コード例 #1
  * Ajouter une operation
  * @param Request $request
  * @return type
 public function addAction(Request $request)
     // crée une tâche et lui donne quelques données par défaut pour cet exemple
     $operation = new Operation();
     $form = $this->createFormBuilder($operation)->add('libelle', 'text')->add('description', 'textarea')->add('montant', 'money')->getForm();
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         // fait quelque chose comme sauvegarder la tâche dans la bdd
         $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
         // On récupère le montant de la caisse
         $query = $em->createQuery('SELECT c
         FROM ESNTreasuryBundle:Caisse c
         ORDER BY c.date DESC
         try {
             $montantQuery = $query->getSingleResult();
             $montant = $montantQuery->getMontant();
         } catch (NoResultException $e) {
             $montant = 0;
         $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
         $caisse = new Caisse();
         $caisse->setMontant($montant + $operation->getMontant());
         $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('notice', 'Opération bien enregistrée.');
         return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('esn_treasury_list'));
     return $this->render('ESNTreasuryBundle:Operations:add.html.twig', array('title' => "Treasury", 'form' => $form->createView()));
コード例 #2
 protected function onSuccess(PermanenceReport $report)
     //Remove numbers of card
     $sellcard = $report->getSellCard();
     $nbCard = $this->em->getRepository('ESNAdministrationBundle:Card')->getNumberOfCards();
     $availableCard = $nbCard - $sellcard;
     $report->setAmountSell($report->getSellCard() * 5);
     $Card = new Card();
     $operation = new Operation();
     $operation->setDate(new \DateTime());
     $operation->setLibelle("Vente carte ESN pendant la perm");
     $operation->setDescription("Vente de " . $report->getSellCard() . " cartes ESN");
     // CAISSE
     $montant = $this->em->getRepository('ESNTreasuryBundle:Caisse')->getLastCaisse();
     $caisse = new Caisse();
     $caisse->setMontant($montant + $operation->getMontant());
     if (!$report->getId()) {
コード例 #3
 protected function onSuccess(ParticipateTrip $participateTrip)
     $participateTrip->setDateInscription(new \DateTime());
     $operation = new Operation();
     $operation->setDate(new \DateTime());
     $operation->setDescription("New payment for the trip : " . $participateTrip->getTrip()->getName());
     $operation->setLibelle("Payment for a trip");
     $montant = $this->em->getRepository('ESNTreasuryBundle:Caisse')->getLastCaisse();
     $caisse = new Caisse();
     $caisse->setMontant($montant + $operation->getMontant());