Error: The root person belonging to this surname already exists'); } else { $result['error'] = I18N::translate('Error: A root person with ID %s already exists', $pid); } } else { $record = Individual::getInstance($pid, $this->tree); if ($record) { $root = $record->getFullName() . ' (' . $record->getLifeSpan() . ')'; $title = $this->module()->getPageLink($pid); $result = array('access_level' => '2', 'pid' => $pid, 'root' => $root, 'sort' => count($this->module()->searchArray($FTV_SETTINGS, 'TREE', Filter::getInteger('tree'))) + 1, 'surname' => $this->module()->getSurname($pid), 'title' => $title, 'tree' => Filter::getInteger('tree')); } else { if (empty($result['error'])) { $result['error'] = I18N::translate('Error: A person with ID %s does not exist in this tree', $pid); } } } } echo json_encode($result); break; case 'admin_add': $FTV_SETTINGS = unserialize($this->getSetting('FTV_SETTINGS')); $NEW_FTV_SETTINGS = $FTV_SETTINGS; $NEW_FTV_SETTINGS[] = array('TREE' => Filter::getInteger('tree'), 'SURNAME' => Filter::post('surname'), 'PID' => Filter::post('pid'), 'ACCESS_LEVEL' => Filter::postInteger('access_level'), 'SORT' => Filter::postInteger('sort')); $this->setSetting('FTV_SETTINGS', serialize(array_values($NEW_FTV_SETTINGS))); Log::addConfigurationLog($this->getTitle() . ' config updated'); break; case 'admin_update': $FTV_SETTINGS = unserialize($this->getSetting('FTV_SETTINGS')); $new_surname = Filter::postArray('surname'); $new_access_level = Filter::postArray('access_level'); $new_sort = Filter::postArray('sort'); foreach ($new_surname as $key => $new_surname) { $FTV_SETTINGS[$key]['SURNAME'] = $new_surname; } foreach ($new_access_level as $key => $new_access_level) { $FTV_SETTINGS[$key]['ACCESS_LEVEL'] = $new_access_level; } foreach ($new_sort as $key => $new_sort) { $FTV_SETTINGS[$key]['SORT'] = $new_sort; } $NEW_FTV_SETTINGS = $this->module()->sortArray($FTV_SETTINGS, 'SORT'); $this->setSetting('FTV_SETTINGS', serialize($NEW_FTV_SETTINGS)); break; case 'admin_save': $FTV_OPTIONS = unserialize($this->getSetting('FTV_OPTIONS')); $FTV_OPTIONS[Filter::getInteger('tree')] = Filter::postArray('NEW_FTV_OPTIONS'); $this->setSetting('FTV_OPTIONS', serialize($FTV_OPTIONS)); Log::addConfigurationLog($this->getTitle() . ' config updated'); // the cache has to be recreated because the image options could have been changed $this->module()->emptyCache(); break; case 'admin_reset': $FTV_OPTIONS = unserialize($this->getSetting('FTV_OPTIONS')); unset($FTV_OPTIONS[Filter::getInteger('tree')]); $this->setSetting('FTV_OPTIONS', serialize($FTV_OPTIONS)); Log::addConfigurationLog($this->getTitle() . ' options set to default'); break; case 'admin_delete': $FTV_SETTINGS = unserialize($this->getSetting('FTV_SETTINGS')); unset($FTV_SETTINGS[Filter::getInteger('key')]); $this->setSetting('FTV_SETTINGS', serialize($FTV_SETTINGS)); Log::addConfigurationLog($this->getTitle() . ' item deleted'); break; case 'page': $template = new PageTemplate(); return $template->pageContent(); // See mediafirewall.php // See mediafirewall.php case 'thumbnail': $mid = Filter::get('mid', WT_REGEX_XREF); $media = Media::getInstance($mid, $this->tree); $mimetype = $media->mimeType(); $cache_filename = $this->module()->cacheFileName($media); $filetime = filemtime($cache_filename); $filetimeHeader = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $filetime) . ' GMT'; $expireOffset = 3600 * 24 * 7; // tell browser to cache this image for 7 days $expireHeader = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', WT_TIMESTAMP + $expireOffset) . ' GMT'; $etag = $media->getEtag(); $filesize = filesize($cache_filename); // parse IF_MODIFIED_SINCE header from client $if_modified_since = 'x'; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { $if_modified_since = preg_replace('/;.*$/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']); } // parse IF_NONE_MATCH header from client $if_none_match = 'x'; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) { $if_none_match = str_replace('"', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']); } // add caching headers. allow browser to cache file, but not proxy header('Last-Modified: ' . $filetimeHeader); header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"'); header('Expires: ' . $expireHeader); header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $expireOffset . ', s-maxage=0, proxy-revalidate'); // if this file is already in the user’s cache, don’t resend it // first check if the if_modified_since param matches if ($if_modified_since === $filetimeHeader) { // then check if the etag matches if ($if_none_match === $etag) { http_response_code(304); return; } } // send headers for the image header('Content-Type: ' . $mimetype); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . basename($cache_filename) . '"'); header('Content-Length: ' . $filesize); // Some servers disable fpassthru() and readfile() if (function_exists('readfile')) { readfile($cache_filename); } else { $fp = fopen($cache_filename, 'rb'); if (function_exists('fpassthru')) { fpassthru($fp); } else { while (!feof($fp)) { echo fread($fp, 65536); } } fclose($fp); } break; case 'show_pdf': $template = new PdfTemplate(); return $template->pageBody(); case 'pdf_data': $template = new PdfTemplate(); return $template->pageData(); case 'pdf_thumb_data': $xref = Filter::get('mid'); $mediaobject = Media::getInstance($xref, $this->tree); $thumb = Filter::get('thumb'); if ($thumb === '2') { // Fancy thumb echo $this->module()->cacheFileName($mediaobject); } else { echo $mediaobject->getServerFilename('thumb'); } break; default: http_response_code(404); break; } }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'days', Filter::postInteger('days', 1, 30, 7)); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter', Filter::postBool('filter')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'onlyBDM', Filter::postBool('onlyBDM')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table', 'table')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'sortStyle', Filter::post('sortStyle', 'alpha|anniv', 'alpha')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $days = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'days', '7'); $filter = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter', '1'); $onlyBDM = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'onlyBDM', '0'); $infoStyle = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table'); $sortStyle = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'sortStyle', 'alpha'); $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', '1'); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Number of days to show'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo '<input type="text" name="days" size="2" value="', $days, '">'; echo ' <em>', I18N::plural('maximum %s day', 'maximum %s days', 30, I18N::number(30)), '</em>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show only events of living individuals'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('filter', $filter); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show only births, deaths, and marriages'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('onlyBDM', $onlyBDM); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Presentation style'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('infoStyle', array('list' => I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Sort order'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('sortStyle', array('alpha' => I18N::translate('sort by name'), 'anniv' => I18N::translate('sort by date')), null, $sortStyle, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter', Filter::postBool('filter')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'onlyBDM', Filter::postBool('onlyBDM')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table', 'table')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'sortStyle', Filter::post('sortStyle', 'alpha|anniv', 'alpha')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $filter = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter', '1'); $onlyBDM = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'onlyBDM', '1'); $infoStyle = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table'); $sortStyle = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'sortStyle', 'alpha'); $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', '1'); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show only events of living individuals?'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('filter', $filter); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show only births, deaths, and marriages?'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('onlyBDM', $onlyBDM); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Presentation style'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('infoStyle', array('list' => I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Sort order'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('sortStyle', array('alpha' => I18N::translate('sort by name'), 'anniv' => I18N::translate('sort by date')), null, $sortStyle, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; }
