コード例 #1
ファイル: inc_functions.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
 * get admin's avatar picture.
 * @param integer $account_id
 * @return string return element ready for display avatar.
function getAdminAvatar($account_id)
    // set default avatar
    $theme = \Theme::instance();
    $doc_root = str_replace('\\', '/', DOCROOT);
    $default_avatar_getfile = $theme->asset->get_file('default-avatar.jpg', 'img');
    $default_no_avatar = str_replace([$doc_root, \Uri::base()], '', $default_avatar_getfile);
    unset($doc_root, $default_avatar_getfile, $theme);
    if (!is_numeric($account_id) || intval($account_id) === intval(0)) {
        return $default_no_avatar;
    $cache_name = 'public.themes.sys2.getAdminAvatar-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId(false) . '-' . $account_id;
    $cache_data = \Extension\Cache::getSilence($cache_name);
    if (false === $cache_data) {
        // if never cached or cache expired.
        $result = \DB::select()->as_object()->from('accounts')->where('account_id', $account_id)->execute();
        if (count($result) > 0) {
            $row = $result->current();
            if ($row->account_avatar != null) {
                $return_val = $row->account_avatar;
                \Cache::set($cache_name, $return_val, 86400);
                return $return_val;
        if (!isset($return_val) || isset($return_val) && $return_val == null) {
            // not found account or not found avatar.
            \Cache::set($cache_name, $default_no_avatar, 86400);
            return $default_no_avatar;
    return $cache_data;
コード例 #2
ファイル: accountlevel.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
  * update account levels
  * @param integer $account_id
  * @param array $data_level
  * @return boolean
 public function updateLevels($account_id = '', $data_level = array())
     // delete not exists level
     $lvls = static::query()->where('account_id', $account_id);
     if ($lvls->count() > 0) {
         foreach ($lvls->get() as $lvl) {
             if (!in_array($lvl->level_group_id, $data_level)) {
                 \DB::delete(static::$_table_name)->where('account_id', $account_id)->where('level_id', $lvl->level_id)->execute();
     unset($lvls, $lvl);
     // update or insert fields
     if (is_array($data_level) && !empty($data_level)) {
         foreach ($data_level as $level_group_id) {
             $result = \DB::select()->from(static::$_table_name)->where('account_id', $account_id)->where('level_group_id', $level_group_id)->execute();
             if (count($result) <= 0) {
                 // not exists, use insert.
                 \DB::insert(static::$_table_name)->set(['account_id' => $account_id, 'level_group_id' => $level_group_id])->execute();
     // clear cache
     \Extension\Cache::deleteCache('model.accountLevelPermission-checkLevelPermission-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId(false));
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: admincontroller.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
  * generate whole page
  * @param string $view path to view of current controller.
  * @param array $output
  * @param boolean $auto_filter
  * @return view
 public function generatePage($view = null, $output = array(), $auto_filter = null)
     if (!is_array($output)) {
         $output = array();
     // list sites to display links in admin page ------------------------------------------
     $cache_name = 'controller.AdminController-generatePage-fs_list_sites';
     $cached = \Extension\Cache::getSilence($cache_name);
     if (false === $cached) {
         $list_sites_option['list_for'] = 'admin';
         $list_sites_option['unlimit'] = true;
         $list_sites = \Model_Sites::listSites($list_sites_option);
         \Cache::set($cache_name, $list_sites, 2592000);
     } else {
         if (isset($cached['items']) && isset($cached['total'])) {
             $list_sites = $cached;
         } else {
             $list_sites = array('total' => 0, 'items' => array());
     unset($cache_name, $cached);
     if (isset($list_sites['total']) && $list_sites['total'] > 1) {
         if (isset($list_sites['items']) && is_array($list_sites['items']) && !empty($list_sites['items'])) {
             $output['fs_list_sites'] = $list_sites['items'];
         } else {
             $output['fs_list_sites'] = null;
     unset($list_sites, $list_sites_option);
     // end list sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // start theme class
     $theme = \Theme::instance();
     // load requested controller theme into page_content variable.
     $output['page_content'] = $theme->view($view, $output, $auto_filter);
     // load main template and put page_content variable in it.
     return $theme->view('admin/template', $output, $auto_filter);
コード例 #4
ファイル: cacheman.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
 public function action_index()
     // check permission
     if (\Model_AccountLevelPermission::checkAdminPermission('cacheman_perm', 'cacheman_clearcache_perm') == false) {
         \Session::set_flash('form_status', array('form_status' => 'error', 'form_status_message' => \Lang::get('admin_permission_denied', array('page' => \Uri::string()))));
     // read flash message for display errors.
