public function __construct($match_id, $server_ip, $rcon) { Logger::debug("Registring MessageManager"); $this->messageManager = \eBot\Manager\MessageManager::getInstance("CSGO"); Logger::debug("Creating match #" . $match_id . " on {$server_ip}"); $this->match_id = $match_id; $this->server_ip = $server_ip; $query = \mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `matchs` WHERE id = '" . $match_id . "'"); if (!$query) { throw new MatchException(); } $this->matchData = \mysql_fetch_assoc($query); // SETTING TEAMNAME AND FLAG $teama_details = $this->getTeamDetails($this->matchData["team_a"], "a"); $this->teamAName = $teama_details['name']; $this->teamAFlag = $teama_details['flag']; $teamb_details = $this->getTeamDetails($this->matchData["team_b"], "b"); $this->teamBName = $teamb_details['name']; $this->teamBFlag = $teamb_details['flag']; $this->season_id = $this->matchData["season_id"]; $this->addMatchLog("----------- Creating log file -----------", false, false); $this->addMatchLog("- Match Parameter", false, false); $this->addMatchLog("- Match ID: " . $this->match_id, false, false); $this->addMatchLog("- Teams: " . $this->teamAName . " - " . $this->teamBName, false, false); $this->addMatchLog("- MaxRound: " . $this->matchData["max_round"], false, false); $this->addMatchLog("- Overtime: " . $this->matchData["config_ot"] ? "yes (money: " . $this->matchData['overtime_startmoney'] . ", round: " . $this->matchData['overtime_max_round'] . ")" : "no", false, false); // Get Websocket $this->websocket['match'] = \eBot\Application\Application::getInstance()->getWebSocket('match'); $this->websocket['livemap'] = \eBot\Application\Application::getInstance()->getWebSocket('livemap'); $this->websocket['logger'] = \eBot\Application\Application::getInstance()->getWebSocket('logger'); $ip = explode(":", $this->server_ip); try { $this->rcon = new Rcon($ip[0], $ip[1], $rcon); $this->rconPassword = $rcon; Logger::log("RCON init ok"); $this->rcon->send("log on; mp_logdetail 0; logaddress_del " . \eBot\Config\Config::getInstance()->getBot_ip() . ":" . \eBot\Config\Config::getInstance()->getBot_port() . ";logaddress_add " . \eBot\Config\Config::getInstance()->getBot_ip() . ":" . \eBot\Config\Config::getInstance()->getBot_port()); $this->addMatchLog("- RCON connection OK", true, false); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->needDel = true; if (!is_numeric(\eBot\Manager\MatchManager::getInstance()->getRetry($this->match_id))) { if ($this->status == 1) { \mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET `enable` = 0, `auto_start` = 0, `status` = 0 WHERE `id` = '" . $this->match_id . "'"); } else { \mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET `enable` = 0, `auto_start` = 0 WHERE `id` = '" . $this->match_id . "'"); } } else { if (\eBot\Manager\MatchManager::getInstance()->getRetry($this->match_id) > 3) { if ($this->status == 1) { \mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET `enable` = 0, `auto_start` = 0, `status` = 0 WHERE `id` = '" . $this->match_id . "'"); } else { \mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET `enable` = 0, `auto_start` = 0 WHERE `id` = '" . $this->match_id . "'"); } } else { $this->addLog("Next retry (" . \eBot\Manager\MatchManager::getInstance()->getRetry($this->match_id) . "/3)"); \eBot\Manager\MatchManager::getInstance()->setRetry($this->match_id, \eBot\Manager\MatchManager::getInstance()->getRetry($this->match_id) + 1); \eBot\Manager\MatchManager::getInstance()->delayServer($this->server_ip, 5); } } $this->websocket['match']->sendData(json_encode(array('message' => 'button', 'content' => 'stop', 'id' => $this->match_id))); Logger::error("Rcon failed - " . $ex->getMessage()); Logger::error("Match destructed."); $this->addMatchLog("RCON Failed - " . $ex->getMessage(), false, false); throw new MatchException(); } TaskManager::getInstance()->addTask(new Task($this, self::TEST_RCON, microtime(true) + 10)); // CSay Detection try { $text = $this->rcon->send("csay_version"); if (preg_match('!"csay_version" = "(.*)"!', $text, $match)) { $this->addLog("CSay version " . $match[1]); $this->pluginCsay = true; $this->pluginPrintPlayers = true; $this->pluginSwitch = true; $this->addMatchLog("- CSay version " . $match[1], false, false); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { Logger::error("Error while getting plugins information"); } // ESL Plugin Detection try { $text = $this->rcon->send("esl_version"); if (preg_match('!"esl_version" = "(.