コード例 #1
 function it_applies_the_reference_data_selector_to_the_data_source($predecessor, Datasource $dataSource, DatagridConfiguration $configuration, QueryBuilder $qb, Join $join)
     $source = ['attributes_configuration' => ['sku' => ['properties' => ['reference_data_name' => '']], 'color' => ['properties' => ['reference_data_name' => 'sole_color']]]];
     $columns = ['sku' => ['some_config', 'some_other_config'], 'color' => ['some_config', 'some_other_config']];
     $predecessor->apply($dataSource, $configuration)->shouldBeCalled();
     $qb->leftJoin('values.', '')->shouldNotBeCalled();
     $qb->leftJoin('values.sole_color', 'sole_color')->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($qb);
     $qb->getDQLPart('join')->willReturn(['p' => [$join]]);
     $this->apply($dataSource, $configuration);
コード例 #2
  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @param string $entityClass
  * @param string $fieldName
  * @return string
 protected function getVirtualFieldExpression(QueryBuilder $qb, $entityClass, $fieldName)
     $rootAlias = $this->getRootTableAlias($qb);
     $conditions = ['entity' => $rootAlias];
     $fieldConfig = $this->virtualFieldProvider->getVirtualFieldQuery($entityClass, $fieldName);
     $fieldConfigJoins = $fieldConfig['join'];
     $joins = $qb->getDQLPart('join');
     if (empty($joins)) {
         foreach ($fieldConfigJoins as $type => $typedFieldConfigJoins) {
             foreach ($typedFieldConfigJoins as $typedFieldConfigJoin) {
                 $join = new Join($type, $this->replaceAliases($conditions, $typedFieldConfigJoin['join']), $typedFieldConfigJoin['alias'], $typedFieldConfigJoin['conditionType'], $typedFieldConfigJoin['condition']);
                 $qb->add('join', [$rootAlias => $join], true);
                 $joins[$rootAlias][] = $join;
     /** @var Join $join */
     foreach ($joins[$rootAlias] as $join) {
         $joinType = strtolower($join->getJoinType());
         if (array_key_exists($joinType, $fieldConfigJoins)) {
             foreach ($fieldConfigJoins[$joinType] as $fieldJoin) {
                 if (strtoupper($fieldJoin['conditionType']) == strtoupper($join->getConditionType())) {
                     $fixedJoin = $this->replaceAliases($conditions, $fieldJoin['join']);
                     if ($fixedJoin == $join->getJoin()) {
                         $conditions[$fieldJoin['alias']] = $join->getAlias();
                         $fixedCondition = $this->replaceAliases($conditions, $fieldJoin['condition']);
                         if ($fixedCondition != (string) $join->getCondition()) {
     return $this->replaceAliases($conditions, $fieldConfig['select']['expr']);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ExprTest.php プロジェクト: Herriniaina/iVarotra
  * @group DDC-1686
 public function testExpressionGetter()
     // Andx
     $andx = new Expr\Andx(array('1 = 1', '2 = 2'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('1 = 1', '2 = 2'), $andx->getParts());
     // Comparison
     $comparison = new Expr\Comparison('foo', Expr\Comparison::EQ, 'bar');
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $comparison->getLeftExpr());
     $this->assertEquals('bar', $comparison->getRightExpr());
     $this->assertEquals(Expr\Comparison::EQ, $comparison->getOperator());
     // From
     $from = new Expr\From('Foo', 'f', 'f.id');
     $this->assertEquals('f', $from->getAlias());
     $this->assertEquals('Foo', $from->getFrom());
     $this->assertEquals('f.id', $from->getIndexBy());
     // Func
     $func = new Expr\Func('MAX', array('f.id'));
     $this->assertEquals('MAX', $func->getName());
     $this->assertEquals(array('f.id'), $func->getArguments());
     // GroupBy
     $group = new Expr\GroupBy(array('foo DESC', 'bar ASC'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo DESC', 'bar ASC'), $group->getParts());
     // Join
     $join = new Expr\Join(Expr\Join::INNER_JOIN, 'f.bar', 'b', Expr\Join::ON, 'b.bar_id = 1', 'b.bar_id');