     $form_status = \Session::get_flash('form_status');
     if (isset($form_status['form_status']) && isset($form_status['form_status_message'])) {
         $output['form_status'] = $form_status['form_status'];
         $output['form_status_message'] = $form_status['form_status_message'];
     // if form submitted
     if (\Input::method() == 'POST') {
         $act = \Input::post('act');
         if ($act == 'clear') {
             \Session::set_flash('form_status', array('form_status' => 'success', 'form_status_message' => \Lang::get('cacheman_all_cleared')));
         // go back
     // <head> output ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $output['page_title'] = $this->generateTitle(\Lang::get('cacheman'));
     // <head> output ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // breadcrumb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $page_breadcrumb = [];
     $page_breadcrumb[0] = ['name' => \Lang::get('admin_admin_home'), 'url' => \Uri::create('admin')];
     $page_breadcrumb[1] = ['name' => \Lang::get('cacheman'), 'url' => \Uri::create('admin/cacheman')];
     $output['page_breadcrumb'] = $page_breadcrumb;
     // breadcrumb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     return $this->generatePage('admin/templates/cacheman/index_v', $output, false);
コード例 #5
ファイル: accounts.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
  * member login.
  * @param array $data
  * @return mixed return true on success, return error message on failed.
 public static function memberLogin($data = array())
     if (!isset($data['account_password']) || !isset($data['account_username']) && !isset($data['account_email'])) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if (!isset($data['account_username'])) {
             $data['account_username'] = null;
         if (!isset($data['account_email'])) {
             $data['account_email'] = null;
     $query = static::query()->where('account_username', $data['account_username'])->or_where('account_email', $data['account_email']);
     if ($query->count() > 0) {
         // found
         $row = $query->get_one();
         // clear cache
         \Extension\Cache::deleteCache('model.accounts-checkAccount-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId() . '-' . $row->account_id);
         // check enabled account.
         if ($row->account_status == '1') {
             // enabled
             // check password
             if (static::instance()->checkPassword($data['account_password'], $row->account_password, $row) === true) {
                 // check password passed
                 // generate session id for check simultaneous login
                 $session_id = \Session::key('session_id');
                 // if login set to remember, set expires.
                 if (\Input::post('remember') == 'yes') {
                     $expires = \Model_Config::getval('member_login_remember_length') * 24 * 60 * 60;
                 } else {
                     $expires = 0;
                 // set cookie
                 $cookie_account['account_id'] = $row->account_id;
                 $cookie_account['account_username'] = $row->account_username;
                 $cookie_account['account_email'] = $row->account_email;
                 $cookie_account['account_display_name'] = $row->account_display_name;
                 $cookie_account['account_online_code'] = $session_id;
                 $cookie_account = \Crypt::encode(serialize($cookie_account));
                 Extension\Cookie::set('member_account', $cookie_account, $expires);
                 unset($cookie_account, $expires);
                 // update last login in accounts table
                 $accounts = static::find($row->account_id);
                 $accounts->account_last_login = time();
                 $accounts->account_last_login_gmt = \Extension\Date::localToGmt();
                 // add/update last login session.
                 $account_session['account_id'] = $row->account_id;
                 $account_session['session_id'] = $session_id;
                 $account_site = new \Model_AccountSites();
                 // record login
                 $account_logins = new Model_AccountLogins();
                 $account_logins->recordLogin($row->account_id, 1, 'account_login_success');
                 // @todo [fuelstart][account][plug] login success plug.
