コード例 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property)
     $id_parts = explode("/", $value);
     $entity = $this->entityTypeManager->getDefinition($id_parts[0], FALSE);
     if ($entity == NULL) {
         // Or maybe migrate comments some other way.
         throw new MigrateSkipRowException();
     return $id_parts[0];
コード例 #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // Get the custom entity ID.
     $custom_entity_id = $this->entity->getEntityType()->getBundleOf();
     // Get the bundle key for the custom entity type.
     $custom_entity_bundle_key = $this->entityManager->getDefinition($custom_entity_id)->getKey('bundle');
     $entities = $this->queryFactory->get($custom_entity_id)->condition($custom_entity_bundle_key, $this->entity->id())->execute();
     if (!empty($entities)) {
         $caption = '<p>' . $this->formatPlural(count($entities), '%label is used by 1 entity on your site. You can not remove this entity type until you have removed all of the %label entities.', '%label is used by @count entities on your site. You may not remove %label until you have removed all of the %label entities.', ['%label' => $this->entity->label()]) . '</p>';
         $form['description'] = array('#markup' => $caption);
         return $form;
     } else {
         return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Tables.php プロジェクト: Nikola-xiii/d8intranet
 protected function addJoin($type, $table, $join_condition, $langcode)
     $arguments = array();
     if ($langcode) {
         $entity_type_id = $this->sqlQuery->getMetaData('entity_type');
         $entity_type = $this->entityManager->getDefinition($entity_type_id);
         // Only the data table follows the entity language key, dedicated field
         // tables have an hard-coded 'langcode' column.
         $langcode_key = $entity_type->getDataTable() == $table ? $entity_type->getKey('langcode') : 'langcode';
         $placeholder = ':langcode' . $this->sqlQuery->nextPlaceholder();
         $join_condition .= ' AND %alias.' . $langcode_key . ' = ' . $placeholder;
         $arguments[$placeholder] = $langcode;
     return $this->sqlQuery->addJoin($type, $table, NULL, $join_condition, $arguments);
コード例 #4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $io = new DrupalStyle($input, $output);
     $config_types = $this->getConfigTypes();
     $config_name = $input->getArgument('config-name');
     if (!$config_name) {
         $config_type = $io->choiceNoList($this->trans('commands.config.export.single.questions.config-type'), array_keys($config_types), $this->trans('commands.config.export.single.options.simple-configuration'));
         $config_names = $this->getConfigNames($config_type);
         $config_name = $io->choiceNoList($this->trans('commands.config.export.single.questions.config-name'), array_keys($config_names));
         if ($config_type !== 'system.simple') {
             $definition = $this->entityManager->getDefinition($config_type);
             $config_name = $definition->getConfigPrefix() . '.' . $config_name;
         $input->setArgument('config-name', $config_name);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Tables.php プロジェクト: anatalsceo/en-classe
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function addField($field, $type, $langcode)
     $entity_type_id = $this->sqlQuery->getMetaData('entity_type');
     $age = $this->sqlQuery->getMetaData('age');
     // This variable ensures grouping works correctly. For example:
     // ->condition('tags', 2, '>')
     // ->condition('tags', 20, '<')
     // ->condition('node_reference.nid.entity.tags', 2)
     // The first two should use the same table but the last one needs to be a
     // new table. So for the first two, the table array index will be 'tags'
     // while the third will be 'node_reference.nid.tags'.
     $index_prefix = '';
     $specifiers = explode('.', $field);
     $base_table = 'base_table';
     $count = count($specifiers) - 1;
     // This will contain the definitions of the last specifier seen by the
     // system.
     $propertyDefinitions = array();
     $entity_type = $this->entityManager->getDefinition($entity_type_id);
     $field_storage_definitions = array();
     // @todo Needed for menu links, make this implementation content entity
     //   specific after https://drupal.org/node/2256521.
     if ($entity_type instanceof ContentEntityTypeInterface) {
         $field_storage_definitions = $this->entityManager->getFieldStorageDefinitions($entity_type_id);
     for ($key = 0; $key <= $count; $key++) {
         // If there is revision support and only the current revision is being
         // queried then use the revision id. Otherwise, the entity id will do.
         if (($revision_key = $entity_type->getKey('revision')) && $age == EntityStorageInterface::FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT) {
             // This contains the relevant SQL field to be used when joining entity
             // tables.
             $entity_id_field = $revision_key;
             // This contains the relevant SQL field to be used when joining field
             // tables.
             $field_id_field = 'revision_id';
         } else {
             $entity_id_field = $entity_type->getKey('id');
             $field_id_field = 'entity_id';
         // This can either be the name of an entity base field or a configurable
         // field.
         $specifier = $specifiers[$key];
         if (isset($field_storage_definitions[$specifier])) {
             $field_storage = $field_storage_definitions[$specifier];
         } else {
             $field_storage = FALSE;
         // If we managed to retrieve a configurable field, process it.
         if ($field_storage instanceof FieldStorageConfigInterface) {
             // Find the field column.
             $column = $field_storage->getMainPropertyName();
             if ($key < $count) {
                 $next = $specifiers[$key + 1];
                 // Is this a field column?
                 $columns = $field_storage->getColumns();
                 if (isset($columns[$next]) || in_array($next, FieldStorageConfig::getReservedColumns())) {
                     // Use it.
                     $column = $next;
                     // Do not process it again.
                 // If there are more specifiers, the next one must be a
                 // relationship. Either the field name followed by a relationship
                 // specifier, for example $node->field_image->entity. Or a field
                 // column followed by a relationship specifier, for example
                 // $node->field_image->fid->entity. In both cases, prepare the
                 // property definitions for the relationship. In the first case,
                 // also use the property definitions for column.
                 if ($key < $count) {
                     $relationship_specifier = $specifiers[$key + 1];
                     $propertyDefinitions = $field_storage->getPropertyDefinitions();
                     // Prepare the next index prefix.
                     $next_index_prefix = "{$relationship_specifier}.{$column}";
             $table = $this->ensureFieldTable($index_prefix, $field_storage, $type, $langcode, $base_table, $entity_id_field, $field_id_field);
             $sql_column = ContentEntityDatabaseStorage::_fieldColumnName($field_storage, $column);
         } else {
             // ensureEntityTable() decides whether an entity property will be
             // queried from the data table or the base table based on where it
             // finds the property first. The data table is preferred, which is why
             // it gets added before the base table.
             $entity_tables = array();
             if ($data_table = $entity_type->getDataTable()) {
                 $this->sqlQuery->addMetaData('simple_query', FALSE);
                 $entity_tables[$data_table] = $this->getTableMapping($data_table, $entity_type_id);
             $entity_base_table = $entity_type->getBaseTable();
             $entity_tables[$entity_base_table] = $this->getTableMapping($entity_base_table, $entity_type_id);
             $sql_column = $specifier;
             $table = $this->ensureEntityTable($index_prefix, $specifier, $type, $langcode, $base_table, $entity_id_field, $entity_tables);
         // If there are more specifiers to come, it's a relationship.
         if ($field_storage && $key < $count) {
             // Computed fields have prepared their property definition already, do
             // it for properties as well.
             if (!$propertyDefinitions) {
                 $propertyDefinitions = $field_storage->getPropertyDefinitions();
                 $relationship_specifier = $specifiers[$key + 1];
                 $next_index_prefix = $relationship_specifier;
             // Check for a valid relationship.
             if (isset($propertyDefinitions[$relationship_specifier]) && $field_storage->getPropertyDefinition('entity')->getDataType() == 'entity_reference') {
                 // If it is, use the entity type.
                 $entity_type_id = $propertyDefinitions[$relationship_specifier]->getTargetDefinition()->getEntityTypeId();
                 $entity_type = $this->entityManager->getDefinition($entity_type_id);
                 $field_storage_definitions = $this->entityManager->getFieldStorageDefinitions($entity_type_id);
                 // Add the new entity base table using the table and sql column.
                 $join_condition = '%alias.' . $entity_type->getKey('id') . " = {$table}.{$sql_column}";
                 $base_table = $this->sqlQuery->leftJoin($entity_type->getBaseTable(), NULL, $join_condition);
                 $propertyDefinitions = array();
                 $index_prefix .= "{$next_index_prefix}.";
             } else {
                 throw new QueryException(format_string('Invalid specifier @next.', array('@next' => $relationship_specifier)));
     return "{$table}.{$sql_column}";
コード例 #6
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $error = FALSE;
     $values = $form_state->getValues();
     $destinations = array();
     $entity_type = $this->entityManager->getDefinition($this->entityTypeId);
     // Create new field.
     if ($values['new_storage_type']) {
         $field_storage_values = ['field_name' => $values['field_name'], 'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeId, 'type' => $values['new_storage_type'], 'translatable' => $values['translatable']];
         $field_values = ['field_name' => $values['field_name'], 'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeId, 'bundle' => $this->bundle, 'label' => $values['label'], 'translatable' => FALSE];
         $widget_id = $formatter_id = NULL;
         // Check if we're dealing with a preconfigured field.
         if (strpos($field_storage_values['type'], 'field_ui:') !== FALSE) {
             list(, $field_type, $option_key) = explode(':', $field_storage_values['type'], 3);
             $field_storage_values['type'] = $field_type;
             $field_type_class = $this->fieldTypePluginManager->getDefinition($field_type)['class'];
             $field_options = $field_type_class::getPreconfiguredOptions()[$option_key];
             // Merge in preconfigured field storage options.
             if (isset($field_options['field_storage_config'])) {
                 foreach (array('cardinality', 'settings') as $key) {
                     if (isset($field_options['field_storage_config'][$key])) {
                         $field_storage_values[$key] = $field_options['field_storage_config'][$key];
             // Merge in preconfigured field options.
             if (isset($field_options['field_config'])) {
                 foreach (array('required', 'settings') as $key) {
                     if (isset($field_options['field_config'][$key])) {
                         $field_values[$key] = $field_options['field_config'][$key];
             $widget_id = isset($field_options['entity_form_display']['type']) ? $field_options['entity_form_display']['type'] : NULL;
             $formatter_id = isset($field_options['entity_view_display']['type']) ? $field_options['entity_view_display']['type'] : NULL;
         // Create the field storage and field.
         try {
             $field = $this->entityManager->getStorage('field_config')->create($field_values);
             $this->configureEntityFormDisplay($values['field_name'], $widget_id);
             $this->configureEntityViewDisplay($values['field_name'], $formatter_id);
             // Always show the field settings step, as the cardinality needs to be
             // configured for new fields.
             $route_parameters = array('field_config' => $field->id()) + FieldUI::getRouteBundleParameter($entity_type, $this->bundle);
             $destinations[] = array('route_name' => "entity.field_config.{$this->entityTypeId}_storage_edit_form", 'route_parameters' => $route_parameters);
             $destinations[] = array('route_name' => "entity.field_config.{$this->entityTypeId}_field_edit_form", 'route_parameters' => $route_parameters);
             $destinations[] = array('route_name' => "entity.{$this->entityTypeId}.field_ui_fields", 'route_parameters' => $route_parameters);
             // Store new field information for any additional submit handlers.
             $form_state->set(['fields_added', '_add_new_field'], $values['field_name']);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $error = TRUE;
             drupal_set_message($this->t('There was a problem creating field %label: @message', array('%label' => $values['label'], '@message' => $e->getMessage())), 'error');
     // Re-use existing field.
     if ($values['existing_storage_name']) {
         $field_name = $values['existing_storage_name'];
         try {
             $field = $this->entityManager->getStorage('field_config')->create(array('field_name' => $field_name, 'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeId, 'bundle' => $this->bundle, 'label' => $values['existing_storage_label']));
             $route_parameters = array('field_config' => $field->id()) + FieldUI::getRouteBundleParameter($entity_type, $this->bundle);
             $destinations[] = array('route_name' => "entity.field_config.{$this->entityTypeId}_field_edit_form", 'route_parameters' => $route_parameters);
             $destinations[] = array('route_name' => "entity.{$this->entityTypeId}.field_ui_fields", 'route_parameters' => $route_parameters);
             // Store new field information for any additional submit handlers.
             $form_state->set(['fields_added', '_add_existing_field'], $field_name);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $error = TRUE;
             drupal_set_message($this->t('There was a problem creating field %label: @message', array('%label' => $values['label'], '@message' => $e->getMessage())), 'error');
     if ($destinations) {
         $destination = $this->getDestinationArray();
         $destinations[] = $destination['destination'];
         $form_state->setRedirectUrl(FieldUI::getNextDestination($destinations, $form_state));
     } elseif (!$error) {
         drupal_set_message($this->t('Your settings have been saved.'));