     $this->assertEquals(Expr\Join::INNER_JOIN, $join->getJoinType());
     $this->assertEquals(Expr\Join::ON, $join->getConditionType());
     $this->assertEquals('b.bar_id = 1', $join->getCondition());
     $this->assertEquals('b.bar_id', $join->getIndexBy());
     $this->assertEquals('f.bar', $join->getJoin());
     $this->assertEquals('b', $join->getAlias());
     // Literal
     $literal = new Expr\Literal(array('foo'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo'), $literal->getParts());
     // Math
     $math = new Expr\Math(10, '+', 20);
     $this->assertEquals(10, $math->getLeftExpr());
     $this->assertEquals(20, $math->getRightExpr());
     $this->assertEquals('+', $math->getOperator());
     // OrderBy
     $order = new Expr\OrderBy('foo', 'DESC');
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo DESC'), $order->getParts());
     // Andx
     $orx = new Expr\Orx(array('foo = 1', 'bar = 2'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo = 1', 'bar = 2'), $orx->getParts());
     // Select
     $select = new Expr\Select(array('foo', 'bar'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo', 'bar'), $select->getParts());
コード例 #4
  * Build and add an oder field to the query builder.
  * @param \Doctrine\Orm\QueryBuilder $qb
  * @param mixed $order
  * @return Gmg_Service_Abstract
 protected function addOrder($qb, $order)
     // add the where expression to the query
     // process the $order
     if (is_string($order)) {
         // straight DQL string
     } elseif (is_array($order) && count($order)) {
         // loop through each order clause supplied
         foreach ($order as $col => $dir) {
             // set the alias to the default
             $alias = $this->alias;
             // if col relates to Relation i.e. Role.id
             // then set up the alias and column names (the join should have
             // already been performed in the $where)
             // TODO: this will cause an error if the column wasn't specified in the $where
             if (strpos($col, '.') !== false) {
                 $parts = explode('.', $col);
                 $col = array_pop($parts);
                 $par = $this->alias;
                 // test for existing joins
                 $as = array();
                 foreach ($qb->getDQLPart('join') as $j) {
                     $as[] = $j;
                 foreach ($parts as $rel) {
                     $alias = strtolower($rel);
                     $jt = new Expr\Join(Expr\Join::LEFT_JOIN, $par . '.' . $rel, $alias);
                     if (!strpos($qb->getDql(), $jt->__toString()) !== false) {
                         $qb->leftJoin($par . '.' . $rel, $alias);
                     $par = $alias;
             $qb->addOrderBy($alias . '.' . $col, $dir);
     return $this;
コード例 #5
ファイル: QueryJoinParser.php プロジェクト: api-platform/core
  * Gets the alias from a Join expression.
  * @param Join $join
  * @return string
 public static function getJoinAlias(Join $join) : string
     static $aliasProperty = null;
     static $initialized = false;
     if (!$initialized && !method_exists(Join::class, 'getAlias')) {
         $aliasProperty = new \ReflectionProperty(Join::class, '_alias');
         $initialized = true;
     return null === $aliasProperty ? $join->getAlias() : $aliasProperty->getValue($join);
コード例 #6
  * @param Expr\Join $join
  * @return array
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 private function validateJoinAssociation(Expr\Join $join)
     $alias = $this->getJoinParentAlias($join->getJoin());
     $association = $this->getJoinAssociation($join->getJoin());
     $parentClassMetadata = $this->getClassMetadata($this->getClassByAlias($alias));
     if (!$parentClassMetadata->hasAssociation($association)) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot find association named %s in class %s", $association, $parentClassMetadata->getName()));