/** * Funkce pro nalezení datového zdroje s kontrolou oprávnění přístupu * @param int $datasourceId * @throws BadRequestException * @return Datasource */ private function findDatasourceWithCheckAccess($datasourceId) { try { $datasource = $this->datasourcesFacade->findDatasource($datasourceId); if (!$this->datasourcesFacade->checkDatasourceAccess($datasource, $this->getCurrentUser())) { throw new BadRequestException("You are not authorized to use the selected datasource!"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new BadRequestException("Requested datasource was not found or is not accessible!"); } return $datasource; }
/** * Akce pro vyhodnocení klasifikace * @SWG\Get( * tags={"Evaluation"}, * path="/evaluation/classification", * summary="Evaluate classification model", * produces={"application/json","application/xml"}, * security={{"apiKey":{}},{"apiKeyHeader":{}}}, * @SWG\Parameter( * name="scorer", * description="Scorer type", * required=true, * type="string", * in="query", * enum={"easyMinerScorer","modelTester"} * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="task", * description="Task ID", * required=false, * type="integer", * in="query" * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="ruleSet", * description="Rule set ID", * required=false, * type="integer", * in="query" * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="datasource", * description="Datasource ID (if not specified, task datasource will be used)", * required=false, * type="integer", * in="query" * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="Evaluation result", * @SWG\Schema( * ref="#/definitions/ScoringResultResponse" * ) * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=400, * description="Invalid API key supplied", * @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/StatusResponse") * ) * ) * * @throws BadRequestException * @throws NotImplementedException */ public function actionClassification() { $this->setXmlMapperElements('classification'); $inputData = $this->getInput()->getData(); /** @var IScorerDriver $scorerDriver */ if (empty($inputData['scorer'])) { $scorerDriver = $this->scorerDriverFactory->getDefaultScorerInstance(); } else { $scorerDriver = $this->scorerDriverFactory->getScorerInstance($inputData['scorer']); } if (!empty($inputData['datasource'])) { try { $datasource = $this->datasourcesFacade->findDatasource(@$inputData['datasource']); if (!$this->datasourcesFacade->checkDatasourceAccess($datasource, $this->getCurrentUser())) { throw new \Exception(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new BadRequestException("Requested data source was not found!"); } } elseif (!empty($inputData['task'])) { $task = $this->findTaskWithCheckAccess($inputData['task']); $datasource = $task->miner->datasource; } else { throw new BadRequestException("Data source was not specified!"); } if (!empty($inputData['task'])) { if (empty($task)) { $task = $this->findTaskWithCheckAccess($inputData['task']); } $result = $scorerDriver->evaluateTask($task, $datasource)->getCorrectIncorrectDataArr(); $result['task'] = $task->getDataArr(false); } elseif (!empty($inputData['ruleSet'])) { $ruleSet = $this->ruleSetsFacade->findRuleSet($inputData['ruleSet']); //TODO kontrola oprávnění k rule setu $result = $scorerDriver->evaluateRuleSet($ruleSet, $datasource)->getDataArr(); $result['ruleSet'] = $ruleSet->getDataArr(); } else { throw new BadRequestException("No task or rule set found!"); } $this->resource = $result; $this->sendResource(); }
/** * Funkce pro kontrolu vstupů pro vytvoření nového mineru */ public function validateCreate() { $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser(); /** @noinspection PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection */ $this->input->field('name')->addRule(IValidator::REQUIRED, 'Name is required!'); /** @noinspection PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection */ $this->input->field('type')->addRule(IValidator::REQUIRED, 'Miner type is required!'); /** @noinspection PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection */ $this->input->field('datasourceId')->addRule(IValidator::REQUIRED, 'Datasource ID is required!')->addRule(IValidator::CALLBACK, 'Requested datasource was not found, or is not accessible!', function ($value) use($currentUser) { try { $this->datasource = $this->datasourcesFacade->findDatasource($value); if ($this->datasourcesFacade->checkDatasourceAccess($this->datasource, $currentUser)) { //kontrola dostupnosti kompatibilního mineru s vybraným datasource $availableMinerTypes = $this->minersFacade->getAvailableMinerTypes($this->datasource->type); return !empty($availableMinerTypes[$this->getInput()->getData()['type']]); } else { return false; } } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } }); /** @noinspection PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection */ $this->input->field('ruleSetId')->addRule(IValidator::CALLBACK, 'Requested rule set was not found, or is not accessible!', function ($value) use($currentUser) { if (empty($value)) { return true; } try { $this->ruleSet = $this->ruleSetsFacade->findRuleSet($value); $this->ruleSetsFacade->checkRuleSetAccess($this->ruleSet, $currentUser); return true; } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } }); }