                 $plugin = new \Library\Plugins();
                 if ($plugin->hasAction('AccountLoginSuccess') !== false) {
                     $plugin->doAction('AccountLoginSuccess', $row->account_id, $row);
                 unset($plugin, $query, $row, $session_id);
                 // login success
                 return true;
             } else {
                 // check password failed, wrong password
                 $account_logins = new Model_AccountLogins();
                 $account_logins->recordLogin($row->account_id, 0, 'account_wrong_username_or_password');
                 unset($query, $row);
                 return \Lang::get('account_wrong_username_or_password');
         } else {
             // account disabled
             $account_logins = new Model_AccountLogins();
             $account_logins->recordLogin($row->account_id, 0, 'account_was_disabled');
             return \Lang::get('account_was_disabled') . ' : ' . $row->account_status_text;
     // not found account. login failed
     return \Lang::get('account_wrong_username_or_password');
コード例 #6
ファイル: account.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
 public function action_multiple()
     $ids = \Input::post('id');
     $act = trim(\Input::post('act'));
     $redirect = $this->getAndSetSubmitRedirection();
     if (\Extension\NoCsrf::check()) {
         // if action is delete.
         if ($act == 'del') {
             // check permission.
             if (\Model_AccountLevelPermission::checkAdminPermission('account_perm', 'account_delete_perm') == false) {
             if (is_array($ids)) {
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     // get target level group id
                     $lvls = \DB::select()->as_object()->from(\Model_AccountLevel::getTableName())->where('account_id', $id)->execute();
                     // not found
                     if (count($lvls) <= 0) {
                     } else {
                         // format level group for check can i add, edit
                         $level_group = array();
                         foreach ($lvls as $lvl) {
                             $level_group[] = $lvl->level_group_id;
                     if (\Model_Accounts::forge()->canIAddEditAccount($level_group) == true) {
                         // delete account.
                         // clear cache
                         \Extension\Cache::deleteCache('model.accounts-checkAccount-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId() . '-' . $id);
         } elseif ($act == 'enable') {
             // check permission.
             if (\Model_AccountLevelPermission::checkAdminPermission('account_perm', 'account_delete_perm') == false) {
             if (is_array($ids)) {
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     if ($id == '0') {
                     // get target level group id
                     $lvls = \DB::select()->as_object()->from(\Model_AccountLevel::getTableName())->where('account_id', $id)->execute();
                     // not found
                     if (count($lvls) <= 0) {
                     } else {
                         // format level group for check can i add, edit
                         $level_group = array();
                         foreach ($lvls as $lvl) {
                             $level_group[] = $lvl->level_group_id;
                     if (\Model_Accounts::forge()->canIAddEditAccount($level_group) == true) {
                         \DB::update(\Model_Accounts::getTableName())->where('account_id', $id)->set(['account_status' => '1', 'account_status_text' => null])->execute();
                     // clear cache
                     \Extension\Cache::deleteCache('model.accounts-checkAccount-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId() . '-' . $id);
         } elseif ($act == 'disable') {
             // check permission.
             if (\Model_AccountLevelPermission::checkAdminPermission('account_perm', 'account_delete_perm') == false) {
             if (is_array($ids)) {
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     if ($id == '0') {
                     // get target level group id
                     $lvls = \DB::select()->as_object()->from(\Model_AccountLevel::getTableName())->where('account_id', $id)->execute();
                     // not found
                     if (count($lvls) <= 0) {
                     } else {
                         // format level group for check can i add, edit
                         $level_group = array();
                         foreach ($lvls as $lvl) {
                             $level_group[] = $lvl->level_group_id;
                     if (\Model_Accounts::forge()->canIAddEditAccount($level_group) == true) {
                         \DB::update(\Model_Accounts::getTableName())->where('account_id', $id)->set(['account_status' => '0', 'account_status_text' => null])->execute();
                     // clear cache
                     \Extension\Cache::deleteCache('model.accounts-checkAccount-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId() . '-' . $id);
     // go back
コード例 #7
ファイル: config.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
  * save
  * @param array $data
  * @return boolean
 public static function saveData(array $data = array())
     if (empty($data)) {
         return false;
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         \DB::update(static::$_table_name)->value('config_value', $value)->where('config_name', $key)->execute();
     // clear cache
     \Extension\Cache::deleteCache('model.config-getval-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId(false));
     \Extension\Cache::deleteCache('model.config-getvalues-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId(false));
     return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: sites.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
  * check if current site is enabled
  * @return boolean
 public static function isSiteEnabled()
     // always return true if it is main site. (site id 1).
