コード例 #1
  * @test
 function it_can_be_configured_not_to_use_database_transactions()
     $post = $this->createPost();
     $data = ['title' => 'this should be', 'body' => 'rolled back', 'comments' => [['id' => 999]]];
     $updater = new ModelUpdater(Post::class);
     try {
         $updater->update($data, $post);
         // should never get here
         $this->fail('Exception should have been thrown while attempting update');
     } catch (NestedModelNotFoundException $e) {
         // expected
     // unchanged data
     $this->seeInDatabase('posts', ['title' => 'this should be', 'body' => 'rolled back']);
コード例 #2
  * @test
 function it_creates_a_deeply_nested_structure_with_linked_models()
     $genre = $this->createGenre();
     $authorA = $this->createAuthor();
     $authorB = $this->createAuthor();
     $data = ['title' => 'new title', 'body' => 'new body', 'genre' => $genre->id, 'comments' => [['title' => 'title 1', 'body' => 'body 1', 'author' => ['id' => $authorA->id]], ['title' => 'title 2', 'body' => 'body 2', 'author' => $authorB->id]], 'authors' => [$authorA->id, ['id' => $authorB->id]]];
     $updater = new ModelUpdater(Post::class);
     // check the whole structure
     $post = Post::latest()->first();
     $this->assertInstanceOf(Post::class, $post);
     $this->seeInDatabase('posts', ['id' => $post->id, 'title' => 'new title', 'body' => 'new body', 'genre_id' => $genre->id]);
     $this->seeInDatabase('comments', ['title' => 'title 1', 'body' => 'body 1', 'author_id' => $authorA->id]);
     $this->seeInDatabase('comments', ['title' => 'title 2', 'body' => 'body 2', 'author_id' => $authorB->id]);
     $this->seeInDatabase('author_post', ['post_id' => $post->id, 'author_id' => $authorA->id]);
     $this->seeInDatabase('author_post', ['post_id' => $post->id, 'author_id' => $authorB->id]);
コード例 #3
  * @test
  * @expectedException \Czim\NestedModelUpdater\Exceptions\InvalidNestedDataException
  * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #allowed.*['"]auth_1['"]#
 function it_throws_an_exception_if_not_allowed_to_create_for_any_nested_use_of_a_temporary_id()
     Config::set('nestedmodelupdater.relations.' . Comment::class . '.author', ['update-only' => true]);
     $post = $this->createPost();
     $comment = $this->createComment($post);
     $data = ['comments' => [['id' => $comment->id, 'title' => 'updated title', 'author' => ['_tmp_id' => 'auth_1', 'name' => 'Some Author Name']], ['title' => 'new title', 'body' => 'for new comment', 'author' => ['_tmp_id' => 'auth_1']]]];
     $updater = new ModelUpdater(Post::class);
     $updater->update($data, $post);