$WT_TREE->setPreference('SHOW_NO_WATERMARK', Filter::post('SHOW_NO_WATERMARK')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SHOW_PARENTS_AGE', Filter::postBool('SHOW_PARENTS_AGE')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SHOW_PEDIGREE_PLACES', Filter::post('SHOW_PEDIGREE_PLACES')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SHOW_PEDIGREE_PLACES_SUFFIX', Filter::postBool('SHOW_PEDIGREE_PLACES_SUFFIX')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SHOW_RELATIVES_EVENTS', implode(',', Filter::postArray('SHOW_RELATIVES_EVENTS'))); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SOURCE_ID_PREFIX', Filter::post('SOURCE_ID_PREFIX')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SOUR_FACTS_ADD', str_replace(' ', '', Filter::post('SOUR_FACTS_ADD'))); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SOUR_FACTS_QUICK', str_replace(' ', '', Filter::post('SOUR_FACTS_QUICK'))); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SOUR_FACTS_UNIQUE', str_replace(' ', '', Filter::post('SOUR_FACTS_UNIQUE'))); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SUBLIST_TRIGGER_I', Filter::post('SUBLIST_TRIGGER_I', WT_REGEX_INTEGER, 200)); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SURNAME_LIST_STYLE', Filter::post('SURNAME_LIST_STYLE')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('SURNAME_TRADITION', Filter::post('SURNAME_TRADITION')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('THEME_DIR', Filter::post('THEME_DIR')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('THUMBNAIL_WIDTH', Filter::post('THUMBNAIL_WIDTH')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('USE_SILHOUETTE', Filter::postBool('USE_SILHOUETTE')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('WATERMARK_THUMB', Filter::postBool('WATERMARK_THUMB')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('WEBMASTER_USER_ID', Filter::post('WEBMASTER_USER_ID')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('WEBTREES_EMAIL', Filter::post('WEBTREES_EMAIL')); $WT_TREE->setPreference('title', Filter::post('title')); // Only accept valid folders for MEDIA_DIRECTORY $MEDIA_DIRECTORY = preg_replace('/[\\/\\\\]+/', '/', Filter::post('MEDIA_DIRECTORY') . '/'); if (substr($MEDIA_DIRECTORY, 0, 1) === '/') { $MEDIA_DIRECTORY = substr($MEDIA_DIRECTORY, 1); } if ($MEDIA_DIRECTORY) { if (is_dir(WT_DATA_DIR . $MEDIA_DIRECTORY)) { $WT_TREE->setPreference('MEDIA_DIRECTORY', $MEDIA_DIRECTORY); } elseif (File::mkdir(WT_DATA_DIR . $MEDIA_DIRECTORY)) { $WT_TREE->setPreference('MEDIA_DIRECTORY', $MEDIA_DIRECTORY); FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The folder %s has been created.', Html::filename(WT_DATA_DIR . $MEDIA_DIRECTORY)), 'info'); } else {
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'limit', Filter::post('limit')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'flag', Filter::post('flag')); } $limit = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'limit', 'nolimit'); $flag = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'flag', 0); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">', I18N::translate('Limit display by'), '</td><td class="optionbox"><select name="limit"><option value="nolimit" ', ($limit == 'nolimit' ? 'selected' : '') . ">", I18N::translate('No limit') . "</option>", '<option value="date" ' . ($limit == 'date' ? 'selected' : '') . ">" . I18N::translate('Age of item') . "</option>", '<option value="count" ' . ($limit == 'count' ? 'selected' : '') . ">" . I18N::translate('Number of items') . "</option>", '</select></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Limit'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox"><input type="text" name="flag" size="4" maxlength="4" value="' . $flag . '"></td></tr>'; }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', '1'); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'days', Filter::postInteger('days', 1, 30, 7)); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table', 'table')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'calendar', Filter::post('calendar', 'jewish|gregorian', 'jewish')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $days = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'days', '7'); $infoStyle = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table'); $calendar = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'calendar', 'jewish'); $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', '1'); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Number of days to show'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo '<input type="text" name="days" size="2" value="' . $days . '">'; echo ' <em>', I18N::plural('maximum %s day', 'maximum %s days', 30, I18N::number(30)), '</em>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Presentation style'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('infoStyle', array('list' => I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Calendar'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('calendar', array('jewish' => I18N::translate('Jewish'), 'gregorian' => I18N::translate('Gregorian')), null, $calendar, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; }
define('WT_SCRIPT_NAME', 'addmedia.php'); require './includes/session.php'; $NO_UPDATE_CHAN = $WT_TREE->getPreference('NO_UPDATE_CHAN'); $MEDIA_DIRECTORY = $WT_TREE->getPreference('MEDIA_DIRECTORY'); $pid = Filter::get('pid', WT_REGEX_XREF, Filter::post('pid', WT_REGEX_XREF)); // edit this media object $linktoid = Filter::get('linktoid', WT_REGEX_XREF, Filter::post('linktoid', WT_REGEX_XREF)); // create a new media object, linked to this record $action = Filter::get('action', null, Filter::post('action')); $filename = Filter::get('filename', null, Filter::post('filename')); $text = Filter::postArray('text'); $tag = Filter::postArray('tag', WT_REGEX_TAG); $islink = Filter::postArray('islink'); $glevels = Filter::postArray('glevels', '[0-9]'); $folder = Filter::post('folder'); $update_CHAN = !Filter::postBool('preserve_last_changed'); $controller = new SimpleController(); $controller->addExternalJavascript(WT_AUTOCOMPLETE_JS_URL)->addInlineJavascript('autocomplete();')->restrictAccess(Auth::isMember($WT_TREE)); $disp = true; $media = Media::getInstance($pid, $WT_TREE); if ($media) { $disp = $media->canShow(); } if ($action == 'update' || $action == 'create') { if ($linktoid) { $disp = GedcomRecord::getInstance($linktoid, $WT_TREE)->canShow(); } } if (!Auth::isEditor($WT_TREE) || !$disp) { $controller->pageHeader()->addInlineJavascript('closePopupAndReloadParent();'); return;
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { global $WT_TREE; if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $languages = Filter::postArray('lang'); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'gedcom', Filter::post('gedcom')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'title', Filter::post('title')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'html', Filter::post('html')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_timestamp', Filter::postBool('show_timestamp')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'timestamp', Filter::post('timestamp')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'languages', implode(',', $languages)); } $templates = array(I18N::translate('Keyword examples') => '#getAllTagsTable#', I18N::translate('Narrative description') => I18N::translate('This family tree was last updated on #gedcomUpdated#. There are #totalSurnames# surnames in this family tree. The earliest recorded event is the #firstEventType# of #firstEventName# in #firstEventYear#. The most recent event is the #lastEventType# of #lastEventName# in #lastEventYear#.<br><br>If you have any comments or feedback please contact #contactWebmaster#.'), I18N::translate('Statistics') => '<div class="gedcom_stats"> <span style="font-weight: bold;"><a href="index.php?command=gedcom">#gedcomTitle#</a></span><br> ' . I18N::translate('This family tree was last updated on %s.', '#gedcomUpdated#') . ' <table id="keywords"> <tr> <td valign="top" class="width20"> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Individuals') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right"><a href="indilist.php?surname_sublist=no">#totalIndividuals#</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Males') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#totalSexMales#<br>#totalSexMalesPercentage#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Females') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#totalSexFemales#<br>#totalSexFemalesPercentage#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Total surnames') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right"><a href="indilist.php?show_all=yes&surname_sublist=yes&ged=' . $WT_TREE->getNameUrl() . '">#totalSurnames#</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Families') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right"><a href="famlist.php?ged=' . $WT_TREE->getNameUrl() . '">#totalFamilies#</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Sources') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right"><a href="sourcelist.php?ged=' . $WT_TREE->getNameUrl() . '">#totalSources#</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Media objects') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right"><a href="medialist.php?ged=' . $WT_TREE->getNameUrl() . '">#totalMedia#</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Repositories') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right"><a href="repolist.php?ged=' . $WT_TREE->getNameUrl() . '">#totalRepositories#</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Total events') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#totalEvents#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Total users') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#totalUsers#</td> </tr> </table> </td> <td><br></td> <td valign="top"> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Earliest