コード例 #1
ファイル: Oasys.php プロジェクト: surfyst/oasys
  * Create/De-cache a provider and return it
  * @param string                   $providerId
  * @param array|ProviderConfigLike $config
  * @param bool                     $createIfNotFound If false and provider not already created, NULL is returned
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return BaseProvider
 protected static function _createProvider($providerId, $config = null, $createIfNotFound = true)
     list($_providerId, $_type, $_mapKey, $_generic) = static::_normalizeProviderId($providerId);
     $_cacheKey = $_mapKey . ($_generic ?: null);
     if (null === ($_provider = Option::get(static::$_providerCache, $_cacheKey))) {
         $_config = empty($config) ? array() : $config;
         //	Get the class mapping...
         if (null === ($_map = Option::get(static::$_classMap, $_mapKey))) {
             if (null === ($_map = Option::get(static::$_classMap, $_providerId))) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The provider "' . $providerId . '" has no associated mapping. Cannot create.');
         if (true !== $createIfNotFound && array() == $_config) {
             return null;
         if (!empty($_config) && !$_config instanceof ProviderConfigLike && !is_array($_config) && !is_object($_config)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "$config" value specified must be null, an object, an array, or an instance of ProviderConfigLike.');
         //	Get the base template and merge it into the configuration
         $_template = BaseProviderConfig::getTemplate($_providerId);
         //	Check the endpoint maps...
         $_endpoints = Option::get($_config, 'endpoint_map', array());
         Option::set($_config, 'endpoint_map', array_merge(Option::get($_template, 'endpoint_map', array()), $_endpoints));
         /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
         require $_map['path'];
         if (empty($_config)) {
             $_config = array();
         $_className = $_map['namespace'] . '\\' . $_map['class_name'];
         $_mirror = new \ReflectionClass($_className);
         //	Fill the config with the store values if any
         if (null !== $_type) {
             Option::sins($_config, 'type', $_type);
         //	Load any stored configuration
         $_config = static::_mergeConfigFromStore($_providerId, $_config);
         //	Instantiate!
         $_provider = $_mirror->newInstanceArgs(array($_providerId, $_config));
         //	Cache the current version...
         Option::set(static::$_providerCache, $_cacheKey, $_provider);
     return $_provider;