コード例 #1
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function render()
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $thisWeek = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('last monday'));
     $meta = new Usermeta();
     $meta_table = $meta->getTable();
     $this->vars['numFriends'] = Usermeta::where('current_member', '!=', Usermeta::IS_STAFF)->count();
     $this->vars['todayFriends'] = User::join($meta_table, 'users.id', '=', $meta_table . '.user_id')->where('current_member', '!=', Usermeta::IS_STAFF)->where('created_at', '>=', $today)->count();
     $this->vars['weekFriends'] = User::join($meta_table, 'users.id', '=', $meta_table . '.user_id')->where('current_member', '!=', Usermeta::IS_STAFF)->where('created_at', '>=', $thisWeek)->count();
     $this->vars['averageFriends'] = $this->getAverageFriends();
     return $this->makePartial('widget');
コード例 #2
 public function onRun()
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $this->page['options'] = Usermeta::getOptions();
     $this->page['user'] = $user;
コード例 #3
 public function render()
     $friends = User::count();
     $partners = Usermeta::select('id')->where('current_member', Usermeta::IS_MEMBER)->count();
     $notPartners = $friends - $partners;
     $this->vars['totalFriends'] = number_format($friends);
     $this->vars['notPartners'] = number_format($notPartners);
     $this->vars['partners'] = number_format($partners);
     $this->vars['partnerPercent'] = round($partners / $friends * 100) . '%';
     return $this->makePartial('widget');
コード例 #4
 public function render()
     $results = Usermeta::select(DB::raw('count(user_id) as count'), 'gender')->groupBy('gender')->get();
     $count = User::count();
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         if (empty($result->gender)) {
         $data[$result->gender] = $result->count;
         $total += $result->count;
     $data[Lang::get('dma.friends::lang.user.noGender')] = $count - $total;
     $this->vars['data'] = $data;
     return $this->makePartial('widget');
コード例 #5
 public function getOptinFriends($friends)
     $numWithOptin = Usermeta::where('email_optin', 1)->count();
     return round($numWithOptin / $friends * 100);
コード例 #6
ファイル: UserLogin.php プロジェクト: janusnic/OctoberFriends
  * Render the registration form.  Override the partial "register-form" 
  * in the active theme to customize the registration form
 public function onRegister()
     $options = Usermeta::getOptions();
     return $this->renderPartial('@modalDisplay', ['title' => Lang::get('dma.friends::lang.userLogin.registerTitle'), 'content' => $this->renderPartial('register-form', ['options' => $options, 'avatars' => $this->getAvatars(), 'terms' => $this->renderPartial('terms-and-conditions.htm')])]);
コード例 #7
  * Register a user
  * @param array $data
  * An array of attributes to register a user.
  * Any fields that are not properties on the user object
  * Will be applied to the Usermeta object
  * @param array $rules
  * A set of validation rules to validate against
  * see http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/validation
  * @return User $user
  * return the user object after registration
 public static function register($data, $rules = [])
     $rules += ['first_name' => 'required|min:2', 'last_name' => 'required|min:2', 'email' => 'required|email|between:2,64', 'password' => 'required|min:6', 'password_confirmation' => 'required|min:6'];
     Event::fire('auth.preRegister', [$data, $rules]);
     $validation = Validator::make($data, $rules);
     if ($validation->fails()) {
         throw new ValidationException($validation);
      * Register user
     $requireActivation = UserSettings::get('require_activation', true);
     $automaticActivation = UserSettings::get('activate_mode') == UserSettings::ACTIVATE_AUTO;
     $userActivation = UserSettings::get('activate_mode') == UserSettings::ACTIVATE_USER;
      * Data altercations
     $data['first_name'] = ucwords($data['first_name']);
     $data['last_name'] = ucwords($data['last_name']);
     $data['birth_date'] = UserExtend::parseBirthdate($data['birthday']);
     $data['phone'] = UserExtend::parsePhone($data['phone']);
     $data['email_optin'] = isset($data['email_optin']) ? $data['email_optin'] : false;
     // Split the data into whats required for the user and usermeta models
     $userData = ['name' => $data['first_name'] . ' ' . $data['last_name'], 'password' => $data['password'], 'password_confirmation' => $data['password_confirmation'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'street_addr' => $data['street_addr'], 'city' => $data['city'], 'state' => $data['state'], 'zip' => $data['zip'], 'phone' => $data['phone']];
     $user = Auth::register($userData, $automaticActivation);
     // Save user metadata
     $usermeta = Usermeta::create($data);
     if (isset($data['avatar'])) {
         UserExtend::uploadAvatar($user, $data['avatar']);
      * Activation is by the user, send the email
     if ($userActivation) {
      * Automatically activated or not required, log the user in
     if ($automaticActivation || !$requireActivation) {
     if ($user) {
          * Fire event that user has registered
         Event::fire('auth.register', [$user]);
         return $user;
     return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Plugin.php プロジェクト: janusnic/OctoberFriends
  * Extend User fields in Rainlab.User plugin
  * @param mixed $widget
 private function extendedUserFields($widget)
     if (!$widget->getController() instanceof \RainLab\User\Controllers\Users) {
     if ($widget->getContext() != 'update') {
     // Make sure the User metadata exists for this user.