     $site_id = static::getSiteId(false);
     if (1 == $site_id) {
         return true;
     // get domain
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
         $site_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
     } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
         $site_domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
     } else {
         $site_domain = 'localhost';
     $cache_name = 'model.sites-isSiteEnabled-' . \Extension\Security::formatString($site_domain, 'alphanum_dash_underscore');
     $cached = \Extension\Cache::getSilence($cache_name);
     if (false === $cached) {
         $result = \DB::select()->from(static::$_table_name)->where('site_domain', $site_domain)->where('site_status', 1)->execute();
         $total = count($result);
         unset($result, $site_domain);
         if ($total > 0) {
             \Cache::set($cache_name, true, 2592000);
             return true;
         \Cache::set($cache_name, 'false', 2592000);
         return false;
     if ('false' === $cached) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return $cached;
コード例 #9
ファイル: siteman.php プロジェクト: rundiz/fuel-start
 public function action_multiple()
     $ids = \Input::post('id');
     $act = trim(\Input::post('act'));
     // set redirect url
     $redirect = $this->getAndSetSubmitRedirection();
     if (\Extension\NoCsrf::check()) {
         if ($act == 'del') {
             // check permission.
             if (\Model_AccountLevelPermission::checkAdminPermission('siteman_perm', 'siteman_delete_perm') == false) {
                 \Session::set_flash('form_status', array('form_status' => 'error', 'form_status_message' => \Lang::get('admin_permission_denied', array('page' => \Uri::string()))));
             if (is_array($ids)) {
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 // clear cache
         } elseif ($act == 'enable') {
             // check permission.
             if (\Model_AccountLevelPermission::checkAdminPermission('siteman_perm', 'siteman_edit_perm') == false) {
                 \Session::set_flash('form_status', array('form_status' => 'error', 'form_status_message' => \Lang::get('admin_permission_denied', array('page' => \Uri::string()))));
             if (is_array($ids)) {
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     if ($id == '1') {
                     \DB::update(\Model_Sites::getTableName())->where('site_id', $id)->set(['site_status' => 1])->execute();
                 // clear cache
         } elseif ($act == 'disable') {
             // check permission.
             if (\Model_AccountLevelPermission::checkAdminPermission('siteman_perm', 'siteman_edit_perm') == false) {
                 \Session::set_flash('form_status', array('form_status' => 'error', 'form_status_message' => \Lang::get('admin_permission_denied', array('page' => \Uri::string()))));
             if (is_array($ids)) {
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     if ($id == '1') {
                     \DB::update(\Model_Sites::getTableName())->where('site_id', $id)->set(['site_status' => 0])->execute();
                 // clear cache
     // go back
コード例 #10
  * save permissions
  * @param array $data
  * @return boolean
 public static function savePermissions(array $data = array())
     // loop check permission is not in db, insert it.
     foreach ($data['level_group_id'] as $key => $lv_groups) {
         foreach ($lv_groups as $level_group_id) {
             // check if permission is in db or not.
             $result = \DB::select()->from(static::$_table_name)->where('level_group_id', $level_group_id)->where('permission_page', $data['permission_page'][$key])->where('permission_action', $data['permission_action'][$key])->execute();
             if (count($result) <= 0) {
                 // not in db. insert it.
                 \DB::insert(static::$_table_name)->set(['level_group_id' => $level_group_id, 'permission_core' => $data['permission_core'], 'module_system_name' => $data['module_system_name'], 'permission_page' => $data['permission_page'][$key], 'permission_action' => $data['permission_action'][$key]])->execute();
     // clear unused variables
     unset($key, $level_group_id, $lv_groups, $result);
     // now remove permission in db that was not checked.
     foreach ($data['permission_action'] as $key => $permission_action) {
         if (isset($data['permission_page'][$key])) {
             $result = \DB::select()->as_object()->from(static::$_table_name)->where('permission_core', $data['permission_core'])->where('module_system_name', $data['module_system_name'])->where('permission_page', $data['permission_page'][$key])->where('permission_action', $permission_action)->execute();
             if (count($result) > 0) {
                 foreach ($result as $row) {
                     if (isset($data['level_group_id'][$key])) {
                         if (!in_array($row->level_group_id, $data['level_group_id'][$key])) {
                             \DB::delete(static::$_table_name)->where('permission_id', $row->permission_id)->execute();
                     } else {
                         \DB::delete(static::$_table_name)->where('permission_id', $row->permission_id)->execute();
     // clear unused variables
     unset($key, $permission_action, $result, $row);
     $data = array();
     // clear cache
     \Extension\Cache::deleteCache('model.accountLevelPermission-checkLevelPermission-' . \Model_Sites::getSiteId(false));
     return true;