birth year') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#firstBirthYear#</td> <td class="facts_value">#firstBirth#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Latest birth year') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#lastBirthYear#</td> <td class="facts_value">#lastBirth#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Earliest death year') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#firstDeathYear#</td> <td class="facts_value">#firstDeath#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Latest death year') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#lastDeathYear#</td> <td class="facts_value">#lastDeath#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Individual who lived the longest') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#longestLifeAge#</td> <td class="facts_value">#longestLife#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Average age at death') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#averageLifespan#</td> <td class="facts_value"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Family with the most children') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#largestFamilySize#</td> <td class="facts_value">#largestFamily#</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="facts_label">' . I18N::translate('Average number of children per family') . '</td> <td class="facts_value" align="right">#averageChildren#</td> <td class="facts_value"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table><br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">' . I18N::translate('Most common surnames') . '</span><br> #commonSurnames# </div>'); $title = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'title'); $html = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'html'); $gedcom = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'gedcom'); $show_timestamp = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_timestamp', '0'); $languages = explode(',', $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'languages')); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap">', GedcomTag::getLabel('TITL'), '</td><td class="optionbox"><input type="text" name="title" size="30" value="', Filter::escapeHtml($title), '"></td></tr>'; // templates echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap">', I18N::translate('Templates'), '</td><td class="optionbox wrap">'; // The CK editor needs lots of help to load/save data :-( if (Module::getModuleByName('ckeditor')) { $ckeditor_onchange = 'CKEDITOR.instances.html.setData(document.block.html.value);'; } else { $ckeditor_onchange = ''; } echo '<select name="template" onchange="document.block.html.value=document.block.template.options[document.block.template.selectedIndex].value;', $ckeditor_onchange, '">'; echo '<option value="', Filter::escapeHtml($html), '">', I18N::translate('Custom'), '</option>'; foreach ($templates as $title => $template) { echo '<option value="', Filter::escapeHtml($template), '">', $title, '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; if (!$html) { echo '<p>', I18N::translate('To assist you in getting started with this block, we have created several standard templates. When you select one of these templates, the text area will contain a copy that you can then alter to suit your site’s requirements.'), '</p>'; } echo '</td></tr>'; if (count(Tree::getAll()) > 1) { if ($gedcom == '__current__') { $sel_current = 'selected'; } else { $sel_current = ''; } if ($gedcom == '__default__') { $sel_default = 'selected'; } else { $sel_default = ''; } echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap">', I18N::translate('Family tree'), '</td><td class="optionbox">', '<select name="gedcom">', '<option value="__current__" ', $sel_current, '>', I18N::translate('Current'), '</option>', '<option value="__default__" ', $sel_default, '>', I18N::translate('Default'), '</option>'; foreach (Tree::getAll() as $tree) { if ($tree->getName() === $gedcom) { $sel = 'selected'; } else { $sel = ''; } echo '<option value="', $tree->getNameHtml(), '" ', $sel, '>', $tree->getTitleHtml(), '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } // html echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="descriptionbox">', I18N::translate('Content'); if (!$html) { echo '<p>', I18N::translate('As well as using the toolbar to apply HTML formatting, you can insert database fields which are updated automatically. These special fields are marked with <b>#</b> characters. For example <b>#totalFamilies#</b> will be replaced with the actual number of families in the database. Advanced users may wish to apply CSS classes to their text, so that the formatting matches the currently selected theme.'), '</p>'; } echo '</td></tr><tr>', '<td colspan="2" class="optionbox">'; echo '<textarea name="html" class="html-edit" rows="10" style="width:98%;">', Filter::escapeHtml($html), '</textarea>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap">'; echo I18N::translate('Show the date and time of update'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('show_timestamp', $show_timestamp); echo '<input type="hidden" name="timestamp" value="', WT_TIMESTAMP, '">'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap">'; echo I18N::translate('Show this block for which languages?'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editLanguageCheckboxes('lang', $languages); echo '</td></tr>'; }
/** * Places administration. */ private function adminPlaces() { global $WT_TREE; $action = Filter::get('action'); $parent = Filter::get('parent'); $inactive = Filter::getBool('inactive'); $deleteRecord = Filter::get('deleteRecord'); if (!isset($parent)) { $parent = 0; } $controller = new PageController(); $controller->restrictAccess(Auth::isAdmin()); if ($action == 'ExportFile' && Auth::isAdmin()) { $tmp = $this->placeIdToHierarchy($parent); $maxLevel = $this->getHighestLevel(); if ($maxLevel > 8) { $maxLevel = 8; } $tmp[0] = 'places'; $outputFileName = preg_replace('/[:;\\/\\\\(\\)\\{\\}\\[\\] $]/', '_', implode('-', $tmp)) . '.csv'; header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $outputFileName . '"'); echo '"', I18N::translate('Level'), '";"', I18N::translate('Country'), '";'; if ($maxLevel > 0) { echo '"', I18N::translate('State'), '";'; } if ($maxLevel > 1) { echo '"', I18N::translate('County'), '";'; } if ($maxLevel > 2) { echo '"', I18N::translate('City'), '";'; } if ($maxLevel > 3) { echo '"', I18N::translate('Place'), '";'; } if ($maxLevel > 4) { echo '"', I18N::translate('Place'), '";'; } if ($maxLevel > 5) { echo '"', I18N::translate('Place'), '";'; } if ($maxLevel > 6) { echo '"', I18N::translate('Place'), '";'; } if ($maxLevel > 7) { echo '"', I18N::translate('Place'), '";'; } echo '"', I18N::translate('Longitude'), '";"', I18N::translate('Latitude'), '";'; echo '"', I18N::translate('Zoom level'), '";"', I18N::translate('Icon'), '";', WT_EOL; $this->outputLevel($parent); exit; } $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Google Maps™'))->pageHeader(); ?> <ol class="breadcrumb small"> <li><a href="admin.php"><?php echo I18N::translate('Control panel'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="admin_modules.php"><?php echo I18N::translate('Module administration'); ?> </a></li> <li class="active"><?php echo $controller->getPageTitle(); ?> </li> </ol> <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified" role="tablist"> <li role="presentation"> <a href="?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_config" role="tab"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Google Maps™ preferences'); ?> </a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="active"> <a href="#"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Geographic data'); ?> </a> </li> <li role="presentation"> <a href="?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_placecheck"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Place check'); ?> </a> </li> </ul> <h2><?php echo I18N::translate('Geographic data'); ?> </h2> <?php if ($action == 'ImportGedcom') { $placelist = array(); $j = 0; $gedcom_records = Database::prepare("SELECT i_gedcom FROM `##individuals` WHERE i_file=? UNION ALL SELECT f_gedcom FROM `##families` WHERE f_file=?")->execute(array($WT_TREE->getTreeId(), $WT_TREE->getTreeId()))->fetchOneColumn(); foreach ($gedcom_records as $gedrec) { $i = 1; $placerec = Functions::getSubRecord(2, '2 PLAC', $gedrec, $i); while (!empty($placerec)) { if (preg_match("/2 PLAC (.+)/", $placerec, $match)) { $placelist[$j] = array(); $placelist[$j]['place'] = trim($match[1]); if (preg_match("/4 LATI (.*)/", $placerec, $match)) { $placelist[$j]['lati'] = trim($match[1]); if ($placelist[$j]['lati'][0] != 'N' && $placelist[$j]['lati'][0] != 'S') { if ($placelist[$j]['lati'] < 0) { $placelist[$j]['lati'][0] = 'S'; } else { $placelist[$j]['lati'] = 'N' . $placelist[$j]['lati']; } } } else { $placelist[$j]['lati'] = null; } if (preg_match("/4 LONG (.