*)"!', $text, $match)) { $this->addLog("ESL Plugin version " . $match[1]); $this->pluginESL = true; $this->addMatchLog("- ESL Plugin version " . $match[1], false, false); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { Logger::error("Error while getting plugins information"); } $this->config_full_score = $this->matchData["config_full_score"]; $this->config_kniferound = $this->matchData["config_knife_round"]; $this->config_switch_auto = $this->matchData["config_switch_auto"]; $this->config_ot = $this->matchData["config_ot"]; if ($this->config_ot) { $this->ot_startmoney = $this->matchData["overtime_startmoney"]; $this->ot_maxround = $this->matchData["overtime_max_round"]; } $this->config_streamer = $this->matchData["config_streamer"]; $this->maxRound = $this->matchData["max_round"]; $this->oldMaxround = $this->maxRound; $this->rules = $this->matchData["rules"]; $this->status = $this->matchData["status"]; $this->isPaused = $this->matchData['is_paused'] == 1; Logger::debug("Match config loaded - Printing configuration"); $this->addLog("Match configuration" . " :: Full Score: " . ($this->config_full_score ? "yes" : "no") . " :: Switch Auto: " . ($this->config_switch_auto ? "yes" : "no") . " :: Over Time: " . ($this->config_ot ? "yes" : "no") . " :: KnifeRound: " . ($this->config_kniferound ? "yes" : "no")); $this->addMatchLog("- Match configuration" . " :: Full Score: " . ($this->config_full_score ? "yes" : "no") . " :: Switch Auto: " . ($this->config_switch_auto ? "yes" : "no") . " :: Over Time: " . ($this->config_ot ? "yes" : "no") . " :: KnifeRound: " . ($this->config_kniferound ? "yes" : "no"), false, true); $this->addLog("MaxRound: " . $this->maxRound . " :: Rules: " . $this->rules); // Map Start Logger::debug("Loading maps"); $query = \mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `maps` WHERE match_id = '" . $match_id . "'"); if (!$query) { throw new MatchException(); } while ($data = \mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $this->maps[$data["id"]] = new Map($data); $this->maps[$data["id"]]->setNbMaxRound($this->maxRound); } // Fixing for maxround in OT if ($this->getStatus() >= self::STATUS_WU_OT_1_SIDE) { $this->maxRound = $this->ot_maxround; } if ($this->matchData["current_map"] == null) { Logger::debug("No map is currently playing, picking one (based on default)"); foreach ($this->maps as &$map) { if ($map->getStatus() == Map::STATUS_NOT_STARTED && $map->getMapsFor() == "default") { $this->currentMap = $map; $this->matchData["current_map"] = $map->getMapId(); Logger::debug("Map #" . $map->getMapId() . " selected"); mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET current_map='" . $map->getMapId() . "' WHERE id='" . $this->match_id . "'"); break; } } } else { if ($this->maps[$this->matchData["current_map"]]) { $this->currentMap = $this->maps[$this->matchData["current_map"]]; } else { $this->addLog("Can't find the map #" . $this->matchData["current_map"], Logger::ERROR); throw new MatchException(); } } if ($this->currentMap == null) { $this->addLog("No map found, exiting matchs", Logger::ERROR); mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET enable='0', status='" . self::STATUS_END_MATCH . "' WHERE id='" . $this->match_id . "'"); throw new MatchException(); } $this->addLog("Maps selected: #" . $this->currentMap->getMapId() . " - " . $this->currentMap->getMapName() . " - " . $this->currentMap->getStatusText()); if ($this->currentMap->getMapName() != "tba") { $this->mapIsEngaged = true; $this->addLog("Setting map engaged"); } else { $this->mapIsEngaged = false; $this->addLog("Setting veto mode"); } if ($this->getStatus() == self::STATUS_STARTING) { if ($this->currentMap->getStatus() == Map::STATUS_NOT_STARTED || $this->currentMap->getStatus() == Map::STATUS_STARTING) { if ($this->config_kniferound) { Logger::debug("Setting need knife round on map"); $this->currentMap->setNeedKnifeRound(true); } } if ($this->currentMap->getMapName() != "tba") { Logger::debug("Schedule task for first map"); TaskManager::getInstance()->addTask(new Task($this, self::TASK_ENGAGE_MAP, microtime(true) + 1)); } else { if ($this->config_kniferound) { $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_WU_KNIFE, true); $this->currentMap->setStatus(Map::STATUS_WU_KNIFE, true); } else { $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_WU_1_SIDE, true); $this->currentMap->setStatus(Map::STATUS_WU_1_SIDE, true); } } } else { if ($this->currentMap->getStatus() == Map::STATUS_NOT_STARTED || $this->currentMap->getStatus() == Map::STATUS_STARTING) { if ($this->currentMap->getMapName() != "tba") { Logger::debug("Current map is not started/starting, engaging map"); TaskManager::getInstance()->addTask(new Task($this, self::TASK_ENGAGE_MAP, microtime(true) + 1)); } else { if ($this->config_kniferound) { $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_WU_KNIFE, true); $this->currentMap->setStatus(Map::STATUS_WU_KNIFE, true); } else { $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_WU_1_SIDE, true); $this->currentMap->setStatus(Map::STATUS_WU_1_SIDE, true); } } } else { Logger::debug("Restore score"); } } TaskManager::getInstance()->addTask(new Task($this, self::CHANGE_HOSTNAME, microtime(true) + 5)); // Setting side for maps if ($this->currentMap->getCurrentSide() == "ct") { $this->side['team_a'] = "ct"; $this->side['team_b'] = "t"; } else { $this->side['team_a'] = "t"; $this->side['team_b'] = "ct"; } $this->websocket['match']->sendData(json_encode(array('message' => 'teams', 'teamA' => $this->side['team_a'], 'teamB' => $this->side['team_b'], 'id' => $this->match_id))); // Calculating scores $this->currentMap->calculScores(); $this->score["team_a"] = $this->currentMap->getScore1(); $this->score["team_b"] = $this->currentMap->getScore2(); @mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET score_a = '" . $this->score["team_a"] . "', score_b ='" . $this->score["team_b"] . "' WHERE id='" . $this->match_id . "'"); // Setting nb OverTime $this->nbOT = $this->currentMap->getNbOt(); // This case happens only when the bot shutdown and restart at this status if ($this->currentMap->getStatus() == Map::STATUS_END_KNIFE) { $this->addLog("Setting round to knife round, because was waiting end knife"); $this->currentMap->setStatus(Map::STATUS_WU_KNIFE, true); $this->setStatus(Map::STATUS_WU_KNIFE, true); } // Getting all players $this->recupStatus(); // Setting server password if ($this->matchData["config_password"] != "") { $this->rcon->send("sv_password \"" . $this->matchData["config_password"] . "\""); } $this->addMatchLog("----------- End match loading -----------", false, false); if ($this->getStatus() <= self::STATUS_WU_1_SIDE) { $this->sendTeamNames(); } if ($this->matchData["ingame_enable"] != null && !$this->matchData["ingame_enable"]) { $this->addLog("Setting match not enabled"); $this->enable = false; } if ($this->getStatus() > self::STATUS_WU_1_SIDE) { $this->streamerReady = true; } // Setting nbMaxRound for sided score if ($this->getStatus() > self::STATUS_WU_OT_1_SIDE && $this->config_ot) { $this->currentMap->setNbMaxRound($this->ot_maxround); } // Sending roundbackup format file $this->rcon->send("mp_backup_round_file \"ebot_" . $this->match_id . "\""); TaskManager::getInstance()->addTask(new Task($this, self::CHANGE_HOSTNAME, microtime(true) + 60)); }
echo '| WebSocket server crashed' . PHP_EOL; echo '-----------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; die; } echo "| WebSocket has been started" . PHP_EOL; } } else { echo "| You are under windows, please run websocket_server.bat before starting ebot" . PHP_EOL; sleep(5); } /* not done yet // Checking outgoing connection and IP configuration if (!($status = file_get_contents(""))) { echo '-----------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; echo '| Cannot connect to the internet.' . PHP_EOL; } elseif (\eBot\Config\Config::getInstance()->getBot_ip() != $status) { echo '-----------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; echo '| Your config\'s IP address differs from your real IP.' . PHP_EOL; echo '| Be sure to not use a loopback like "localhost" or "".' . PHP_EOL; echo '| The gameservers sends the serverlog to the eBot IP address.' . PHP_EOL; echo '-----------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; die(); } */ echo '-----------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; error_reporting(E_ERROR); \eBot\Application\Application::getInstance()->run();
public function getWebSocket($room) { return Application::getInstance()->websocket[$room]; }