/** @inheritdoc */ public function getRole() { if (ArrayUtils::get($this->config, 'map_group_to_role', false)) { $groups = $this->driver->getGroups(); $primaryGroupDn = ArrayUtils::findByKeyValue($groups, 'primary', true, 'dn'); $role = RoleADLdap::whereDn($primaryGroupDn)->first(); if (empty($role)) { foreach ($groups as $group) { $groupDn = ArrayUtils::get($group, 'dn'); $role = RoleADLdap::whereDn($groupDn)->first(); if (!empty($role)) { return $role->role_id; } } return $this->defaultRole; } return $role->role_id; } return $this->defaultRole; }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { if (!class_exists('DreamFactory\\Core\\ADLdap\\Services\\ADLdap')) { $this->error('Command unavailable. Please install \'dreamfactory/df-adldap\' package to use this command.'); return; } try { $serviceName = $this->argument('service'); $username = $this->option('username'); $password = $this->option('password'); /** @type ADLdap $service */ $service = ServiceHandler::getService($serviceName); $serviceModel = Service::find($service->getServiceId()); $serviceType = $serviceModel->serviceType()->first(); $serviceGroup = $serviceType->group; if ($serviceGroup !== ServiceTypeGroups::LDAP) { throw new BadRequestException('Invalid service name [' . $serviceName . ']. Please use a valid Active Directory service'); } $this->line('Contacting your Active Directory server...'); $service->authenticateAdminUser($username, $password); $this->line('Fetching Active Directory groups...'); $groups = $service->getDriver()->listGroup(['dn', 'description']); $roles = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { $dfRole = RoleADLdap::whereDn($group['dn'])->first(); if (empty($dfRole)) { $role = ['name' => static::dnToRoleName($group['dn']), 'description' => $group['description'], 'is_active' => true, 'role_adldap_by_role_id' => [['dn' => $group['dn']]]]; $this->info('|--------------------------------------------------------------------'); $this->info('| DN: ' . $group['dn']); $this->info('| Role Name: ' . $role['name']); $this->info('| Description: ' . $role['description']); $this->info('|--------------------------------------------------------------------'); $roles[] = $role; } } $roleCount = count($roles); if ($roleCount > 0) { $this->warn('Total Roles to import: [' . $roleCount . ']'); if ($this->confirm('The above roles will be imported into your DreamFactroy instance based on your Active Directory groups. Do you wish to continue?')) { $this->line('Importing Roles...'); $payload = ResourcesWrapper::wrapResources($roles); ServiceHandler::handleRequest(Verbs::POST, 'system', 'role', ['continue' => true], $payload); $this->info('Successfully imported all Active Directory groups as Roles.'); } else { $this->info('Aborted import process. No Roles were imported'); } } else { if (count($groups) > 0 && $roleCount === 0) { $this->info('All groups found on the Active Directory server are already imported.'); } else { $this->warn('No group was found on Active Directory server.'); } } } catch (RestException $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); if ($this->option('verbose')) { $this->error(print_r($e->getContext(), true)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } }