コード例 #1
 * The Drupal project primarily uses runtime assertions to enforce the
 * expectations of the API by failing when incorrect calls are made by code
 * under development.
 * @see http://php.net/assert
 * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2492225
 * If you are using PHP 7.0 it is strongly recommended that you set
 * zend.assertions=1 in the PHP.ini file (It cannot be changed from .htaccess
 * or runtime) on development machines and to 0 in production.
 * @see https://wiki.php.net/rfc/expectations
assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, TRUE);
 * Enable local development services.
$settings['container_yamls'][] = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/development.services.yml';
$settings['container_yamls'][] = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/services.yml';
 * Show all error messages, with backtrace information.
 * In case the error level could not be fetched from the database, as for
 * example the database connection failed, we rely only on this value.
$config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose';
 * Disable CSS and JS aggregation.
コード例 #2
ファイル: TestBase.php プロジェクト: dmyerson/d8ecs
  * Run all tests in this class.
  * Regardless of whether $methods are passed or not, only method names
  * starting with "test" are executed.
  * @param $methods
  *   (optional) A list of method names in the test case class to run; e.g.,
  *   array('testFoo', 'testBar'). By default, all methods of the class are
  *   taken into account, but it can be useful to only run a few selected test
  *   methods during debugging.
 public function run(array $methods = array())
     $class = get_class($this);
     if ($missing_requirements = $this->checkRequirements()) {
         $object_info = new \ReflectionObject($this);
         $caller = array('file' => $object_info->getFileName());
         foreach ($missing_requirements as $missing_requirement) {
             TestBase::insertAssert($this->testId, $class, FALSE, $missing_requirement, 'Requirements check', $caller);
     TestServiceProvider::$currentTest = $this;
     $simpletest_config = $this->config('simpletest.settings');
     // Unless preset from run-tests.sh, retrieve the current verbose setting.
     if (!isset($this->verbose)) {
         $this->verbose = $simpletest_config->get('verbose');
     if ($this->verbose) {
         // Initialize verbose debugging.
         $this->verbose = TRUE;
         $this->verboseDirectory = PublicStream::basePath() . '/simpletest/verbose';
         $this->verboseDirectoryUrl = file_create_url($this->verboseDirectory);
         if (file_prepare_directory($this->verboseDirectory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) && !file_exists($this->verboseDirectory . '/.htaccess')) {
             file_put_contents($this->verboseDirectory . '/.htaccess', "<IfModule mod_expires.c>\nExpiresActive Off\n</IfModule>\n");
         $this->verboseClassName = str_replace("\\", "_", $class);
     // HTTP auth settings (<username>:<password>) for the simpletest browser
     // when sending requests to the test site.
     $this->httpAuthMethod = (int) $simpletest_config->get('httpauth.method');
     $username = $simpletest_config->get('httpauth.username');
     $password = $simpletest_config->get('httpauth.password');
     if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) {
         $this->httpAuthCredentials = $username . ':' . $password;
     // Force assertion failures to be thrown as AssertionError for PHP 5 & 7
     // compatibility.
     set_error_handler(array($this, 'errorHandler'));
     // Iterate through all the methods in this class, unless a specific list of
     // methods to run was passed.
     $test_methods = array_filter(get_class_methods($class), function ($method) {
         return strpos($method, 'test') === 0;
     if (empty($test_methods)) {
         // Call $this->assert() here because we need to pass along custom caller
         // information, lest the wrong originating code file/line be identified.
         $this->assert(FALSE, 'No test methods found.', 'Requirements', array('function' => __METHOD__ . '()', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__));
     if ($methods) {
         $test_methods = array_intersect($test_methods, $methods);
     foreach ($test_methods as $method) {
         // Insert a fail record. This will be deleted on completion to ensure
         // that testing completed.
         $method_info = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
         $caller = array('file' => $method_info->getFileName(), 'line' => $method_info->getStartLine(), 'function' => $class . '->' . $method . '()');
         $test_completion_check_id = TestBase::insertAssert($this->testId, $class, FALSE, 'The test did not complete due to a fatal error.', 'Completion check', $caller);
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // The prepareEnvironment() method isolates the test from the parent
             // Drupal site by creating a random database prefix and test site
             // directory. If this fails, a test would possibly operate in the
             // parent site. Therefore, the entire test run for this test class
             // has to be aborted.
             // restoreEnvironment() cannot be called, because we do not know
             // where exactly the environment setup failed.
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // Abort if setUp() fails, since all test methods will fail.
             // But ensure to clean up and restore the environment, since
             // prepareEnvironment() succeeded.
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // If a test fails to tear down, abort the entire test class, since
             // it is likely that all tests will fail in the same way and a
             // failure here only results in additional test artifacts that have
             // to be manually deleted.
         // Remove the test method completion check record.
     TestServiceProvider::$currentTest = NULL;
     // Clear out the error messages and restore error handler.
コード例 #3
  * Setup a consistent PHP environment.
  * This method sets PHP environment options we want to be sure are set
  * correctly for security or just saneness.
 public static function bootEnvironment()
     if (static::$isEnvironmentInitialized) {
     // Include our bootstrap file.
     $core_root = dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
     require_once $core_root . '/includes/bootstrap.inc';
     // Enforce E_STRICT, but allow users to set levels not part of E_STRICT.
     error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);
     // Override PHP settings required for Drupal to work properly.
     // sites/default/default.settings.php contains more runtime settings.
     // The .htaccess file contains settings that cannot be changed at runtime.
     // Use session cookies, not transparent sessions that puts the session id in
     // the query string.
     ini_set('session.use_cookies', '1');
     ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', '1');
     ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0');
     // Don't send HTTP headers using PHP's session handler.
     // Send an empty string to disable the cache limiter.
     ini_set('session.cache_limiter', '');
     // Use httponly session cookies.
     ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', '1');
     // Set sane locale settings, to ensure consistent string, dates, times and
     // numbers handling.
     setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
     // Detect string handling method.
     // Indicate that code is operating in a test child site.
     if (!defined('DRUPAL_TEST_IN_CHILD_SITE')) {
         if ($test_prefix = drupal_valid_test_ua()) {
             // Only code that interfaces directly with tests should rely on this
             // constant; e.g., the error/exception handler conditionally adds further
             // error information into HTTP response headers that are consumed by
             // Simpletest's internal browser.
             define('DRUPAL_TEST_IN_CHILD_SITE', TRUE);
             // Web tests are to be conducted with runtime assertions active.
             assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, TRUE);
             // Now synchronize PHP 5 and 7's handling of assertions as much as
             // possible.
             // Log fatal errors to the test site directory.
             ini_set('log_errors', 1);
             ini_set('error_log', DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/simpletest/' . substr($test_prefix, 10) . '/error.log');
             // Ensure that a rewritten settings.php is used if opcache is on.
             ini_set('opcache.validate_timestamps', 'on');
             ini_set('opcache.revalidate_freq', 0);
         } else {
             // Ensure that no other code defines this.
             define('DRUPAL_TEST_IN_CHILD_SITE', FALSE);
     // Set the Drupal custom error handler.
     static::$isEnvironmentInitialized = TRUE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: bootstrap.php プロジェクト: aWEBoLabs/taxi
    $loader->add('Drupal\\FunctionalJavascriptTests', __DIR__);
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['namespaces'])) {
        // Scan for arbitrary extension namespaces from core and contrib.
        $extension_roots = drupal_phpunit_contrib_extension_directory_roots();
        $dirs = array_map('drupal_phpunit_find_extension_directories', $extension_roots);
        $dirs = array_reduce($dirs, 'array_merge', array());
        $GLOBALS['namespaces'] = drupal_phpunit_get_extension_namespaces($dirs);
    foreach ($GLOBALS['namespaces'] as $prefix => $paths) {
        $loader->addPsr4($prefix, $paths);
    return $loader;
// Do class loader population.
// Set sane locale settings, to ensure consistent string, dates, times and
// numbers handling.
// @see \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel::bootEnvironment()
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
// Set the default timezone. While this doesn't cause any tests to fail, PHP
// complains if 'date.timezone' is not set in php.ini. The Australia/Sydney
// timezone is chosen so all tests are run using an edge case scenario (UTC+10
// and DST). This choice is made to prevent timezone related regressions and
// reduce the fragility of the testing system in general.
// Runtime assertions. PHPUnit follows the php.ini assert.active setting for
// runtime assertions. By default this setting is on. Here we make a call to
// make PHP 5 and 7 handle assertion failures the same way, but this call does
// not turn runtime assertions on if they weren't on already.