*)/", $placerec, $match)) { $placelist[$j]['long'] = trim($match[1]); if ($placelist[$j]['long'][0] != 'E' && $placelist[$j]['long'][0] != 'W') { if ($placelist[$j]['long'] < 0) { $placelist[$j]['long'][0] = 'W'; } else { $placelist[$j]['long'] = 'E' . $placelist[$j]['long']; } } } else { $placelist[$j]['long'] = null; } $j = $j + 1; } $i = $i + 1; $placerec = Functions::getSubRecord(2, '2 PLAC', $gedrec, $i); } } asort($placelist); $prevPlace = ''; $prevLati = ''; $prevLong = ''; $placelistUniq = array(); $j = 0; foreach ($placelist as $k => $place) { if ($place['place'] != $prevPlace) { $placelistUniq[$j] = array(); $placelistUniq[$j]['place'] = $place['place']; $placelistUniq[$j]['lati'] = $place['lati']; $placelistUniq[$j]['long'] = $place['long']; $j = $j + 1; } elseif ($place['place'] == $prevPlace && ($place['lati'] != $prevLati || $place['long'] != $prevLong)) { if ($placelistUniq[$j - 1]['lati'] == 0 || $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['long'] == 0) { $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['lati'] = $place['lati']; $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['long'] = $place['long']; } elseif ($place['lati'] != '0' || $place['long'] != '0') { echo 'Difference: previous value = ', $prevPlace, ', ', $prevLati, ', ', $prevLong, ' current = ', $place['place'], ', ', $place['lati'], ', ', $place['long'], '<br>'; } } $prevPlace = $place['place']; $prevLati = $place['lati']; $prevLong = $place['long']; } $highestIndex = $this->getHighestIndex(); $default_zoom_level = array(4, 7, 10, 12); foreach ($placelistUniq as $k => $place) { $parent = preg_split('/ *, */', $place['place']); $parent = array_reverse($parent); $parent_id = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($parent); $i++) { if (!isset($default_zoom_level[$i])) { $default_zoom_level[$i] = $default_zoom_level[$i - 1]; } $escparent = $parent[$i]; if ($escparent == '') { $escparent = 'Unknown'; } $row = Database::prepare("SELECT pl_id, pl_long, pl_lati, pl_zoom FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_level=? AND pl_parent_id=? AND pl_place LIKE ?")->execute(array($i, $parent_id, $escparent))->fetchOneRow(); if ($i < count($parent) - 1) { // Create higher-level places, if necessary if (empty($row)) { $highestIndex++; Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelocation` (pl_id, pl_parent_id, pl_level, pl_place, pl_zoom) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($highestIndex, $parent_id, $i, $escparent, $default_zoom_level[$i])); echo Filter::escapeHtml($escparent), '<br>'; $parent_id = $highestIndex; } else { $parent_id = $row->pl_id; } } else { // Create lowest-level place, if necessary if (empty($row->pl_id)) { $highestIndex++; Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelocation` (pl_id, pl_parent_id, pl_level, pl_place, pl_long, pl_lati, pl_zoom) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($highestIndex, $parent_id, $i, $escparent, $place['long'], $place['lati'], $default_zoom_level[$i])); echo Filter::escapeHtml($escparent), '<br>'; } else { if (empty($row->pl_long) && empty($row->pl_lati) && $place['lati'] != '0' && $place['long'] != '0') { Database::prepare("UPDATE `##placelocation` SET pl_lati=?, pl_long=? WHERE pl_id=?")->execute(array($place['lati'], $place['long'], $row->pl_id)); echo Filter::escapeHtml($escparent), '<br>'; } } } } } $parent = 0; } if ($action === 'ImportFile') { $placefiles = $this->findFiles(WT_MODULES_DIR . 'googlemap/extra'); sort($placefiles); ?> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="importfile" name="importfile" action="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&action=ImportFile2"> <!-- PLACES FILE --> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-4" for="placesfile"> <?php echo I18N::translate('File containing places (CSV)'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="btn btn-default"> <input id="placesfile" type="file" name="placesfile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- LOCAL FILE --> <?php if (count($placefiles) > 0) { ?> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-4" for="localfile"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Server file containing places (CSV)'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon"> <?php echo WT_MODULES_DIR . 'googlemap/extra/'; ?> </span> <?php foreach ($placefiles as $p => $placefile) { unset($placefiles[$p]); $p = Filter::escapeHtml($placefile); if (substr($placefile, 0, 1) == "/") { $placefiles[$p] = substr($placefile, 1); } else { $placefiles[$p] = $placefile; } } echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('localfile', $placefiles, '', '', 'class="form-control"'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- CLEAR DATABASE --> <fieldset class="form-group"> <legend class="control-label col-sm-4"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Delete all existing geographic data before importing the file.'); ?> </legend> <div class="col-sm-8"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('cleardatabase', 0, 'class="radio-inline"'); ?> </div> </fieldset> <!-- UPDATE ONLY --> <fieldset class="form-group"> <legend class="control-label col-sm-4"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Do not create new locations, just import coordinates for existing locations.'); ?> </legend> <div class="col-sm-8"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('updateonly', 0, 'class="radio-inline"'); ?> </div> </fieldset> <!-- OVERWRITE DATA --> <fieldset class="form-group"> <legend class="control-label col-sm-4"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Overwrite existing coordinates.'); ?> </legend> <div class="col-sm-8"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('overwritedata', 0, 'class="radio-inline"'); ?> </div> </fieldset> <!-- SAVE BUTTON --> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-8"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <?php echo I18N::translate('Continue adding'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </form> <?php exit; } if ($action === 'ImportFile2') { $country_names = array(); $stats = new Stats($WT_TREE); foreach ($stats->iso3166() as $key => $value) { $country_names[$key] = I18N::translate($key); } if (Filter::postBool('cleardatabase')) { Database::exec("DELETE FROM `##placelocation` WHERE 1=1"); } if (!empty($_FILES['placesfile']['tmp_name'])) { $lines = file($_FILES['placesfile']['tmp_name']); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['localfile'])) { $lines = file(WT_MODULES_DIR . 'googlemap/extra' . $_REQUEST['localfile']); } // Strip BYTE-ORDER-MARK, if present if (!empty($lines[0]) && substr($lines[0], 0, 3) === WT_UTF8_BOM) { $lines[0] = substr($lines[0], 3); } asort($lines); $highestIndex = $this->getHighestIndex(); $placelist = array(); $j = 0; $maxLevel = 0; foreach ($lines as $p => $placerec) { $fieldrec = explode(';', $placerec); if ($fieldrec[0] > $maxLevel) { $maxLevel = $fieldrec[0]; } } $fields = count($fieldrec); $set_icon = true; if (!is_dir(WT_MODULES_DIR . 'googlemap/places/flags/')) { $set_icon = false; } foreach ($lines as $p => $placerec) { $fieldrec = explode(';', $placerec); if (is_numeric($fieldrec[0]) && $fieldrec[0] <= $maxLevel) { $placelist[$j] = array(); $placelist[$j]['place'] = ''; for ($ii = $fields - 4; $ii > 1; $ii--) { if ($fieldrec[0] > $ii - 2) { $placelist[$j]['place'] .= $fieldrec[$ii] . ','; } } foreach ($country_names as $countrycode => $countryname) { if ($countrycode == strtoupper($fieldrec[1])) { $fieldrec[1] = $countryname; break; } } $placelist[$j]['place'] .= $fieldrec[1]; $placelist[$j]['long'] = $fieldrec[$fields - 4]; $placelist[$j]['lati'] = $fieldrec[$fields - 3]; $placelist[$j]['zoom'] = $fieldrec[$fields - 2]; if ($set_icon) { $placelist[$j]['icon'] = trim($fieldrec[$fields - 1]); } else { $placelist[$j]['icon'] = ''; } $j = $j + 1; } } $prevPlace = ''; $prevLati = ''; $prevLong = ''; $placelistUniq = array(); $j = 0; foreach ($placelist as $k => $place) { if ($place['place'] != $prevPlace) { $placelistUniq[$j] = array(); $placelistUniq[$j]['place'] = $place['place']; $placelistUniq[$j]['lati'] = $place['lati']; $placelistUniq[$j]['long'] = $place['long']; $placelistUniq[$j]['zoom'] = $place['zoom']; $placelistUniq[$j]['icon'] = $place['icon']; $j = $j + 1; } elseif ($place['place'] == $prevPlace && ($place['lati'] != $prevLati || $place['long'] != $prevLong)) { if ($placelistUniq[$j - 1]['lati'] == 0 || $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['long'] == 0) { $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['lati'] = $place['lati']; $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['long'] = $place['long']; $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['zoom'] = $place['zoom']; $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['icon'] = $place['icon']; } elseif ($place['lati'] != '0' || $place['long'] != '0') { echo 'Difference: previous value = ', $prevPlace, ', ', $prevLati, ', ', $prevLong, ' current = ', $place['place'], ', ', $place['lati'], ', ', $place['long'], '<br>'; } } $prevPlace = $place['place']; $prevLati = $place['lati']; $prevLong = $place['long']; } $default_zoom_level = array(); $default_zoom_level[0] = 4; $default_zoom_level[1] = 7; $default_zoom_level[2] = 10; $default_zoom_level[3] = 12; foreach ($placelistUniq as $k => $place) { $parent = explode(',', $place['place']); $parent = array_reverse($parent); $parent_id = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($parent); $i++) { $escparent = $parent[$i]; if ($escparent == '') { $escparent = 'Unknown'; } $row = Database::prepare("SELECT pl_id, pl_long, pl_lati, pl_zoom, pl_icon FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_level=? AND pl_parent_id=? AND pl_place LIKE ? ORDER BY pl_place")->execute(array($i, $parent_id, $escparent))->fetchOneRow(); if (empty($row)) { // this name does not yet exist: create entry if (!Filter::postBool('updateonly')) { $highestIndex = $highestIndex + 1; if ($i + 1 == count($parent)) { $zoomlevel = $place['zoom']; } elseif (isset($default_zoom_level[$i])) { $zoomlevel = $default_zoom_level[$i]; } else { $zoomlevel = $this->getSetting('GM_MAX_ZOOM'); } if ($place['lati'] == '0' || $place['long'] == '0' || $i + 1 < count($parent)) { Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelocation` (pl_id, pl_parent_id, pl_level, pl_place, pl_zoom, pl_icon) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($highestIndex, $parent_id, $i, $escparent, $zoomlevel, $place['icon'])); } else { //delete leading zero $pl_lati = str_replace(array('N', 'S', ','), array('', '-', '.'), $place['lati']); $pl_long = str_replace(array('E', 'W', ','), array('', '-', '.'), $place['long']); if ($pl_lati >= 0) { $place['lati'] = 'N' . abs($pl_lati); } elseif ($pl_lati < 0) { $place['lati'] = 'S' . abs($pl_lati); } if ($pl_long >= 0) { $place['long'] = 'E' . abs($pl_long); } elseif ($pl_long < 0) { $place['long'] = 'W' . abs($pl_long); } Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelocation` (pl_id, pl_parent_id, pl_level, pl_place, pl_long, pl_lati, pl_zoom, pl_icon) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($highestIndex, $parent_id, $i, $escparent, $place['long'], $place['lati'], $zoomlevel, $place['icon'])); } $parent_id = $highestIndex; } } else { $parent_id = $row->pl_id; if (Filter::postBool('overwritedata') && $i + 1 == count($parent)) { Database::prepare("UPDATE `##placelocation` SET pl_lati = ?, pl_long = ?, pl_zoom = ?, pl_icon = ? WHERE pl_id = ?")