     if (!Metadata::getFromUser($widget->model)) {
     $widget->addFields(['metadata[first_name]' => ['label' => 'First Name', 'tab' => 'Metadata', 'span' => 'left'], 'metadata[last_name]' => ['label' => 'Last Name', 'tab' => 'Metadata', 'span' => 'right'], 'metadata[email_optin]' => ['label' => 'Email Opt-in', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'tab' => 'Metadata'], 'metadata[current_member]' => ['label' => 'Current member?', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'span' => 'left', 'options' => ['Non Member', 'Member', 'Staff'], 'tab' => 'Metadata'], 'metadata[current_member_number]' => ['label' => 'Current Member Number', 'tab' => 'Metadata', 'span' => 'left'], 'metadata[gender]' => ['label' => 'Gender', 'tab' => 'Metadata', 'span' => 'left'], 'metadata[education]' => ['label' => 'Education', 'tab' => 'Metadata'], 'metadata[household_income]' => ['label' => 'Household Income', 'tab' => 'Metadata'], 'metadata[household_size]' => ['label' => 'Household Size', 'tab' => 'Metadata'], 'points' => ['tab' => 'Points', 'type' => 'points'], 'activities[activities]' => ['tab' => 'Activities', 'type' => 'partial', 'path' => '@/plugins/dma/friends/models/activity/users.htm'], 'badges[badges]' => ['tab' => 'Badges', 'type' => 'partial', 'path' => '@/plugins/dma/friends/models/badge/users.htm'], 'rewards[rewards]' => ['tab' => 'Rewards', 'type' => 'partial', 'path' => '@/plugins/dma/friends/models/reward/users.htm'], 'print' => ['tab' => 'Membership Card', 'type' => 'printmembershipcard']], 'primary');
コード例 #9
  * @SWG\Definition(
  *     definition="response.profile.options",
  *     type="object",
  *     @SWG\Property(
  *          property="gender",
  *          type="array",
  *          items=@SWG\Schema(type="string")
  *     ),     
  *     @SWG\Property(
  *          property="race",
  *          type="array",
  *          items=@SWG\Schema(type="string")
  *     ),     
  *     @SWG\Property(
  *          description="Currently hardcode to return only USA states",
  *          property="states",
  *          type="array",
  *          items=@SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/state")
  *     ),     
  *     @SWG\Property(
  *          property="household_income",
  *          type="array",
  *          items=@SWG\Schema(type="string")
  *     ),     
  *     @SWG\Property(
  *          property="education",
  *          type="array",
  *          items=@SWG\Schema(type="string")
  *     ),     
  *     @SWG\Property(
  *          property="avatars",
  *          type="array",
  *          items=@SWG\Schema(type="string")
  *     ) 
  * )
  * @SWG\Get(
  *     path="users/profile-options/{field}",
  *     description="Returns user profile options",
  *     summary="Get profile options",
  *     tags={ "user"},
  *     @SWG\Parameter(
  *         description="Return options only for the given field",
  *         in="path",
  *         name="field",
  *         required=false,
  *         type="string",
  *         enum={"gender", "race", "states", "household_income", "education", "avatars"}
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Response(
  *         response=200,
  *         description="Successful response",
  *         @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/response.profile.options")
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Response(
  *         response=500,
  *         description="Unexpected error",
  *         @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/error500")
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Response(
  *         response=404,
  *         description="Not Found",
  *         @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/error404")
  *     )
  * )
 public function profileOptions($field = null)
     $opts = null;
     // Options from Usermeta
     $options = Usermeta::getOptions();
     // Avatar options as is used in the UserProfile component
     $options['avatars'] = $this->getThemeAvatarOptions();
     if (!is_null($field)) {
         $fieldOpts = array_get($options, strtolower(trim($field)), null);
         if (!is_null($fieldOpts)) {
             $opts = [$field => $fieldOpts];
         } else {
             $message = 'Valid fields are: [ ' . implode(', ', array_keys($options)) . ' ]';
             return Response::api()->errorInternalError($message);
     } else {
         $opts = $options;
         // Return all
     return $opts;