コード例 #1
  * @test
 function it_handles_basic_retrieval_operations()
     // all
     $result = $this->repository->all();
     $this->assertInstanceOf(Collection::class, $result, "Did not get Collection for all()");
     $this->assertCount(3, $result, "Did not get correct count for all()");
     // get an id that we can use find on
     $someId = $result->first()->id;
     $this->assertNotEmpty($someId, "Did not get a valid Model's id from the all() result");
     // find
     $this->assertInstanceOf(Model::class, $this->repository->find($someId), "Did not get Model for find()");
     // count
     $this->assertEquals(3, $this->repository->count(), "Did not get correct result for count()");
     // first
     $this->assertInstanceOf(Model::class, $this->repository->first(), "Did not get Model for first() on all");
     // findBy
     $this->assertInstanceOf(Model::class, $this->repository->findBy(self::UNIQUE_FIELD, '1337'), "Did not get Model for findBy() for unique field value");
     // findAllBy
     $this->assertCount(2, $this->repository->findAllBy('active', true), "Did not get correct count for result for findAllBy(active = true)");
     // paginate
     $this->assertCount(2, $this->repository->paginate(2), "Did not get correct count for paginate()");
     // lists
     $list = $this->repository->lists(self::UNIQUE_FIELD);
     $this->assertCount(3, $list, "Did not get correct array count for lists()");
     $this->assertContains('1337', $list, "Did not get correct array content for lists()");