->execute(array($place['lati'], $place['long'], $place['zoom'], $place['icon'], $parent_id)); } else { // Update only if existing data is missing if (!$row->pl_long && !$row->pl_lati) { Database::prepare("UPDATE `##placelocation` SET pl_lati = ?, pl_long = ? WHERE pl_id = ?")->execute(array($place['lati'], $place['long'], $parent_id)); } if (!$row->pl_icon && $place['icon']) { Database::prepare("UPDATE `##placelocation` SET pl_icon = ? WHERE pl_id = ?")->execute(array($place['icon'], $parent_id)); } } } } } $parent = 0; } if ($action == 'DeleteRecord') { $exists = Database::prepare("SELECT 1 FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_parent_id=?")->execute(array($deleteRecord))->fetchOne(); if (!$exists) { Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_id=?")->execute(array($deleteRecord)); } else { echo '<table class="facts_table"><tr><td>', I18N::translate('Location not removed: this location contains sub-locations'), '</td></tr></table>'; } } ?> <script> function updateList(inactive) { window.location.href='<?php if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&inactive', true)) { $uri = strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&inactive', true); } else { $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } echo $uri, '&inactive='; ?> '+inactive; } function edit_place_location(placeid) { window.open('module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=places_edit&action=update&placeid='+placeid, '_blank', gmap_window_specs); return false; } function add_place_location(placeid) { window.open('module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=places_edit&action=add&placeid='+placeid, '_blank', gmap_window_specs); return false; } function delete_place(placeid) { var answer=confirm('<?php echo I18N::translate('Remove this location?'); ?> '); if (answer == true) { window.location = '<?php echo Functions::getQueryUrl(array('action' => 'DeleteRecord')); ?> &action=DeleteRecord&deleteRecord=' + placeid; } } </script> <p id="gm_breadcrumb"> <?php $where_am_i = $this->placeIdToHierarchy($parent); foreach (array_reverse($where_am_i, true) as $id => $place) { if ($id == $parent) { if ($place != 'Unknown') { echo Filter::escapeHtml($place); } else { echo I18N::translate('unknown'); } } else { echo '<a href="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&parent=', $id, '&inactive=', $inactive, '">'; if ($place != 'Unknown') { echo Filter::escapeHtml($place), '</a>'; } else { echo I18N::translate('unknown'), '</a>'; } } echo ' - '; } ?> <a href="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&parent=0&inactive=', $inactive, '"><?php echo I18N::translate('Top level'); ?> </a> </p> <form class="form-inline" name="active" method="post" action="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&parent=', $parent, '&inactive=', $inactive, '"> <div class="checkbox"> <label for="inactive"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::checkbox('inactive', $inactive, 'onclick="updateList(this.checked)"'); ?> <?php echo I18N::translate('Show inactive places'); ?> </label> </div> <p class="small text-muted"> <?php echo I18N::translate('By default, the list shows only those places which can be found in your family trees. You may have details for other places, such as those imported in bulk from an external file. Selecting this option will show all places, including ones that are not currently used.'); ?> <?php echo I18N::translate('If you have a large number of inactive places, it can be slow to generate the list.'); ?> </p> </form> <?php $placelist = $this->getPlaceListLocation($parent, $inactive); echo '<div class="gm_plac_edit">'; echo '<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover"><tr>'; echo '<th>', GedcomTag::getLabel('PLAC'), '</th>'; echo '<th>', GedcomTag::getLabel('LATI'), '</th>'; echo '<th>', GedcomTag::getLabel('LONG'), '</th>'; echo '<th>', I18N::translate('Zoom level'), '</th>'; echo '<th>', I18N::translate('Icon'), '</th>'; echo '<th>'; echo I18N::translate('Edit'), '</th><th>', I18N::translate('Delete'), '</th></tr>'; if (count($placelist) == 0) { echo '<tr><td colspan="7">', I18N::translate('No places found'), '</td></tr>'; } foreach ($placelist as $place) { echo '<tr><td><a href="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&parent=', $place['place_id'], '&inactive=', $inactive, '">'; if ($place['place'] != 'Unknown') { echo Filter::escapeHtml($place['place']), '</a></td>'; } else { echo I18N::translate('unknown'), '</a></td>'; } echo '<td>', $place['lati'], '</td>'; echo '<td>', $place['long'], '</td>'; echo '<td>', $place['zoom'], '</td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($place['icon']) { echo '<img src="', WT_STATIC_URL, WT_MODULES_DIR, 'googlemap/', $place['icon'], '" width="25" height="15">'; } else { if ($place['lati'] || $place['long']) { echo '<img src="', WT_STATIC_URL, WT_MODULES_DIR, 'googlemap/images/mm_20_red.png">'; } else { echo '<img src="', WT_STATIC_URL, WT_MODULES_DIR, 'googlemap/images/mm_20_yellow.png">'; } } echo '</td>'; echo '<td class="narrow"><a href="#" onclick="edit_place_location(', $place['place_id'], ');return false;" class="icon-edit" title="', I18N::translate('Edit'), '"></a></td>'; $noRows = Database::prepare("SELECT COUNT(pl_id) FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_parent_id=?")->execute(array($place['place_id']))->fetchOne(); if ($noRows == 0) { ?> <td><a href="#" onclick="delete_place(<?php echo $place['place_id']; ?> );return false;" class="icon-delete" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Remove'); ?> "></a></td> <?php } else { ?> <td><i class="icon-delete-grey"></i></td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <hr> <form class="form-horizontal" action="?" onsubmit="add_place_location(this.parent_id.options[this.parent_id.selectedIndex].value); return false;"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="form-control-static col-sm-4" for="parent_id"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Add a new geographic location'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('parent_id', $where_am_i, I18N::translate('Top level'), $parent, 'class="form-control"'); ?> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"> <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <?php echo I18N::translate('Add'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </form> <form class="form-horizontal" action="module.php" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="mod" value="googlemap"> <input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_places"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="ImportGedcom"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="form-control-static col-sm-4" for="ged"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Import all places from a family tree'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('ged', Tree::getNameList(), null, $WT_TREE->getName(), 'class="form-control"'); ?> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"> <i class="fa fa-upload"></i> <?php echo I18N::translate('Import'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </form> <form class="form-horizontal" action="module.php" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="mod" value="googlemap"> <input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_places"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="ImportFile"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="form-control-static col-sm-4"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Upload geographic data'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"> <i class="fa fa-upload"></i> <?php echo I18N::translate('Upload'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </div> </form> <form class="form-horizontal" action="module.php" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="mod" value="googlemap"> <input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_places"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="ExportFile"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="form-control-static col-sm-4"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Download geographic data'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('parent', $where_am_i, I18N::translate('All'), $WT_TREE->getTreeId(), 'class="form-control"'); ?> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"> <i class="fa fa-download"></i> <?php echo I18N::translate('Download'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </form> <?php }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'days', Filter::postInteger('num', 1, 180, 1)); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'sendmail', Filter::postBool('sendmail')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $sendmail = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'sendmail', '1'); $days = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'days', '1'); $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', '1'); ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php echo I18N::translate('This block will show editors a list of records with pending changes that need to be approved by a moderator. It also generates daily emails to moderators whenever pending changes exist.'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Send out reminder emails?'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('sendmail', $sendmail); echo '<br>'; echo I18N::translate('Reminder email frequency (days)') . " <input type='text' name='days' value='" . $days . "' size='2'>"; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_last_update', Filter::postBool('show_last_update')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_common_surnames', Filter::postBool('show_common_surnames')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_indi', Filter::postBool('stat_indi')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_fam', Filter::postBool('stat_fam')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_sour', Filter::postBool('stat_sour')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_other', Filter::postBool('stat_other')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_media', Filter::postBool('stat_media')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_repo', Filter::postBool('stat_repo')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_surname', Filter::postBool('stat_surname')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_events', Filter::postBool('stat_events')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_users', Filter::postBool('stat_users')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_first_birth', Filter::postBool('stat_first_birth')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_last_birth', Filter::postBool('stat_last_birth')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_first_death', Filter::postBool('stat_first_death')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_last_death', Filter::postBool('stat_last_death')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_long_life', Filter::postBool('stat_long_life')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_avg_life', Filter::postBool('stat_avg_life')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_most_chil', Filter::postBool('stat_most_chil')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_avg_chil', Filter::postBool('stat_avg_chil')); } $show_last_update = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_last_update', '1'); $show_common_surnames = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_common_surnames', '1'); $stat_indi = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_indi', '1'); $stat_fam = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_fam', '1'); $stat_sour = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_sour', '1'); $stat_media = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_media', '1'); $stat_repo = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_repo', '1'); $stat_surname = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_surname', '1'); $stat_events = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_events', '1'); $stat_users = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_users', '1'); $stat_first_birth = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_first_birth', '1'); $stat_last_birth = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_last_birth', '1'); $stat_first_death = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_first_death', '1'); $stat_last_death = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_last_death', '1'); $stat_long_life = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_long_life', '1'); $stat_avg_life = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_avg_life', '1'); $stat_most_chil = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_most_chil', '1'); $stat_avg_chil = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_avg_chil', '1'); ?> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Show date of last update?'); ?> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('show_last_update', $show_last_update); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Show common surnames?'); ?> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('show_common_surnames', $show_common_surnames); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"><?php echo I18N::translate('Select the stats to show in this block'); ?> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_indi" <?php echo $stat_indi ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Individuals'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_first_birth" <?php echo $stat_first_birth ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Earliest birth year'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_surname" <?php echo $stat_surname ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Total surnames'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_last_birth" <?php echo $stat_last_birth ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Latest birth year'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_fam" <?php echo $stat_fam ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Families'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_first_death" <?php echo $stat_first_death ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Earliest death year'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_sour" <?php echo $stat_sour ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Sources'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_last_death" <?php echo $stat_last_death ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Latest death year'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_media" <?php echo $stat_media ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Media objects'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_long_life" <?php echo $stat_long_life ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Individual who lived the longest'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_repo" <?php echo $stat_repo ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Repositories'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_avg_life" <?php echo $stat_avg_life ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Average age at death'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_events" <?php echo $stat_events ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Total events'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_most_chil" <?php echo $stat_most_chil ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Family with the most children'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_users" <?php echo $stat_users ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Total users'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_avg_chil" <?php echo $stat_avg_chil ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Average number of children per family'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <?php }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { global $WT_TREE, $controller; $PEDIGREE_ROOT_ID = $WT_TREE->getPreference('PEDIGREE_ROOT_ID'); $gedcomid = $WT_TREE->getUserPreference(Auth::user(), 'gedcomid'); if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'details', Filter::postBool('details')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'type', Filter::post('type', 'pedigree|descendants|hourglass|treenav', 'pedigree')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'pid', Filter::post('pid', WT_REGEX_XREF)); } $details = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'details', '0'); $type = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'type', 'pedigree'); $pid = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'pid', Auth::check() ? $gedcomid ? $gedcomid : $PEDIGREE_ROOT_ID : $PEDIGREE_ROOT_ID); $controller->addExternalJavascript(WT_AUTOCOMPLETE_JS_URL)->addInlineJavascript('autocomplete();'); ?> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"><?php echo I18N::translate('Chart type'); ?> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('type', array('pedigree' => I18N::translate('Pedigree'), 'descendants' => I18N::translate('Descendants'), 'hourglass' => I18N::translate('Hourglass chart'), 'treenav' => I18N::translate('Interactive tree')), null, $type); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"><?php echo I18N::translate('Show details'); ?> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <?php echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('details', $details); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"><?php echo I18N::translate('Individual'); ?> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <input data-autocomplete-type="INDI" type="text" name="pid" id="pid" value="<?php echo $pid; ?> " size="5"> <?php echo FunctionsPrint::printFindIndividualLink('pid'); $root = Individual::getInstance($pid, $WT_TREE); if ($root) { echo ' <span class="list_item">', $root->getFullName(), $root->formatFirstMajorFact(WT_EVENTS_BIRT, 1), '</span>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
