コード例 #1
    protected function renderMain()
        $adminLoginName = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "adminLoginName", "");
        $adminDisplayName = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "adminDisplayName", "");
        $adminPassword1 = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "adminPassword1", "");
        $adminPassword2 = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "adminPassword2", "");
        $adminLoginNameField = new InputField("adminLoginName", "Login Name", "text", $adminLoginName, "This is the login name for the administrative account for your story. This " . "account will be created during installation. You will be able to log in to this " . "account using this name.");
        $adminDisplayNameField = new InputField("adminDisplayName", "Display Name", "text", $adminDisplayName, "This is the display name for the administrative account for your story. This " . "name will be publicly displayed on any moderation activity you perform in your " . "story.");
        $adminPassword1Field = new InputField("adminPassword1", "Pasword", "password", $adminPassword1, "This is the password for the administrative account for your story. This " . "account will be created during installation. You will be able to log in to this " . "account using this password.");
        $adminPassword2Field = new InputField("adminPassword2", "Pasword (Again)", "password", $adminPassword2, "Please enter the password a second time to guard against a mis-typed password.");

<div class="submit">
    <input type="hidden" name="pageName" value="AdminAccount" />
    <input type="submit" name="backButton" value="Back" />
    <input type="submit" name="continueButton" value="Continue" />

コード例 #2
    protected function renderMain()
        $databaseHost = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "databaseHost", "");
        $databaseUsername = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "databaseUsername", "");
        $databasePassword = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "databasePassword", "");
        $databaseName = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "databaseName", "");
        $databaseHostField = new InputField("databaseHost", "Host", "text", $databaseHost, "This is the host name for your database server. If your database server and " . "your web server are running on the same machine, use \"localhost\". If you are " . "running Extend-A-Story in a shared hosting environment, your hosting provider " . "will provide you with the host name for your database server.");
        $databaseUsernameField = new InputField("databaseUsername", "Username", "text", $databaseUsername, "This is the username that will be used to connect to your database server " . "during the installation process. This user will need all permissions to your " . "Extend-A-Story database.");
        $databasePasswordField = new InputField("databasePassword", "Password", "password", $databasePassword, "This is the password that will be used to connect to your database server " . "during the installation process.");
        $databaseNameField = new InputField("databaseName", "Database", "text", $databaseName, "This is the name of your Extend-A-Story database. The tables needed by " . "Extend-A-Story will be created in this database.");

<div class="submit">
    <input type="hidden" name="pageName" value="DatabaseConnection" />
    <input type="submit" name="backButton" value="Back" />
    <input type="submit" name="continueButton" value="Continue" />

コード例 #3
    protected function renderMain()
        $settingsStoryName = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "settingsStoryName", "");
        $settingsSiteName = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "settingsSiteName", "");
        $settingsStoryHome = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "settingsStoryHome", "");
        $settingsSiteHome = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "settingsSiteHome", "");
        $settingsReadEpisodeUrl = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "settingsReadEpisodeUrl", "");
        $settingsAdminEmail = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "settingsAdminEmail", "");
        $settingsMaxLinks = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "settingsMaxLinks", "");
        $settingsMaxEditDays = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "settingsMaxEditDays", "");
        $settingsStoryNameField = new InputField("settingsStoryName", "Story Name", "text", $settingsStoryName, "This is the name of your story. This name will be used in page titles and links " . "to the home page of your story.");
        $settingsSiteNameField = new InputField("settingsSiteName", "Site Name", "text", $settingsSiteName, "This is the name of your web site. This name will be used in links to the home " . "page of your web site.");
        $settingsStoryHomeField = new InputField("settingsStoryHome", "Story Home", "text", $settingsStoryHome, "This is the URL for the home page of your story. All story pages will provide a " . "link to this URL.");
        $settingsSiteHomeField = new InputField("settingsSiteHome", "Site Home", "text", $settingsSiteHome, "This is the URL for the home page of your web site. All story pages will " . "provide a link to this URL.");
        $settingsReadEpisodeUrlField = new InputField("settingsReadEpisodeUrl", "Read Episode URL", "text", $settingsReadEpisodeUrl, "This is the URL to the \"read.php\" script for this story on your web site. " . "Email notifications of newly created episodes will use this URL to provide a " . "link to the newly created episode.");
        $settingsAdminEmailField = new InputField("settingsAdminEmail", "Admin Email", "text", $settingsAdminEmail, "This is the email address from which email notifications of newly created " . "episodes will be sent. This email address will receive an email notification " . "for every episode that is created.");
        $settingsMaxLinksField = new InputField("settingsMaxLinks", "Max Links", "text", $settingsMaxLinks, "This is the maximum number of links an author is allowed to specify when " . "creating an episode.");
        $settingsMaxEditDaysField = new InputField("settingsMaxEditDays", "Max Edit Days", "text", $settingsMaxEditDays, "This is the number of days for which an author is allowed to edit an epiosde " . "that they created.");

<div class="submit">
    <input type="hidden" name="pageName" value="StorySettings" />
    <input type="submit" name="backButton" value="Back" />
    <input type="submit" name="continueButton" value="Continue" />