$user = User::find($user_id); $username = Filter::post('username'); $real_name = Filter::post('real_name'); $email = Filter::postEmail('email'); $pass1 = Filter::post('pass1', WT_REGEX_PASSWORD); $pass2 = Filter::post('pass2', WT_REGEX_PASSWORD); $theme = Filter::post('theme', implode('|', array_keys(Theme::themeNames())), ''); $language = Filter::post('language'); $timezone = Filter::post('timezone'); $contact_method = Filter::post('contact_method'); $comment = Filter::post('comment'); $auto_accept = Filter::postBool('auto_accept'); $canadmin = Filter::postBool('canadmin'); $visible_online = Filter::postBool('visible_online'); $verified = Filter::postBool('verified'); $approved = Filter::postBool('approved'); if ($user_id === 0) { // Create a new user if (User::findByUserName($username)) { FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('Duplicate username. A user with that username already exists. Please choose another username.')); } elseif (User::findByEmail($email)) { FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('Duplicate email address. A user with that email already exists.')); } elseif ($pass1 !== $pass2) { FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The passwords do not match.')); } else { $user = User::create($username, $real_name, $email, $pass1); $user->setPreference('reg_timestamp', date('U'))->setPreference('sessiontime', '0'); Log::addAuthenticationLog('User ->' . $username . '<- created'); } } else { $user = User::find($user_id);
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter', Filter::post('filter', 'indi|event|all', 'all')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'controls', Filter::postBool('controls')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'start', Filter::postBool('start')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_avi', Filter::postBool('filter_avi')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_bmp', Filter::postBool('filter_bmp')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_gif', Filter::postBool('filter_gif')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_jpeg', Filter::postBool('filter_jpeg')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_mp3', Filter::postBool('filter_mp3')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_ole', Filter::postBool('filter_ole')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_pcx', Filter::postBool('filter_pcx')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_pdf', Filter::postBool('filter_pdf')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_png', Filter::postBool('filter_png')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_tiff', Filter::postBool('filter_tiff')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_wav', Filter::postBool('filter_wav')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_audio', Filter::postBool('filter_audio')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_book', Filter::postBool('filter_book')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_card', Filter::postBool('filter_card')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_certificate', Filter::postBool('filter_certificate')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_coat', Filter::postBool('filter_coat')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_document', Filter::postBool('filter_document')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_electronic', Filter::postBool('filter_electronic')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_fiche', Filter::postBool('filter_fiche')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_film', Filter::postBool('filter_film')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_magazine', Filter::postBool('filter_magazine')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_manuscript', Filter::postBool('filter_manuscript')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_map', Filter::postBool('filter_map')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_newspaper', Filter::postBool('filter_newspaper')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_other', Filter::postBool('filter_other')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_painting', Filter::postBool('filter_painting')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_photo', Filter::postBool('filter_photo')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_tombstone', Filter::postBool('filter_tombstone')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_video', Filter::postBool('filter_video')); } $filter = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter', 'all'); $controls = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'controls', '1'); $start = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'start', '0') || Filter::getBool('start'); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show only individuals, events, or all'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('filter', array('indi' => I18N::translate('Individuals'), 'event' => I18N::translate('Facts and events'), 'all' => I18N::translate('All')), null, $filter, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; $filters = array('avi' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_avi', '0'), 'bmp' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_bmp', '1'), 'gif' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_gif', '1'), 'jpeg' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_jpeg', '1'), 'mp3' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_mp3', '0'), 'ole' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_ole', '1'), 'pcx' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_pcx', '1'), 'pdf' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_pdf', '0'), 'png' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_png', '1'), 'tiff' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_tiff', '1'), 'wav' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_wav', '0'), 'audio' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_audio', '0'), 'book' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_book', '1'), 'card' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_card', '1'), 'certificate' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_certificate', '1'), 'coat' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_coat', '1'), 'document' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_document', '1'), 'electronic' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_electronic', '1'), 'fiche' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_fiche', '1'), 'film' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_film', '1'), 'magazine' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_magazine', '1'), 'manuscript' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_manuscript', '1'), 'map' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_map', '1'), 'newspaper' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_newspaper', '1'), 'other' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_other', '1'), 'painting' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_painting', '1'), 'photo' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_photo', '1'), 'tombstone' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_tombstone', '1'), 'video' => $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'filter_video', '0')); ?> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Filter'); ?> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <center><b><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('FORM'); ?> </b></center> <table class="width100"> <tr> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_avi" <?php echo $filters['avi'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > avi </td> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_bmp" <?php echo $filters['bmp'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > bmp </label> </td> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_gif" <?php echo $filters['gif'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > gif </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_jpeg" <?php echo $filters['jpeg'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > jpeg </label> </td> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_mp3" <?php echo $filters['mp3'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > mp3 </label> </td> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_ole" <?php echo $filters['ole'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > ole </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_pcx" <?php echo $filters['pcx'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > pcx </label> </td> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_pdf" <?php echo $filters['pdf'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > pdf </label> </td> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_png" <?php echo $filters['png'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > png </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_tiff" <?php echo $filters['tiff'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > tiff </label> </td> <td class="width33"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_wav" <?php echo $filters['wav'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > wav </label> </td> <td class="width33"></td> <td class="width33"></td> </tr> </table> <br> <center><b><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('TYPE'); ?> </b></center> <table class="width100"> <tr> <?php //-- Build the list of checkboxes $i = 0; foreach (GedcomTag::getFileFormTypes() as $typeName => $typeValue) { $i++; if ($i > 3) { $i = 1; echo '</tr><tr>'; } echo '<td class="width33"><label><input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="filter_' . $typeName . '" '; echo $filters[$typeName] ? 'checked' : ''; echo '> ' . $typeValue . '</label></td>'; } ?> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Show slide show controls'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('controls', $controls); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Start slide show on page load'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('start', $start); echo '</td></tr>'; }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'num', Filter::postInteger('num', 1, 10000, 10)); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table', 'table')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', Filter::postBool('block')); } $num = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'num', '10'); $infoStyle = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table'); $block = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'block', '0'); echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Number of items to show'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo '<input type="text" name="num" size="2" value="', $num, '">'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Presentation style'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('infoStyle', array('list' => I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, ''); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">'; echo I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow'); echo '</td><td class="optionbox">'; echo FunctionsEdit::editFieldYesNo('block', $block); echo '</td></tr>'; }
/** * An HTML form to edit block settings * * @param int $block_id */ public function configureBlock($block_id) { if (Filter::postBool('save') && Filter::checkCsrf()) { $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_last_update', Filter::postBool('show_last_update')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_common_surnames', Filter::postBool('show_common_surnames')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'number_of_surnames', Filter::postInteger('number_of_surnames')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_indi', Filter::postBool('stat_indi')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_fam', Filter::postBool('stat_fam')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_sour', Filter::postBool('stat_sour')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_other', Filter::postBool('stat_other')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_media', Filter::postBool('stat_media')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_repo', Filter::postBool('stat_repo')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_surname', Filter::postBool('stat_surname')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_events', Filter::postBool('stat_events')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_users', Filter::postBool('stat_users')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_first_birth', Filter::postBool('stat_first_birth')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_last_birth', Filter::postBool('stat_last_birth')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_first_death', Filter::postBool('stat_first_death')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_last_death', Filter::postBool('stat_last_death')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_long_life', Filter::postBool('stat_long_life')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_avg_life', Filter::postBool('stat_avg_life')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_most_chil', Filter::postBool('stat_most_chil')); $this->setBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_avg_chil', Filter::postBool('stat_avg_chil')); } $show_last_update = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_last_update', '1'); $show_common_surnames = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'show_common_surnames', '1'); $number_of_surnames = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'number_of_surnames', self::DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_SURNAMES); $stat_indi = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_indi', '1'); $stat_fam = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_fam', '1'); $stat_sour = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_sour', '1'); $stat_media = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_media', '1'); $stat_repo = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_repo', '1'); $stat_surname = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_surname', '1'); $stat_events = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_events', '1'); $stat_users = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_users', '1'); $stat_first_birth = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_first_birth', '1'); $stat_last_birth = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_last_birth', '1'); $stat_first_death = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_first_death', '1'); $stat_last_death = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_last_death', '1'); $stat_long_life = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_long_life', '1'); $stat_avg_life = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_avg_life', '1'); $stat_most_chil = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_most_chil', '1'); $stat_avg_chil = $this->getBlockSetting($block_id, 'stat_avg_chil', '1'); ?> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"> <label for="show-last-update"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Show date of last update'); ?> </label> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" id="show-last-update" name="show_last_update" <?php echo $show_last_update ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Statistics'); ?> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_indi" <?php echo $stat_indi ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Individuals'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_first_birth" <?php echo $stat_first_birth ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Earliest birth year'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_surname" <?php echo $stat_surname ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Total surnames'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_last_birth" <?php echo $stat_last_birth ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Latest birth year'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_fam" <?php echo $stat_fam ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Families'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_first_death" <?php echo $stat_first_death ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Earliest death year'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_sour" <?php echo $stat_sour ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Sources'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_last_death" <?php echo $stat_last_death ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Latest death year'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_media" <?php echo $stat_media ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Media objects'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_long_life" <?php echo $stat_long_life ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Individual who lived the longest'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_repo" <?php echo $stat_repo ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Repositories'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_avg_life" <?php echo $stat_avg_life ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Average age at death'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_events" <?php echo $stat_events ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Total events'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_most_chil" <?php echo $stat_most_chil ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Family with the most children'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_users" <?php echo $stat_users ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Total users'); ?> </label> </td> <td> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="stat_avg_chil" <?php echo $stat_avg_chil ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php echo I18N::translate('Average number of children per family'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"> <label for="show-common-surnames"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Most common surnames'); ?> </label> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <input type="checkbox" value="yes" id="show-common-surnames" name="show_common_surnames" <?php echo $show_common_surnames ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="descriptionbox wrap width33"> <label for="number-of-surnames"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Number of surnames'); ?> </label> </td> <td class="optionbox"> <input id="number-of-surnames" maxlength="5" name="number_of_surnames" pattern="[1-9][0-9]*" required type="text" value="<?php echo Filter::escapeHtml($number_of_surnames); ?> " > </td> </tr> <?php }